Finding Out (novella) (4 page)

Read Finding Out (novella) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #biker, #humorous, #Romance, #Novella, #Alpha male, #Intense, #funny, #Motorcycle Club

BOOK: Finding Out (novella)
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That made me sad.

I think he saw this because after the waiter had cleaned away our plates, he stated, “I want in you tonight. What are your thoughts on that?”

So of course, all sadness from that moment fled and instead I clenched my legs together so I wouldn’t come.

He...Fox Kilpatrick, a.k.a Killer, wanted in me tonight.

He meant sex, right?

That he wanted to stick his hotdog in my bun? Right?

“Cupcake, I can see that I’ve shocked you.” Fox smirked.

“Um...” I leaned over the table. He leaned in as well and then I whispered, “I just want to clarify what you mean. Is You want to have sex with me tonight?”

“Yes,” he growled as he reached a hand out to tuck my hair behind me ear.

As Fox kept my stare with his wild, heated one, I uttered, “Yes.”

He grinned. “Good. Let’s get the hell outta here then before I spread your legs over this table and fuck you hard.”

Leaning back, I nodded. “Ah, that’s a good idea...I think.” He chuckled and stood from the table. “Wait,” I shouted, causing people to look at us. I took hold of Fox’s wrist and pulled him around to me, where I was still sitting. Tugging him down so our noses near touched, I told him, “, I don’t
sleep with a man on the first date. I just wanted you to know that. But, you, um, you seem to have some effect on my body...and mind,” I admitted, which made me blush like a virgin on her wedding night.

“Shit, woman, I never thought I could get harder from watching you for the past two hours, but I am
. I know
you’re not like that, but I’m goddamn happy that you’ll be tonight, just for me.” With that, he shook off my hold, took my hand and led me from the restaurant, after paying of course.

Chapter Four

ox told me his place was too far away and he couldn’t wait that long to be inside me. That was why I was unlocking my front door with Fox standing at my back. Trixie came barrelling down the hallway from, no doubt, my bedroom. Usually, she’d growl or bark if I had someone new with me, like she had with Deanna, Zara and Julian. Only with Fox, she took one sniff of him, wagged her tail and whimpered up at him for a pat.

Yeah, girl, I would do the same.

“She likes you,” I said as I led the way down my hall and into my kitchen. I looked behind me for Fox, only he wasn’t there. I went back to the hall and glanced down it. I found him just inside the door, crouching down, patting and comforting Trixie.

My heart melted.

He looked up and said in his deep, strip-worthy, voice, “Good, because I like her owner.” Then he stood and stalked toward me. “You want me, Ivy?” he growled his question.

I backed up into the kitchen where my back hit the bench.

“Ivy, I asked you a question. Answer me,” he ordered as he kept coming.

“Yes,” I panted. Because I sure did want him in any way I could have him.

At my words, he stopped a few steps away from me.

“Show me your bedroom, Ivy,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

Studying him, with his hands clenched into tight fists, I asked, “Why did you stop, Fox?”

He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, they were wild once again, this time filled with lust. “Because, cupcake, if I come at you right now, in your kitchen, I won’t be able to control myself. I will be between your sweet legs fuckin’ you rough, crazy and fast. I at least want you comfortable while I do it.” He smirked. “Go to your room, Ivy, and I will follow, but lookout when I do.”

Licking my lips, I nodded. With my heart beating rapidly, my chest rising and falling quickly, I made my way down the other hall toward my room. Though, on the way I had a wicked thought. I gripped the bottom of my dress and pulled it up and over my head, dropping it to the floor, leaving me in my matching red lacy bra and panties.

I heard a hiss, growl and thump behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Fox had hit the wall with an open palm. “Fuck, you just had to, didn’t you!” It wasn’t a question so I said nothing. He took two long strides toward me. In the next second, I was over his shoulder and he was rushing into my room. He threw me to my bed. I bounced up and down and stared at him with wide eyes as his own eyes raked my body.

“You’re so goddamn beautiful. I’ve never had a piece like you,” he growled. He whipped his tee up over his head and threw it to the floor. His tattooed chest, stomach and arms were the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

Rubbing my legs together, I said, “And I’ve never had anyone as hot as you, Fox Kilpatrick.”

