Fit for the Job (38 page)

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Authors: Darien Cox

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Gay Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Gay Fiction

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“You sure that’s what you want?” Bodie teased.

Jay hissed, clenching around him. “Bodie, come on.”

“Maybe I’ll just stay right here and not move.”

“Come on,” Jay huffed. “I need it.”

“What do you need?”

“Do it like that night in the cabin,” Jay said. “When you woke me up at three in the morning and fucked me frantic then told me you could feel me coming.”

“Oh, shit,” Bodie said, drawing out and thrusting back in. “You win again, damn it.”

Jay ran out of clever responses when Bodie began riding him hard and fast. He hugged the pillow, mumbling incoherently.
So good
, he thought. It was so good, lying there being filled and fucked, knowing Bodie wanted him just as much as he wanted Bodie. Knowing Bodie was in love with him, too, and couldn’t get enough.

Jay had just begun to feel that magical bliss as Bodie hit him consistently in that perfect spot, then suddenly Bodie drew out of him.

Jay groaned and looked back. “What—”

“I want to kiss you,” Bodie said, flipping Jay over onto his back.

“Oh,” Jay sighed as Bodie climbed between his legs. “Oh, good. I thought you were stopping just to torture me.”

Hiking Jay’s leg up to his hip, Bodie slid into him again, capturing his mouth and sliding his tongue in. He broke the kiss and looked down at Jay as his hips jerked against him, cock hitting him with short, hard strokes. “I couldn’t stop fucking you right now if I tried,” he said, then kissed Jay again.

Jay grabbed the back of Bodie’s head and held tight, opening his mouth and savoring the flavor. Bodie’s beard stubble stung his chin while they kissed as hard as they fucked, fused together. Jay bucked up against him, straining his muscles, forcing Bodie deeper with each lunge.

It went on for a long time, but Jay didn’t stop lifting his hips in time with Bodie’s thrusts, determined to give as much as he got, even as his muscles grew sore and fatigued. He jerked his ass up, meeting each plunge, squeezing Bodie’s cock as tight as he could.

For the very first time, Bodie came first; his lips tore away from Jay’s as his back arched and he cried out, “Shit Jay, I’m sorry.”

But the sight of Bodie’s body tensed in orgasm, his face twisted in a grimace of ecstasy, set Jay off, and he gripped his own cock, exploding onto his stomach as he rode the stinging pleasure of Bodie’s final thrusts.

Bodie looked down at Jay as his climax ebbed, smiling when he saw the mess he’d made on his stomach. He sighed and pulled out of him, rolling over onto his side and hugging Jay into him. “I thought I’d last longer than that,” Bodie said. “Sorry it wasn’t quite as good as that night at the cabin.”

“It was perfect,” Jay mumbled, still throbbing in post orgasmic bliss. “Turns me on when you lose control.”

Bodie propped his head on his palm. He traced his finger down Jay’s chest, then back up again, stroking his chin. “We’re gonna be okay, right?”

Jay shifted onto his side, mirroring Bodie’s position. “Having second thoughts?”

“No,” Bodie said. “I’m committed. But there will be a lot of changes and adjustments. I just want us both prepared that things might get hard. I don’t want anything to tear this apart.”

Jay smiled. “Together, we’ve cared for and appeased a blackmailing, emotionally distraught teenager and saved her from the greedy clutches of a psychotic cleaning lady and her gambling addict husband. We’ve proven we can work together, both personally and professionally under great duress. I think we can handle taking on the good stuff together for a change.”

Bodie chuckled. “It is gonna be fun, isn’t it?”

“It’s gonna be great.”

Bodie wrapped an arm around Jay’s back and hugged him tight. “We’re gonna have a great time together. I love you.”

Jay smiled and breathed in Bodie’s scent. “Love you, too.”


Chapter Nineteen



One year later


Bodie weaved his way through the main gym and trotted down the stairs, heading toward his office. He was getting excited about the weekend, and wanted to tie up all loose ends so they could get the hell out of here.

As he approached his office he saw Ian Milford stepping out of it, and he bristled. Ian’s strawberry blond hair was cut very short now, his muscles bulging in the yellow tank top and black shorts he wore. Bodie still didn’t care for Jay’s decision to hire the prick, but accepted that he knew best when it came to the fitness stuff. ‘
He’s a good trainer, and hell, the more people I steal away from the gym that fired me, the happier I am,
’ Jay had said.

“Bodie!” Ian smiled at him. “I wasn’t snooping around in your office. Your phone was ringing as I walked by, so I picked it up.”

