First Crush (Dark Falkon #1) (33 page)

BOOK: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)
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Lukas paused for a moment, he looked at her and smiled, “To a Christmas we'll never forget.” They clinked their glasses and sipped their drinks.

The waiter returned and placed their meals in front of them before turning back to the kitchen.

“Wow! Lukas, this looks amazing,” she said, looking at the lobster and the enormous amount of seafood in front of her. She unfolded her napkin and placed it on her lap.

“I hope you like seafood” Lukas asked.

“What did you mean by what you just said?” Sienna asked, making a start on her lobster.

“About what?” Lukas was slightly confused.

“When we toasted, you said, ‘To a Christmas we’ll never forget.’”

Lukas was quiet, he sat there and drank his champagne, the silence was a little too much for Sienna and her curiosity was getting the better of her.

“Lukas! You know I don’t like it when you go quiet like that.”

Lukas reached over the table and grabbed her hand again. “Well, as a matter of fact, there is something that I wanted to ask you.”

Sienna gulped, he couldn’t be, surely he wasn’t about to propose, was he? Not that she would hesitate, she would gladly trade the name Forrester for the title of Mrs. Lukas Dark any day.


“Ye-yes?” she stuttered.

Lukas stared into her eyes, she’d seen his eyes many times before, but looking at them now, she couldn’t help but
notice the deep shade of chocolate brown that they were, just like Ivy’s.

“How would you like to spend Christmas with me?”


“Christmas! You and me? Together?”

“I thought you were spending Christmas with your family?”

“I was, but I saw them for Thanksgiving, and there will always be, birthdays, holidays and other Christmases. I’ve spent every Christmas with my family, and now, you're a part of my family and I want to spend it with you.”

Sienna was speechless, she didn’t know what to say, a slight tear trickled down her cheek, Lukas wiped it with his finger as he stood out of his chair and kissed her.

“Tears of joy, I hope?”

“Oh, Lukas!” She whispered.

“Unless you have other plans?” he asked.


“So, it’s a yes?”

“Of course it’s a yes,” she replied, leaning forward and returning his kiss.

“Great! We leave tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Lukas, its Christmas Eve tomorrow, and where are we going?”

Lukas smiled, “You know better than to ask me a question like that, because you already know the answer.”

“But, I need to know what to pack.”

“Something…summery, and don’t forget your passport,” he smiled.

“Lukas! That’s not fair. You know I don’t like surprises.”

He didn’t say anything, he sat there and ate his lobster leaving Sienna with all kinds of possibilities as to where he may be taking her.

After they had finished their meal, the waiter returned with their dessert, pecan pie, chocolate chip ice cream, carrot cake, chocolate brownies, and Boston cream pie.

“I didn’t know what you liked, so I ordered everything off the menu,” Lukas said. After the meal she had just eaten, she was sure that she couldn’t possibly fit anything else in.

After they had finished what they could manage with dessert, the lights in the restaurant dimmed slightly. Suddenly a familiar tune filled the room as Lukas stood up and walked over to Sienna. “
I gotta take a little time,
” he sang, grabbing Sienna’s hand and walking her out onto the dancefloor. They danced slowly, as Lukas serenaded her with his rendition of
I Want to Know What Love Is

It was several hours later when Lukas finally paid the waiter, leaving him an exquisitely large tip. After thanking him and the chefs for the wonderful food he and Sienna had consumed, he grabbed Sienna’s hand and they headed out to the car where Joseph was waiting for them. Sienna couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend the end of yet another year of work. She was with the man that she loved, the evening was amazing and she had a feeling that Christmas was going to be even better.

As Joseph pulled into the drive, Sienna couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved. She had just had the most amazing evening with Lukas, but she was exhausted after an extremely busy day at work, and all she wanted to do was go to bed.

Lukas walked her inside and looked around, “Where’s Jake?” he asked.

“I’m actually not sure, maybe he went out with friends for an end of year party, or something,” she said. She walked into her room and placed her cardigan back in the closet.

“You know, this is actually the first time I’ve ever been in your room,” Lukas said.

