Finding You (12 page)

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Authors: S. K. Hartley

Tags: #College, #Transferred and Read

BOOK: Finding You
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Standing on the sidewalk outside the dorm, I quickly sucked in a breath.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Angel was sitting on the hood of the sexiest damn car I had ever laid my eyes on.

Light reflected from its sleek, black, polished body. It was the type of car that could get most men hard just from staring at it. From the glistening chrome to the unmistakable mustang badge, it was an awesome machine. But holy hell it looked like molten sex with Angel sitting on the hood.

My eyes slowly trail down his beautifully defined body. His muscles bulging against his tight, black slacks as his legs crossed at the ankles. His arms crossed in front of his chest, making his shirt tighten against his magnificently broad chest and shoulders.

Damn I would buy the damn thing if he came with it!

“See something you like?” Angel asked in a smooth, sexy drawl, clearly indicating at the double meaning in the question.

“Yes, I do.” I said with a salacious grin.

I slowly made my way over to Angel who was now showing off that sexy smirk of his that said ‘I know you want me.’ This man was all kinds of hot and sexy and my god did he know it! Standing toe to toe with the Adonis himself, I placed my hand on his muscular right arm, trailing my nails down his forearm before placing my hand on the hood of the car. “I just don’t think it would fit in my bed.” I said innocently, my eyes roaming his body before looking down at the car.

“Tease.” Angel chuckled, moving off the hood and making his way to the passenger side of the car and opening the door, indicating for me to get in.

I instantly froze. All the blood in my body quickly drained and ran straight to my ears, throbbing dangerously. The familiar feeling of being trapped quickly consumed me, my hands shaking and my body trembling.

I couldn’t get in that car with Angel. I was so wrapped up in teasing him that actually having to get into the car was an afterthought.

After my dad’s accident, I couldn’t even step foot in a car. The thought would fill me with so much fear and dread that I would completely freeze. It wasn’t the actual driving part that would send me into a trembling wreck, it was just a small part of it. It was the foreboding fear of the unknown that got to me, what if we got hit? What if there was someone drunk driving right now? It took me years just to sit in a damn stationary car, never mind letting someone drive it while I was in it. When it came to being in a car with someone there was only two people I could trust, Tate and Logan. It was Logan who took me out for my first drive, we only went around the block but it was a huge achievement for me. I was so proud of myself, but I won’t get in a car with anybody else.

“I, um, I … can’t.” I stuttered, completely overtaken with the feeling of fear and dread that I couldn’t get my voice to work. Angel grabbed me, clearly alarmed at the look of sheer panic plastered on my face as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

Moments passed as my erratic heartbeat slowed to a steady rhythm, still wrapped in Angels arms as his chin rested against the top of my head. We were completely silent, the only audible noise was our breathing. I felt so safe in that moment but also slightly unnerved that Angel could pull me back so quickly, pulling back I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes that were laced with so much worry, I gasped.

“I’m sorry.” There were no other words that I could say to him to make him understand.

Taking my face in his hands he placed his lips over mine, he made no move to take it further. It was as if he was trying to tell me something through the kiss, trying to heal me, trying to understand.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He whispered against my lips, sending vibrations through my body with just the hum of his voice. Pulling out of our embrace, he placed his arm over my shoulders as we walked away from the car, where are we going? I didn’t ask as I noticed Angel deep in thought.

With his arm around my shoulder, we walked in a comfortable silence, making our way into town. Angel still hadn’t mentioned the incident with the car, I didn’t know whether it bothered me that he hadn’t, so I pushed it to the back of my mind as I became more curious as to where he was taking me. I don’t think my feet could stand the pinching from my shoes much longer.

“Where are we going?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“The beach.” He suddenly took me by the shoulders, spinning me around to face the most beautiful scene I had ever laid eyes on. Spring Water was a coastal town and I had seen the beach hundreds of times before, but never like this. The sun was setting beautifully in a ray of colors from fiery red, shimmering pinks to smooth orange and majestic yellows. The water was as clear as crystal, reflecting intense, radiant colors across the rippling waves that gently lapped against the shore.

As I stood there taking in the gorgeous scene before me, I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my ankle, I shrieked in surprise as I looked down to find Angel on one knee looking up at me, flashing that panty-melting smile. His hand was wrapped around my ankle as he lifted it from the ground, using his shoulder to steady myself. He gently coaxed my knee to bend as he slipped off my platform heel from my now painful feet, placing my bare foot on his bent knee. I groaned in delight as I felt strong fingers knead into the ball of my foot, working out the kinks and soothing the aches. He paid the same attention to my other foot as I basked in the gentleness of his fingers against my skin.

Picking up my shoes in one hand, he held out his other, silently asking me to place my hand in his. But before our skin could touch, he swiftly threw me over his shoulder as I yelped in surprise while he ran towards the sand.

“Angel! Put me down.” I screamed, trying to pull my dress down of my increasingly exposed ass.

“No problem.” He said chuckling, what was he …

Oh shit!

The taste of salt water hit me first, burning the back of my throat as the water lapped over my head – The ass threw me in! My foot found the sandy bed as I pushed myself up above the water. Standing, I wiped the water from my eyes as I coughed and spluttered.

“Angel, you ass!” I shouted in no particular direction as I still couldn’t see from all the damn water in my eyes. I heard him chuckling at my outburst before another wave of water engulfed me as I was still trying to get my vision to clear.

Two large hands wrapped around my waist making me squeal in surprise, finally clearing my watery vision I gasped as my eyes landed on Angel’s very naked chest. I saw sculptured muscles, smooth tanned skin and broad shoulders. Hot damn! He even had muscles in his neck! A twinkling caught my eye as I was checking out his neck, it was some sort of silver chain with angel wings attached on a pendent. It was so fitting and it made him look even more damn sexy.

