First Chair (4 page)

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Authors: Nikki Hoff

BOOK: First Chair
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Christina moaned with pleasure as he matched her stroke for stroke. It was hard, fast, and brutal.  The orgasm raked through her body, reducing to her a pulp of shivering, quivering mass of flesh. As she moaned, he emptied himself inside her.

For a while, he remained still. Finally, he rolled off her. Christina turned and moved into his arms, feeling more satisfied than she had ever been before. No man had ever been able to gratify her so thoroughly. It would be amazing to have this kind of control, vigor, and endurance. Not to mention, she would be able to achieve all her dreams, fulfill all her desires. She sighed. “Give me a day to think about your offer, Count.”

Just before she went to sleep, she heard him mutter. “Take your time, Christina. Tell me soon.”

Even in her state of delirious satisfaction and drowsiness, Christina knew that she had just been presented with an opportunity that came once in one’s lifetime.



Christina picked up her cello and walked down the steps of the stage. The rehearsal had been satisfying. After exchanging goodbyes with other members, she made her way to the sitting area and collected her purse. As she stepped out into the corridor, she ran into Felix.

“Christina, you played exceptionally well today.” He beamed.

“Thank you,” her voice was frosty, cold. She hadn’t forgiven him for his treachery, and she never would.

“You have not forgotten that tomorrow’s the audition, right?”

“How could I forget?” She smiled, turned, and exited the building, seething with anger. How dare he pretend in front of her? How dare he use her in such a manner? If she took up the Count’s offer, she would be invincible. Hadn’t the Count assured her that her talents would be multiply enhanced by the gift of immortality?

If she accepted his offer, all her dreams would come true. She would play so well that Felix would drop down on his knees and beg her to take the position. People would flock from far and wide to hear her play. She would be offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to do solo performances. She would be recognized and celebrated for her immense talent.

As she walked down the pavement, hefting her cello, Christina imagined the fame and riches that would shower down on her. Her life would become unbelievable, like a fairy tale. She would be beautiful, rich, and famous forever. Who could resist such a divine prize?

“Hey, Christina, wait up!” She turned to see who had called, and noticed her neighbor from the building who was pushing a pram as she trotted to catch Christina.

“Yes, Darlene.” Although Darlene was three years older, the two women had hit it off, occasionally going out together for coffee or lunches. After Darlene had a baby last year, she had become too busy and the women hardly ever met now.

“It’s been so long.” Darlene fell into step beside her.

“Rehearsals. College. Things have been kind of crazy.” Christina made a face. “How are you doing?”

“I haven’t slept for the past six months. Or gone out. Or had a moment to myself, but other than that, life is perfect.”

Christina chuckled. “That bad, huh?”

“Don’t even ask.” Darlene stopped and peered into the window of the grocery store they were passing by. “Damn it! I forgot to buy the baby’s diapers. Could you watch her for one minute? Please.” She dashed inside, leaving the pram with Christina.

“Ah! Oh!” Christina shook her head. Walking forward, she bent to take a look at the occupant of the pram. The baby girl was sleeping, her eyes closed, her mouth making a sucking motion as if she drank milk in her sleep. Her long eyelashes curled over her chubby, pink cheeks. The child had grown since she last saw her.

“Thanks!” Darlene ran back outside, clutching a bag that contained an extra-large packet of diapers. “She goes through diapers faster than I can keep up.”

“She is adorable.” Christina resumed walking. “How old is she now?”

“Eight months. I’ve found a great daycare, and I am going back to my old job next month.”

“That’s great.”

“Of course, I am not sure how she would be able to handle the separation. I mean, separation anxiety is supposed to set in at this age, and…” As Darlene droned on about her baby, Christina listened with half a mind. She had her own problems to think about, to sort through.

Should she go through with the farce of an audition tomorrow? Or should she cancel? And what about the Count? Should she take him up on his offer?

