Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)
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"You okay?" She and Lani were gone for a while.

"Yeah. Feeling a little bit overwhelmed, I guess, maybe some jet lag. Who knows? I'm good. Except I realized that I can't drink," she smiles.

"I'm sure I can come up with other things for you to drink." I know I'm being a bit crude, but I have missed being inside Molly. I can't help but get hard thinking about it.

"I can't wait."

We need to cut this party short. I grab her and kiss her, forgetting we are in a room full of people.

"Would you two get a room already?" Brayden says and everyone starts laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a lucky man. What can I say?"

I lean down to whisper in Molly's ear. "I'm ready when you are. I hope that you're ready now." I lightly graze my fingers across her mouth.

"Is now to soon?" She sighs.

Chapter 28

We're home. I actually ended up having a great time at Hansons. Maddox and Evan really went out of their way to make this evening special. Noah is in the shower, so I’m going to give him a surprise tonight. I decide to get into my secret lingerie goodies that I got while Kelly and I were shopping. I got several different things. While pulling things out, I can't help but laugh. I should have known Kelly couldn't help but sneak something in, a leather thong of all things. Um...NO THANK YOU! I need to hide these. I pull out a cute light pink lace nighty with panties that match. I also got a corset and garter, but think I'll wait a little while on the naughty. I'll hold on to that for another night. I get changed and look myself over in the mirror.

Not bad, Mrs. Stone. My boobs look fuller. My skin is flushed. Yes, Noah will be very pleased. I rush to the bed and wait for him.


This day has been crazy. My brothers out did themselves with the party tonight. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Everyone that mattered was there. We all had a good time. Still even though it was a good time, I was ready to get out of there and get home though. I'm more than ready to enjoy this night inside of Molly.  

I step out of the bathroom completely naked. I look at the bed and see a beautiful sight, Molly lying there in a pink lace number. Panties that I've immediately decided to take off with my teeth. Instantly my dick goes to full salute.

"Molly, you look beautiful, sexy. I can't wait to have you. Molly?"

I walk over to the bed and see she is fast asleep. I let out a frustrated groan-laugh. This would be my luck. Really though, it doesn't surprise me. This whole week, we have both been going non-stop. I think today the only time we even sat down was on the plane ride home. Being pregnant, I can't even imagine how tired she is. I lay down beside her. She immediately turns over and places her arm around me. Down boy...There's always the morning.


The sun is so bright in here; is all I can think as I wake up. WAIT! WHAT? THE SUN? Oh, shit! I fell asleep. I cannot believe that I fell asleep...ON MY WEDDING NIGHT! I'm so embarrassed. Last thing I remember was thinking how hot I was looking for Noah. Then

BAM...morning time. I go to the bathroom, do all the things to make me feel like a human, then sneak back into bed. I feel Noah's arms go around me and his breath on my neck.

"Love the outfit, baby."

"Thanks. I thought you might like it. I feel awful. I'm so sorry. Who falls asleep on their wedding night?" I can't help but cover my face.

He chuckles and says, "No time like the present. I love you, wife." He starts to pull off my pink nighty. I watch as he slowly goes down my body kissing. It’s so soft it feels more like a cool breath on my skin. It feels so good. He stops at my panties. "As soon as I saw you last night all I could think of was doing this."

I watch as he starts to take my panties off with his teeth. I can't take my eyes off of him. He takes them all the way off and starts to make his way back up me. He gets to my pussy and slowly licks me all the way to my clit. I nearly come off the bed. I moan as he does it again and again. One more touch and I'm going to cum. " Please don't stop. I'm cumming Noah. God, your tongue."


What a way to wake up in the morning. Jesus, she tastes good. I love having her cum on my lips. I make my way up the rest of her body. She looks beautiful because I gave her the orgasm that made her look that way. I kiss her mouth, warm and wet. I'd love to watch those lips wrapped around my dick, but I wouldn't last if I let her. I'm hanging on by a thread now. I sit up and pull her on top of me. She raises her arms baring her breasts to me. They look full. They look suckable. I can't help but push them together and suck her nipples in my mouth. She's moaning and grinding against me trying to find relief. I stop her. She's going to make me cum. I lean back against the bed. She leans forward to kiss me and her hair falls over her shoulder. I catch a whiff of her shampoo, nothing better than the smell of sex and strawberries.