The water was only waist deep, giving me a perfect view of his well- defined ‘V’ and that mouth-watering trail of hair that traveled from just below his navel to down to his waistband where it disappeared under his black slacks.

Suddenly, my chest was flush against his, instinctively I threw my hands out to steady myself when I found they had landed on some seriously hard and sexy pecks. Reluctantly, I managed to pry my eyes from ogling Angel’s hot body long enough to watch his lips slowly make their way towards my ear as I rested my head against his chest.

Angel’s husky voice took over my senses, taking me places I had never been before as he sung “Our Song” by Ron Pope, gently swaying us to the lyrics as the water lapped around us.

A moan escaped me as Angel nibbled on my neck after finishing the song, he was just too sexy. Angel’s hands slowly made their way up my body leaving a trail of fire against my shivering skin. Taking my face in his hands, he pulled me close, so close.

“Be mine.” It was a question and a demand, an erotic demand and all I could do was submit to it as I nodded my head in response, pulling a growl from him before our lips collided, heating my body with desire against the cold temperature of the water. I was delirious with lust as our tongues danced slowly with each other mimicking the slow and sultry dance we had just done only moments before.

Everything about this man was so intense, so engaging, so consuming. I was becoming lost under his spell, feeling myself wanting him more in every way. I wanted to throw away my inhibitions and give myself to him, just surrender to his mercy. I moaned as his tongue flicked against the roof of my mouth causing my body to turn into a torturous mixture of temperatures. My skin was shockingly cold from the freezing water but my core blazed wild heat from just from Angel’s lips.

“Cold?” Angel asked with a smirk, my body shivering once again. I could only nod in response, my teeth chattering from the cool temperature of the water.

Angel suddenly picked me up, my arms latching around his neck as I lay my head against his hot, wet chest. Emerging from the water, he didn’t once falter as he walked us onto the sand, picking up his discarded shirt and my shoes, all still with me in his arms. Walking off the beach and onto the sidewalk he slowly placed me back down on my feet, the cold temperature of the ground not helping with the arctic shudders that were running right through my body.

I was shivering from head to toe as my dress stuck to me like a second skin. Angel must have noticed I was uncomfortable as he placed his warm dry shirt around my shoulders, trying to help warm me, but I knew the only thing that would warm me right now was to take the damn dress off.

Giving me a swift kiss on my already swollen lips, Angel placed his palm against the bottom of my back, right in the sensitive curve, giving me chills on top of the ones that were already spreading across my body. Swiftly leaning in he growled in my ear.


Oh. Dear. Lord.

For a fleeting second, my body erupted in heat, the type of heat that could only be created by him.

We made it back to the dorm quicker than I expected. I was thankful, as my fingers and toes were so numb from the cold sea water. I pulled Angel’s shirt tight against my frozen body, trying hard to warm myself up.

“You okay?” Angel asked as he stopped walking, pulling me in for a hug just outside my building. I nodded as my teeth clattered and my body shook, I had never been so cold in all my life. Placing his hands on my arms, he rubbed them quickly, trying to bring my body temperature back to normal.

Looking over his shoulder, I noticed his car still sat in the same spot where we had left it. Angel must have noticed because suddenly he was kissing me, it wasn’t gentle but it wasn’t rough, it was a questioning kiss like he was begging me to answer it with his mouth. Our tongues met and glided against each other as he pulled me against his body, still wet from our dip in the sea. I moaned when I suddenly felt his hardness straining against his slacks, which now rested against my thigh. I needed to stop this before it went too far.

Pulling back, I noticed Angel panting as he rested his forehead against mine.

“You don’t have to tell me anything you’re not ready for me to hear.”

He was talking about the car. I owed him an explanation as to why I went all crazy on him for just opening the damn door. Taking a shaky breath I tried to explain.

“I’m sorry, I just have this fear of being in a car. It scares the shit out of me.” I managed, noticing Angel watching me closely. “The only time I can be in a car is if Tate or Logan are driving.”

It wasn’t a lie. I was just omitting the whole truth. I wasn’t ready for him to know the rest. I don’t think I ever will be.

“Thank you.” He said, pulling me into a hug. “You should get inside, you’re freezing. I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”

Giving me a quick kiss on my lips before I headed off inside.

My now partially wet dress clung to my thighs as I stepped back into my room, I needed to get out of these wet clothes. Low had already texted me to let me know she was staying with Tate tonight, so I was on my own. I pulled off Angel’s shirt that was now wet and crumpled, dropping it on the floor beside me. I reached my arm around to the zipper on my dress. I pulled my zipper down about half way when I heard someone clear their throat, scaring the living shit out of me.

“Need a hand?” I turned to my bed to find Logan sitting against the wall, one knee against his chest while the other stretched out in front of him. His head tilted in my direction with that stupid, sexy smirk. What I would give to slap that smirk right off of his face.

“What the hell are you doing here, Logan? You scared the shit out of me!” I shouted, still trying to get my heartbeat back to a steady rhythm. Keeping my eyes directed at the floor, I quickly zipped up my dress.

“We need to talk about what happened today.” Ugh, I didn’t need this right now. I just wanted to get in a hot shower and get in bed to relax.

“There is nothing to talk about, Logan.” I spat.

I was getting irritated by our constant roller coaster of a relationship, or lack thereof. But as much as he was irritating me, I couldn’t deny how sexy he was looking right now. Tight fitting jeans clung to every defined muscle from the waist down, his chest covered in his trademark white t-shirt and his hair had that bed head look, hot and sexy as if he had been running his fingers through it.

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