“No problem,” Bodie lied.

“It’s Eben on the phone for you,” Ian said, then let out a childish giggle that didn’t match his size. “I still can’t believe I work for Eben Wright.”

“You don’t. You work for me,” Bodie said.

“Oh, I know,” Ian said. “I’m just saying.”

“Thanks, Ian,” Bodie said, and disappeared into his office, closing the door.

He picked up the phone. “Eben?”

“Hey, glad I caught you. Sassy and company are on the ground. They’re on their way to get the rental car, and then will be heading to the cabin. They don’t have a key so I hope you and Jay are ready to head out and meet them.”

“Oh wow, they’re here already,” Bodie said. “Yeah, no worries, I’ll grab Jay and we’ll head over now.”

“Okie dokie,” Eben said. “Be safe and have fun. Don’t let Sassy push you around.”

Bodie laughed. “Have you
your daughter?”

Eben chuckled. “Okay, don’t let her push you around
much. Take care, Bodie.”

“Later.” He hung up and stood.

Where the hell was Jay? He’d just walked through the whole gym twice, and hadn’t spotted him anywhere. This weekend was important to Bodie. They were going back to the cabin they’d stayed in a year ago, a sort of reunion getaway. Bodie wanted it to be romantic, significant. It was that weekend, back when things were so crazy and uncertain, that he’d really begun to realize he was in love with Jay. But the past week, Jay had barely mentioned it. He’d been immersed in his work at the gym, which wasn’t unusual. But Bodie had expected Jay to be...well, more excited about it than he was.

Bodie hated that he’d begun to feel insecure about his relationship. It was only a recent development, and he assured himself that it would pass. When they’d first started out, moving into a new place together, planning and plotting the opening of the gym, they’d spent nearly all their time together. But lately Jay had been so wrapped up in the gym. Bodie understood; it was important to Jay that things run smoothly, that he kept on top of it so it would continue to be a success. Bodie wanted those things too, of course. They just went about it different ways.

Bodie’s job was more behind the scenes, while Jay was right out there, always interacting with the clients, constantly flocked with people. It didn’t make Bodie jealous exactly. He knew that was Jay’s personality. But the way Jay drew people to him like a bug light—and the way Bodie constantly saw some of the male clients drooling over Jay—he was ashamed to admit it, but it made him wonder sometimes. Was Jay still as committed to Bodie now as he had been in the beginning?

He was about to step out of his office when the door opened and Jay walked in, freshly showered and wearing tan shorts and a blue tee shirt that matched his eyes. “Hey!” Jay’s smile was large and genuine, and it immediately relaxed Bodie.

“Hey,” Bodie said, giving him a quick kiss. “Eben called, Sassy’s on her way to the cabin, I hope you’re ready to go.”

“Bags are in the car,” Jay said. “All I need is you.”

“Oh,” Bodie said, somewhat surprised. “So you’re ready, then?”

“I’ve been ready all week, I can’t wait. Let’s get out of here.”

Bodie drove, Jay in the passenger seat as they made their way down the road. He glanced at Jay. Jay let out another long sigh, the third Bodie had heard since they’d gotten into the car. He seemed uneasy, wringing his hands.

“What’s the matter?” Bodie said. “You freaked about something?”

Jay glanced at him, then laughed. “I guess I am a bit nervous.”

“Why? It’s gonna be fun. Evelyn’s bringing her boyfriend, and Sassy’s bringing her friend, Bethany. But for the most part, it should feel very familiar.” Bodie glanced at Jay. “I for one am looking forward to it.”

“I am too,” Jay said. “It’s just...kind of a big deal.”

Bodie shrugged. “I agree. That cabin means a lot to me.”

Jay nodded. “Me, too.”

They stopped at the grocery store and picked up supplies. Bodie was pleased when Jay went for the haddock and red peppers, even asparagus—the meal he’d made last time they were here. Perhaps he’d been wrong about Jay not seeing the meaning in this weekend.
Great. My relationship security is hanging on a fish dinner.

“Can’t forget the s’mores,” Bodie said.

Jay laughed. “Good catch. Sassy would be pissed.”

After loading the grocery bags into the car, they headed for the cabin.

They arrived before Sassy, and Bodie smiled as they stepped inside, looking around at all the familiar sights. He breathed in deeply, memories flooding his senses.

“Oh, it looks exactly the same,” Jay said, setting the grocery bags down in the kitchen. “Same scratchy furniture. Same ugly seagull painting on the wall.”

