Firebreather 1: Firebreather (10 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Multiple Partners

BOOK: Firebreather 1: Firebreather
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Shino too had become somewhat subdued. “We appreciate the small lesson,” he said with a forced smile.

“It was my pleasure, Shino. Draka.” The man nodded his head and returned to his work.

Embarrassed to be referred to as “my queen,” Lea quickly exited the room. Someone must have overheard Ferin calling her that, and now everyone seemed in on the joke but her…and Shino. He seemed upset, and she took him by the arm as they walked back toward the main dining hall.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, not sure why she felt the need to apologize.

Shino shook his head. “No, Lea. Forgive me. My people have a wry sense of humor not everyone understands. I’m sure Darin meant no harm by the little nickname.” He paused. “Does Ferin call you that?” She blushed. “He does.” She laughed. “Much nicer than what I’ve called him in the past, I can tell you that.” Joking with Shino as they returned to the hall, she answered his interested questions about Venlay House and her sister’s newest exhibits. Before she realized it, an hour had passed.

“I love the work your family showcases. I’m an avid collector myself and have been meaning to stop by.”

“Oh, do. I usually work evenings during the week. You’re more than welcome.”

Shino smiled and patted her hand before standing. “Now, my dear, I’d best return to my job before Ferin starts swinging that big stick of his.”

“Thanks for keeping me company.”

“It was my pleasure.” He turned to see Lucas bearing down on them. “Oh good, Lucas is here. Perfect timing. Until we meet again.” He bowed and left her, ignoring the curious look on Lucas’ face.


When Shino found Emmaline, he had to force himself not to walk away in disgust. Through the open doorway of her office, he spied the ignorant girl bent over her desk being pleasured by her secretary. He quickly turned his back and closed the door, cringing at the cries and moans ringing in the other room.

Waiting impatiently in the empty outer office, he wondered how it was he’d been saddled with such a lascivious little witch. Her mother had been ten times the woman his daughter had turned out to be. With sad remembrance, he envisioned Rowena’s loveliness, her worth as a woman befitting a queen’s destiny. That he, Shino Tailstak, had won her heart had never failed to amaze him. And he’d never taken her for granted. But to have spawned such a lacking child…. It hurt him to think Emmaline was all he had left of Rowena.

The secretary entered the outer office and gave him a smug smile.

She licked her lips and creased back her long, blond hair. Common bitch, he thought with a snarl. He strode past her and slammed the door behind him.

“Damn it, Emmaline. Can’t you at least keep your door shut for these impromptu fucks?”

“Really, Father. Such language from an elder. Most unbecoming.” Emmaline looked sexually sated, her eyes slumberous, her lips moist.

And for a moment, Shino questioned his motives concerning Ferin’s choice of mate. He stared hard at his daughter. Could this woman ever truly be queen? Then he saw a spark of uncanny intelligence, a flash of Rowena in his only child, and remained firm.

“It’s serious, Emmaline. Lea Venlay held a star ruby in her palm, and it blazed.”

Emmaline straightened. “Well, well, the little slut’s turning, is she?

Becoming a real Dracon after all. I wouldn’t have thought the human capable of containing dragon fire. I guess what Lucas told me is true then. Ferin actually thinks to mate with a human.”

“Perhaps he does, but he still doesn’t trust her enough to tell her who he really is.”

“What? That he’s king?” Emmaline’s eyes glittered with malice.

“That’s interesting, Father. And something we can indeed use to our advantage. If she hasn’t fully turned yet and
learns how much her lover distrusts her, we might be rid of her before the bonding cements. Humans have such fragile emotions, after all. An easy and hands-free disposal if she leaves of her own free will.” Shino stared. “Very clever, daughter. And blameless.” Much as he felt distaste about moving against his king’s wishes, his motives were pure, he told himself. The continuation of a true,
Dracon bloodline. And though his daughter spoke with such disdain toward Lea, she had at least suggested a bloodless form of retribution. A savvy idea, and one worthy of a future politician and leader. Perhaps there was more to Emmaline than the pursuit of the next great orgasm. He could only hope. “I left Lea in the main commons. With Lucas.” Emmaline stood. “Don’t worry, Father. After I’m through with her, she’ll want Ferin’s balls for lunch. And not in a good way.”

* * *

“What did Shino have to say?”