It just hit Sienna, he was right. They had been dating for eight months and although he had been to her house many times, it was the very first time he had been in her bedroom. Whenever he came over Jake was often just leaving or not home and they made use of the comfort of the living room without having to worry about the constant interruptions from Jake. Lukas walked around her room and stopped suddenly, looking at the walls.

“Wow! Anyone would think you had an obsession with this guy,” he said looking at the poster of himself on the wall.

“Yeah, maybe just a little,” she said.

“Do you have a pen?” he asked.


“A pen?” he repeated.

Sienna opened her drawer and handed Lukas a marker.
To Sienna, Love, your biggest fan, Lukas xx
he scribbled on his abs.

“You're such a dork,” she said. “Thank you,” she leaned forward and kissed him as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

“I better go,” he suddenly said, pulling himself away. “You’ve got some packing to do, and I need to finalize some things before we leave tomorrow.”

“What time shall I be ready?”

“I’ll have Joseph pick you up at seven and take you to the airport. I’ll meet you there.”

“Lukas, where are we going?” she begged.

Lukas kissed her on the nose and smiled, before he turned and headed for the front door.

“See you tomorrow,” he said.

“Thank you, for an amazing evening,” she whispered, kissing him.

“You're welcome. Goodnight.”

Sienna watched as he walked to the car. He opened the window as the car pulled out of her street and out of sight.




Sienna was awake early on Christmas Eve. The excitement had made it difficult for her to sleep. She jumped out of bed and grabbed her suitcase, placing it on the bed, when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

“Come in.”

“Morning,” Jake yawned.

“Morning,” Sienna replied, throwing a pile of clothing into the suitcase.

“Going somewhere?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, I’m spending Christmas with Lukas, actually.”


“Yeah! It all kind of happened last night. We went out for dinner after work and he told me that we would be going away for Christmas and that I should pack something summery and my passport.”

“Where is he taking you?”

“I don’t know. He wouldn’t tell me anything.”

“Summery?” Jake thought aloud, “Wait! Maybe he’s taking you to Australia.”

“Australia? Nah!”

“Well he did tell you to pack a passport and something summery, and it is summer in Australia at the moment. You put the pieces together, Sienna. Anyway, I’m making coffee, want one?”


Jake headed for the kitchen and put the kettle on just as he heard the front door open.

“Merry Christmas, Jake,” Ivy called.

“Hey! Merry Christmas,” he said, greeting her with a kiss.

“What brings you here so early on Christmas Eve?”

“Oh, I wanted to give you and Sienna your presents. Dick and I have some more shopping to do today and then we are heading out for dinner. It’s our first Christmas together, so he wants it to be special.”

“I’m just making a coffee, did you want one?

“No thank you, I can’t stay long.”

“So, what are your plans for tomorrow?” Jake asked.

“Just lunch with Mom and Dad and then dinner with his parents, I’m officially meeting them for the first time.”

“Wow! That’s exciting.”

Ivy handed Jake his present, “Now you can’t open it until tomorrow, okay?”

“Promise. Thank you, Ivy,” he said, hugging and kissing her.

“Sienna’s in her room.”


Ivy headed over to Sienna’s bedroom and walked inside.

“Hey, you!”

“Oh my god! Ivy.” Sienna stood up and walked over to Ivy, she threw her arms around her, hugging her tight and kissing her on the cheek.

“Merry Christmas,” Ivy said, giving her the present she had bought for her.

“Thank you. Sorry, I haven’t even had a chance to wrap yours yet. I’ve been busy packing.”

“Packing? Going somewhere?”

“Yep! Lukas picked me up from work last night and the two of us went to dinner. He asked me if I had any plans for Christmas and when I told him that I didn’t, he asked me if I wanted to spend Christmas with him.”

“But I thought you said he spends Christmas with his family?”

“That’s what I thought too. But he told me that I was a part of his family and he wanted to spend it with me.”

“That’s so romantic it almost makes me puke,” Ivy laughed.

“So, where is he taking you?”

“That’s just it, I have no idea. He won’t tell me. He just said to pack my passport and something summery.”