“I know,” Bodie said. “I love it.”

Jay came over and wrapped his arms around Bodie from behind. “I love it too.”

Bodie turned around to face Jay, and wrapped his arms around his waist. “Everything all right with you?”

“Yeah,” Jay said. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

Bodie shrugged. “You’ve been acting a little...different this week.”

Jay’s cheeks flushed. Bodie wasn’t sure what that was a sign of. He tried to assure himself it was nothing bad. “I’ve just been busy,” Jay said. “Trying to get everything sorted at the gym so we had nothing at all to worry about this weekend.”

Three hard knocks sounded on the door, then Sassy’s shrill voice called out, “Let me in you fuckers!”

They both laughed, and Bodie released Jay, stepping back. “The hurricane has arrived,” Jay said.

“I’ll get it.” Bodie went to the door and opened it, smiling at the crowd on the porch.

“Yay!” Sassy jumped on him with a hug.

Jay stepped out and smiled at everyone. “My favorite people! Come inside,” he said. “Put your bags down.”

“Thank God,” Evelyn said, stepping into the cabin. “That flight was
.” With her was a tall man with long, dark hair. “This is Dave,” Evelyn said. “Be nice to him or I’ll kill you.”

“Dave.” Bodie shook his hand. “I’m Bodie. I promise to be nice to you. I’m scared of Evelyn.”

Dave laughed. “As you should be. Nice to meet you.”

“Your hair grew, Jesus Christ!” Jay said to Sassy, tugging one of her curls, which now reached down to her elbows.

“Do you like it?” Sassy asked.

“I do. You look great,” Jay said, giving her a bear hug. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Sassy said as Jay let her go. “This is Bethany, my bestest friend in the universe.” Sassy looked behind her. “Bethany, come here!”

The willowy, shy looking blonde girl stepped forward. “Nice to meet you guys. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“We were just unpacking the groceries,” Jay said. “There’s soda for the kids, and wine for the grownups.”

“Bless you,” Evelyn said. “It’s gonna be weird, staying here while we’re not

“I’m a grownup!” Sassy said. “Why can’t I have a glass of wine? I just turned seventeen.”

“And you can celebrate with a root beer,” Bodie said.

Sassy smacked his shoulder. “Hard ass. Bethany come on, I want to show you the yard. And there’s a river down through the woods, it’s great for swimming.”

She trailed off, leading Bethany to the back slider and out the door.

“Great place,” Dave said. He moved toward the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”

“It’s nearly dinner time. You can plant your ass down and have a glass of wine,” Jay said. “Bodie and I will start prepping food.”

“I can help,” Evelyn said. “I did okay with the potatoes last time.”

“Go out and relax,” Jay said. “You’re a guest this time.”

“Oh, twist my arm,” she said. “Come on, Dave. I’ll show you around.”

Jay smiled at Bodie. “You want to cut potatoes?”

“I think I can handle that.”

Bodie helped Jay prepare dinner, a warm comfort washing over him. Jay seemed happy too as they prepped food.

They brought the food outside and lit the grill, and Bodie kept glancing at Jay, studying his face. All he saw there was a contented smile.

There’s nothing to worry about
. Bodie ordered himself to believe this.
So what if he blushed when I asked him what was wrong? It meant nothing.

He had to believe it meant nothing. If things fell apart with Jay, he didn’t know what he’d do. He could no longer imagine his life without him.

After dinner they all gathered around the fire pit and made s’mores. Sassy chattered incessantly about school and boys and people she’d told off when they tried to give her a hard time. She gossiped about her teachers, who were all hellbeasts according to her, and regaled them with dark tales about the horror movies she’d watched.

As the night darkened, fireflies winked in the woods beyond the backyard.

“So Jay,” Evelyn said as she sipped her wine. “Beautiful night.”

Jay nodded, grinning.

“Did you hear me? I said
night, Jay,” Evelyn said. “Perfect, even.”

“Okay, okay.” Jay held his hands up. “Settle down, Evelyn.”

Bodie frowned at Evelyn, then Jay. Sassy giggled.

“What’s that about?” Bodie asked.

Jay shuffled his chair closer to Bodie and took his hand. “Okay, I’ve got something to say.”

“Finally,” Sassy said.

“Shut up Sassy,” Jay said.

She chuckled. “Sorry. Go on.”

Jay looked to Bodie. “Bodie, I have something I want to say to you. And I really wanted these people around to support me when I did it. Because it’s something hard.”

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