Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) (26 page)

Read Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) Online

Authors: Bethany Shaw

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf and shifters, #paranormal werewolf romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Werewolves, #shifter romance, #war

BOOK: Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)
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“Thanks, Gene,” Lark whispered. Gene gave her a small nod. His eyes shone in the light and Lark realized he must have been holding back his own tears. She and Sarah were his family, and even if he didn’t show it, Lark knew he was grieving for her—for Preston, for everyone.

“Get some rest,” Gene said, patting Devon on the shoulder than drawing her in for a hug. “This ends tonight.”


ora padded into her bedroom. Her hair was still slick from her shower and her body was refreshed, finally clean of all the dirt and grime. She stumbled as she saw a familiar form at her window.

“Hey, how are you?” Nora asked, shutting the door behind her. She walked to her dresser and picked up her pills. She popped a pill in her mouth and dry swallowed, she repeated the process then closed the lid.

Daniel turned to her and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry about Vincent and Sarah,” Nora said not really knowing what else to say.

“I just keep thinking that we should have done more, you know?” Daniel said, balling his fists at his sides.

Nora closed her burning eyes. Tears threatened to spill over and she bit her lip to keep it from quivering. “I thought about it too. But at the end of the day, she chose to stay and fight, and Vincent chose to go after her. We did what needed to be done to protect the pack. There wasn’t anything else we could have done.”

Daniel nodded. “Vincent and I were...we never had the kind of relationship I wanted, you know? We somehow always ended up at odds with each other and I always wanted to fix it, but now I’ll never get a chance,” Daniel whispered with a frown.

Nora walked toward Daniel and enveloped him in a hug. She wanted to help him—do something to take the pain away. “I’m sure he knew how you felt.”

Daniel clung to her, burying his face in her hair. She ran her hand up and down his back in an effort to calm him.

“How are your injuries?” she asked, pulling back far enough to look up into his eyes. The bleeding had stopped once he’d transitioned, but the amount of blood he’d lost scared her. Not that she was an expert—it just seemed like it had been a lot.

“Better. I’ll have scars, but they’re scabbed over and look older than they are,” he explained. “I’m ready for tonight. We need to take the fight to Juarez. I don’t think anybody’s ever done this to him before. He won’t know what to do.”

Nora placed a chaste kiss to his lips. “We should get some sleep so we are ready later.” She took his hand in hers and gently pulled him to the bed. Shoving the covers back, she scooted in, giving him room to join her. The bed dipped down, creaking beneath his weight. He flopped back on the pillows and drooped one arm over his face. His other hand reached out for her, and she curled into his embrace.

They lay quietly for a long time. Nora stared up at the ceiling only letting her eyes flutter closed when Daniel’s breathing finally evened out.


aniel awoke with a start. His eyes blinked open, and he sat up looking around the darkened room. A flash of light flickered through the window followed by a loud boom. It was storming. The weather seemed to fit his dreary mood.

“Everything okay?” Nora mumbled. She stared up at him as she propped herself up on her pillows.

“Yeah, the thunder just woke me,” he said. “Go back to sleep.” He attempted a smile, but it was in vain.

“Did we sleep the whole day away?” Nora asked as she twisted to look at her alarm clock.

“Yeah. We’ll be getting ready to leave soon. Assuming something hasn’t changed anyway.” He hesitated, looking down at her. “Are you still planning on coming tonight?” He swallowed, hoping she said no. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she could handle herself, he knew she could, he was terrified something would happen to her. He’d seen men on the ranch die, he’d been there when Preston died, but it was so much realer now that it was his own brother. This was a war and you never knew when someone was going to die.

Nora sighed. “They killed that woman, Rosita, because she couldn’t produce a little girl,” she whispered. “Who does that? They...they murdered Sarah and Vincent. And god only knows what happened to April’s sister. I’ve spent a lot of time studying past wars with my major and they’re going to keep doing these awful things until someone stops them. How can I just sit back and not do anything? People that turn a blind eye to all the horrors in the world are no better than the ones committing them.”

