Five Moons of Pluto (10 page)

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Authors: Andre Jeter

BOOK: Five Moons of Pluto
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“Look!” someone yells. “It’s Quantum!”

Jacob looks up in awe as Quantum flies past the crowd with the wind blowing through his golden hair. His costume is a sun yellow with black, tight
undies and black boots. His black cape flaps in the wind. Unlike the rest of the heroes in town, Quantum doesn’t need a symbol on his chest.
A big letter ‘Q’ would look really stupid anyway
, Jacob thinks to himself.

Quantum flies just slowly enough for everyone to see him. A large crowd of fans is running to catch up to him, as if they really can. There is a beautiful woman, showing way too much cleavage, carrying a ‘Marry me, Quantum’ sign. Jacob smiles as his hero goes off to save the day, yet again. Then he looks at his watch. 

“Shit,” he gasps, and he runs awkwardly down the sidewalk.




The classroom is packed with students who couldn’t care less about World History. Big-boned Mrs. Phillips walks down the aisle, talking as she searches for the one student who actually cares enough about her class to answer her questions.

“World War 2, also known as the Second World War, lasted from 1939 to…?” Mrs. Phillips looks around the classroom, waiting for an answer from her students, but they have no desire to acknowledge her question. They either look away from her eyes, trying hard not make eye contact, or they pretend to write down notes. Then Jacob bursts through the door, stumbling a little. He walks to his seat, embarrassed by his entrance. Naturally, his fellow classmates laugh wildly at him.

Mrs. Phillips looks at him sadly, wishing his classmates could treat him better. She then repeats her question. “Jacob, the Second World War lasted from…?”

“1939 to 1945,” Jacob answers. “The war involved most of the world’s super powers forming two factions: the Allies and the Axis. It was the largest war in history with over a hundred million people from thirty different countries.” He speaks clearly, without hesitation.

“Yes, Jacob. That’s correct.”

“Geek!” someone shouts, and everyone laughs again.

Mrs. Phillips manages to calm the students, and class resumes. Then Malcolm, Jacob’s chunky best friend, leans next to him while keeping his eyes on Mrs. Phillips.

“Dude,” Malcolm tells him. “Madison was totally checking you out. I think she even cracked a smile or something. You
gotta talk to her. Tell her about how Quantum saved your skinny ass.” He quickly leans back to his seat.

Madison Cooper is the most popular girl in school. She cut her hair short this year, showing off her heart-shaped face, big blue eyes, and thin eyebrows.

Jacob glances at her, and she catches his stare. She smiles slightly, showing her tiny dimples. Jacob blushes in response and looks down at his books. He notices the Quantum comic, now worthless, stuck between the pages of his History book. He examines the cover. Quantum is fighting a metal man known as the Hardware, a villain the comic company made up. They were too afraid of being on a villain's hit list—especially if that villain was Vicious, Quantum’s number one foe.

The bell rings and the students rush out to leave.

“Ya gotta talk to her bro,” Malcolm says. “Grow some balls and talk to her.”

Jacob shrugs. “I don’t know what makes you think she’ll talk to me.”

“Bro, have I ever steered you wrong?”

Jacob twists his face in disbelief.

Malcolm grows defensive. “Hey man, how was I supposed to know that was a tranny? Look, just go over there and say—“ Malcolm begins his best impersonation of Jacob —“Hey Madison, did you know Quantum saved me from a falling train that was gonna kill me? I’m so blessed to be alive today! Thank you, Lord almighty.” Then Malcolm waves his hands in the air like a televangelist.

It feels like yesterday that the accident occurred. Jacob doesn’t know how it happened, but it did. It all happened so fast that Jacob can remember only bits and pieces of the ordeal. He just remembers a broken half of a train flying towards him, then blackness. He woke up and Quantum was carrying him, floating down in front of his doorstep. His parents couldn’t stop hugging and kissing him. His mother, Susan, got down on her knees and began crying and praying to God. Quantum didn’t even stay to receive thanks; he just smiled and flew off. Jacob told everyone in school that day, and they couldn’t get enough of it.

