Fit for the Job (2 page)

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Authors: Darien Cox

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Gay Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Gay Fiction

BOOK: Fit for the Job
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Jay had become a fairly confident guy over the past few years; his exercise DVD had sold far better than he’d ever anticipated, and he certainly wasn’t bad looking himself. But he felt pale next to the movie star; too blond, too fair, translucent and fading into the background like a ghost.

“Forgive me if I stink, I just had a workout and haven’t had time to shower,” Eben said, flashing a toothpaste commercial smile. “My schedule’s been a bitch since I got to town. We start filming in a few days and I’ve had to do all sorts of prep while settling in to this place and trying not to let myself go to shit in the meantime.”

“That’s all right,” Jay said. “I work in fitness. I’m immune to body odor.”

The actor chuckled, then leaned forward with elbows on his knees. “How would you like to work for

Jay hadn’t expected him to get to it so soon, and his face must have shown this, because Eben laughed. “You look shocked. Am I rushing things? It’s a bad habit I’ve picked up from being perpetually on a tight schedule.”

“Right, I’m sorry.”

Eben waved a hand. “No, don’t apologize. Just answer.”

“I’m open to options. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

The actor’s face grew serious, the smile slipping, and he set down his glass. “I hear you’re having some problems with your former employer.”

Jay dropped his head and sighed, forcing a sheepish grin so he didn’t look too downtrodden. He’d expected this to come up. If Eben Wright had researched him, he’d most definitely have discovered his current legal quagmires. “Yes, problems,” Jay said. “The gym I used to work at has filed a lawsuit against me. My lawyer says they won’t win, but of course that doesn’t lessen the anxiety of the thing. Or the potential court costs.”

Eben nodded, looking sympathetic. “I understand, Jay, believe me. Since I came into the public eye years ago, I’ve had more attempted lawsuits than you can imagine. What are they claiming? Part ownership of your DVD sales?”

Jay met his eyes, surprised. The actor had damn well done his research. “Exactly. They say my exercise program was developed while I worked at their gym, so they’re entitled to part of it. It’s bullshit.” Jay flinched after letting the curse slip. “Sorry. I mean it’s crap.” He flinched again. “I mean...”
Damn, get a grip

Eben Wright laughed. “I get the picture. Tell me your side of things.”

“Okay. I came into their employment with my routine already established. It’s why they hired me. Funny thing is, they had no interest in my DVD when it came out. No celebratory drinks, not even a pat on the back. Until it started making money. Then suddenly they were very interested.”

Eben nodded. “Or course.”

“The biggest problem now is, I’ve got a follow up completed, a sequel. But the company can’t release it yet because of the impending lawsuit. And we’ve had to stop distribution of the first one just to be safe. We’re all losing money.”

Eben shook his head. “Parasites.” He raised an eyebrow. “When my wife and I were checking out people we might consider hiring in this area, we took a look at your DVD. My wife used it several times; she was very impressed with the workout.”

Jay brightened. Wright’s wife, a famous, talented actress, was using his exercise program. Little old Jay Capello. Once again, he felt that internal swoon. He was special. He was in the royal court. “I’m pleased to hear it.”

“She says you’re a genius. She likes the ah...” He twirled his hand. “...little pep talks you give in between exercises. Claims you’re very inspiring.”

“That’s flattering coming from Ingrid. Thank you.”

“Well, you know it’s tough for her. She’s severely private, I mean even more so than I am. She doesn’t like personal trainers, likes to do things on her own. She says sweating and grunting in front of someone while you work out, might as well invite them into the bedroom while you’re fucking.”

Jay laughed, but confusion crept in. He’d begun to assumed training Ingrid was the reason he’d been called in. “I’m sorry it not Ingrid who’s looking for a trainer?”

“Ingrid? Oh no, no. Like I said, she won’t exercise in front of anyone, not even me. That body of hers? All her own work.” He grinned. “There you go, you can use that little piece of trivia when you quit on us and write your disgraceful tell-all book.”

Jay shook his head. “So...I’d be training you?”

“Oh, good Christ, no!” Eben guffawed, then straightened up when he saw Jay’s frown. “Oh no offense, I’m sure you’re excellent, Jay. You wouldn’t be sitting here if your reputation wasn’t stellar. But the shit I’ve got to do in my films requires a special kind of training. Ropes and jumping off walls and sword fighting and...well, you get the picture.”

