Firebreather 1: Firebreather (7 page)

Read Firebreather 1: Firebreather Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Multiple Partners

BOOK: Firebreather 1: Firebreather
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“Thanks,” she muttered.

“My pleasure. And anytime you’d like to return the favor,
, feel free,” he said thickly, his eyes lowering to her breasts.

She cleared her throat and stood, aware that if she didn’t soon get out of here, she’d likely jump him across the table. But apparently, the decision had been taken out of her hands, for his brothers and Lucas suddenly strode through the door, the look in their eyes all she needed to know.


In seconds they’d returned to Ferin’s bedroom.

“Lea,” Ferin said with a hungry grin. “I know I just had you, but you do something to me. To us. We need to be inside you again. Now.” Lea couldn’t help feeling flattered. The Dekker brothers would have made any woman, or man for that matter, drool. All tall and broad shouldered, with shoulder length black hair and obsidian eyes. Their faces had character—high cheekbones and strong noses, a sculpted jaw and chin, and smiles that could melt a girl’s heart. To think of keeping Ferin, or hell, all of them…it made her want to shout with sheer joy.

“Are you sure Lucas won’t get jealous if Adrian spends too much time with me?” she teased, completely at ease with her newfound sexuality as she’d never before been.

Ferin grinned. “Lucas and Adrian love one another, deeply. That commitment from one male to another cannot be troubled by another’s attention. For that reason, Adrian cares not for Lucas’ girlfriends. And Lucas wants only to please us, to please you, Draka.”

“He has the right of it.” Lucas nodded.

“Yes, he does,” Adrian agreed, sharing a kiss with Lucas before turning to face her again.

Before she could say anything more, Ferin stopped her next comment with a soul-shattering kiss. His hands stole beneath her shirt, molding her breasts to his palms.

“You feel so good against me. Like a brushfire lighting my every breath.”

“Ferin,” she gasped, wanting more. Her body craved his, more than she could say. And the feel of the others’ eyes on her only stoked her desire higher, and hotter.

Glancing over his shoulder, she noted Matthias suddenly naked and aroused.

“Share, Brother. You two are killing us.” Lea saw Adrian also naked, his cock thick and erect, his biceps bulging as he clenched his fists.

“Go on.” Ferin nudged her to his brothers. “Take pleasure in this gift. And never question what you feel, Lea. You’ve bonded with the Dracon now. You’re one of us. Lead with your heart.” She nodded absently, her arousal growing as she noticed the heat in his brothers’ eyes, flaming with deep, red hunger.

“Come here,” Adrian growled, pulling her to him when she neared.

Matthias stood at her back, taking her clothing off while Adrian kissed her, hard.

With him there was no finesse, just raw, hungry need. And the intensity of his desire fueled her own. His tongue brushed hers, licking at the cavern of her mouth with bold strokes. And when his cock pressed against the skin of her belly, she knew this was right.

Matthias’ hands reached around her to cup her breasts, flicking her nipples until she gasped.

“Matthias, please.” Please what, she didn’t know. But she needed more, needed to fill the emptiness in her womb.

Spreading her thighs, he dipped one hand between her legs and thrust into her moist heat. But Adrian would not wait.

“Move, Matthias. She’s ready now.”

Matthias removed his hand and returned to her breasts, kneading the taut flesh while he pressed his cock between her buttocks, rocking lightly.

“Take her then, and hurry. I need to feel her, to feel you, Lea. I need to fuck that tight pussy,” he rasped, holding her up as Adrian wrapped her legs around his waist. And when Adrian shoved himself inside her, she leaned back against Matthias, reveling in the belonging and desire she felt from the males loving her so generously.

* * *

“She’s good, isn’t she?” Lucas murmured in Ferin’s ear, startling him that he hadn’t heard Lucas move.

“Very.” He hungrily watched as his brothers loved his mate, taking her to places where she, too, could fly. “I take it all is well in the castle?”

“I surveyed the grounds this morning. The Dracon are pleased with your mate. She feels too right to take exception to her humanity.

Emmaline, however, is going to be a problem.”

“Emmaline?” Ferin kept his voice low, not wanting to interfere with Lea’s pleasure. “What has your girlfriend to do with this?” He briefly recalled an unsatisfying bout of sex with her months ago, one in which she demanded he beat her to increase her pleasure. Fortunately, his brothers had taken her off his hands and then Lucas had begun fucking her on a steady basis.

