Fire on the Water (8 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Fire on the Water
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You awake the following morning to the cries of the lookout from high in the crow's nest above.

‘Longboat adrift off the port stern!’

You climb up on the deck and meet the captain, bracing yourself against the fresh breeze. Less than fifty yards off the port stern, a damaged longboat bobs up and down in the heavy sea. On board are three men huddled together against the wind.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 260

If it is 5–9,
turn to 281


When you are certain that the angry mob has passed, you jump from the hay-wain and run stealthily along the street, dodging from one shadow to the next. To your left there is a shop with a sign above the door.

There is a light in the window and the door is open.

If you wish to enter this shop,
turn to 55

If you would rather continue your escape,
turn to 347


At the end of Barnacle Street there is a junction. It is now very dark and you will have to find shelter soon.

If you wish to turn left into Cooper Way,
turn to 227

If you wish to turn right into Unicorn Street,
turn to 297


Just inside the main door sits a kindly old man with a long beard. He is studying a huge leather-bound book that rests on a lectern before him. He has not noticed you enter the city hall.

If you wish to ask him the way to the consulate of Sommerlund,
turn to 211

If you wish to leave and try to find your own way there,
turn to 191


Viveka kicks over the table. Her reactions are lightning-fast and you have not gained the advantage of surprise over her. She draws her short sword and attacks you.


If you win the fight,
turn to 124


There are many ships of all sizes and nationalities moored on this side of the harbour. The River Dorn, which divides the city of Ragadorn, is always busy.

You are about to give up your search, when you spot the thieves' fishing boat. There is nobody aboard, but a thorough search of the cabin reveals a Mace and 3 Gold Crowns hidden inside a folded hammock. The hammock bears a label that reads:

North Star Tavern — Barnacle Street

You take the Mace and Crowns and return to Stonepost Square.

If you choose to go east along Barnacle Street
turn to 215

If you choose to go south along Eastbank Wharf,
turn to 303

If you choose to head north along Booty Walk,
turn to 129


As you raise your weapon and strike at the knight, you realize too late that you have made a dreadful mistake, for he is a champion swordsman and the soldiers are from the élite regiment of King Alin IV's bodyguard. Thinking you are a Helghast, they quickly surround you and cut you to pieces.

Your mission and your life come to a tragic end here in Tarnalin.


Although night has fallen, a full moon casts a bright light upon the village. Behind the tavern, you see a small wheelwright's shop with two horses hitched to a hay-cart.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage,
turn to 179

If you wish to take a horse and escape,
turn to 150

If you wish to hide in the wheelwright's shop,
turn to 71


As you jump, you are spotted by the driver. He quickly stops the coach and turns to confront you, a sword already in his hand.

If you wish to stop and pay him for the ride,
turn to 233

If you wish to attack him,
turn to 212


Two Szalls and three angry villagers are running up the stairs to attack you. You must fight them one at a time.

Villager 1:

Szall 1:

Villager 2:

Szall 2:

Villager 3:

You may evade the fight at any time by jumping through a window. To do so,
turn to 132

If you win the fight,
turn to 274


The boy is thrown out of the trading post by two black-clad guards. The merchant thanks you and offers you the choice of any two items of his cargo. (Remember that you must take the Backpack in order to carry any of the Backpack Items.)

  • Quarterstaff
  • Blanket
  • Enough food for 2 Meals
  • Backpack
  • Dagger
  • 30 Feet of Rope

Choose any two of the above items and record them on your
Action Chart
. After thanking the merchant, you leave by a side door.

Turn to 245

[4] It is probably best to consider each Meal as one item of the merchant's cargo.


The hideous creature lets out one last cry as it collapses at your feet. As you step back to avoid the putrid smell of its rotting corpse, you see three more Helghast advancing towards you. To remain here would be suicide. You shout a warning to Rhygar as you turn and flee for the safety of the woods.