“Maybe he’s-”

“Before you say it, Jake already beat you to it, I doubt he’s taking me to Australia.”

“I was actually going to say, Bali.”

Sienna stopped packing for a moment, it never occurred to her that Lukas may be taking her to Bali.

“I never even considered that.”

Sienna walked over to her closet and grabbed Ivy’s present. It was a silver bracelet with matching earrings, almost identical to the pair she was wearing last night.

“Like I said, I didn’t have a chance to wrap it, I’ve been busy.”

“Sienna, Hun, these are beautiful. Thank you,” she threw her arms around her and hugged her tight. “Look, I really have to get going, I’m meeting Dick at the mall in half an hour.”

“Merry Christmas,” Sienna said, hugging her one last time.

“Merry Christmas and have a wonderful trip. I want to hear all about it when you get back.” She walked out of the room and over to the kitchen where Jake had just finished eating his breakfast.

“See ya, Jake! Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” he said as he too embraced her with a hug and kiss.

By the time Sienna had finished packing and finalizing everything, it was late in the afternoon. She and Jake had barely had a chance to spend time together, much less speak to each other.

“Sienna?” Jake called from the living room suddenly.


“Are you sure this is really what you want?”


Jake walked into her bedroom, she was still putting some last minute things into her evening bag and she was half dressed. Jake’s eyes couldn’t help but wander to her black lace G-string that had ridden up her ass.

“This trip with Lukas, are you sure it’s what you really want? Or is it what he wants?”

Sienna stopped and turned around, she looked at Jake with confusion in her eyes.

“I’m not sure I know what you're getting at, Jake?”

“Sienna. Ever since you and Lukas have started dating, you’ve been…different.”

“Different? What do you mean?”

“I mean, you haven’t been yourself. You're not the Sienna that I knew eight months ago.”

“Well, Jake. That kind of happens when you meet someone, I’m sure the same thing will happen to you when you eventually meet that special someone in your life.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say.”

“I don’t understand,” Sienna replied, more confused.

“Sienna, I don’t want you to go on this trip with Lukas.”

“Why not?”


“Because why, Jake?”

“Just because. I can’t really explain it, but please, I don’t want you to go.”

“Well, Jake. I’m sorry but, it’s already been all arranged. Lukas is picking me up in an hour.” She looked at her clock, “Jake, I really need to get ready, can we please talk about this when I get back?” She turned and walked back over to her closet.

“Lukas isn’t the right guy for you,” Jake suddenly blurted out.

“Jake! It’s Christmas Eve, are we really going to go through all this again? I thought you were over all that shit.”

“I mean it, Sienna. Lukas isn’t the right guy for you.”

Sienna stopped sorting through her clothes, she turned and looked at Jake.

“Look, Jake. I appreciate your concern and your opinion, but as I’ve told you before, you're my roommate, not my father. I don’t need your approval on who I can and can’t date. Now, please, I really have to go, so can we just drop it?”

“No! Sienna we can’t.”

“Well, I’m sorry Jake, but I really don’t have time to listen to this right now.”

“You deserve better, Sienna.”

“Better? Better than what?”

“Better than Lukas. I know there’s someone better out there for you.”

“Really? Well, that’s nice. But I’m happy with Lukas, and nothing you or anyone else can say will change that, okay? Now can we please drop this, I’m going to be late.”

Jake was getting really frustrated, he could feel his blood boiling and his heart was beating so fast that he was afraid it was going to tear through his shirt.

“Sienna, trust me, you're making a mistake with Lukas, he’s not right for you,” he raised his voice slightly, Sienna had finally lost her patience, she turned and faced Jake.

“You know Jake, I seriously can’t win with you. The last eight months have been the most amazing months of my life. I’ve finally met a guy that I love who doesn’t just want me for sex. I’ve finally found someone who I can respect and who respects me for who I am. Now, I’m sorry that Lukas doesn’t meet up to your expectations, but you know what? I really don’t care. You’ve had this personal vendetta against him since the band formed and I can’t for the life of me work out why.”

BOOK: First Crush (Dark Falkon #1)
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