“Of course.”

Jay was embarrassed and a little angry. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he was being interviewed for the job of training Eben Wright. As the man said, his movies were all hard core action, Gladiator, James Bond type shit as far as the physical demands, and that wasn’t Jay’s specialty. But the way he’d laughed, it made Jay feel like Eben was the football quarterback, and he the male cheerleader.

“So...exactly what job am I interviewing for?”

“Training my daughter.”

Jay’s eyes narrowed as he struggled to recall what he’d learned about Eben’s family during his Internet search. In his nervousness, he drew a blank. “Your daughter?”

“Yes. Sassy.”

The name struck a chord, then he remembered. Tabloid photographs from years ago of Eben and Ingrid Wright with a brunette, curly haired toddler. It would have been impossible not to have heard of her. She’d graced the covers of countless magazines before the age of three. Not to mention the memorable and easily ridiculed name the movie star couple had chosen for her: Sassafras Harvest Wright. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen nor heard of the little girl in years, and had stumbled upon nothing recent on her in his online searches.

“How old is Sassy now?”

“She’s fifteen, almost sixteen.”

Jay gasped. “Fifteen?”

Eben grinned. “That’s right. Our little girl’s growing up.”

“Christ,” Jay said. “Do I feel old. Seems just yesterday she was a baby.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. So what do you say? Are you up for it? I’m going to be in Providence working on this film for at least the rest of summer. The movie’s set in New York City, but of course it’s cheaper to film in Providence and then add the skylines later. It’s an indie film, so not the hugest budget, but it’s a really good script.”

Jay’s head was spinning. “Oh. Well, that’s great. I mean, I’m sure your fans have been waiting for a new film from you.”

Eben raised his eyebrows. “Are you not one of my fans?”

Jay flushed. “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I mean, of course I am.”

“Relax, it was a joke.” He checked his watch. “I don’t mean to rush you out of here, but I’ve got an appointment. Any way you can give me an answer now, so we can move on to the particulars? Are you interested?”

Jay stared at him, feeling trapped and unsure.

“Were you unprepared for a summer commitment?”

Jay cleared his throat. “No, it’s not that. Welcome it actually. The thing is I’ve never trained a child before.”

“Oh. Well Sassy’s not exactly a child, she’s a teenager. Practically an adult.”

“Yes, I understand, but her body is still growing. I’ll have to do a bit of preparation. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather hire someone who specializes in teen fitness?”

He shook his head. “I’m not the boss, my wife is. And she wants you. Do you think you’re up for it?”

Jay hesitated for only a moment. He needed the money, bottom line. He had a cushion, but lived in terror that the lawsuit would wipe him out if he lost. “I’ll need a note from her doctor. I should really talk to him or her.”

Eben smiled. “No problem. I’ll have him call you, will that work?”

Jay nodded. “Sure, yeah, that would be great.”

“There will be some confidentiality and contract forms for you to sign as well. I can have a courier bring them to your place tomorrow. Of course you’re more than welcome to have an attorney look them over before signing.”

“Oh, um...that’s probably not necessary. I’m sure it will be fine.”

Eben looked at Jay expectantly. “So all that’s left is to talk money. If you’re interested, that is.”

“Um, I am, but just one more question. Has Sassy got any special requirements? I mean, is she training for a particular event, or is this a basic fitness regime you’re looking for?”

Eben’s tight body relaxed and he sighed, shoulders slumping. “My daughter...she’s put on a bit of weight.” His eyes lifted to meet Jay’s gaze, and he looked sad. “You understand what that’s like for a teenage girl. Imagine what it’s like for a teenage girl who’s the daughter of two famous parents. She’s taken to hiding out in her room. It’s not good for her.”

Jay nodded. “I see.”

“Sassy is spending the summer with me this year. Her mother is doing a film in Australia right now. School’s out, so she’ll have the rest of the summer free. Perfect time to work on herself.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Eben lifted his arms and dropped them. “I can guarantee employment for the rest of the summer. You can arrange things with Sassy and decide how to handle her workouts, and I think...” He reached for a note pad on the table. Pulling a pen out of a drawer, he scribbled a number on the pad and slid it over. “I think you’ll find the compensation adequate.”