Lea stared at Lucas, conscious she hadn’t seen him much at all since their night together several days ago. Tall and broad, with muscles that bulged beneath his black mock turtleneck and loose black slacks, he looked every inch an enforcer. He stared after Shino’s retreating form, his gaze cold. But when he glanced back at her, those same eyes warmed with appreciation.

“Shino kept me company while you and Ferin had your security powwow. He showed me where several of your jewelers are fast creating some wonderful, and
, pieces.” Lucas grinned, though the sight of his smile did nothing to lessen the aura of danger surrounding him. “Gotta love those sapphires.”

“I’m partial to rubies, actually.”

He cocked his head, studying her. “Not a great surprise there. A ruby is a stone of flame. And you’re just full of fire, aren’t you, Draka?

From that dark red hair to the flames burning within you.” He leaned down to whisper, “And I long to feel those flames licking at my body.

It’s not fair Ferin should have all the fun.” She flushed but couldn’t contain a smile at his teasing. His eyes sparkled and he opened his mouth to say more, when suddenly he froze.

“Fuck me,” he muttered.

Lea glanced over her shoulder to see two Dracon women standing together, their arms crossed, glaring at Lucas. Both were blond and rather busty, and both looked at Lucas like a piece of meat they wanted to slow roast before devouring whole.

“Seems you’re a popular man today, Lucas.” 

He sighed. “Women. You people are enough to drive a man to drink. Heavily.” The blondes approached, their hips swaying to the beat of angered female. “It would be too much to ask that they’d take this conversation somewhere private.”

“You have a lot of nerve, Lucas,” one of the women said, tears in her eyes.

“What Sherel said goes for me too. I couldn’t believe it when we found out about Emmaline.”

Lucas frowned. “Sherel, Moira, I’d think you’d know better than to listen to anything Emmaline has to say.” Sherel glared and wiped at her eyes. “I’d think you’d have better taste than to lie with that slut.” She glanced down at Lea, as if seeing her for the first time. “Is this your next conquest?” she sneered. “She’s prettier than Emmaline, but so human.” Moira clapped a hand over her friend’s mouth. “Lucas, perhaps we could take this conversation somewhere else? I doubt
Ferin’s friend
wants to hear about our dirty little secrets.” She stared hard at Sherel, who glanced from Moira to Lea and back again. Paling, she nodded furiously.

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry, uh, Draka. I hadn’t realized who you were.

My mistake.” She nodded respectfully, nearly bowing, and confused the hell out of Lea.

“Ah, sure. Feel free to tear a strip off of Lucas in private. I mean really, Lucas, Emmaline?” Even Lea found it hard to stomach the idea of Lucas with that nasty woman, Shino’s daughter, who’d only yesterday tried to steal Ferin away.

Lucas glared at Lea and muttered for her to stay put. He grabbed Sherel and Moira by the arm and dragged them a good distance away, to the far, empty corner of the common room.

Several minutes passed where Lea could hear nothing but hushed whispers and muffled crying. Much as she liked Lucas, she had to shake her head. “Never lie to a woman you’re sleeping with, Lucas.”

“Good advice. Too bad you’re too naïve to understand it yourself.”

“Excuse me?” Lea turned to see Emmaline standing behind her.

Joining her at the small table without being asked, Emmaline sat and crossed her long legs. Leaning forward, her breasts strained at the thin material of her scooped blouse. For all that the woman had mounds of sex appeal and an unearthly beauty, the frosted hostility in her inky gaze warned one to tread carefully in her presence.

“Your precious Ferin, who fucks like
a king
, has a well of secrets he’s yet to share with you.” Emmaline’s eyes danced. “Did he hold you down when he shoved that cock deep? Did he twist and burn you, marking you with his fire?”

Lea tried to ignore the sudden images searing her brain, of this bitchy woman having sex with
Ferin. Jealous possession slowly consumed her, even as she fought the strange and scary sensation.

“He’s really very good, even without his brothers as an encore. But when you add Lucas to the mix, it’s heavenly, isn’t it, Lea?” Emmaline snorted and leaned back, her eyes wandering over Lea with speculation.

“You’re pretty enough. That red hair is so dark, and those lighter highlights work for you. They real, or dyed? Then again, who the hell really cares?” she asked in mock cheer.

“While you’re basking under so much attention, you’re oblivious to the fact that Ferin lies to you all the time he’s spreading those legs.” Emmaline licked her lips. “Not that I fault him. I’ll bet you taste as sweet as you look.”

