Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf (5 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh,Rose Colton

BOOK: Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf
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Chapter Four



Diavolo paced in his study as he decided on what was the best course of action. He had laid low and made his plans for some time now. He had been watching Orfeo and his so-called 'mates' from a distance. While they were building their new compound, he was setting up his own little compound. The flight had only fueled his desire to get to Cat, watching the torture had been a form of torture for him. He could only imagine what he would do to his Cat when he had her.

After the fiasco back in Milliken, and the information they had acquired from the fairy, they now knew plans had to be stepped up to take out the Senate as soon as possible. Diavolo knew the prophesy that spoke of Orfeo and how he would mate a human and shifter and allow his people to once again walk in the sun. Cat was not the bastards though, and nothing some idiot Seer said was going to change that. He was going to make sure everyone knew when he took her who she belonged to. He was going to kill her so-called mates and leave the Chosen a message—a nice and bloody one.

He could not allow Orfeo and his little family to gain any more power. It was his power and his mate that that vampire and smelly shifter was trying to take control of,
he deserved it, and he would get both
! He had heard they were having a small celebration in honor of the shifter mate's birthday in a couple of weeks. Plans were in the works and although he wasn't invited, it sounded like a party he wanted to crash.

One of his guards came into the room; he had set up his operations on an abandoned farm. He turned the barn into offices and had a dungeon built underneath it. Now he had a contingent of guards, including the ones that came with him from Roarke's compound.

"Sir, your dinner has arrived,” the guard stated as he threw the young woman down in front of Diavolo. She fell to her knees and was sobbing, begging to be released.

"Ah, excellent. That will be all for now.” Diavolo dismissed the guard with a flick of his wrist.

As the guard exited, Diavolo reached down, grabbed the woman by her hair, and yanked her into a standing position. As she was crying and begging him to let her go, he sunk his teeth into her neck and drank her dry. The adrenaline running through her body gave him a high that he loved to feel in his veins. He dropped her lifeless body on the floor, stepped over it, and headed outside.

He took out his cell phone and called Roarke dispassionately. Until he killed the bastard, he had to play the game. "Everything is on schedule. What about you?"

Roarke growled, "On time. My men should be arriving within the week. You just remember to do as you're told and this will go smoothly. Not like the fuck up in Milliken."

Diavolo rolled his eyes; he hated having to let this imbecile think he was in charge. Just a few more weeks and he could take over. He just needed a few more men and he could finally kill the bastard. "Good. I will call on Friday.” He hung up before Roarke could respond.

Soon he would get his mate and be able to wipe out the Ambrosetti Clan in one fell swoop. He just needed to have patience. Being as old as he was, he had learned to have patience a long time ago.


Chapter Five


Fredi woke to Marshall stroking her face and calling her name. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. He leaned in and brushed his lips across hers for a brief moment before pulling back. He was protective; she could take care of herself though. It was something they would have to talk about. Her father made sure she was schooled in self-defense, just in case Roarke and Tina found her before she contacted Jo. It had always been a crapshoot.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. We are about to land.” He was adjusting her seatbelt again and confirming the cars were waiting with the other two Enforcers who had come with them. Quin and Jaden felt it would be better to bring along some of their own as personal guards. They had asked for volunteers, and Kurt and Thomas, who were good friends of Marshall's, had stepped forward.

She liked watching them interact, and could see why Marshall was so serious, his friends were completely crazy. Especially Thomas, he was a hoot. She laughed at him when he talked about them growing up. Marshall didn’t seem the type to go to a strip club; however, when Thomas explained the young cat had been arrested for trying to get the strippers to leave and turn their lives around, she nodded
Yep, that was her seriously sweet mate

She felt the wheels touch down and she felt a little zing go down her spine. Just as she was analyzing what had happened, Marshall turned to her and helped her out of her seat. They stood and went down the steps of the plane, one Enforcer in front, and one in back. Marshall was in front of her so she couldn't see who was waiting for them at the bottom. She could see two black SUVs with tinted windows parked on the runway and the whole place seemed to be deserted except for them.

As they reached the bottom, Marshall turned to take her hand and she smiled at him. She glanced toward the SUVs and saw a man exiting who was dressed in a dark suit. He was tall, he had to be around six foot three or four, the same height as Marshall, and he had long black hair that fell around his face like a curtain. When he raised his head and looked straight into her eyes, she sucked in a breath at the beauty of his eyes. They were silver and seemed to pierce straight through her. As he approached them, Marshall stopped and pushed her slightly behind him. Kurt and Thomas stepping to the front of them.

The man smiled and said, "Welcome, my name is Bane Giordano, Head of Security for the compound.” He half bowed as he spoke.

Marshall nodded to him. "I am Marshall Grant and this is Frederica Tand. Our guards, Kurt and Thomas.” Marshall had a low growl in his voice and seemed to be on edge.

Fredi shoved forward and looked up into Bane's eyes, "Please, call me Fredi.” What the hell was going on? Why was Marshall on edge? For that matter, why was she? She looked at the Vampire again and took a deep breath,
well shit
, she thought, and then saw his eyes change from silver to a deep amber. “Mine,” the Vampire said deeply and she panicked. When the sexy man stepped forward, she pushed her hand up, hitting his perfectly sculpted nose with the heel of her hand, just like her self-defense instructor taught her.

“Fuck,” Bane yelled and stumbled back.

All of the men looked at her shocked. Fredi shrugged, “Sorry, instinct.”

Marshall grinned and looked at his friends, who were high-fiving her and laughing. “Like an onion, so many layers,” Marshall murmured.

Hey, bleeding Vampire over here, what the fuck was that about?” Bane stomped his foot.

