Fit for the Job (25 page)

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Authors: Darien Cox

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Gay Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Gay Fiction

BOOK: Fit for the Job
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“That I can give you.” Bodie pressed down on him. “Now give me that mouth, I need it.”

Jay stiffened in his pants as Bodie kissed him like he’d eat him alive. The press of hot flesh against his chest and stomach thrilled him and had him aching for more, but he couldn’t stop kissing Bodie back, inhaling his sweet breath as their tongues tangled and teeth scraped each other’s lips. He wanted to kiss him forever, right there in that bed.

It was beginning to feel like a wish fulfilled as the kissing went on and on.

When Bodie’s hips began to pulse against him through the thin fabric of his lounge pants, Jay grabbed his ass and pulled him tighter.

Abruptly Bodie broke the kiss, and raised himself up. Grabbing one of Jay’s arms, he flipped him over onto his stomach. Licking a line down Jay’s spine to his lower back, Bodie tugged his pants down and bit his ass.

“Ah—” Jay went rigid as Bodie’s teeth clamped on his flesh while his tongue swirled there.

Bodie released that cheek then moved over to the other one, biting and sucking his way around it until Jay’s cock grew stiff against the sheet, the sensations making his breath come in gasps.

“I’m so ready to fuck you,” Bodie mumbled against Jay’s ass as he gnawed on it. He nibbled his way down then licked slowly up between Jay’s cheeks, grazing his sensitive hole and making him squirm.

“Oh, God,” Jay said. “You better do it quick, then. You bring me to the edge so fast, it’s embarrassing.”

Bodie rolled Jay over onto his back again, and tugged his pants all the way off. He took off his own shorts and underpants, then climbed naked up the bed, his head lowering as he sucked one of Jay’s nipples.

Jay’s eyes closed and he threaded his fingers through Bodie’s hair.

“I’m the same way with you,” Bodie said, moving up and giving Jay a kiss on the lips. “I want to get used to you so I don’t come so fast. I wish we had days to do just this, and nothing else.”

“Weeks,” Jay said, running a finger over Bodie’s lips. “Fuck me for weeks until you get sick of doing it.”

Bodie sucked the finger in, then slowly drew back. He smiled. “I promise, I’ll try to make it last,” he said, and reached for the condom. “Maybe not
, but I’ll do my best.” He laughed. “And I don’t think I could get sick of doing it.”

As Bodie rolled the condom on and lubed himself, Jay shifted positions, sitting up and draping his legs over Bodie’s thighs. Bodie hugged his lower back as Jay straddled him, then shifted and sat upright so they were face to face. They kissed in that position, their cocks at full mast, knocking together. Finally Bodie grabbed Jay’s ass and lifted him upward.

“Is this how you want to do it?” Bodie asked. “Both of us sitting like this?”

“Yeah, just like this.” Jay reached down and positioned the head of Bodie’s cock at his entrance, one arm propped behind him for leverage. He slowly eased down, wincing a bit.

Bodie’s strength held Jay up, not letting him drop. “Go as slow as you want,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”

Jay lifted and lowered, working the head in. The way Bodie kept his gaze pinned to Jay’s eyes excited him, the intimacy and intensity of it. He softened and loosened as he took his time, working himself up and down, finally sliding all the way until the bend of his thighs met Bodie’s hips.

Bodie sighed, hugging Jay tight, gripping his ass. “That’s better,” Bodie said.

“Better than what?”

“Better than everything,” he said, and slowly lifted Jay up, then eased him down again.

Jay linked his arms around Bodie’s shoulders and leaned back, hips rocking into him. He shifted his legs and put his weight on his knees, then rocked into him again, and again, gliding Bodie’s thickness over his sweet spot.

Bodie watched him, expression glazed with lust and something like wonder. His hands glided down Jay’s back, and he let out a soft moan, his chin dropping to his chest as he cupped Jay’s ass, staring down at their joined bodies. Jay tilted back, then rolled his hips again, squeezing Bodie inside him.

“That’s perfect,” Bodie said. “Keep going. Show me how you like it. Use my cock and show me.”

Jay slid his legs down, and keeping his knees bent, his grip slid off of Bodie’s shoulders as he pressed his palms behind him on the bed, the leverage allowing him to move more freely. Leaning back, he thrust his hips forward, taking Bodie inside him, then clenching around him as he drew back.

Jay repeated the motion again and again until his arms trembled and a sweat broke out on his forehead, pleasure building and building with each roll of his hips.