“Christ,” he swore as he undid the button on his jeans, sliding down his zipper. “Tell me you’re wet and ready for me, cupcake. Tell me?” he asked as he removed his jeans and boxers. He stood and I watched his big, hard cock spring up.

Oh, hang on, eyes off the candy
. It was hard, so very hard—pun intended—but he was waiting for an answer, so I gave him one, “I’m more than ready for you, handsome.”

He nodded, kneeling on the end of the bed, only to rethink it and stood back up. Instead, he grabbed both my ankles. I let out a squeak as he pulled me down the bed toward him. He let go of my legs and his hands went to my underwear at the crotch, where he ripped them apart and plunged two fingers inside of me. My back arched and I moaned, “God, yes.”

“Damn, woman, fuckin’ beautiful and wet, so tight too.” He leaned over me, his hand going to the bed beside my head as he used his other hand to fuck me. “Yeah, gorgeous, take my fingers.” And I did. He ran his thumb over my clit causing me to cry out.

But then his fingers disappeared and I watched with hooded eyes as he sucked them dry. Then I felt him lining his cock up at my entrance.

“After this, after I come inside you. No one else is allowed. You get me, Ivy?” he asked as he rubbed his cock up and down my slick lips.

“Um?” I said, because I truly wasn’t focused, all I wanted was his cock inside of me.

“Ivy,” he growled. I looked up at him; he seemed strained, holding back control until he got what he wanted out of me. “You take no other but me inside of you. Yes?”

“Yes,” I agreed.

“Good, you on the pill?” he asked.

“Yes, babe, now fuck me already,” I snapped, only to groan as he thrust forward so all of him was embedded inside of me.

“Fuck,” he swore. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah,” I sighed.

“Good,” he hissed against my cheek and then he moved back out to thrust back in. “Beautiful pussy, fuckin’ glorious,” he growled as his pace picked up and he fucked me hard and fast, just like he said he would. His lips met mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and melded my body, as tightly as I could against his, kissing him back.

“Dammit,” he hissed against my lips and then he pulled all the way out and away from me.

“Fox?” I whined.

“You nearly had me coming already. I’m not used to that and I don’t want to blow my load just yet,” he explained and then knelt on the floor between my legs. His lips, teeth and tongue were on my centre, running up and down, driving me insane.

“F-fox,” my breath hitched as my orgasm built inside of me.

“That’s it, gorgeous. Come for me,” he ordered as he inserted two fingers inside of me and I came around them.

“Hell,” I cried as I kept coming. “Yes, yes.” Fox removed his fingers only to have his cock deep in me once more. As he pumped into me over and over, I mewed as I ran my hands over his smooth, built body.

“Shit, cupcake, shit. I’m gonna come. Fuck,” he swore as I felt his hot seed fill me. Still he kept pumping and then grunted. Once he stopped moving, with his hands on the bed on either side of my head, he looked down at me and growled, “No fuckin’ one but me.” I nodded. “Good,” he stated and then pulled out of me only to place two fingers inside of me once again.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked.

“You only came once. I want another one out of you before we sleep. I’d do just about anything to you, but I won’t eat my own cum, so you get my fingers again until your pussy is clamping around them,” he said as he continued to drive his fingers in and out of me.

“Um...o-okay,” I gasped. He leaned over me and his lips latched onto my nipple where he bit down as he ran this thumb over and over my clit.

The orgasm ripped through me. I grabbed his arm with both hands and yelled through it.

As he slipped his fingers from me, I caught him smiling down at me. I was spent. All I wanted to do was curl up and sleep.

“Cupcake, let’s clean up to sleep.”

“Mm-kay,” I mumbled, but didn’t move, then I heard his chuckle.

“Ivy, come wash up and then we can sleep,” he said and I just knew there was a smile in his voice. I was sure he was smug because he had worn me out.

“In a sec,” I answered and then snail crawled up to the end of the bed where my pillow was.

“Fuck, cute and sweet.” I heard Fox laugh. Then mumbled to himself, “Never had that before.”

He must have left for a while because I had drifted off until the bed was dipping and Fox said, “Lift up, cupcake and I’ll get the blanket over you.” I lifted. He shifted, and then I was brought back into his arms. He curled his front around my back and before I drifted off again I heard, “I fuckin’ love the fact you don’t give a shit you’re sleeping with my seed in you. Fuckin’ beautiful.”

