Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)
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After saying my prayers, thanking God for keeping us safe tonight and every night and asking him to do the same for Blake, wherever he may be. I drift off to sleep draped in Blake’s shirt and with his letter still in my hand. Tonight, I have hope for that future that God has promised me.







It’s Friday morning and I have my bags packed and ready to go. I’ve actually had them packed for a couple of days. I can’t wait to see Kayla.

I’m ready for work early today, which never happens. I just couldn’t sleep any longer. Picking up the letter I received from Kayla on Thursday, I just have to read it one more time before I leave. This is probably like the twentieth time I’ve read it.


Dearest Blake,

Just thinking of you makes me smile. Coming to find you was the best decision I’ve ever made. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t been able to see you again.

I’ve been counting down the days impatiently waiting for Friday to arrive. Tessa and Asher have a date so it will just be the two of us. I want to rest my head on your chest while you hold me, it’s my favorite place to be. You make me feel safe, that’s something I haven’t had a lot of lately.

I’ve been imagining us sitting on the dock watching the sun set and talking late into the night. I want to know everything there is to know about you. Your likes and dislikes.

I wear your shirt to bed every night just like I promised I would. The smell has faded some, so you must fix that when you get here. With it on, you’re the last thing I think about when I close my eyes and the first thing I think of when I open them. The smell brings back only sweet memories of you.

I know that you have to get back Sunday, but I hope you’ll be able to go to Church with me and have Sunday lunch with us. It’s a lot of food and oh, so good.

Prom is soon; I wanted to ask you if you would like to take me. I know you’re past the high school stuff, but there’s no one else I’d rather have take me. Just think about it, please.

Until Friday, thinking of you always.


Kayla Jameson

P.S. Write Back Soon


Prom, that’s a big thing for a girl her senior year. I’m not crazy about putting on a monkey suit, but I’m less crazy about some other punk taking my girl and putting his hands on her while they dance. And Heaven help him if he were to get any ideas about something happening after prom. So, of course, I’ll take her. I’ll make a night for her to remember, renting a limo, dinner at an upscale restaurant and dancing with her so everyone will know that she belongs to me. I just need to get the dates as soon as possible to get everything lined up. There’s another surprise, which I’m planning next weekend, for her birthday. Some people will say I’m crazy, hell I might be a little. This, however, is what I want. I know it is right and I’m not going to let her leave, then regret it for the rest of my life.

Grabbing my stuff I head for the door. Mom is making coffee and hands me a thermos. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll see you Sunday.”

“Okay, son. Please be careful. Don’t drive crazy. She’ll be there when you get there. Love you.” She says with a smile.

I laugh. “You know me too well. I’ll be careful. I promise.”

Work is dragging and I’m ready to leave. I busted my thumb and it feels like it’s ten times its normal size. I’ve cleaned it up and wrapped it with a bandage. It’s the perils of working in construction.

Finally, it’s time to leave. I have to stop by the game room on my way out of town though. Max called me last night and said he’s in a bind. He owes some guys some money. Apparently, he challenged them to a game of pool and the hustler got hustled. I feel bad because if I had been with him that wouldn’t have happened.

I walk in and immediately see Max. The usual shouts of ‘hello’ flood my ears. I stop and speak to a few people. I’m not interested in chit chat. I’m ready to get on the road to see my girl.

I shout over the crowd. “Maxwell!” He raises his head that he has buried in some girl’s neck. I shake my head. I’m glad this isn’t my life anymore. Did I really just say I’m glad I’m not hooking up with random girls now? Wow, never thought that’d be me.

“Hey man. Come on over here and party with us.”

I’m getting frustrated with him. From the looks of it, he’s drunk. I’d like to kick whosever’s ass that got it for him. He’s only fifteen and he’s hanging out with the wrong crowd. I’ve warned him, but he never listens.

“Get over here, Maxwell. I need to get on the road. I’ve got a two hour drive ahead of me. If you don’t need my help, I’ll leave.”

He holds his finger up, while he says something to the girl whose neck he was just sucking on. I hear her before I see her.

“Blake, baby. You’re here. I’m so glad you came.” She is giggling like crazy. I notice as she tries to make it across the room to me she keeps stumbling. She’s obviously drunk. Drama with a capital D.

Max is now standing with me as we watch her try to make her way toward us a couple of guys grab her groping her. She attempts to slap them but she misses. Damn it, I don’t need this tonight. I make my way over to her. I wrap my arm around her waist to help her stand without falling over.

“Blake, always the knight in shining armor. I knew I could count on you. I love you, you know. More than anything.”

This is a disaster. “Max help me get her to the truck. If her parents catch her like this they will kill her.”

Max walks over and stands on the other side of her. We walk outside and the owner’s son, Adam, walks up to us.

“Good thing you got here. My mom was getting ready to call her parents. You know they don’t allow drinking here. Max, you need to leave too. Blake, can you take them both? He doesn’t need to be driving either.”

Well, great just great. “Yeah, sure. Come on, my juvenile delinquents. I’ve still got the key to Scott’s apartment. I’ll call him when we get there to make sure it’s okay.”

“You said you were going out of town. Where were you going?” Max asks.

Jessica is now completely draped all over me. She is kissing my neck and running her hands up and down my body. “Stop it, Jessica! I’m not playing with you.” I push her hands off of me.

My stomach turns at the thought of Kayla seeing this. She wouldn’t understand, I just know it. I can’t leave her here, though. Anything could happen to her in this state. Someone could easily take advantage of her. Just because she is my ex, doesn’t mean I want her to ever get hurt. She never did anything wrong, we just didn’t work out. Besides, even if she had, she is still a human being. I would do the same for anyone.