"Noah, I need you. I need you inside me."

Don't worry baby, I'll give you what you want, I need to be inside you too." I turn us so she's underneath me. I reach down and feel her, make sure she's ready for me. She's so wet. I take my fingers in and out of her a few times. She watches as I lick her off of my fingers. "Can you taste yourself on my tongue?" I ask as I kiss her mouth and lick her lips. "See how good you taste." She moans and then smiles.

I start to push in to her. Jesus, she's so tight. I go still as I get all the way in her. She's breathing hard, moving underneath me.

"Move Noah, I need more, move now."

I start to move, going slowly at first. She takes her legs and wraps them around my waist. She starts digging her nails into my back. Fuck. That feels incredible.

"Harder. Please Noah!"

When she says that, I lose it. I grab her legs from around my waist, take one over my shoulder, and start to fuck her like she wants. Faster, harder. I never want this feeling to end.

"Yes! Yes! You feel so good. I'm about to cum again."

"Fuck baby! Give it to me." I feel her contracting around me and I explode.


I feel like I'm floating. That was amazing. We're both trying to catch our breath. I can feel his sleek body on mine, sweat dripping on me. He leans up on his elbows and places the softest of kisses on my mouth.

"That was amazing, baby. You are amazing. I love you."

"I love you too, husband."

Chapter 29

Today makes five months that we’ve been married. We have both learned a lot about each other. He has taught me so much about myself. Things I never really believed before. Every time I look in his eyes, I see how much he loves me, how beautiful he thinks I am. Every time he looks in my eyes, he sees how much that I love him. He sees how he is more than enough for me, for our baby that's coming.

This baby inside me is growing so much. Dr. Chaney says he looks healthy, but he thinks he will be a big baby. I already feel like he's going to be a toddler by the time he's born. We still haven't decided on names. I think I need to see him before I can give him a name. I can't wait to meet him.

We're headed to Hansons tonight. Everyone is supposed to meet us there. We've been trying to meet up at least once a month. It seems like I have tried on twenty different outfits. Nothing feels right. I want to look sexy for my husband. I still get flutters in my heart when I say that. It's hard to feel sexy when you've nearly outgrown your husband's old t-shirts. Noah does his best to make me feel beautiful. He is always telling me how much this pregnant body turns him on. Don't get me wrong, I love my pregnant belly. It's just hard for me to imagine how sexy my stretch marks are.

I really am happy. I mean besides feeling like a fat cow at times. I have so much to be thankful for. My parents have completely accepted Noah and this baby. They are excited to meet their grandson. Kelly sent me a pair of mom jeans with a card that read  'Even if you wear these, I'll still be your best friend.' Missy and I have gotten so close. She is sharing her mom advice, which I really do appreciate. Brayden and I have had a lot of fun getting to know each other. Neither Missy nor Brayden will really talk about the other. I hope they can work through whatever it is between them.

Lani, Jessica and I have gotten together about once a month for lunch. I value their friendship. Jessica took a job in Boston at an art gallery so this is her final outing with us. I’m happy for her. None of us have heard much from Kerrigan. It's like she has up and vanished. She quit working at Hansons and her phone has been disconnected, whatever is going on there isn't good. I have a strong suspicion that Aaron is the cause of all of that. I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to help her.  


It's hard to believe that I have had a wife now for five months. It still makes me smile when I say "wife.” Molly has changed so many things in my life. She has filled my heart and life with so much love. She's getting ready to give me the most precious gift that anyone could give. My son. Just saying that chokes me up. I swear on everything that I will be the best father that I can be to that baby boy.

