Final Encore (2 page)

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Authors: Scotty Cade

Tags: #gay romance sex

BOOK: Final Encore
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to the core.

Chapter 2

BILLY’S drive from New Orleans to Nashvile was

long and uneventful. The uninterrupted hours of

interstate, with country radio stations fading in and out,

gave him a great deal of time to plan a strategy, at least

a short-term strategy. The first day he arrived he would

find a hotel, look for a day job to help with expenses,

and then look for a more suitable place to live.

As the first few days passed, he missed his family

terribly but was nonetheless energized with the infinite

possibilities of the unknown. Nashvile was his new

home, and for as long as it would have him, he was

happy to be there. The first week, as planned, he

searched the want ads for a position that would sustain

him financialy. He answered several ads and, within a

few days, had a great lead. The position was for a

foreman at a large horse farm in Mount Juliet, just

outside of Nashvile, caled the Lazy H Ranch. He set

up an appointment to meet the owner at ten o’clock the

next morning. It wasn’t his dream job, of course, but it

would pay the bils until he found something in the music


When Bily turned in under the large iron arch

etched with “The Lazy H Ranch,” he looked down at

his watch to confirm he was right on time, nine forty-

five. Bily drove down the dust-covered road, and after

a half mile or so, he saw two large barns on either side

of the drive with what looked like an old farm house

that he assumed was used for command central. When

he got out of his truck, he was looked over, more than

greeted, by a rough and unfriendly looking sort. The

man was short and stocky, carrying about thirty extra

pounds on his frame. His skin was scarred from years

of acne, and his teeth were stained from what appeared

to be chewing tobacco, as indicated by the Styrofoam

cup he spit into. Hoping this wasn’t the owner, Bily

introduced himself and learned the man was a ranch

hand named Buck Stevens. Buck directed him to wait

near the east barn and someone would be with him


Bily waited around for about forty-five minutes,

and no one approached him. He was about to go back

and remind Buck that he was stil waiting when he saw

a tal, ruggedly handsome man walking in his direction.

The man, who reminded him of an older version of the

Marlboro Man from the old cigarette commercials,

walked up and offered his hand.

“Hi, I’m Jules James. I’m the owner of the ranch.

Are you Wiliam Eagan, by any chance?”

“Yes, sir, but I go by Bily.”

The two shook hands and looked each other over

for a few seconds before Jules broke the silence. “I had

just about given up on you, son. I thought your

interview was at ten o’clock.”

“It was, sir,” Bily replied. “I arrived at nine forty-

five, and Buck told me to wait at the east barn and

someone would be with me in a minute. I was just

about to go back and see Buck when I saw you

walking over.”

“That’s funny,” Jules said. “I told Buck to have

you meet me at the west barn. I have a mare about to

foal and I want to be there in case there are any


“I’m sorry about the confusion, sir,” Bily said.

“Would you like me to come back?”

“No problem,” Jules answered. “Why don’t you

walk with me to the west barn and we can have a chat

along the way.”

“Yes, sir,” Bily said, and the two men headed to

the stables.

On the short walk, Bily filed Jules in on his

experience with horses and why he was in Nashvile.

Jules, of course, had heard the same story many times

before but listened intently and offered words of


They soon reached the stal housing the expectant

mother. The mare was lying on her side, and as they

watched her tense up every few minutes, it was

apparent she stil had some time before she’d deliver.

Bily thought she looked a bit distressed but held his

tongue and tried to get a better gauge on the situation.

As they examined the mare more closely, Jules

continued to tel Bily about the ranch operations and

the job he had available. After the examination, Bily

was sure something was wrong. More convinced now,

he mentioned it to Jules.

“Good cal,” the ranch owner said. “I was just

about to tel you I’m certain the foal is breached.”

Bily spent the next several hours helping Jules try

to get the foal in the right position for a natural birth.

Eventualy they succeeded, and by late afternoon the

little fily was born healthy.

Once the danger had passed, the two men,

impressed with each other’s abilities, cleaned up and

headed back to the tack room to put the supplies away.

As they entered the tack room, Buck was filing up the

feed barrels and looked up and eyed Bily.

“Wel, Bily,” Jules said, “I’m pretty impressed

with your knowledge and skil. As far as I’m

concerned, I’ve seen as much as I need to see. If you

want the job, it’s yours.”

Before Bily could speak, Buck turned around

with a disgruntled look on his face and stormed out of

the tack room, brushing Bily’s shoulder in the process.

“Wow,” Bily said. “What was that al about?”

“Oh, don’t pay him any mind,” Jules replied. “He

interviewed for the job, but I just don’t think he has the

skils to be a foreman. He’s a little hotheaded for my


“If I take the job, is he going to be a problem for

me?” Bily asked.

“Don’t you worry, I’l deal with him,” Jules said.

“Does this mean you’l take the job?”