“God,” Bodie hissed. He let go of Jay’s ass and leaned toward him, gabbing him under his arms. “Lie back. Please.”

Jay’s arms collapsed and he fell into the mattress, his head hitting a pillow. Bodie’s cock slid out of him, sending a shiver up inside, and he moaned softly, wanting it back.

Bodie slid down between Jay’s legs, pressing his dome against his entrance and pushing back in. Falling on top of Jay, he thrust in hard, then immediately drew back, and did it again. “You’re driving me crazy,” he said. “I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you now if that’s all right.”

“Please...” Jay wrapped his legs around Bodie, heels digging into the back of his thighs. “Please, yes, don’t hold back.”

“Can’t...” Bodie pumped into him fast and rough, Jay’s head nearly hitting the wall as his body jerked with each thrust. “Can’t hold back,” he said and moved faster, fingers tightening on Jay’s shoulders. “Oh, Christ, Jay,” he said, resting his forehead on Jay’s, his breath huffing against his lips. “Wanna fuck you for days.”

Jay gripped Bodie’s back, clinging tight as that strong body rode him, penetrated him, owned him. Bodie’s chest was pressing Jay’s ribs down so hard he knew he’d be sore all over tomorrow, but it was so fucking worth it.

“Don’t stop,” Jay said.

Bodie gasped and let go of Jay’s shoulders, gripping him behind the knees and tugging his legs up. Jay slid down on the pillow as Bodie yanked his lower body up, lifting his ass off the bed. Bodie fell back down onto him, pushing Jay’s legs toward the bed until Jay was nearly folded in half.

Then he found that rhythm again, fucking him like his life depended on it, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple.

A primal sound left Jay’s mouth as the pleasure became almost too much. He was spread wide open, surrendered completely, as the hottest man he’d ever known took him with a passion that couldn’t possibly be faked. Bodie was in control of Jay, but Bodie was out of control too, Jay could see it in the way his face screwed up, brows pinching. Bodie was fucking Jay for pleasure, but he was fucking Jay because he couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop, lost in it.

The combination of his own pleasure blasting through his nerves, and the knowledge that Bodie was right on the edge, brought Jay’s climax down on him like a thunder bolt, and he could give no warning, or he would have woken the whole house. He bit his own hand to muffle his cries as his cock pulsed and gushed between their sweaty bodies, the stiff flesh moving inside him prolonging it and intensifying it, pushing and pushing it further until he thought he’d pass out.

“You coming?” Bodie asked. “Oh God, you are coming. Jay, shit...”

Bodie’s mouth pressed hard into Jay’s shoulder as his body jerked, spasm after spasm tensing his muscles as he came. He muffled a cry against Jay’s skin, his thrusts slowing, slowing, then finally stopping.

Bodie released Jay’s legs, and they fell onto the bed like dead weight. Jay could do nothing but lie there and feel his own heart beat as he tried to slow his breathing.

Bodie seemed to be in the exact same state, lying face down on Jay, head tucked against his neck, hot breath tickling his skin. Jay could feel Bodie’s heartbeat like a second drum on his chest, slightly out of time with his.

Bodie’s weight seemed to double, crushing Jay into the bed, so he finally wiggled his sweat soaked body out from under him, then fell back into the mattress, letting out a long sigh. “Do you think they heard us downstairs?” Jay whispered.

Bodie laughed, his voice muffled against the pillow. “So what if they did. What’s Eben gonna do, fire me?” He shifted onto his side and grinned at Jay. “I was just doing what he
me to.”

Jay laughed, his mouth falling open. “Don’t
say that again.”

Bodie sat up, laughing. He swiped his sweaty hair back off his forehead. “So,” he said. “Do you still doubt my sincerity?”

“No. Your sincerity nearly threw my back out.”

Bodie laughed. “Guess I got my point across, then.” He got out of bed and dealt with the condom, rolling it in tissue and tossing it in the trash. Then he grabbed two towels off a stack on a wicker cabinet, tossing one to Jay then cleaning himself up.

Jay wiped himself down, then gently dropped the towel on the floor. He’d have to do a load of laundry before they left tomorrow; he’d spotted a washer and drier room on his hunt for a bedroom earlier. Ingrid Wright would have no doubt told him to ‘leave everything, it will be taken care of’, but there was no way he was leaving some stranger to wash his dirty stuff.

Bodie slid down beside him, wrapping an arm around his chest as he snuggled in. “I’m so tired.”

