Finding You (9 page)

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Authors: S. K. Hartley

Tags: #College, #Transferred and Read

BOOK: Finding You
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Finally making it to the bathroom, I flipped the light switch on, jumping back in surprise before quietly chuckling to myself. In the tub was a fully clothed Low. She was completely passed out, her chin resting against her chest while a leg dangled over the edge of the tub. But the sight of her clutching a half full Tequila bottle against her chest made me full out laugh, my splintering head pounding harder as Low stirred from her alcohol-induced coma.

Walking over to the tub, I placed my hand around the neck of the Tequila, pulling as I tried to get the bottle out of her grasp, but it wouldn’t budge. Low had a vice-like grip around it and she wasn’t letting go. I chuckled, shaking her shoulder to try and wake her.

“Pour me another drink.” She murmured, clearly still drunk from last night. Rolling my eyes, I decided to try different tactic. Turning towards the sink I picked up a glass and filled it with ice cold water. What? You seriously think I’m going to pass up this opportunity? Snickering, I held the glass up above her head, tilting it slightly.

“Sis.” Tate scolded from behind me, shit! Busted. “Do I have to remind you about the time Logan woke you up like that?”

My world seemed to just stop at the mere mention of his name, my eyes crossing and my stomach churning. Suddenly my head pounded harder, my legs throbbed viciously and my chest ached uncontrollably as I felt acid bile rise to my throat, burning everything in its path. The glass fell out of my grasp, shattering loudly against the floor as I scrambled to the toilet, throwing up absolutely everything.

Rule number one: Under no circumstances is tequila your friend.

Tate held my hair back as I threw up everything, including my damn dignity.

Low, of course, slept through the entire thing.

When my stomach finally stopped contracting, I rested my head against my arm, groaning from the amazing feeling of the cool, tiled floor against my flushed skin, using the toilet to prop me up.

I must have nodded off because when my eyes opened again, I saw Tate cleaning up the shattered glass from the floor. Looking over at Low, I noticed she was no longer clutching the bottle of Tequila, Tate must have managed to pry it from her vice grip. She was still out cold, snoring softly as the leaking tap dripped slowly onto her bare leg. This girl is going to feel like absolute death if we don’t move her from the tub.

“Tate.” I croaked, my voice protesting from the after burn of my make out session with the toilet bowl.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” He said as he looked over his shoulder at Low. Chuckling, he swiftly picked me up into his arms making his way through the obstacle course that was our dorm, gently placing me on my bed.

“You owe me one for this, baby girl.” He said, rolling his eyes before making his way back to the bathroom to collect Low. Hopefully he would have more luck pulling her out of her tequila coma than I did.

I wondered what time it was, reaching for my phone from the bedside cabinet I noticed I had two texts.

Low: You will hate me in the morning! Tequila Babbbbyyy! X

I chuckled as I realized she had sent it to me last night by way of apology. Shaking my head, I checked the second message. I didn’t recognize the number, opening the text I gasped.

Coffee? I think you will need it after that tequila. Angel x

Oh shit! Please don’t tell me Angel saw me wasted, what the hell happened last night? Closing the text I checked the time, 10:30 am on a Tuesday morning, luckily I didn’t have class until 3:00 pm, so I had enough time to try and shake off my hideous hangover.

I suddenly heard life from the bathroom as Low murmured something incoherent while Tate chuckled. I couldn’t help but smile at my comatose friend who was nestled in Tate’s arms as he made his way over to Low’s bed. Ugh, I needed caffeine and greasy food to soak up the tequila.

I opened my text messages back up, desperately holding back the urge to text Logan to see if he was okay. No, he wanted time, so I will give it to him.

Me: Coffee sounds good, Meet me at the Black Bean Coffee Shop in an hour? Neva x

His reply was instant.

Angel: I’ll be waiting, A x

His reply sent a shiver down my spine, stupid shivers!