I'm glad to be here at Hansons tonight. Watching Molly dance is so much fun. She looks so beautiful with that pregnant belly, especially knowing I put that baby inside her. I know she has a hard time believing she is beautiful. I do my best to show her. I never realized what a turn on that could be. Her body amazes me. Her breasts have grown. Her ass is rounded, making it nearly impossible for me to keep my hands off of her.

Looking around this table with our regular group of friends, I can't help but smile. I have had a good time getting to know everyone. I found that I really like Missy and Brayden. I've worked with them for two and a half years and never even knew a thing about them. Brayden has gone with my brothers and me to several Chicago Bears games. He tried getting us to go see the White Sox. We won't budge. You can't be a Cubs fan and be seen at a Sox game. I have gotten to know Missy through Molly. I don't think I have ever met anyone as quiet as her. I've met her son. He seems like a great kid.

The girls make it back from the dance floor. I pull Molly into my lap.

"You looked hot out there."

"Yeah. Nothing sexier than a beached whale doing the electric side," she says and giggles. "I had to take a break. My hips were starting to hurt."

"I'll make you feel better tonight. I promise." I whisper in her ear. She wiggles in my lap and grins. Ha, she can be such a tease.


"I'm going to the bar to get water. Anyone need anything?" I ask.

"I'll go with you and get a pitcher of beer," Brayden says.

I notice Missy look down. I'm going to tell Brayden to get his head out of his ass.

"Alright, Brayden. What the hell? Three years this has gone on. Now that you know she likes you too and what, now you don't want her?"

"Molly. Would you stop? It's complicated."

"Yeah it's really complicated liking a girl for three years and the moment you know she is into you, you run." Pregnancy makes me snappy.

"I just feel like she isn't being honest with me. I want her to be all in like I am. Every time I bring up Cade's dad, she just shuts down. She won't even talk to me about him. She says it's not up for discussion. I think I have a right to know about him if I am going to be in Cade's life."

I take a deep breath before I say anything. Her story isn't mine to tell. "Can I give you some advice?"

"If it has to do with Missy, no."

"Listen, don't be a jerk! Sometimes things aren't what we think they are. There's always a story behind everything. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Missy isn't ready to tell?”

Suddenly, he grabs me and gives me a hug. "You get any bigger my arms won't wrap around you.” I love that we are so comfortable with each other. I can bitch him out, he can call me fat, and neither of us get offended.

"Hey now, number one rule, NEVER talk about the belly and how big it is." I try to say with a serious face. It doesn't last. I can't help but laugh.

"Seriously though, sorry I snapped at you."

"Nah, no worries. I know I can depend on you to let me know when I'm being a jerk. Thanks. Anyways, I can't stay away from you for too long," he pats my belly. "Someone’s gonna have to teach this kid how to woo the ladies once he arrives."

I joke back. "This baby is a Stone. I certainly don't think that will ever be a problem. It will come naturally." He starts laughing.

"Hey man, hands off my wife," Noah jokes while coming to join us.

"Sorry, had to get a final hug before she's too big," he laughs. Noah gives a disapproving glare.

"Want to dance with me?" Noah asks. I hear one of my new favorites.

"Yes, I would love to." Noah leads me to the dance floor. He wraps his arms around me. We start moving to the music. I lay my head on his chest.

"You look beautiful." He lowers his hand on my stomach. I love this man.

"Thank you, Noah. I call bullshit."

“Tonight I have plans to show you how beautiful I think you are.” Holy hell. His dark brown eyes almost seem to have a glow when he is sexually aroused. I can’t wait to see what he has in store.

The bar is filling up. I see Sarah walking in. It used to make me jealous to think of her and Noah together. I had to take my own advice and learn that some things are better left in the past. There isn't anything that I can do to change it. I had to realize that everything happens for a reason and in the end I ended up with the guy. I smile at the thought of all the insecurities I've let go of all because of Noah. He leans down to kiss me. I can help but fall into him and kiss him back.  

"Molly. You need to stop." I laugh as I watch him adjust himself.

"Well, I'll make you feel better tonight. I promise," I say using his own words.

"I can't wait," he whispers.

BOOK: Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)
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