Fire on the Water (5 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Fire on the Water
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You release the lock and slide back the hatch cover. The sudden draught of air causes flames to billow out of the hold. You stumble backwards, clutching your burnt face. Lose 2

‘Fire! Fire!’ the cry goes up.

In panic the crew fight to put out the flames. It takes over an hour to control the blaze. The damage is considerable — the entire store of food and fresh water was in that hold, and the fire has completely ruined both, as well as weakened the structure of the ship.

As you stand surveying the wreckage, the captain approaches you, his face blackened by the smoke. He is carrying something in a bundle under his arm. ‘We must talk in private, my lord,’ he says quietly.

Without replying, you turn and follow him below to his cabin.

Turn to 222


You land on the rotting timbers and crash straight through to the deck below. You are unharmed by the fall, but the stench of decay that fills your nostrils is overwhelming. You clamber up and unsheathe the Sommerswerd. Four ghastly zombies stagger out of the gloom, their twisted hands extended towards your throat. You must fight them as one enemy.

Zombie Crew:

They are undead creatures, so remember to double all
points that they lose due to the power of the Sommerswerd. They are immune to Mindblast.

If you win the fight,
turn to 258


Your first meeting with the Lord-lieutenant comes as something of a shock. You had perhaps half expected him to be a servile old man, as are the envoys of the southern lands that plague your King's court with their delegations. The man clad in heavy chainmail standing before you is neither old nor servile. You are soon to learn that Lord-lieutenant Rhygar is an exceptional man.

Born of a Sommlending father and a Durenese mother, he has become something of a legend in this city. In the last decade, he has led an alliance of the nations to victory against the invading Ice Barbarians of Kalte. Wise in peace, fierce in war, you could not have wished for better company on your quest for the Sommerswerd.

Rhygar orders that a sumptuous meal be served. It is by far the best food you have tasted since the war began. During the feast, you recall the events that have brought you to Port Bax, and reflect on the daunting challenge that still lies before you. After the meal, Rhygar sends for his physician who attends to your wounds. His potions restore 6
points. Then he advises you to sleep, for you are to leave with the Lord-lieutenant for Hammerdal in the morning.

Early next day, you are taken to an enclosed garden at the rear of the consulate where Rhygar and three of his best soldiers await you on horseback. They are to be your bodyguard and guides on the 230 mile ride to Hammerdal. The streets of Port Bax are just beginning to come to life as you ride through the town. Passing under the moss-covered city gate, you now feel confident that your mission will succeed.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 176

If it is 5–9,
turn to 254

[1] If you do not have a Backpack, you may choose to assume here that you are outfitted with one by Rhygar.


You awake at dawn to the sound of a shrill cockcrow. You can see the crooked streets of Ragadorn through a veil of heavy rain beating down on the cobblestones outside. It has been six days since you left Holmgard and you are still 200 miles from Port Bax.

You are in the loft of a very large coach station. A group of green-clad men have arrived and have started to clean out one of the coaches. You overhear one of them say that the coach leaves for Port Bax at one o'clock this afternoon and that the journey will take seven days.

You are hungry and must eat a Meal here or lose 3

After the Meal, if you decide to approach the coachmen and ask to buy a ticket for the journey to Port Bax,
turn to 136

If you would rather descend the ladder to the street outside,
turn to 238


The other travellers stare with horror and disbelief at what you have done. Before you can explain yourself, there is a loud crash as the front door is thrown open. In rush six armoured soldiers led by the innkeeper. They are the town guard, and the one-eyed innkeeper is screaming at them to arrest you.

If you wish to fight them,
turn to 296

If you wish to escape by the rear door,
turn to 88


As you close the door of your cabin, you hear the frantic shouts of the crew as they prepare to fight off the attackers. Suddenly you hear the dull thud of something hitting the rear deck followed by the shrieks of creatures you know only too well — Giaks! The Zlanbeast are dropping nets of Giaks onto the ship. The door of your cabin bursts open and you are faced by three of the hideous grey-skinned creatures. Their jagged swords are covered in blood. You cannot evade and you must fight them as one enemy.