Low was passed out on her bed with her arm slung over her eyes as she snored gently. God, I loved this girl! Tate was sitting on her bed watching her like a guard dog. I smiled; he had always been protective of us both.

“Tate, can you fill in the blanks? My head is a little fuzzy.” Understatement of the year there, Neva! Tate chuckled at me as I slowly rubbed my temples.

“Oh you know, the usual. You and party girl over here got wasted on tequila even after I told you to slow down. You two danced, the guys and I had to fight off the creeps to stop them from groping you. Oh, and Low started dancing on a table while you were passed out cold on Ace’s lap!” He said in mock irritation. I just sat there open mouthed. “Then …” Ugh, as if it could get any worse. “Ace and I had to carry your drunk asses home!” I winced, ugh lovely!

“I’m sorry” I said holding back a giggle. “Can I make it up to you with caffeine?” I asked, he smirked raising his right eyebrow at me. “Okay, coffee and a blueberry muffin?” He flashed a smile at me as I chuckled. The best way to my brother’s heart was definitely through his stomach.

Pulling myself off the bed, I made my way to the shower, stopping inches away from the door. Looking over my shoulder, I watched my brother lace his fingers through my best friends. What the hell?

“I’m meeting a friend at the coffee shop so I might be a while. You okay watching Low?” I asked, making him jump as he pulled his hand from Low’s. Interesting.

“Sure, just don’t forget my muffin.” He muttered, his cheeks turning a brilliant shade of pink. Hmm.

“Okay, I’m going to grab a shower and head out.” I said, picking up some clothes from the closet and making my way into the bathroom.

The water felt amazing against my skin as I stood directly underneath the heat, my mind running into overtime as Logan’s words replayed in my head over and over, again.

All I could see was you, all I could feel was you.

The truth in Logan’s voice was disarming, but it didn’t change anything. He was who he was and I needed to remember that.

Stepping out of the shower I quickly towel dried my hair, pulling it out of my face with a hair tie. I never cared much for dressing up and wearing a lot of makeup, it was only Low who could transform my face like that. So today I opted for a discreet look, a light coating of mascara, a dusting of pink blush and a single coat of gloss. Throwing on a pair of faded skinny jeans that were so tight they felt like a second skin, and a vintage Guns and Roses concert tee, finishing it off with my white converse.

When I was finally ready, I checked the bathroom mirror to see the damage of the, not-so-smart, tequila hangover.

What are you doing, Neva?! It’s just coffee, right?

Rolling my eyes at myself I made my way out of the bathroom, checking on Low and Tate before I left. I suddenly stopped mid-stride, Low’s head rested on Tate’s chest while his hand was on her waist in a tangled embrace. They had clearly done it many times before.

Coffee first, questions later.

The coffee shop was a small little cafe only a fifteen minute walk from campus. It boasted black, iron vintage tables with matching chairs scattered out on the sidewalk, while white wash walls hung classic black and white portraits. A beautiful black silhouette flower mounted on canvas was the center piece on the feature wall, while remarkable black and white images of Marilyn Monroe scattered the remaining walls, it was gorgeous. The building itself was stunning, painted in a pastel mint green and teamed with black lace stencils, showcasing the large bay windows. It stood out perfectly.

Rounding the corner, I spotted Angel sitting outside with one of the large bay windows behind him, the light reflecting off it and giving him a striking white halo that wrapped around his body, framing him beautifully. But it wasn’t the angelic halo surrounding him that stopped me mid-stride, it was his eyes. They seemed more intense as the reflective glow illuminated them, bringing them to life.

A slow, sexy smile appeared on his sculptured face as he spotted me. I couldn’t help but smile back. He really did look like an angel. He stood up as I made my way to towards him. He wore ripped jeans that were all kinds of sexy, with a black, buttoned down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off some seriously hot muscular forearms. But then my eyes landed on his boots, there were black and well-worn and the bottoms of his jeans were tucked into them. If they weren’t sexy, I didn’t know what was.