“She still pines for the throne.” Lucas’ palm settled on Ferin’s waist as the big man subtly put himself at Ferin’s back. “The only reason I took her was to keep an eye on her.”

Ferin drew in a breath when Lucas began rubbing himself against his ass. “Not to mention the sex.”

“She’s not bad. But not as good as any of us in here.” Catching him by surprise, Lucas quickly reached into Ferin’s trousers and wrapped a hand around his cock. Just as Adrian climaxed, Lucas squeezed hard, making Ferin want inside Lea with deep longing.

“Soon, my king. Let me ready you, hmm?” Lucas breathed, and easily undressed himself and Ferin. Then he stood as before, behind Ferin with his hand around Ferin’s turgid cock. Wiping his fingers through Ferin’s slit, Lucas hissed his pleasure and pressed his cock between Ferin’s cheeks.

“Damn it, Adrian was right. You’re a tease,” Ferin whispered harshly, pressing back into Lucas’ crotch while he watched Matthias push Lea to her hands and knees as he mounted her from behind.

The position enabled Lea to watch Ferin, and he shot Matthias a grim smile of thanks, thoroughly frustrated by Lucas.

“Watch Ferin, Lea, but think of me,” Matthias groaned as he penetrated her pussy.

The slapping sounds of flesh against flesh stirred Ferin anew, and with no small relief he felt Lucas nudge his thighs wider.

“Grip the table in front of you and bend over,” Lucas ordered harshly, caught up in the spell. “I’m going to fuck you, Ferin, while your pretty little mate gets her pussy fucked as well. And you’re going to love it, aren’t you?”

Lucas got off on dominance, and Ferin was more than happy to let him while he watched Lea and Matthias screw.

“Just do it, you bastard.”

Lucas chuckled and paused, greasing his shaft with lube from a small vial. When he pushed, the pain of intrusion was more than pleasurable. His massive girth stretched Ferin wide, particularly so as Ferin had been a while without a man’s hard cock. But he welcomed every thrust and grip on his shaft as he watched his brother ride Lea to another orgasm.

Matthias cried out and stilled, and Ferin knew his brother had reached his peak.

“Don’t come,” Lucas rasped as he rammed particularly hard. He loosened his hand and gripped Ferin’s hips. “Save it for her pretty little ass.”

With another push, Lucas climaxed, his fingers clenching hard enough to leave bruises. “Fuck, you’re good, Ferin.” Ferin grunted, feeling painfully hard. “Later you’re going to pay for teasing me.” He pulled away from Lucas with his eyes fixed to Lea’s panting, flushed face.

“My turn,” he murmured when she licked her lips. “No, love. Not your mouth. Not yet. I’ve something waiting for me.” She stopped him by reaching for his thigh. Instead of moving for his cock, however, she ran a hand around and between his legs, swiping the cum dripping down his leg. She slid it between her ass cheeks, as he’d imagined doing to her, and waited, watching him for a reaction.

Fire raced through his body, and she smiled, a siren knowing her power. Without another word, he knelt behind her and positioned his cock at the welcoming pink rosette of her anus. He rubbed the moisture dripping between her thighs onto his fingers and pushed in, slowly, gently, until he was past her sphincter.

“Shit, Lea, you’re so tight,” he groaned, the pleasure of her surrounding warmth making him lightheaded. Out of the corner of his eye he noted Adrian and Matthias taking Lucas on, using him on his hands and knees while one fucked his mouth, the other his ass. “See how good an ass fuck can be.”

She glanced up and shuddered, and he felt her desire as she wiggled against his fingers.

He added another, pushing in and out, until she was slick and stretched.

“This will sting a bit. Get used to me,” he growled, his control nearly shattered at the overwhelming sexuality flooding the room. He sent her several images of how she looked and felt to him, completely beyond words.

Then he was penetrating, seating himself within her tight, slick sheath. She mewed her resistance before groaning her welcome. And as his brothers fucked Lucas, he fucked his mate, taking her virgin ass as he’d taken her pussy. With long, deep stokes he buried himself within her time and time again.

The others growled. The Dracon shrieked within his mind as he pushed her into climax and surged with one final stoke into heaven.

Shuddering, he spewed, great heaping jets of cum that splashed into her ass and down her legs. And still he came, his love, his desire so great it flowed in every Dracon’s mind. Visions of color, of the future, stole through his mind’s eye.

When finally he caught his breath, he found his brothers and Lucas staring at him wide-eyed. Lea lay limply beneath him, her breathing scattered, her pulse racing.

