Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf (2 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh,Rose Colton

BOOK: Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf
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"I have more than enough men to begin with,” Diavolo said with an evil grin. "This will also enable me to track Cat, she has been a very naughty girl."

"Yes, well just don't forget our primary mission, we must not let the Chosen establish their little Senate,” Roarke sneered. "Gather your men, you leave at dusk."

Diavolo nodded and left the room as he clenched his hands at his sides, trying to prevent them from wrapping around Roarke's neck. If he didn't need the Intel that Roarke was able to get, he would've killed him long ago. After he dispatched with this so-called Senate, he would return to the States and be rid of him finally.


Chapter One



Orfeo, Tripp, Brin, and Dante all sat in Orfeo's office discussing the events of the last few weeks. It seemed the magical community was coming out of the woodwork faster than they expected. Although Orfeo had purchased the majority of the land that bordered his family's and had begun to build, they had to set up temporary housing in different areas for the different types of magical beings that had arrived on their doorstep.

They certainly couldn’t put wolf shifters in the same vicinity as the felines—no one wanted to be responsible for that mess. And the Trolls were just a fucking mess to begin with. Cat and the others had a bet on how they actually mated. So far, they had only seen the male Trolls, with no females. No one wanted to ask the question to the gruff men. They were a bit scary, although, Orfeo seemed to think they were going to make excellent Warriors when they were trained.

"For the most part, I have finished the paperwork for registration and have begun documenting the representatives from each of the clans that have shown up so far," Brin stated.

"That's good. Cat and Jax are trying to see that everyone is comfortable or as comfortable as they can be until a more permanent housing situation can be figured out,” Orfeo stated from behind his desk.

"Last night’s scuffle has been taken care of, the trolls have been moved to the southernmost portion of the land. In addition, I am told that Eric Sillen, the son of the leader of the Fae clan in Sweden, has arrived. He would like to speak with us as soon as possible regarding one of his members,” Dante informed them.

The vampire thought his days of security were over when he had become a part of the Senate, how wrong he was. Dante still had to make sure that Bane was fully briefed, as he was the head of security for the Senate and head of security for the compound, along with regulating the many different species of magical creatures that have been pouring in once news went out about the Senate.

“We will talk to him now. I don’t like the sound of this.” Orfeo frowned and looked around the room. They knew they had become part of the prophesy of the Chosen, they found hidden papers indicating somehow they were involved.

“Is there any word from Jordan about what they have found?” Dante asked.

The historical keeper of the Chosen was looking for why exactly they had gotten involved in this. Not that any of them cared, they wanted exactly what the New Council wanted: to reveal themselves to the humans and live free among them. Having those stupid fairytales continually being told when something could not be explained was driving Orfeo nuts. He was a bit intense, and the perfect person to lead the European Senate.

There were too many communities across the world to get them all together and agree on what Quin and his people wanted to do. So Quin and his mates suggested they make another New Council Senate Compound in Europe, Italy to be more exact. They were encouraging magical communities coming to the compound to make a small outreach community. This allowed the New Council to see where their support was and make sure the Rogues weren’t able to destroy a community like the one they had in Ireland.

Roarke and Diavolo were vicious, Quin and Jaden were ready to find them, kill them, and then ask questions later. However, they needed to know how many followers he had, because if they cut off the head of the organization, the tentacles would still be there.

“I will send him in, and then we can decide what to do from there, but seriously, Diavolo will get nowhere close to Cat. He is obsessed, and Jax is at risk also, in fact, any female that we have join the Senate will have special blood. How the hell are we going to find them all before the Rogues? They could be human, shifter, anything according the new translation of the prophesy,” Orfeo said, frustrated he could not solve everything because that was the kind of man he was.

“We need to get some help. Someone has to have a gift given to them that will help,” Brin said logically.

“We need to talk to the heads of the clans, packs, and prides that are showing up. It is beginning to become imperative that we have some help,” Dante said calmly.

“We should call Quin and the New Council,” Tripp said, knowing his previous Alphas would take action immediately if they asked. So far, they had allowed the Senate to try to get this all together themselves. However, there would come a time when they would need help from the New Council.

“Make the call. Let’s hear what Eric has to say,” Orfeo said and ran a hand over his face. Long days were beginning to get to him. He wanted time with his mates, and so far, that had been very limited. It was beginning to piss him off.

Dante stood, opened the door, and nodded.


"So you see, we searched for days and were unable to find anything out about her whereabouts. As with all Fae, my father is able to feel each one of his children and two nights ago, he felt her death. Of this, we are certain. What we don't know is why,” Eric Sillen stated as he addressed the Senate. "We were able to track her to the States. We believe the Rouges took her there. We felt you should be warned as my father had just announced our intent to relocate here with the Senate. With all of the disappearances that have been happening throughout Europe, he felt this was the safest course of action. He sends his humblest apologies for not making this trip to explain this himself; however, he had to stay behind to console my mother as well as facilitate the upcoming move."

"It is completely understandable, Eric. We, of course, extend our deepest condolences to you and your family at the loss of your sister. We will alert security and act accordingly,” Orfeo stated as he looked around the room. "Dante, I want you to work with Bane on finding out what you can from the Council in regards to this latest incident. We will also need to send extra security to the airstrip to meet our guests."

Brin nodded his head. "I'll make some calls and see what I can find out also."

After setting a time to meet the next day, Orfeo and Eric stayed behind in Orfeo's office to discuss the relocation further as the others went out in search of answers to the question that was running through all of their minds.
What was Roarke up to

Dante, Brin, and Tripp walked down the hall into an empty room. Dante exploded when he shut the door.