# # # #

y alarm woke me at seven am. I’d forgotten to turn it off last night and couldn’t help but be annoyed that I was awake so early on my only day off. Until, that was, I remembered the night before. Smiling, I reached out to the spot next to me, only to find it vacant and cold. I sat up quickly, turning. Fox was gone. He must have disappeared early hours for there to be no warmth next to me.

It felt like he had taken the warmth from my body.

How stupid was I? To think that a hot, sexy tattooed man would stick around. He obviously got what he was after last night.

Slumping back on my bed, I screamed into the pillow next to me. Only it smelt like him, so I threw it across the room.

Tears prickled my eyes. No! There was no way I would be crying over my own stupidity. I threw the covers from my naked body and went for a shower with a sad Trixie at my side; she was just upset as I was that Fox had left. As I showered Fox from my body, I thought about what I was going to do regarding the wedding
regarding the longing I felt for a certain Foxy man.

How could he have weaved his way into my system so quickly? I didn’t have an answer for the last, but the first I knew; I was going to attend my cousin’s wedding on my own. Which somehow, I didn’t know how, reminded me of cancelling my date with Jim, the doctor. I was in no mood to deal with another member of the male species.

After the shower and dressing in jean shorts and an old tee—it was house cleaning day after all—I went into the kitchen and fed Trixie some dry food. She barked at me happily. At least she was easily over her mood with the thought of food.
Yeah, that’s an idea. I need a good breakfast of chocolate.

Instead, I booted up my laptop and then turned to start the coffee maker. That was when I found a piece of paper.

Mornin’ Cupcake

Had to run, shit to do. Be back to pick you up at eleven. You’re coming to a lunch thing.


My hands shook. My heart beat rapidly and I smiled so wide my jaw hurt. Fox still wanted to see me. He still Okay, so my mind had pegged him as a bad-boy biker type. I’d never had one before, so of course I was shocked that he wanted more than just one night from me.

Gripping the paper to my chest, I did a jig in the kitchen like some giddy little schoolgirl. Only to stop and look at the clock above the sink. It was ten am. I had taken too long in the shower. I raced from the kitchen with Trixie at my heels, only to run back to bring up the dating site on my laptop and send a quick apology message to Jim. Trixie and I then raced back to my room to get dressed.

It was ten-to-eleven by the time I was dressed. I had changed so many times, I was sure I had whiplash. In between wardrobe changes, I remembered I’d forgotten to check my letter box on Friday. As I walked back into the house, I found another weird letter. That one stated, again, that I was disgusting and I’d be soon paying for my behaviour. I seriously had an effed-up family. Someone—probably a certain cousin who didn’t want me at her wedding so my mum would be pissed at me—was playing stupid tricks on me and I was becoming unbelievably annoyed by it. With a sigh, I threw it in the bin and grabbed something quick to eat. After I put Trixie out in the backyard for the day, I was walking toward my room for my purse when the front doorbell rang. Squealing under my breath, I couldn’t have Fox hearing I was too eager I ran-walked to the front door, dressed in jeans and a white-and-blue checked cowgirl blouse.

As soon as I had the door opened, I was encased in strong tattooed arms. “Fuck, what in the hell have you done to me?” Fox growled into my hair above my ear.

“Huh?” I questioned.

He placed his forehead against mine, his hooded eyes bore into mine. “It was damn hard to leave this mornin’. All I could think about was getting’ back to you. I don’t do this feelin’ shit. Well, I hadn’t for a fuckin’ long time until you.” He closed his eyes. “Or this talkin’ shit,” he chuckled.

There went my heart again. It swooned big time for this man in front of me. This scary biker man holding me tenderly.

“I’m glad then, because you have turned me upside down and inside out with feelings.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently, slowly pulled his face closer to mine and whispered, “I like the way you make me feel, Fox Kilpatrick, a lot.” Then I kissed him on my front porch for anyone to see.

He moved a step away and snapped, “Jesus, woman. Go get your shit so we can go or I’ll be draggin’ you inside to fuck you.”

Turning my head on the side, I asked, “And that would be a problem how?”

He smirked, shook his head and said, “Nope, I told my brothers I’d be bringin’ someone. They think I’m lying.” He ran a finger from my temple down and across my bottom lip. “I need to prove the fuckers wrong. Let’s go, cupcake.”

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