“Holy shit, Ferin. You touched every Dracon across the country!” Adrian said in Drac, sitting in Lucas’ strong arms and looking dazed.

“I wonder that you didn’t sire a dragon this day,” Lucas murmured in kind.

“I came in her ass,” Ferin said stupidly.

“But you’re continuing the bonding, Ferin, The seed goes as it’s meant.” Matthias gave him a sly grin. “Ass, pussy, mouth. You can impregnate your Draka in any way, as long as your seed speeds true.” Ferin couldn’t catch his breath. He knew, deep down, what Matthias said had merit. And because he’d just seen stars and much, much more during his orgasm, he realized fatherhood was pending, either this day or the next time he made love with his queen. Whether he and Lea were ready for it or not.

* * *

When Lea could again catch her breath, she realized the others had quickly left her and Ferin alone. Good lord, but those Dracon knew how to fuck. She flushed at the internal use of such language, and laughed at herself. Ferin hugged her to him tightly, murmuring softly in Drac. He stroked her hair tenderly, his hands warming her cooling body to an unbelievably sexual heat…

Hell, was this what he’d meant about bonding? That she’d become insatiable for sex, with four men or one? She needed to think about all he’d told her before losing her mind, and her body, in his again. Good lord, had he turned her into a nympho or what?

“How about that tour, Ferin?
.” He grunted his assent, and after a short shower and another set of clean clothing, she and he walked together, hand in hand, through his home.

For the most part, the first few hours were pleasant.

The castle, Lea noted, must have housed at least a hundred people.

Much more than Ferin’s home, this place seemed a bustling center of activity. They’d walked over the parapets and through the keep—his fortified, structured “inner castle,” as she liked to think of it. They now stood in a central greenhouse, a large garden surrounded by a waterfall and small creek bed, all glassed in by thick, unbreakable, Dracon-fire enforced glass. Staring around her, Lea couldn’t help feeling like she’d landed in Neverland. Funny, but she wouldn’t have attributed the Dracon to an aboveground existence.

Oh, she knew the clan needed flight like they needed breath, but from what she’d gathered in her notes, the Dracon preferred underground dwellings, like the “lairs” of old. From truth myths sprouted. Hundreds of years ago, the Dracon had lived in large caves and underground cities. There they could guard their treasures, anything from gold to jewels…to food? She’d never found an exact translation for “treasure” in Drac, and had sensed the treasure had more to do with a Dracon’s individual tastes than an overall object, per se.

Glancing at Ferin out of the corner of his eye as he spoke with some rough-looking males, she wondered what he would safeguard most.

Thus far in their tour, she’d seen several professional offices tucked inside the castle’s walls. For all that this monstrosity looked like something out of the Middle Ages, it had all the amenities of home.

Running water, electricity, cable, satellite, any and all modern conveniences, and then some. Obviously Ferin’s purported wealth was more than true and, just as obviously, he poured most of it into his home and the people within it.

Though she’d not seen another human around, she thought there might have been one or two. It wasn’t unusual for a few Dracon here and there to take a human to bed. She blushed, focusing on the rose garden sitting in front of her. She knew other passing Dracon stared at her with interest, but not one of them had approached her. And she knew she had Ferin to thank for that.

The one small bit of unpleasantness during her tour had come in the form of an incredibly sensual, exotic female Dracon. Dark-haired and, of course, dark-eyed, she’d stared after Ferin as if she owned him.

She’d been touch-feely with Lea’s lover, and completely dismissive of Lea in a way that made Lea want to stomp the woman into the ground and kick her until she bled.

Lea blinked, the violent images both foreign and disturbingly…welcome? Quickly dousing the odd burst of jealousy, she looked to Ferin, and her heart did that funny dip that made her shiver with desire.
Good lord,
I must be in heat.
He winked at her and turned back to his rapt audience.

The males he talked with nodded their heads in deference before walking away. And once again, Lea had the feeling she was missing something. Everyone treated Ferin with respect, admiration, and a hint of…deference? Almost like a king, she thought absently, sharpening as the idea struck. Was that it? Could Ferin indeed be the king of all Dracon?

Three more people approached him, two women in business suits looking serious, and a third man, an older gentleman, wearing a wide, welcoming smile. All three looked like your average, everyday citizens…if everyday citizens were uncommonly attractive, and possessed black irises around black, luminescent pupils. The older man laughed aloud and slapped Ferin on the back, glancing at Lea as he did so. Then he smiled warmly.

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