Final Quest (22 page)

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Authors: B. C. Harris

Tags: #Children's Books, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy & Magic, #Children's eBooks, #Mysteries & Detectives, #Spies, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Sword & Sorcery, #Science Fiction, #Aliens

BOOK: Final Quest
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After helping the Forgotten People begin their plan to help the others on their planet, I took Capurni, Squirt and Radwin back to Tamor.

Following this, my other friends and I returned to my father’s cabin in the woods. I had hoped that this was one area that wasn’t destroyed by the Zelarean attack.

I was thrilled to find my parents safely there, as well as Jamie’s parents and Jasmin’s mother. My dad quickly told Michael that his parents were safe as well, although he didn’t say where they were.

We learned that much of Washington was destroyed which we already knew. Millions of people were thought to have perished, although the American leaders were apparently safe in underground bunkers.

Two of the Space Explorers crashed into the ocean while the third one fell into an already demolished part of Washington.

The attack is over.

The planet has survived.

The media is already reporting that the U.S. military had stopped an alien invasion with the use of a newly developed secret weapon. I know the public would never discover that this weapon was really my emerald.

While I’m certain that the military leaders would like to question me about the emerald, I’m not going to let that happen. I have another plan.

Although I was initially surprised that Capurni had wanted to return back to his underwater world of Lattisan, after we talked a little further, I understood his decision.

Soon, I will be returning back to Tamor.

I will be facing my final quest.

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Just over a year ago, I stood on the shore of this magnificent lake for the first time. I had been looking for the Red Mountains in my search for a lost world.

Since that moment, my life has been filled with adventure. My friends and I saved the fabulous underwater world of Lattisan from an attack by the Shadites. On two occasions, my friends and I saved my planet from attempts to exterminate the human race.

Although a magical emerald brought excitement into my life, it also brought pain. Millions have died on my planet due to an evil alien trying to use the emerald for his personal gain. One of my friends died because of the emerald.

My life changed when I discovered the powers of the emerald. It’s time for my life to change course once again.

As I look across the blue waters before me, I know my parents and my friends are safe.

I have one more mission to complete before I resume my life with them.

Something is swimming in the water towards me.

It has the cute face of a puppy.

It’s my friend Capurni.

Beneath the waters in front of me is a spectacular advanced world whose inhabitants are about to fulfill a dream that has existed in their world for a very long time.

I watch Capurni swimming towards me. I remember the words of the morphradels when I first stepped onto this planet. They told me that someone was waiting for me. Somehow the emerald brought me here. From the first time that I met Capurni, everything that has happened has led to this moment.

What is about to happen next is beyond the realm of possibility.

Capurni pulls himself out of the water.

He hugs me.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answer.

Capurni is smiling as though this is the most important moment in his life. I suspect that it probably is.

I look across the lake and picture the underwater sphere where Lattisan is located. I visualize the magnificent structures made from celleria. I see the pulsating colors in the buildings and in the walls of the sphere.

I clear my head of all thoughts.

I hold my emerald before me.

The only image I allow into my mind is a picture of Lattisan slowly ascending to the surface of the lake. I imagine Lattisan floating on the blue waters before me.

Small ripples appear on the surface of the water.

It’s beginning.

The ripples grow
stronger and larger.

Small waves appear.

As the top edge of the sphere that contains Lattisan breaks the surface of the lake, I maintain my concentration.

The sunlight reflecting off the celleria is amazing, but I don’t let it interfere with what I’m trying to do.

I’m attempting to raise a huge city, with thousands and thousands of people, from the depths of a large lake.

I continue to imagine the sphere rising in the water.

Large waves are now crashing against the shore where I’m standing.

The massive sphere is continuing to rise. It’s hard to believe that a city is lying inside it.

I focus. I can’t let my thoughts wonder.

I visualize the sphere rising. It’s moving slowly. I don’t want it too move too fast.

It looks like a planet is emerging from the water.

Concentrate, I tell myself.

I feel my emerald glowing warm in my hands.

Soon the bottom of the beautiful sphere will be resting on the surface of the lake.

It’s almost as if the lake is giving birth to a new being.

Energy is surging through me like a tsunami. It’s as though I’m touching the source of creation.

The sphere is floating like a beach ball in the water.

I feel Capurni brushing against me.

“You’ve done it,” he says. “You’ve done it.”

I blink.

The sight of the sphere sitting peacefully on top of the lake is overwhelming. The celleria are constantly changing colors. The effect is hypnotic.

“Ready for the next part?” Capurni asks.

I’m still in shock at what has already happened.

Using my emerald to raise the sphere from the bottom of a lake is one thing; transporting the sphere to another planet is going to be something entirely different.

Capurni and I will now travel to Drapesia. Our exact location is a large lake on the island of Thoth. After this, my next challenge will be to transport Lattisan to the lake on Thoth, the lake that Capurni says is known as Junas.

“Are you sure about this?” I say to Capurni.

He smiles. “I’ve never been more sure.”

“What about the ice-age that’s supposed to hit Drapesia? Why go back there if the planet is doomed?”

“The scientists among the Forgotten People believe that the ice-age can be prevented. They believe that Drapesia can once again become a paradise.”

“I can’t wait to visit someday,” I laugh weakly, my mind still absorbed with the enormity of the task that is facing me.

“Shall we go?” Capurni says.

I take a final look at the incredible sphere floating on the lake. The celleria are glistening with constantly changing colors. If all goes well, in less time than it takes me to brush my teeth, Lattisan will be transported to another planet.

“Yes,” I say, holding my emerald in front of me.

Capurni touches my arm.

“Sandarium, Junas Bay, Drapesia.”

A warm breeze greets us.

In front of me is a large turquoise-blue lake.

Although I would like to relax and enjoy the view, I know I have to move quickly.

I focus on the lake before me.

I shut out all other thoughts.

Slowly, I develop a picture of Lattisan appearing on the surface of this lake.

I concentrate.

My emerald is glowing brightly.

The lake is calm.

In my mind, a clear picture of the sphere containing Lattisan develops. The sphere is floating on the lake before me.


The image is clear.

I picture the sphere containing Lattisan arriving on the waters of this lake.

My eyes are closed.

My focus is intense.

I think I hear someone crying.

I open my eyes.

It’s Capurni. His face is wet with tears of happiness.

Before us, a majestic sphere is floating on the rippling waters. It looks like a delicate piece of crystal resting in a blanket of blue.

A civilization has returned home.

I have completed my final quest.

I unclasp the emerald from my neck.





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B.C. Harris

Books by B.C. Harris


Keeper of the Emerald
Book 1

Keeper of the Emerald
Book 2


Keeper of the Emerald
Book 3



The Society of Spies
Book 1



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