Finding A Way (30 page)

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Authors: T.E. Black

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Finding A Way
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Mother fucker, that fucking hurt.

I pick myself up slowly, grabbing my shoulder hoping maybe it will stop the pain which shoots through it, but it’s not really helping me here.

Callie sticks her head out of the shower curtain, letting out a small squeak. Once again, instead of saying anything I just stare at her in awe. Why does she look so good in the shower? I had a plan here: break the door down, tell her I’m sorry, tell her she means something to me, and beg her not to leave me. Hell, if I had to beg on my knees I probably would at this point. Anything for her.

“Mac, what the hell are you doing?” she yells at me.

I let out a small chuckle, studying the confused look on her face. She has a good question. What are you doing Mac? I run through the answers in my head, none of them sounding too convincing.

I broke down the door to get you to stay.

I broke down the door because you’re in here convincing yourself I’m an asshole.

I broke down the door because I’m a lunatic, who is totally paranoid I’m going to lose you, even though I don't even know if you gave yourself to me in the first place.

I broke down the door because I’m fucking in love with you already and love makes people do crazy things.

She stares at me, the tears no longer existent. Jesus Christ. I expected to come in here like a knight in shining armor, saving my girl. Wiping away her tears and showing her how much she means to me and instead, she’s standing naked in my shower, probably wondering why she just fucked a lunatic

“You were crying. You locked the door…”

“It wasn’t because of you…I…just...”

Her eyes flick toward the wall behind me, a blank stare adamant. I step toward her, slipping out of my boxers, and moving her aside so I can hop in with her. Thank fucking God I didn’t hurt her. Even though those worries have been crushed, I still wonder what would cause her to want to get away from me as possible.

The water cascades freely over top of us. I back her into the shower wall, taking her face in my hands. She tries to turn away from me, but I pull her back toward me.

“Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours baby,” I whisper.

She’s going to let me in whether she wants to or not. She doesn’t have a choice. I’m all in. All of my cards are on the table, and I need hers to be, too. She clears her throat, the words on the tip of her tongue.

“I just haven’t done that since Derrick...I just needed a minute…I'm fine, honestly Mac. I just got a little overwhelmed…”

I see her face cringe speaking his name. I know this is a subject which eats at her. How is it possible this girl hasn’t been with someone in three years? I mean, I know she was under lock and key at her parent’s house, but Christ, men had to have been throwing themselves at her constantly. Why didn’t she hook up with them? Why did she choose me?

“I didn’t know baby. I didn't think that's what you meant when you said I wouldn’t fit. I never would’ve made a move on you if I knew. How is that even possible? You’re so fucking beautiful. I just didn’t think…”

She shocks the fuck out of me once again by rushing toward me, closing the distance, and kissing my lips violently. I groan in her mouth as her tongue explores my mouth in a frenzy. I kiss her back with as much force as I have. My cock springs to life when her nipples harden against me.

This woman is making me lose my mind, making me a total basket case, changing the game entirely, and I fucking love it. I love every inch of her crazy, but sexy as fuck, ass. This right here is what I knew we could be since the minute I laid my eyes on her. She has my heart on a silver platter, hers to do as she sees fit. She can both keep it safe and warm or she can light it on fire, watching it burn in front of her. It’s all up to her. I'll give it to her however she wants me to.

She pulls away, staring up at me with those incredibly hypnotizing baby blues. I place another gentle kiss on her lips, shutting off the water behind her.

“Come on baby, let’s get out. This water is ice fucking cold.”

She giggles, nodding her head in agreement. I help her out, grabbing two towels from the closet, and wrapping them around us. The broken door makes her giggle while we both step over it. I smirk at her lightly.

“What’s so funny?” I tease playfully, digging through my drawers for one of my oversized t-shirts from my dresser for her to sleep in.

“Do you Davis’s have something against bathroom doors?” she asks, trying to keep her face serious.

Pulling on a clean pair of boxers, I laugh along with her.

“Yeah. I guess we like the open door policy in this house.”

She laughs while walking over to the bedroom door, opening it up, and sticking her head out into the hallway. Is she leaving me?
. You’ve got to be shitting me. I didn’t think she was still upset. She said it herself it wasn’t even about me. Her tears were not my fault for once.

She makes kissing noises loudly until I hear four paws running full force up the steps toward us.

Oh hell no.

There’s no way I’m sharing my bed with two women tonight. It’s reserved for one woman and one woman only. Callie.

“Callie…” I warn her, but I’m interrupted by Nanook running like a race car driver and crashing into me as she jumps on the bed.

“It’s her bed!” she argues with me.

Nanook licks my face like she hasn’t seen me in years and laughter erupts from me. I try to move away from her, but she follows my every move, making herself comfortable lying on top of my chest. I give up, letting her do as she pleases which includes wagging her tail around like a maniac and licking every inch of my face.