The baby began to whimper as they got off the lift. “Perfect timing, sweetheart.” Darlene rummaged through her purse. “Damn it! Where are my keys?” Her daughter began to wail at full speed.

“She sure has a pair of lungs on her,” commented Christina. She unstrapped the baby and lifted her up. “There, there.” As she rocked the child, Christina stared into the baby’s blue eyes, amazed by the innocence and trust she saw there.

Darlene found the keys, opened her door, and pushed the pram in. Christina handed her the baby and walked over to her own apartment. After she settled in, feeling restless, Christina took out her cello. She began to play. All thoughts fled her mind as she breathed in slowly, her fingers stringing the cello, filling the silence in the apartment with breathtaking music.

It was like self-hypnosis, so lost she was in the magic of the music.

The doorbell must have rung a few times before the noise penetrated enough for her to stop playing. Putting the cello aside, she walked over to open the door. Count Van Bower stood at her doorstep.

“Come in.” She had been expecting a visit. The Count was eager, impatient for her transformation to take place. It was evident that he liked her a lot and wanted her to join him for all eternity. He was a fascinating man, and perhaps, she would enjoy the life he offered her.

“I hope you have made your decision, Christina?”

As always, she was awed by his aura of restrained control and elegance. He moved with the grace of a violent predator. He was a dangerous man, but he wore his power well. She took a deep breath. “Honored as I am by your offer, Count, I’m afraid I have to decline it.”

For a moment, his control slipped and an irritated, annoyed, look crept into his eyes. Then he smiled, easily. “May I know the reason for your decision?”

“I picked up a baby today.” She walked over to him, drawn to his beauty like a moth to flame. She cupped his cheek, pressed her body against his.

He looked amused. “A baby?” 

“What you offer me is amazing. Immortality. Beauty. Fame and riches. But I am young. Perhaps one day I may desire to have a child of my own. If I make this decision now, I would lose out on that opportunity forever. I’m not sure if I am ready to be a mother, but neither am I sure that I would never want a baby.”

He bent his head to kiss her. His lips met hers, soft, gentle, but demanding. Passion. Lust. Need twisted her gut into tight knots. His fingers trailed up her bare arms, slipped over her collarbones to her neck. “You’re exquisite, Christina. Priceless beyond measure. I’ve to admit that I am disappointed in your decision but I hope that you will change your mind one day.”

Feeling bold, aroused by his presence, Christina licked her bottom lip. “If I ever do, it will be you whom I would want to change me.”

He stepped forward, his eyes darkening with an emotion she couldn’t identify. Regret? Hope? Desire? With a flick of his finger, he unbuttoned her blouse. Shocked, she gasped. Deliberately, with care, he slipped the blouse off her shoulders.

“I could never tire of your delicious, warm, curvy body, Christina. Do you realize the control I exhibit as I take you? One wrong step and I might lose my head and bite you in the heat of the moment.”

She pinched his nipple, breathless with the anticipation of their lovemaking. “You won’t do that.”

“Are you so sure?”

She wasn’t, but the thought of the danger excited her even more. Whatever happened, it would be glorious.



Her eyes on him, she took her time as she took off her clothes. Finally, she stood naked in front of him. Walking slowly over, she unbuttoned his shirt and pants, flung them aside. Christina cupped his balls in her hand, enjoyed rubbing his hard penis against her body as she rose on her toes to kiss him. Bending down, she took him in her mouth, gently sucking. The musky male scent of him drove her over the edge of desire.

She stood, feeling bold and uninhabited. “I want you inside me, Count.”

He pulled her forward and trapped her between his legs. His penis dug into her pelvic bone, making her pant with the yearning to feel him inside her.

But he seemed bent to exact his pleasure before satisfying her.

Taking her firm, heavy breasts in his hands, he rubbed the pads of his thumb over her swollen, erect nipples. As she moaned, he smiled. 

“Please, take me now.” Putting her arms around his neck, she boosted herself up.