As I got to the table, he raised his perfect right brow at me before leaning in and whispering into my ear “How’s the head?” I nearly melted in to a puddle right there on the damn sidewalk!

“Fuzzy.” It was the biggest word my delicate brain could come up with as I took a step back.

“I didn’t order yet, I didn’t know how you take your coffee.” He said, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Usually I drink a latte, but after last night I need it black and strong.” I said. Oh, welcome back brain! A smile tickled his lips as if he found my reply amusing.

“Yeah, I’ll bet.” He said with a sexy smirk “Sit, I’ll fetch us some caffeine.” I nodded, my brain rattling from the sudden movement. As Angel made his way inside to get our drinks, my eyes landed on his backside, giving me the perfect view of his ass. Oh my!

Taking a seat at the table, I rested my arms in front of me, folding them on the cold table as I placed my head on them, trying to stop the painful throb in my head. My mind suddenly flashed back to Logan and the word of warning he had given me about Angel.

I will always keep you safe from your demons, Neva, whether they are in your nightmares or too close for you to see.

Okay, so Angel was intense and yeah, his eyes were hauntingly hypnotic, but he was nothing like the demons in my nightmares. I wasn’t blind, he wasn’t an angel either, which made me want him more.

“Coffee?” Angel’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked up to find him smiling at me, holding two large cups of coffee. Damn, he looked edible.

“What are you smiling at?” I groaned as the smell of coffee filled my nostrils, making my mouth water. Angel placed the coffees on the table and took the seat next to me, this thigh lightly brushing against mine, sending sparks through my body.

“After the amount of tequila you drank, I’m not surprised you feel like shit,” He said, shaking his head with a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, about that,” I said as I could feel the blush slowly creep across my face. “Can you fill me in? I don’t remember seeing you after you left.”

“Damn, you were wasted,” He said with a mischievous smile. “I came back to check to see if you were okay, but when I found you, you were on the dance floor in your own drunken little world, shaking that sexy ass of yours while your friend was having the time of her life dancing on a table!” I rolled my eyes as he threw his head back and laughed, a deep, throaty laugh. Damn. “Then you couldn’t stand up straight and ended up passed out on some guys lap while some other guy threw your friend over his shoulder and took you home.” He said with a shrug as I sighed with embarrassment.

“Ugh, my friend who was dancing on the table – that’s Low, we have known each other since forever and we share a dorm room. The guy you saw throwing Low over his shoulder – that’s my older brother, Tate. And the guy whose lap I was unceremoniously passed out on – that’s Ace, my brother’s friend and it was his house party.” I said as I brought the cup of coffee to my lips, basking in the heat as the scorching, heavenly liquid made its way down my throat, slowly clearing my head.

“Well, I had no idea who the guys were, so I followed you back to your dorm. Then I realized Tate was your brother when you shouted at him for trying to take your keys because you couldn’t open the door. Only a sister would call a guy ‘penis breath.’“ He said as he laughed hard, causing my mouth to hang wide open in horror, making a mental note of that name for future purposes. What? It’s funny!

“But I didn’t see you, did I?” I asked wincing, why did I drink the damn tequila? Never, ever again.

“You didn’t see me because you didn’t need to. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.” He said, his voice taking a serious tone. He made me smile, my guardian angel.

“Okay, can we talk about something else other than my drunken misadventures?” I asked, feeling embarrassed.

“Sure, how about we talk about why you ran after I kissed you?” He asked, his eyes glowing.

“Well shit.” I said, completely surprised by his forwardness and quick subject change. He laughed at my response, damn I love that laugh. “Do we have to talk about that?” I pleaded.

“Fuck yes, we do, I’m kinda feeling emasculated right now and we need to talk about it because I want to kiss you again.” He said with such confidence that I was instantly turned on, shit.

“Honestly I have no idea why I ran.”

Yes you do Neva, just say his name

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