The taste of popularity, how sweet it is! But as usual, stories get old, twisted even, and someone else gets a taste of popularity. Lately, it’s been Gary. His hand got bitten off by one of Doctor Vet’s evil animal creations: a half-wolf, half-shark hybrid he calls a Wark Wark.

Madison is walking down the hallway with her girlfriends Nicole, Amber, and Bianca. Jacob and Malcolm walk just a few steps behind the girls, being careful not to really be noticed by them or anyone else.

“Jacob, this is your chance,” Malcolm insists. “Stop being a wuss. I’ll even distract her slut trio while you go and make your move.” He moves forward more quickly, like he’s about to break up the group.

“Malcolm,” whispers Jacob, but it’s too late. He watches as Malcolm moves in between the girls, but he can’t hear what they’re saying. Until—

“Who told you that?!” Amber screams.

The rest of the girls join in except for Madison, who is laughing. Malcolm looks back at Jacob, giving him eye signals to make his move.

Jacob walks over to Madison. “Hey,” he says, pointing toward a small crowd that’s gathering down the hallway. “What’s going on?”  

“I’m not sure,” Madison tells him. “Something about the football team and them having S.T.D’s.” She points to Malcolm. “He’s your friend, right?”

Jacob looks at Malcolm, who is being teased about his weight by the girls. It’s nothing new to him; he’s heard it all before.

“Him?” Jacob says. “No way. I mean we’ve talked about stuff but nothing serious.”

Madison glances disbelievingly at Jacob. “Really? Because I’ve seen you guys during lunch talking about some video game. You seemed pretty close to me.” Jacob can feel himself beginning to sweat. Madison continues, and her eyes look sad. ”Count yourself lucky to have a friend like him. He’s doing all this so you can talk—“ She looks up at Jacob and smiles —“to me.”

Jacob’s cheeks flush red, and he can’t think of what to say, but luckily someone shouts, “Hey!” and his embarrassment melts away. Everyone turns their head toward the sound.

Derek, a tall blond-haired guy with an athletic physique, walks down the hall with his crew toward Madison and the girls. Derek’s friends approach Malcolm and begin their ritual of bullying. Then Derek turns to Jacob and shoves him. He looks at Madison. “You okay, Madi?”

“Oh, thank god you came to my rescue, Derek,” Madison says sarcastically. “You’re my hero.” But Derek pays no attention to her insult.

A crowd begins to gather with their cellphones ready. They haven’t seen Derek fight in a while, and who would be stupid enough to fight him, anyway? Derek has been practicing Mixed Martial Arts for over five years now. He knocked out the school’s wrestling captain with one kick.

Derek turns to Jacob again. “You and your fat sidekick are making fun of my friends?”

“It’s not that serious, Derek.” Madison tells him. “Drop it.”

He’s still looking at Jacob. “You have a near death experience and now you think you’re untouchable?”

“I’m sorry, Derek,” Jacob manages to stutter out. “I don’t want any—”

Without a second thought, Derek throws a hard right hook to Jacob’s face, but the strangest thing happens: Jacob doesn’t bleed or bruise, but Derek breaks his own hand in the process. Jacob doesn’t even move or feel any pain, while Derek screams in agony and drops to the floor. He looks down at the piece of bone sticking out of his hand. The students are speechless for a moment, then they begin to murmur amongst each other about what they just saw.

Malcolm pushes his way to Jacob. They run down the hallway together, making their way through the crowd and into an empty classroom.

“Holy shit!” Malcolm says, placing his hands forcefully onto Jacob’s shoulders. “What the fuck just happened?” He releases Jacob and starts walking around the room, still in shock and disbelief at what he saw. He quickly turns around to Jacob. “You on drugs, bro? ‘Cause if you are—”

Jacob is shaking his head. “No, Malcolm. I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel anything. I wasn’t even scared.”

“Dude, you were nearly shitting in your diapers, so bad I could practically smell it.”