Baring his teeth, he growled deep inside his throat. The sound was both mesmerizing and scary. He cupped her buttocks, lifted her and turned around. He was so strong, so powerful, that she didn’t need to support herself. Christina put her arms back, her hands resting on the top of the couch, her pelvic bone grinding against his. With one thrust, he drove his penis inside her velvety, damp opening. Moaning, she threw her head back, squirming with longing as he moved in and out. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. Beads of moisture coated his penis, trickled down her thighs. She was hot and ready.

His hands slipped down her butt cheeks to her thighs. He pushed her legs back, forcing her to open even wider for him. Her body was a vessel, one he filled and used according to his own rhythm. The pain, the anguish, of the unnatural position as well as the exquisite pleasure he was inflicting on her brought tears to her eyes. She screamed loudly as the orgasm undulated within in, giving rise to a series of muscle spasms that tingled down her legs and curled her toes.

The Count grasped her shoulders and pulled her forward until her head rested on his shoulders, her body still shuddering with the aftermath of the orgasm. He cupped her buttocks, carried her to her room. Without pulling out of her, he lay her down on the bed and moved on top of her. He was still hard inside her.

“You’re amazing in bed. No inhibitions. No desire but to please yourself and your partner. To take and to give. You were created to be made love to, Christina.”

Christina smiled. Sex was one of her biggest pleasures, and she had no shame in giving and receiving as much as her heart desired. “I’ve had no lover better than you, Count.”

“Imagine if you were immortal, Christina? When all the senses are enhanced, even the enjoyment of sex is so much better,” his voice purred, much like syrup poured over warm pancakes. 

He put both his knees on the bed, on either side of her legs, thrusting his pelvic forward so he could penetrate deeper. She gasped. The sensations that erupted from her center mushroomed into every nerve, every fiber of her being. Her fingers clenched at the sheet, tugged them as she fought to draw a breath. He pulled back, dove inside again. With each thrust, he set her insides into fire. Her heart beat so loud that she thought it might fail with exhaustion.

Her every cell, her nerve, vibrated with the orgasm that rocked her soul.

“Please, please…” she muttered, her eyes half closed as she trembled from head to foot.

With one mighty thrust, he came inside her, growling as his semen spilled inside her. For a while, he lay still. Finally, he stood. “That was magnificent. You wouldn’t mind, Christina, if I decided to visit you from time to time?”

“I will wait with anticipation for your next visit,” she said.

The Count smiled. He walked away, and she heard the door close behind him as he went out a little while later. She simply didn’t have the energy to move. At long last, she stood, took a shower, ate a small meal, and went to sleep.

The next day Christina was on the stage at the prescribed time, waiting for Felix. She couldn’t wait to begin. He’d said she didn’t have passion. Christina finally knew what had been holding her back. She hadn’t given her best during the last audition, or even when she played. Held back by inhibitions, she’d played as she’d been taught.

It was time to make music with her heart.

As Felix took his seat in front of the stage, a smug smile on his face, she put the bow to the strings and began her song. The cello was no longer an instrument that she played, instead, it was the body of her lover and she caressed and loved it, sometimes going soft and sometimes picking up the pace. Carefully, with delicate fingers, she stroked it so that it responded to her touch much like a lover would to her act of lovemaking.

It was foreplay and sex.

It was love and lust.

It was the culmination of her years of skills and practice.

The cello hummed under her expert touch, her soul vibrating with its sound of music. She gave herself up its call, much as she offered her body to a lover. The cello was merely an extension of her body. It was a part of her. As the notes hit the highs and lows, she felt the music pulsate inside her, setting fire to each nerve and muscle. Her heart raced, her blood came to a boil, and she felt the moisture gather in the folds of her labia. The orgasm cleaved through her, not hard and fast, but soft and slow – and the notes of the music died as gasped and pressed her shapely legs together to stop them from trembling.

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