Jay stared at the number and his heart pounded. The anxiety he’d been feeling over the threat of losing his money melted away like a warm wax. The amount Eben was offering was exorbitant. “Wow,” he said bluntly.

“I know it’s generous, but there are a couple of things required that might seem...unconventional. But I want to be straight with you.” Eben rubbed his forehead as he looked down, seeming stressed suddenly.

Jay shrugged. “Okay. What is it?”

Eben looked at Jay. “You’re probably used to setting schedules and organized training, but Sassy is an unpredictable kid. She can be...difficult. I’m not sure you’ll be able to get her to stick to a definite schedule, and that’s fine with me. But the bottom line is I want her off her ass this summer. She needs the exercise or she’ll just get more depressed. Is there any way you’d be able to stay here, with us? We’ve got a pretty nice guest house out back. If you’ve got a mortgage or rent somewhere else we’ll pay it during the time you’re with us.”

Jay scowled, his brain struggling to take in this new information. “You want me to live here while I train her? That’s...unusual. I mean, I don’t live far from here, I could come daily.”

The actor sighed and looked down at his fingers, wringing his hands. “Things are a bit complicated right now with Sassy. Also, we’ve had some confidentiality problems with past employees, people leaving without a word, taking things, leaking information.”

“I would never do that,” Jay said. “I’ll sign whatever you need me to.”

“I know,” he said, holding his hands up. “That’s not my main concern, I trust you, and you’ll have your own space in the guest house, come and go as you please. But with Sassy’s unpredictable nature, you may have to chase her down to get her to work with you. If she’s being a bitch one morning, I wouldn’t want you to be running back and forth if she decides she’s up for working out later that night or something. This is as much for your benefit as hers. You can set your own hours, as long as you get her to do
physical, preferably every day.”

Jay was slightly taken aback by his use of
in reference to his own daughter. And he’d never been asked to take up residence on a client’s property. But again...that number on the piece of paper. That kind of money was paying for any inconvenience, or eccentricity that came with the job. He supposed he could live on the property with a movie star and his hormonal kid for the summer. It wasn’t like it was a fate worse than death.

“Oh, hang on,” Eben said, frowning. “Do you have a significant other? Ties that would make living here difficult for you? I heard you were single.”

Heard I was single?

This gave Jay pause. Just how deeply had Eben Wright researched his life? He shook his head. “No, no entanglements at the moment. I could swing it.”

Eben nodded. “Good then. Are you in?”

Glancing at the salary gripped in his fingers once more, Jay nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I’m in.”

Eben smiled, clapping his hands. “Great! After all the paperwork is done, you can come by, say Wednesday to move in? Bodie will show you around then. We’ve got a full gym, swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts out back. You should have everything you need.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wright...ah, Eben.”

“Hey Bodie!” Eben shouted so loud it made Jay jump.

Moments later, the double doors to the office opened, and the gorgeous security guard in the black tee shirt stepped in, offering a glance to Jay before turning his attention to Eben. “Yeah, Eben.”

“You’re going to be showing Jay around on Wednesday, introducing him to Sassy and all that, but I’ve got to shower and get to an appointment right now, so can you show him out?”

“Sure.” He glanced at Jay. “You all set?”

Jay stood. “Thanks again for the opportunity, Eben.”

“My pleasure, Jay. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions, and welcome aboard.” He gave Jay’s hand a quick pump, then darted out of the room, brushing past the dreadlocked dude, who now stared at Jay expectantly.

Jay smoothed his slacks down, then approached the man. “So, you’re Bodie?”

He nodded. “Here’s your phone.” He pulled Jay’s cell out of his pocket and handed it over. “Follow me.”

Not very friendly, are we, Bodie?

Jay followed him back down the hallway, catching another delicious whiff of his body. “I’m Jay, by the way,” he said as they made their way through the foyer toward the front door.

Bodie opened the door for him. “Nice to meet you.”

Hesitating for a moment, Jay thought he’d say something further, but Bodie just stood there, holding open the door.

Jay smiled, nodded, and stepped outside onto the porch. The door immediately closed behind him.

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