Daniel lay back down on his pillow and watched as the lighting flickered across the room. He wouldn’t’ stop Nora from going, but he needed to know she’d be safe. “Can you do me a favor tonight?”


“If things go south—if we lose, I need you to leave. Run away as fast and as far as you can. Change your name. Just do whatever you have to, to survive,” Daniel pleaded with her. If he died, so be it, but she couldn’t die. “Promise me.”


“Promise me, Nora,” he interrupted. He gently cupped her face in his hands. “I need to know you’ll be safe. I...” he started then stopped, realizing what he was going to say. It wasn’t possible, but yet the words had been ready to pop out of his mouth. He’d never before uttered those words—to anyone. But he did, he loved her.

His heart swelled with this new knowledge. “I love you, Nora,” he said quietly. The words were foreign on his tongue, but a surge of joy burst through them as they flowed from his mouth. He loved her.

Nora gasped, her eyes widening. After a moment, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Her mouth moved against his igniting a hunger inside of him.

She pulled back a wide grin on her face. “I love you too, Daniel.” She sighed and looked away. “But I can’t promise you that.” She swallowed and met his eyes. “Because the two of us are going to make it back here. This is just the beginning for us and we still have so much more. So, no, I can’t promise.”

“We’re both coming back?” he asked, admiring her optimism. He truly hoped she was right.


Daniel captured her lips with his. His one hand wove into her hair the other resting on her hip, drawing her closer. His length hardened as she threw one leg over his waist. Her heat ebbed into him and he growled with need. He wanted to show her how special she was, mark her as his for all of Juarez’s men to know that she wasn’t to be touched by anyone but him.

As if sensing his need, Nora’s soft digits skimmed down his belly until they reached the button of his jeans. With a flick of her wrist, she undid the snap and slipped her hand inside. Daniel groaned as her cool hand encircled his cock. Slowly, she began to pump as she rolled her thumb over his tip.

Daniel growled with desire, swirling his tongue inside of her mouth. His fingers crawled across her smooth skin as he unlaced the string on her pants. He needed her, now! Nora pulled away from him breaking their kiss with a loud pop. She lifted her hips up, ridding herself of her sweats and panties. Daniel quickly shoved his pants down and then watched as she lifted her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra.

She bit her lip, a small smile on her face. Gently, she pushed him back. Daniel’s breath caught as she slowly straddled him. Lifting herself up, she positioned him at her entrance and slowly sank down on him.

Daniel closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he stretched her tight, wet heat. Her hands went to his chest and she began to rock back and forth, in a slow, steady motion.

His hands found her hips, gripping the creamy flesh. He’d never given control to a woman like this before. He liked it—enjoyed the feel of submitting to the woman he loved. He was hers and she was his.

He opened his eyes and he ground up into her. She rode astride him, her lip tucked between her teeth, her beautiful eyes closed. A raw expression covered her beautiful features as she pleasured them both. Nora’s mouth parted a moan escaping her pink lips. Daniel gripped her hips harder, helping her movements. His length hardening even more as she ground harder, faster against him. Her supple breasts bounced with her movements, and he lifted his hand to roll his fingers over her nipple.

He watched in fascination as she brought herself to her climax, her beautiful face so expressive. With a sigh, she threw her head back. Her inner walls tightened, contracting around him as heat coated his cock. Growling, Daniel switched their positions in one fluid movement.

Her slender legs rested around his lower back as he pumped into her, drawing out her orgasm. A wonton scream tore free from her throat. Daniel bent down, stifling it with his mouth. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, moving it against hers in time to his movements. His length slid in and out of her until he careened over the edge with a growl.

Their bodies lay intertwined together, their breathing labored. Daniel pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes.

“I love you, Nora.”

She smiled and kissed him gently on the lips. “I love you.”

“We’re both coming home tonight he promised.” She nodded beneath him, and he sealed their deal as he traced her mouth with his tongue.

Chapter Twenty-Two

ark sighed as she twisted her hair up into a messy bun. She slid her camouflage jacket on and looked in the mirror. Her blue eyes looked dull and large bags had formed under her eyes.

“You almost ready?” Devon asked, knocking on their bedroom door.