Turn to 183


Deduct however many Crowns you wish to give to the beggars from your
Action Chart
. They thank you, but many other beggars have appeared and demand that you give them money as well. You eventually push through the crowd and continue on your way.

Turn to 137


You urge the captain to investigate the vessel, but he ignores your plea and orders the crew to continue with their duties. As the trading ship disappears from view, you stare at it and wonder why the captain was so reluctant to do anything.

You descend below deck and take care to lock the door of your cabin behind you.

Turn to 240


You spur your horse through the tangle of trees until you enter a small clearing. Six Szalls are jumping excitedly around the writhing body of a man on the ground. A strangely carved spear is stuck in his chest, and lying dead beside him is the body of a Knight of the White Mountain. The creatures are shrieking at each other and appear to be unconcerned with the man's obvious agony.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, a healing potion, or some Laumspur and you want to try to save the man's life,
turn to 239

If you wish to attack the Szalls,
turn to 28


Your Kai sense warns you that this place harbours evil. You are standing directly outside the orange door when something strikes you.

Turn to 112


You have noticed during your rigorous training exercises with the Sommerswerd that your Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense has become more sensitive than ever before: you knew exactly what Madin Rendalim's sad news was long before he actually told you. You may find that your improved Sixth Sense will be an important advantage upon your return to Holmgard.

Turn to 152


Your Kai sense reveals that there are no tracks in this part of the Durenor Forest, but it does tell you the correct direction to Port Bax. However, the forest that lies before you is so dense that you will have to abandon your horse at the watchtower before you can continue.

If you wish to press on towards Port Bax,
turn to 244

If you want to investigate the watchtower,
turn to 115


The following morning you are woken by the cry of the ship's lookout from high up in the crow's nest.

‘Ship ahoy off the port bow!’

You clamber up a narrow ladder and join the captain at the stern. ‘Your eyes are younger than mine, see what you can make of her, my lord,’ he says, and hands you an ornate telescope.

You can make out the red sails and black flag of a Lakuri pirate warship on the horizon.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 326

If the number is 5–9,
turn to 163


A veil of sea fog has rolled across the still ocean from the broken spine of land known as the Kirlundin Isles. Strange dark shapes hide within this mist. They are growing larger, and slowly the distinct outlines of ships become plain.

‘Prepare for battle!’ The admiral's cry is repeated along the many decks of the Durenese fleet.

‘All hands on deck!’

As the black ships approach through the fog, a horrific sight befalls you. They are death-hulks, sunken ships crewed by the living corpses of drowned sailors. They have been summoned to the surface by great wizardry, and they are closing for battle. Suddenly the fog vanishes, and you can now see that the death-hulks bar the entrance to the Holmgulf. In the centre of the line is their sinister flagship. Swiftly it sails towards you, a huge ram protruding from its black prow. As it rips its way through the hull of the
, you hear the admiral's last desperate order.

Illustration VI
—Their sinister flagship swiftly sails towards you, a huge ram protruding from its black prow.

‘Abandon ship!’

You are now in the thick of the enemy fleet and the
is sinking fast.

If you wish to jump onto the deck of the death-hulk flagship,
turn to 30

If you wish to dive into the sea and try to swim to another Durenese ship,
turn to 267


As you burst into his cabin, the captain looks up in surprise from his chart table. ‘Fire in the hold,’ you gasp, breathless from your run.

In an instant, the captain is through the door and ordering the crew to fill buckets with water and gather blankets to smother the fire. By the time you reach the forward hold, the smoke is dense. Suddenly the ship is thrown into a frenzy as flames erupt from the hatch cover. It takes over an hour to contain the blaze and the damage is great. The entire store of food and fresh water was in that hold, and the hull has been badly weakened.

The captain climbs out of the smoking hold and approaches you, his face black with soot. He is carrying something in a bundle under his arm. ‘We must talk in private, my lord,’ he says quietly. Without replying, you turn and follow him to his cabin.

Turn to 222

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