What the fuck are they up to. Killing magical beings is not going to get them what they want. They want to stop the Chosen, they want the humans to be puppets for them. How is killing, some of the strongest magical people, going to accomplish that?” Dante yelled.

Brin put his hand on his mate’s shoulder. “We will figure this out.”

How many have to die at their hands. You know as well as I do the first thing you were thinking when Eric was explaining his sister’s death was that she was tortured. He is a fuckin’ prick. What if he gets Cat or Jax?” Dante continued, flinging his arms out.

The girls had been put into self-defense training, Jax was doing amazingly well, and Cat was enjoying a little too much training with the guns. Tripp made sure he was monitoring their progress.

I have no doubt the girls are fully aware of the situation. We need to figure out what they are looking for. I would guess they are trying to find the females destined to be on the Senate. However, they could also be searching for a way to get to Cat and Jax. It is all so fucked up,” Tripp said and pulled out his cell, called Bane, and spoke quietly. He was going to make sure the security head knew that they were going to have to double the shift for a while. There was no way that they wanted to make the community think they couldn’t protect them.


Chapter Two


Fredi sat down in the plush seat on the Learjet and sighed. It had been a long couple of weeks planning the move and trying to wrap her head around the idea that she was now fully immersed in the Chosen and the Senate. Just a few weeks ago, she had never thought the time would come when she would be able to come out into the open. Her existence was a secret and until a few weeks ago, Fredi knew that if she revealed herself, she put her half-sister in danger. That was something she was not willing to do.

It had all happened so fast though, Jo and her friends coming to the restaurant, and Marshall, one of the Enforcers of the New Council Pack, had been guarding the door. When Fredi had come in, all hell had broken loose.


Jo leaned forward and said softly, “I know you smell like him; I am not crazy.”

Fredi paused from raising the bottle to her mouth and nodded slowly, then looked around the room and sighed. She finished taking a drink and looked Jo in the eye, “Oliver Tand was my father. I am so sorry to have hidden this from you. I was so angry with our father when he refused to allow me to contact you.”

“Why?” Jo whispered.

Fredi grimaced and said, “My full name is Federica Sophia Jenelle Tand. I was named after the two women our father loved and lost. When he lost your mother, Oliver was devastated obviously; he turned to the one person who would understand. I am sure you will not recognize her name; Jenelle Pinot was your mother’s best friend. They mourned together, became close, unfortunately having an affair that led to my mother’s death. Her husband was a jealous evil brute; they had two children already, and Oliver knew when my mother became pregnant that her husband would be outraged. Therefore, she went into hiding until I was born, and then I was whisked away to live with a couple who hid me for years. Jenelle was married to a human man, and since they were not true mates, their children were not born shifters. But later they were bitten by two different magical people, one wolf and one Vampire.”

Jo frowned and thought about everything they knew from their past. “Okay, so my father had an affair with my mother’s best friend, and when it was discovered, your mother was killed. Who the hell is the beast that killed her?”

“This is so confusing. You were taken and raised by Frank and Tina, the reason you were kidnapped was because of what the Seer said, and the Prophesy, correct?” Fredi said.

Everyone in the room nodded. “Frank and Roarke claimed to be siblings, when they were not. They were both wolves, so it was easy to pass off. Roarke had a sister, Tina, who was the wild child. She was turned to a Vampire, and a wolf, Frank, bit Roarke. The only reason they were turned was so they could get revenge. Their father raised them to think Oliver killed our mother, but he did it in a fit of rage the day she returned to tell him she was leaving. My mother and father were not true mates either; however, I am still a wolf. Oliver went to the Seer to have her explain, and she couldn’t, all she could see was that if I was joined with her other children, the Council Prophesy would be challenged. Roarke and Tina’s father discovered all of this when he killed his wife. So he encouraged his children to hang out with shifters to find information. They discovered that I was alive, and when they held the Seer captive, she told them if Roarke could be reunited with me, our blood would be the key. To what I have no clue, but Oliver told me I was supposed to hide in plain sight until you discovered me. When I saw the reservations today I knew this was the time.”

Fuck a duck, seems like such an inappropriate phrase right now; however, it seems to fit, don’t you think?” Cami said and held up her bottle of wine. The women all toasted and Jo felt an overwhelming sense of belonging once again. She had a family; she was not alone.

“So, you are a wolf, there is no doubt, Kira, what is her aura?” Shea asked curiously.

It is not the golden of the Chosen; however, it is silverish, I have seen only this aura when Dante and his mates were here,” Kira said and shrugged.

What does your wolf look like?” Jo asked.

Fredi shrugged, and said, “I have no clue; so far, I have not been able to shift. I would guess that is because I am not a full wolf. I can feel her, but it is as if she is hiding in me. This is the strongest I have ever felt her, when I walked into this room and Jo and that man were in here; it was as if I walked into my home. I could hear my wolf howl inside of me.” Fredi laughed and felt the tears gathered in her eyes. “Our father showed me pictures of you, and your mate, is so handsome. I wanted to be there for you when he died. But unfortunately being on the outside means the news was not delivered to me until it was too late. I regret not being able to be at his wake.”

Of course, this reduced the entire room into tears, and they began to hug each other. Fredi may be Jo’s sister, but she was a kindred spirit according to Kira and Lacy. The real fun began when they tried to figure out how the hell they were going to keep Fredi safe now that they knew about her. Their husbands would of course need to know, but later, it was more important for them to get to know her.

So later, when the men talked about how they finally were able to enter the room, all of the women refused to acknowledge or deny what they found. Quin finally gave them permission to break the ward, after Cami ignored the call several times.

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