“I mean I was scared at first, but when he was about to punch me something just…came over me. It was like I knew at that moment he couldn’t hurt me.”

Suddenly, Jacob’s heart rises up in his chest as Madison enters quietly into the room and pulls the shades down. She stares at Jacob for a moment. “Are you on drugs?”

He shakes his head, but Malcolm nods. “I’m not on drugs,” he tells her. “I’m just as much in the dark about this as you.”

Her eyes open wide at him. “Everyone is going to want an answer. What are we going to tell them?”

?” Jacob asks.

“Well,” she explains, “I practically know everyone in the school and my words hold weight, while—” She looks at Malcolm –“You just hold weight. A lot of it.”

Malcolm laughs sarcastically.

Jacob sits down, his face contemplative. “You’ve got a point. So, any ideas?”

Madison makes her way toward the door and nods confidently at Jacob. “Leave it to me. I think I got this gossip thing down by now.”

He holds up his hand to stop her. “Wait!” he says. “Why are helping me? You don’t even know me.” 

Madison turns around and looks at him, smiling. “I think now is the best time to repay that favor I owe you. See you guys next week.” Then she turns back around, and leaves.




Jacobs thinks about it. Favor? Jacob can’t remember helping her or any girl out. Sure, there was that time he was a math tutor for a few pretty girls, but he would never consider any one of them returning a favor. The classroom doors open and principle Anderton enters breaking Jacobs chain of thought.  He’s been retired from professional Rugby for five years now but still looks in great shape. He rubs his bald head then speaks.

Lets go lad.”

Jacob and Malcolm walks over to him.
Anderton looks at Malcolm.

Oye? where do you think ya goin?”

“ class sir.”

“spot on.”

Malcolm leaves.
Anderton watches as Malcolm leaves and looks back at Jacob.

“You and me lad have a lot to talk about eh?”

Jacob sits on the front steps of the school. Jacob’s father, David, walks out of the school with Principal Anderton and shakes hands. David touches his hand after the painful handshake.

“Thank you Principal
Anderton.” Says David while holding his hand.

Anderton waves and heads back inside. Jacob and his father walks towards the car, enters and drives off.

“Dad I-”

“No need to explain son...I believe you.” Jacob feels a weight lift from his shoulders. “I know you didn’t fight that guy. Every high school has a Derek Mcgregor”, David glances at Jacob through the rear view mirror and gives him a loving smile. “Im just glad your okay...can’t say the same for Derek. They both chuckle.

“what are doing here anyway? I thought you were at the lab this month.”

Jacob’s father works for the U.S government and sometimes he has to travel. He told Jacob that he and his team where working on something that could change the world. Jacob never met a more smarter man than his dad, He graduated top of his class in M.I.T at the youngest age ever and holds three doctorates in Chemistry, Engineering, Physics and Biomechanics.

“I took a day off cause I wasn’t going to be able to make it to your birthday so, I got you an early gift...your
gonna love it.

The Range Rover pulls into the driveway. The house is nothing Fancy, but almost anyone else would be in awe of the huge contemporary colonial style house. David is a humble man and could live in a two bedroom apartment with a salary of four-hundred thousand anytime. but, he wanted the best for his family. So, he bought his family a nice house in Jamaica Estates not too far from St. Johns College. 

Jacob and David enter the house. Two voices can be heard coming from the kitchen, the first voice is Jacob’s mom Susan, the other voice sounds familiar but Jacob can’t put a face to the voice.

He walks into the kitchen and sees Quantum sitting at the table drinking Lemon Zinger tea. Susan smiles. Quantum stands up.

“Hello again, Jacob.”

Jacob can’t believe who just spoke to him. Quantum is in his house. He walks up to him and examines him to make sure he’s the real deal. After his brief examination Jacob, comes to the conclusion that he is the one and only Quantum.

“Oh my god..Quantum is in my house!”

“Happy birthday, Jacob.”

“Dad, this is the best birthday gift ever.” He looks at Quantum. “I have so many questions to ask...what is it like flying?”

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