Great. Not only was Emmaline a bitch, she was a bitch in heat. The thought of this woman having her hands anywhere on Lea’s body made her want to gag. But she kept her emotions buried and stared at the Dracon.

“Cut the crap, Emmaline. I know you’re jealous, and you have every right to be.” Righteous anger poured through Lea, and she eagerly let it out. “He’s mine,” she growled, her throaty voice alarming.

But the rage building within her felt too good to suppress. “You’re weak, vain and selfish. And I bet it must really eat at you that Ferin chose a human over you.”

Emmaline’s eyes glinted, a rainbow of color that sparkled like onyx. “You little bitch. I’m telling you the truth. You don’t deserve Ferin, and you’ll never have him to yourself. He’ll never trust you, never really love you. He fucks like a king, dear girl, because he
a king.” She waited, watching for a reaction.

Though stunned, Lea knew the notion Ferin might be king made sense. All the respect, the discreet nods that were in actuality bows, and the sheer confidence Ferin carried with him all added up to an idea she’d been resisting. Because if Ferin were king, and he kept calling her Draka… Both excitement and nerves tangled inside her. But aware Emmaline watched her like a hawk, Lea did her level best to push this revelation to the back of her mind and lied for all she was worth.

your big secret? Ferin told me the day we arrived, but asked me to keep quiet about it. Apparently, I satisfy him much better than you ever did. Must be my superior human genetics.” And boy, did that burn her to even think of Emmaline with Ferin. He had a hell of a lot to answer for—Emmaline, being king, and calling Lea
his queen
without letting her know what the bonding between them had really meant.

Despite Lea’s inner confusion, the stupefied look on Emmaline’s face was worth it. “Think what you want, Lea Venlay. But Ferin is meant for more than a human. And your family is as much an enemy to the Dracon as you are. Enjoy him while you can. Because you’ll never see your day as his queen. Not in this lifetime.”

“Do tell. Oh, but wait, Emmaline. Here comes Lucas. Maybe we should share this conversation with him, see what he thinks?” Emmaline flushed, glaring from her to Lucas and calculating her odds. “I’ll talk to you later. If you’re still around, that is.”

“You do that.” Oddly enough, Lea felt no threat from the Dracon. A powerful fury roiled in her belly, a hunger for satisfaction that blazed with fiery need. And when she gazed on Emmaline, she could easily envision surrounding the witch with queenly fire, decimating her enemy.

Emmaline swore and raced for the door behind her.

“Lea,” Lucas said, holding her by the shoulder as she stared at Emmaline’s retreat. “What did she—” He swore when he looked at her and took a step back, his eyes wide. “You’re a little annoyed, I take it?” Lea shook her head, trying to make sense of the anger consuming her. Ferin was hers, by right and by bond. And if that bitch thought she could come between them, she had another thing coming. Lea felt hot, hotter yet stronger than she’d ever felt in her life.

“Lea? Lea?” Lucas’ calm slowly penetrated the fog of rage clouding her thoughts, and she blinked into his concerned gaze. “There you are.” He exhaled heavily. “Why don’t we see Ferin now. I think it’s time you and he had a good talk.”

“Yes, why don’t we?” she said pleasantly, trying to figure out how best to deal with this situation.

Lucas said little as they walked through the keep, while Lea’s mind raced.
Think, remember what you know about the Dracon, and what
Reem’s text said.
The king needed a queen to continue the Dracon line.

And once they bonded—no, mated—and she was impregnated, the species would flourish until the next Dracon king ascended the throne and found his mate.

But the mating…she had no idea what that actually entailed. For a Dracon to mate with his own made sense, since he’d need to sire young. But humans and Dracon weren’t fertile together from what she’d read. So how the hell could she be the next queen? Moreover, how did everyone seem to know about it? Lucas’ girlfriends, the jeweler, and several other Dracon she’d bypassed while staying here had called her Draka.

Why hadn’t Ferin told her? She remembered how he’d looked at her, tenderly, affectionately. And the way he touched her. With reverence, with love…. He’d been trying to tell her something important before Shino had interrupted them. Had that been it?

The more she thought about it, the more she leaned toward that explanation. Which meant he accepted her, truly wanted her, as his mate. From all that she’d read, a king chose his future wife not out of necessity or duty, but for nothing less than love.

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