“Really? Getting up at the crack of dawn, rowing down a river, playing badminton for two hours, then fucking the bejeesus out of me made you tired?”

“I know,” Bodie said. “I must be losing it.”

“I guess I should go back to my room,” Jay said, stroking his hair.

Bodie’s arm tightened around him. “No.”


“No.” Bodie propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at Jay. “Stay. Please?”

Jay looked into Bodie’s eyes, and logic deserted. “Okay. I’ll stay.”

“Good.” Bodie snuggled into him again. “I need you to stay with me.”

Bodie’s words melted Jay into a puddle of post-coital mush.

I need you to stay with me

But for how long?

Jay was stupidly thinking beyond this romantic getaway cabin trip now, his mind clouded with lust and longing. God, he
got this way, he’d wanted to feel this for someone his whole life. And fate, asshole trickster that it was, decided to give it to him
, with someone he couldn’t have. He almost wished Bodie hadn’t said
I’m crazy about you
, because his head was in the stars now, pulsing with cartoon love hearts.

So how long would this continue? Well, it wasn’t like he didn’t know the currently established timetable. This was a job, for both of them. And when the job was finished...Bodie lived all the way on the other side of the country.

Jay drifted off to sleep, and dreamed he was in a kayak, paddling down a wide, green river, thick jungle on either side. Ahead of him was Sassy in her own kayak, paddling so fast his muscles strained to keep up. “Sassy, slow down!”

She turned back to look at him, her pretty face striped in camouflage paint. “Come on, Jay, keep up! Time is running out!”

His arms burned with effort as he paddled after her down the river. Then Sassy turned and parked her kayak on the bank. Climbing out, she took off into the tangle of vines, disappearing.

“Sassy!” Jay called out as he paddled up to the bank. He climbed out of his kayak, taking off in a sprint after her.

Jay tore through the vines as he ran, finally coming out into a clearing before a beach. In the distance, bombs exploded on the shore, the impact vibrations knocking him down onto his stomach. He blinked and saw boots in front of his face.

As he looked up, he saw the actor Robert Duvall staring down at him, shirtless in his Lieutenant Kilgore hat from
Apocalypse Now

He nodded at Jay. “Someday this war’s gonna end.”


Chapter Twelve


Bodie awoke, blinking, confused for a moment at the strange surroundings. Then he remembered he was in his bedroom at the cabin. He sat up and looked down at the empty spot on the bed where Jay had been. As his senses came more awake, he smelled coffee brewing, and heard voices from down below, one of them Jay’s.

“Don’t roll into it, Sassy,” Jay’s voice said. “Just lift, straight up, then down.”

Bodie threw on a pair of sweats and tee shirt, then tugged open the door and stepped out onto the landing, looking down at the living room below.

Jay held Sassy’s ankles as she did sit ups on a rug.

“Hey, Bodie!” Evelyn called out, looking up at him from the kitchen. “You want coffee?”

“Yeah,” he said, scratching his head. “I’m coming down.”

Jay’s head whipped up as Bodie made his way toward the staircase, and they exchanged a smile.

Bodie stepped off the bottom stair and moved over toward Jay, as Sassy collapsed onto her back with a groan.

“No more!” she said to Jay. “I did what you asked, now talk to Bodie, like you promised.”

“You owe me two more sit ups,” Jay said.

Sassy pulled away from him and stood. “He’s torturing me, Bodie. He made me go
with him this morning.”

Bodie laughed, then said, “Thanks,” as Evelyn approached and handed him a cup of coffee.

“You slept late,” she said. “Missed all the tantrums and negotiations.”

Bodie took a sip of his coffee, then drifted over and sat on one of the creaky wicker chairs. “What did I miss?”

“Bodie, I wanna stay another night,” Sassy whined. “Will you call Dad and ask him, please?”

Jay shot Bodie a quick glance. “She’s been whining about this since the crack of dawn,” Jay said.

“No,” Evelyn said. “She’s been whining about this since we went to bed last night, it’s just I was the only one who had to listen to it.”

Bodie frowned, looking into his cup. “I’m glad you’re having fun, Sassy,” he said. “But your father doesn’t like you out of his sight for too long, he only agreed to the one night.”

“Listen, Bodie, okay?” Sassy said.

“Here we go again,” Jay said. “Get ready, Bodie. You’re about to be regaled with

“Shut up, Jay!” Sassy said. “Jay made me do all this exercise before he’d even let me
you, so you have to listen, Bodie.”

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