“Yes, sir,” Bily replied, and the two men shook


On the way back to the office, Jules said, “My

wife and I own a little club on Broadway, and I’m

headed there for a couple of beers, then right back here

to check on our little one. You want to join me?”

Bily said, “Sure,” and within ten minutes they

were on their way downtown.

When Jules’s truck puled up to Jean’s Magnolia

Saloon, they got out and headed inside.

As Jules opened the door to the lounge, Bily’s

eyes struggled to adjust to the dark lighting as he

glanced around. It was much larger than it looked from

the street, he guessed about the size of a smal

supermarket. On one side, a large mahogany bar ran

the ful length of the room. Opposite the bar was a

raised stage with a colorful set of drums, an electric

keyboard, and various musical instruments on stands. In

the center of the room was an expansive oblong dance

floor surrounded by split-rail fencing with openings at

each end and what looked and smeled like fresh

sawdust scattered about. Overstuffed chairs in

numerous groupings, along with high cocktail tables and

barstools, provided ample and comfortable seating.

Jules immediately led Bily up to the bar and

introduced him to a beautifuly matured, very wel-

dressed woman behind the counter pouring beer from a

tap. His first thought was that she must be Jules’s wife

Jean, and his second thought was that she didn’t look

like she belonged behind a bar. She was tal and

slender, about five foot nine and around a hundred and

twenty-five pounds, give or take. Her smile was

beaming. With her dark brown hair and deep brown

eyes; she appeared to be the epitome of joy, strength,

and sincerity. Bily had heard the term “ageless” before

but had never realy understood it. It had nothing to do

with how young a person looked, although this woman

looked very youthful. It was realy about natural style

and confidence.

“Hey, hon,” Jules said, “this is Bily Eagan. He

just joined the Lazy H as our new foreman, but he realy

wants to be a country singer. Bily, this is my wife,


Jean stuck out her hand, and Bily said, “Pleased

to meet you, Mrs. James.”

“Nice to meet you, Bily, and please cal me Jean.

Welcome to Jean’s Magnolia Saloon. By the way, you

any good?”

“Wel, ma’am, I’ve been told I am by more than

just my family and friends,” Bily replied, “and I sure

hope no one’s been puling my leg.”

Jean smiled. “Monday nights once a month, we

have open mic and you’re surely welcome to join us.

Many celebrities got their start here. We have a regular

crowd of talent scouts that hang around on open mic

night just to see if they might just catch the next best


“When’s the next one?” Bily asked.

“Tomorrow night, but you better show up early

because every newcomer dreaming of stardom wil be

here and ready to go. And the best thing is, the winner

gets to be the opening act for the headliner for the

month until the next open mic night. We open the mic at

ten, but you better get here by eight to sign up. We only

have time for ten acts before the regular house band

starts. I hope to see you tomorrow,” Jean added as

someone down the bar caled her name.

“I’l be here,” Bily said as Jean walked away.

“And thanks.”

Jules and Bily sat at the bar enjoying smal talk

for an hour or so, getting to know one another at a

leisurely pace. Jean came and went as business dictated

but always came right back and joined the

conversation. Finaly, after another bartender showed

up to relieve Jean, she landed on the barstool next to


“So what’s the hot topic you two seem to be so

involved in?” Jean asked.

“Oh, we were talking about the ranch,” said Bily.

“Jules was teling me you guys live in Lebanon but that

he sometimes stays at the ranch when he needs to pul a

double, or when they’re expecting a foal, things like

that. So how long have you two been married?”

“Forty-nine years now and stil going strong,”

Jules said as he reached behind Bily and gave Jean a

squeeze. “What about you, do you have a girlfriend,


“Uh, no, sir,” he replied.

Jean chimed in, “I don’t mean to assume anything,

but do you have a boyfriend?”

“Uh, not at the moment, ma’am,” Bily said with a


Both Jules and Jean smiled, and Bily’s eyes got

as big as quarters, and they al broke into laughter.

When they were finaly able to control themselves, Bily

asked, “So how did you know about me? I mean, I try

not to spit sequins when I talk.”

As they al chuckled again, Jean said, “Our son is

gay, and we’ve been around you sweet boys for over

twenty years now. One’s gaydar becomes pretty

accurate after so many years.”

“I guess it does,” replied Bily. “So, Jules, how

wil the boys back at the ranch react when they find


“Oh, no need to worry about those lugs, they’re

al harmless. You may take a little ribbing every now

and again, but if you pul your weight they’l respect you

and it won’t matter none. But I would keep my eye on

Buck. As I mentioned, he’s somewhat hotheaded, and

he already has a chip on his shoulder since he thinks

you stole his job.”

Bily said, “I can take care of myself, but when

Buck’s around, I’l sleep with one eye open and a

basebal bat under my bed.”

The three of them enjoyed the rest of the evening

and around midnight began to say their goodbyes. Jules

asked Bily if he wouldn’t mind taking the pickup back

to the ranch and checking on the little fily so he could

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