“Yeah,” she took one last look in the mirror before turning to him. She went to brush past him and he stopped her.

“We haven’t really talked about what happened with Sarah and Vincent,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“There isn’t anything to talk about,” Lark murmured quietly.

“Are you upset with me?” Devon asked, his hazel eyes flashing with vulnerability.

Lark sighed and slumped against the door. “I was at first,” she admitted. “But you’re a leader and that’s why you are a good one. Sometimes tough choices have to be made. You left your brother too.” Tears pricked in her eyes and she reached up to wipe them away. “I can’t imagine how you must feel having been the one to of make that choice. I know it was the right call. You took the consideration of everyone into account, not your own selfish needs. I would have gotten us all killed.” Her voice broke and Devon reached out, pulling her close.

“I almost didn’t leave, Lark. I wanted to go after them.”

“Me too,” she cried.

“We’re going to avenge them tonight,” Devon assured her.

Lark nodded against him, letting her tears flow down her cheeks as she buried her face into Devon’s shoulder.

“My mom was asking,” Devon said, pulling back as he cupped her face. “Are we still going to do the ceremony tomorrow?”

Lark bit her lip. It didn’t seem right to go through with it without Sarah. But at the same time, if they didn’t, Juarez would still be winning. She wanted to marry Devon—to be his officially and vice versa. “I think we should. Sarah and Vincent would want us to keep on going. We honor them more by following through and living how we choose to, then we do by postponing it.”

Devon nodded before placing a soft kiss to her lips. “I think they would want us to too.”


aniel escorted Nora down the stairs. Their hands entwined, they made their way to the kitchen for dinner. His stomach rumbled, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually eaten a full meal. They’d had snacks in the car but after the incident with Vincent and Sarah, they had driven straight home, other than a stop for him to change.

“Daniel, Nora,” Devon said quietly as he stepped out of the hallway. Devon nodded at Nora. “Are you up for going tonight?”

Nora seemed to hesitate. “Yes.”

“You're sure? You know you don’t have to,” Devon added.

“I know,” Nora whispered. “I want to help.”

Devon appraised her for a moment. “I’m glad to have your help, Nora. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Devon turned back to him. “I need to talk to you, Daniel.”

“I’ll go make us plates,” Nora offered, excusing herself.

Daniel squeezed her hand before letting it go, watching as she trotted off. “What do you want to talk about?”

“In the office,” Devon said. Without waiting for a response, the alpha turned on his heel and marched for the door.

Daniel grumbled under his breath as he followed his brother. Gene’s office was empty, which struck him as odd. The last time he’d been in here with just Devon he’d ended up running through a glass window to keep his freedom. Not that he exactly blamed Devon for thinking the worst of him. Maddie and Juarez had set him up perfectly.

“Shut the door,” Devon instructed.

Daniel did as he was asked, then waited for Devon to continue.

Devon sighed, hesitating before he spoke. “You were injured earlier, can you still fight?”

“I’m going,” he declared.

Devon nodded. “How bad were your injuries? I should have looked at you.”

“I’ve had worse.”

Devon looked away and then back at home. “You saved Lark today,” he said.

“I told you I would protect her—protect the pack. This is my family too,” Daniel said, taking a step forward.

“I know that,” Devon snapped. “I could have killed you when you attacked the ranch all those months ago. When you took Sarah and Em. But I couldn’t, you’re my brother and that means something. It always has.”

Daniel opened and closed his mouth, not really sure what to say or where his brother was going with this.

“I don’t know that I can ever forgive you for everything that happened with Emmett. But Lark, Gene, and even Talia trust you and you saved Lark’s life.” Devon let out a long breath and ran a hand over his jaw. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I trust you, and even if I’m not able to forgive you yet, but we’re on the same side and I don’t want to lose another brother tonight. Everyone that can transition tonight is coming. The only exception is mom. She’s staying with Emma to look after the kids. They are going to stick close to the van just in case. Nora and Lark are going to set up a spot on a hilltop about a quarter mile from Juarez’s place. I want you there with them. You’ll be with Em, Marcus, Amelia, and Talia too.”

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