I hear Callie laughing hysterically across the room as I attempt to shimmy Nook off of me. I jump off the bed and pick up Callie to toss her on my bed with Nook. She will pay for that. I’m going to let Nanook kiss the hell out of her. It’s only fair. She called the loony dog upstairs after all.

I hold her down for Nook to kiss Callie senseless. Nanook takes the invitation and does her worst causing Callie to squeal.

“No! Oh my God. Mac, she just stuck her tongue up my nose! I surrender! Please, I’ll do anything!”

Laughter fills the room and Nanook jumps off the bed, taking off back downstairs. Callie wipes at her face hysterically, probably trying to remove the slobber from it. She looks so damn cute with her hair a mess and her cheeks red from laughter. I lean down, kissing her tiny nose.

"Anything?" I ask her, wagging my eyebrows.

She eyes me up, letting out a small huff, followed by an eye roll.

"You're such a man! You set me up! You knew your dog would go on a kissing attack and I would say just about anything to get her to stop."

I dip my hand between her legs confirming my suspicions. She squirms on the bed while her breathing increases and her lips part. That's my girl. She's soaking wet and ready for me.

"From how wet you are baby, I'd say your last sentence was a total and complete lie."

I bring my fingers up to my mouth, sucking the juices off of them vigorously. She tastes so fucking good. I've tasted quite a few pussies, but hers is the only one I feel like I could devour for the rest of my life.

Her eyes turn hooded as she watches me suck her off of my fingers. I pull them out of my mouth with a loud pop, offering them to her. She licks her lips, accepting my offer, and sucking them into her own. I swear I could cum from the sight alone. My cock twitches with jealousy as I watch her slide my fingers out of her mouth. That beautiful fucking mouth.

"Come here, baby. My fingers aren't the only thing that needs to be in your beautiful mouth."

A devilish smile appears on her lips, knowing exactly what I mean. She sits up, sliding herself down the bed between my legs. I fist her hair while she pulls my cock free from my boxers and licks the tip of my erection with her tongue.

I groan, closing my eyes and leaning back on the bed. This is going to be a long fucking night.


I wake up before Mac and decide we should both probably eat. Neither of us got much sleep last night because of
other activities
. That also meant there were no nightmares waking me up in the middle of the night.

Untangling myself from him, I slip out of bed and make my way into the kitchen to find something to make for breakfast. I round the corner and see Nanook lying by her food bowl looking devastated that her daddy kicked her out of the bedroom last night.
Poor girl.

I walk over to her and her ears perk and her eyes open wide.

Oh no, I woke up the demon dog.

Picking up her food bowl, I search around the kitchen attempting to find her food, but I’m unsuccessful. I don’t want to wake Mac up yet. He has to be tired after his never ending physical activities last night. I look over at Nanook, sighing at her.

“Well girl, looks like you’re going to be eating what we’re eating this morning.”

She tips her head to the side, making an excited squeal. Guess she agrees with my breakfast plan after all. I end up finding some eggs, bacon, and toast to make, which seems like a pretty damn good breakfast. Who doesn’t like that combo? Even Nanook is drooling at my feet while I make it. It’s foolproof, or at least I thought it was.

I’m a decent cook, but when it comes to multitasking, I can’t confirm I’m good at it. As I scramble the eggs in the skillet, I smell a smoky smell coming from the toaster.
Mac isn’t even awake yet, and I’m already burning his house down. I unplug the toaster from the wall, pulling out the very crispy toast. Scratch that, very burnt toast.

Nanook gives me a look which says,
“You just burnt my breakfast, woman,”
and I have to laugh at her. I grab a magazine off the island, moving it in the air like a fan and praying to God this apartment doesn’t have smoke detectors. It’s smokey as hell in here.

In my frenzy to get rid of the smoke, I hear a hearty laugh from the doorway.
Mac stands at the door in a pair of sweatpants which hang low on his hips, exposing his mouth watering “V” again. He’s built like a stone wall. I could stare at his body all day and not tire of it, but that’s probably not a good idea since I already burnt one part of our breakfast. After eye fucking him to death, I look up to see a cocky grin placed on his lips.

"Ya know, if ya didn’t want to see me again, ya could’ve just said so instead of trying to burn my apartment down with me in it.” He chuckles.

I give him a warning look, holding up the spatula in my hand ready to defend my cooking skills if I have to.

“I only burnt the toast, but if you actually fed your dog, which I assume you don’t since I couldn’t find any of her food in this house, maybe she wouldn’t eat doors and maybe I wouldn’t have to cook eggs and bacon for her,” I tease playfully.

He closes the distance between us, pinning me against the counter with his body. I study his face, memorizing how delicious he looks first thing in the morning. He leans in, nipping at my neck with his teeth before he places a light kiss in the same spot. I beg my thighs to stop shaking in anticipation, but that doesn’t happen when he runs his hand down my body, giving my ass a firm squeeze.

“I could just eat you for breakfast.” He nibbles on my earlobe.

My breath hitches with the thought of him taking me right here on the counter. I mumble a slew of incoherent sounds, feeling his cocky grin touch my skin.

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