If you win the combat,
turn to 345


Stepping over the unconscious soldier, you quickly dash past the tower into the forest. If more guards appear they are likely to attack first and ask questions later.

You have been walking for over two hours when you come to a fork in the road by a stunted oak tree.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking,
turn to 13

If you wish to take the left fork,
turn to 155

If you wish to take the right fork,
turn to 293


The food tastes delicious and it is only a matter of minutes before you empty your plate. You decide to take a short nap before meeting the others in the bar room. But as you are about to lie down, a terrible pain grips your stomach. Your legs buckle and you fall trembling to the floor. You feel as if your whole body is on fire. One word repeats itself over and over again in your mind — poison … poison … poison …

If you have some Laumspur,
turn to 145

If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing,
turn to 210

If you have neither of the above,
turn to 275


Inside the coach it is warm and dry. Shaking the rain from your Kai cloak, you notice three other passengers on board: two women and a man who is snoring loudly. One of the women looks up and smiles.

Illustration III
—Inside the coach, it is warm and dry.

‘We should reach Ragadorn in six hours,’ she says, placing her basket on the floor so that you can sit beside her. You learn that she lives in Ragadorn and she tells you a little about the port.

‘Since Killean the Overlord died three years ago, Ragadorn has been ruled by Lachlan, his evil son. He and his mercenaries are nothing but pirates. They bleed the people dry with their heavy taxes, and if anyone complains, they are quietly disposed of. It's a sorry state of affairs. If you take my advice you'll leave Ragadorn as soon as possible.’

During the journey you must eat a Meal or lose 3

Then in the distance you hear a bell tolling. You look out of the window to see the city wall of Ragadorn. The coach passes through the west gate and pulls to a halt. As you jump to the ground, you are greeted by the awful smell of this dingy seaport. A rusty sign nailed to a wall says ‘Welcome to Ragadorn’.

The woman tells you that you can board a coach to Port Bax at the coach station near the east gate of the city.

If you wish to walk north into Westgate Lane,
turn to 122

If you wish to head south along West Bank Walk
turn to 323

If you want to walk east into Axe Lane,
turn to 257


You grab the shaft of the Spear and thrust it upwards into the rib cage of the Helghast. It screams in agony and rage, and releases its grip on your throat. You roll away in time to see the hideous creature fall writhing on the ground, desperately trying to pull the spear from its body.

If you wish to grab the shaft of the Spear and drive it deeper into the Helghast,
turn to 269

If you wish to run away as quickly as possible,
turn to 313


At dusk the coach stops at an inn on the coast road to Port Bax. The cost of a room for the night is 1 Gold Crown for coach passengers and 3 Gold Crowns for anyone else. As you are about to enter, the coach driver demands to see your ticket.

If you have a ticket for the journey to Port Bax,
turn to 346

If you do not have a ticket,
turn to 156


The muster of the army and the preparation of the Durenese fleet takes fourteen days to complete, during which time you remain as a guest of the king in Hammerdal. As each day passes, you despair for your besieged countrymen of Holmgard and pray that they have enough strength to resist the Darklords until you return.

Every day of your reluctant exile you devote long periods to exercise and meditation. You are also visited by a Durenese herbwarden called Madin Rendalim, who is famous throughout the Lastlands for his knowledge and skill in the healing arts. He restores all the
points you may have lost so far on your adventure, and he gives you a potent Laumspur potion that will restore 5
points if swallowed after combat. (Mark this under Backpack Items on your
Action Chart

He is also the bearer of some sad news. The body of Lord-lieutenant Rhygar was found in the forest near to the entrance to Tarnalin. He was killed by Helghast.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense,
turn to 97

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 242


You are in luck, for the boat has seen your distress signal and is heading towards you. It is a small fishing boat from the port of Ragadorn. The fishermen are a rough-looking bunch, but they wrap you in a warm blanket and offer you some food. The captain suggests that you sleep, as it will be two or three hours before they arrive back in Ragadorn.

If you wish to take his advice, restore 1
point and
turn to 194

If you prefer to stay awake and keep watch for any other survivors of the storm,
turn to 251


You sense that someone is on the cliff above and that you were the intended victim of their attack. Someone is trying to kill you!

Turn to 168

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