Shit, I am sorry,” Fredi said smartly.

I see how you are, this is going to be an interesting mating,” Bane grumbled and snapped his nose and then yelled behind him for a towel.

Excuse me,” Marshall said. “She already has a mate.”

Marshall had spoken to Tey and Jo, Fredi should only have one mate—an anchor—and that was him. This vampire was going to have to get over himself.

"Let's head back to the compound and sort all of this out, shall we?” Bane said as he gestured toward the vehicles that were being loaded with their luggage. He held a towel that was thrust into his hand to his nose. When Fredi walked by, Bane growled at her, she laughed not feeling the least bit afraid.

Fredi, Marshall, and Bane got in the second vehicle as Kurt and Thomas got into the first. As the car sped off, Fredi found herself sitting in the back seat between Marshall and Bane who were turned and staring holes through each other.

"Ooookay, well," Fredi stammered and the two men shifted their attention to her. "How long until we reach the compound?"

"We will be there in fifteen minutes,” Bane responded. “So, how was the flight, sweet thing?”

It was fine, asshole,” Marshall growled and Bane laughed and slapped his thigh.

"It seems we have a few things to discuss when we arrive. Is there a place we can go for privacy?” Fredi said slowly.

"Yes, we are going straight to your villa. It has been prepared for your arrival,” Bane stated matter-of-factly, ignored Marshall, and took Fredi’s hand.

Fredi rolled her eyes, pulled her hand back, and set it on her lap. “Watch it, fang boy, you saw how I can defend myself.”

Bane laughed and clutched his hand to his heart and said, “I am crushed.”

I can make that a reality,” Marshall barked and glowered at Bane.

To your corners,” Fredi said and held up her hand. “Too small of a space for us to be having this discussion.”

Fredi felt like she was watching a tennis match, back and forth between the two men. They stared, growled, and flipped each other off several time before they actually began to get close to the compound. Oddly, sitting between the two of them she felt safe and comforted.

The rest of the ride was done in silence as both men scanned the area, neither obviously one for small talk. When the car pulled up to a set of large gates, the guards waved them through and they proceeded down a long driveway. They circled around a large mansion-style home that reminded Fredi of a southern plantation home.

The cars came to halt in front of a cozy looking cottage and Bane and Marshall opened their doors and scanned the area. Marshall reached in and grabbed Fredi's hand to help her out on his side of the car as it was closest to the cottage. Since it was night, it was difficult for most to see the surrounding area; however, wolves had keen eyesight in the dark and she could see the land was vast. Several buildings dotted the area but were laid out in the land as if they had been landscaped in and not just thrown in there.

They entered the small home with Bane in the lead since he had the key. He opened the door and stepped through and then to the side, allowing Fredi and Marshall to enter as well. Kurt and Thomas came in, began to go through each room, checking the security of each, then came back into the main living area, and nodded to Marshall. Bane informed them that they had an apartment above the garage next to the villa. Marshall told them to go unpack while the three of them talked. Kurt and Thomas nodded and left.

Bane closed the door behind them and turned to Marshall. "Well then, would anyone like a drink? I know I would.” He proceeded over to the little bar area in the living room. “My nose is a little fucked up, it will be morning until it heals.”

Oh please, you big baby,” Fredi said and looked around.

Tour then,” Bane said and held out his hand.

She loved the living area, the colors a deep golden brown, which had a sheen to it. The sofas looked bronze, and it held throw pillows in a gorgeous silver color—it reminded her of Bane’s eyes. The floor was an amazing light-brown tile, she would never have thought to have in a living area, however with the huge rugs that matched the silver color, it made the place seem warm. The living room held a huge fireplace she imagined sitting in front of and reading.

Bane showed them to the dining area, where the floor was the only thing that remained the same. The wood, a dark cherry oak, held a table built for a huge family. She counted fourteen chairs and smiled at the bowl of fresh fruit that was in the middle of the table.

There was a library, and sitting room and another living room, where there was a huge television and state of the art audio equipment. She was in shock; she loved the colors in each room. Reds, blues, and golds made the home seem inviting to her. But when they entered the kitchen, she gasped.

Oh my,” she whispered.

I was told you liked to cook. I had the kitchen redone for you.” Bane smiled and watched as she ran a loving hand over the gold-flecked black countertops.

The room held an industrial fridge, stove, and sinks. It was amazing. Even at the Melting Pot, her kitchen had not been so glamorous. It was for a restaurant granted, but this? This was where you cooked meals for your family, ate at the large table with fourteen chairs, and was situated toward the back part of the house. She could see the French doors that led to a covered patio where she could see the grill she was going to love.

Yeah,” she said and looked at Marshall, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, staring at Bane with intent. “This place is huge.”

Bane laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, Orfeo tends to do things right.”

Fredi looked around the kitchen and nodded.

So, upstairs,” Bane almost purred and Marshall nodded and hit him on the back of the head as he exited the room.

Keep your eyes in your head at least until the tour is done,” he drawled.

Fredi laughed and said, “Boys, let’s all be friends, shall we?”

Right,” Bane snorted and flipped Marshall off.

Bane showed them the rest of the house; it was gorgeous, although the extravagant red and white decorated master bedroom was, of course, her favorite. It could have been gaudy and tacky, however, it wasn’t. It was charming, and comfortable. She knew living here was going to be amazing. Her balcony off the master bedroom looked over the wine fields, and she could imagine what it would be like when they were in season. The trellises were white and straight, if they were covered in vines, they would be amazing. It held a small table she could imagine drinking her morning coffee at while lazing in her fuzzy red robe,
yep, almost perfect

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