“Aww, Blake baby, you know you want me. I can make you feel so good. I know what you like.”

Thank God, we have finally made it to the truck. I open my door and pick her up and sit her down on the seat. “Get in Max.”

“Man, I ain’t leavin. I’m partying. Looks like you don’t need company anyway. I think Jessica wants to have a little fun.” He laughs and loses his balance. I grab his arm to keep him from falling.

“Nothing is happening with me and Jessica I can promise you that. Now, get your ass in the truck.”

He climbs inside and I shut the door.

What am I doing? I’m supposed to be on the road going to see the girl I’m head over heels in love with, even though that scares the crap out of me. How am I going to explain this? She is expecting me. It’s going to crush her when I don’t show up. I’ll call her as soon as I get to Scott’s. I walk back and forth in front of the truck. Why didn’t I just go straight to her? Get it together. Focus on the job at hand. I’ll make it up to her somehow. I pray to God she’ll understand and forgive me.

I get in the truck and start it. Jessica leans over and runs her hand up my thigh, stopping at my crotch. I throw her hand off of me.

“Don’t touch me like that again. Do you understand me, Jessica? None of your games tonight. I’m helping you because you were stupid enough to get yourself in this position and I don’t want anything to happen to you. If I left you like this and something bad happened to you I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“Blake you love me and you know it. You just need me to remind you how good we are together.”

“Jessica, we had sex, it was never anything more than that. It took me finding someone that I have such a deep connection with to realize that there is some much more too making love than just having sex with someone.”

She is laughing now. Max is passed out and I’m trying my best to get us to the apartment in one piece.

“You’re talking about that little girl that was here. She can never love you like I do. She can never satisfy you like I do. Blake we were made for each other. We both like the same things. Baby, let me show you.”

I cringe and have to swallow down the bile in my throat. She could never compare with Kayla. Kayla could never be the type of girl that Jessica is. Kayla is sweet and loving. Jessica is out just for herself. She uses sex to get what she wants, Kayla would never stoop that low. How was I ever that guy? He seems so far removed from who I am now and who I want to be. God, please don’t let me lose Kayla over this.

I make a wide turn into the parking lot at the apartment. “You’re right Jessica. Kayla, could never satisfy me the way you do. She satisfies me more than you ever could and not just with sex, but in every way a person can be satisfied. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and yes sexually. She’s my other half in every way. I’m in love with her. ”

Jessica looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “You love her? The whole time we were together, you never told me you loved me. I said it to you all the time and you’d never say it back. Why her? Why can’t it be me? I love you, Blake. I’ve loved you for years. You just would never give me the time of day and then you did. I waited, I’m the one that’s supposed to be your happily ever after.” She starts hitting me as I park the truck.

“I’m sorry, Jessica. I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t help how I feel. You’ll find your person, it’s just not me.”

She collapses on me, sobbing uncontrollably. She probably won’t remember any of this in the morning. I reach over and shake Max to wake him up. “Come on man. Get up and help me get her inside.” He grumbles but gets up and opens his door.

Jessica has gone limp making it easier for me to carry her into the apartment. I fumble with the keys as I open the door. I hit the light switch and make my way to Scott’s room. I’m not putting Jessica on the bed I shared with Kayla.

I gently lay her on the bed and take off her heels. I pull the covers up over her body and turn to see Max standing in the door. He’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“What!” I shout.

He shakes his head and then motions to Jessica lying on the bed. “I’ve just never seen you like this. Jessica is a hot girl. She’s right here and willing and you’re going to turn her down? That’s not the Blake I know.”

I look back at Jessica. She is a beautiful girl and at one time she was exactly what I thought I wanted, at least for a short time. She doesn’t interest me in that way now.

“Maybe I’m not the Blake you knew anymore. Maybe, I’m better. I want more than one night stands and random girls every weekend. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be I’m over it. There’s only one girl I want and I should be holding her right now, but I’m taking care of your drunk asses. Go sleep it off on the couch, I have to call Scott.”

I call Scott, explain what’s happening and that we are at his apartment. He isn’t very happy and cusses me telling me he wants his key back on Monday morning. I assure him I will return it as soon as I can. I run out to my truck and grab my suitcase. I need to go in and call Kayla. I don’t know what I’m going to say to her. Going back inside with my bag in hand, I make my way to the spare bedroom I shared with Kayla. When I open the door, I get the shock of my life.

Chapter 30




Thursday went by so slow. It was torture because I knew that Blake would be here on Friday. I went to school and then Lisa met us after so that I could go get my hair and nails done so I would look my best when Blake got here.

We haven’t seen or heard from David and I couldn’t be more thankful. Maybe he gave up. The police questioned him and he had an alibi for the night that we were chased by the black car. I don’t buy it, but there isn’t a thing we can do about it. We can’t prove it was him.

If I thought Thursday went slow, Friday has been unbearable. Waiting impatiently for the final bell to ring, I want to go home and get a shower and all cute for when Blake arrives. I’ve packed us a picnic dinner to eat out on the dock. I’ve decided to wear my jean cut offs over my pink and black polka dot bikini. However, I’m going to wear a cute sundress when he arrives. Tessa and Asher are leaving for their date before Blake get here. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it. I want to see him so bad.

Finally, the bell rings. I make my way out into the hallway where Tessa and Asher are already waiting on me so that we can walk out together. It’s not bothering me so much now that they are with me all the time. I know it’s for my safety.

“Hey, girl.” Tessa walks up and puts her arm around me. “You ready for your hot date tonight?”

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