Five Moons of Pluto (8 page)

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Authors: Andre Jeter

BOOK: Five Moons of Pluto
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Noel lets go and runs toward his room.

“You resurrected him from Zone Phi,” Sonya says, looking up at Isaac.

“Yes. I had to be sure the spell would work.” Isaac then pushes the button on the door.

They exit the room and walk down the hallway together.

“Does he remember his past life?”

“No. I changed the spell to erase his past memories. As far as he knows I'm his father and soon he will have a mother, too”

“How did he…?”

“Vultures murdered him and his family while traveling to Zone Zeta.”

They stop at another room. The door slides open after Isaac pushes the button and they enter. Several monitors are in front of the room showing various locations of the lab, Noel’s room, and other locations of lesser importance.

“You can stay here and observe while I prepare incantation.”

“How long will it take?” Sonya says.

“Not long. It all depends on how powerful the caster is. It took me thirty minutes to resurrect Noel.”

Sonya takes a seat and observes the monitors.

“It’s very important that nothing disturbs me while I'm casting the spell.”

“If you need me, I'll be right here watching you.”

Isaac looks back at her and smiles. “Thank you, Sonya,” he says. “After this is over we can work on resurrecting—”

“Just bring back your wife, Isaac.”

He nods. “Okay.”

Then Isaac closes the door and it makes a strange mechanical clicking sound. Sonya gets up and pushes the button. The door doesn’t open.

“Damn it,” she says under her breath. Sonya reaches in her back pocket and takes out the tracking device, and then she activates it.

Sonya’s stares at the monitor watching Isaac perform his ritual; he slowly waves his arms in an unorthodox pattern which causes her eyelids to become heavy. She folds her arms on the table and rests her head on them.

The door again makes the clicking noise, snapping her head up as it slides open, Sonya sees Joseph also with mystic writings on his face and arms. He enters, closes the door and puts down Sonya’s duffle bag.

“The bag was exactly where you said it would be,” he says.

Sonya opens it and finds her weapons.

“We don’t have much time.” She loads a magazine into the Mark 8 assault rifle. They exit the room and walk down the hallway.

“Here, put this on,” Joseph says, handing her an amulet which holds a red liquid. “It will protect you from his spells until the blood runs out.”

Sonya puts the amulet on.

“While I’m blocking his incantation you must find a way to stop him.”

Sonya looks at him, knowing he means kill. They stop at the lab door.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

Sonya activates the Mark 8 rifle. “Ready.”

“I’ll be on the floor above... Good luck.”

Sonya opens the door and enters.

The mystic markings glow red. Isaac is kneeling down in front of
Rahna, chanting.

“Step back from
Rahna, Isaac,” Sonya says, pointing the rifle at him.

Isaac turns around. “Sonya, what are you doing? You’re disrupting the incantation. Leave now!”

Sonya holds her rifle steady. “Step away from Rahna

Isaac stands up. “You really want to play this game? How do you plan on stopping me? With that silly gun?” He lets out a mocking laugh. Then the markings begin to change to a glowing yellow.

“He’s alive?”

“It’s done, Isaac.” She lowers her rifle. “Let’s go home.”

Isaac’s face becomes furious. “You’re going to have to kill me, Sonya.” He waves his hands, but he’s stunned. He waves his hands again. Still nothing happens.

“Your powers don’t work on me,” she tells him.

“Really?” He says. Then he begins chanting and two portals emerge. Two huge beast-like dogs exit the portal. Isaac ends the chanting. “Are you protected from these?”

Sonya runs towards the stairs, and the beasts chase her. She shoots one and it goes down, tripping the first two. The last beast jumps over and continues the pursuit. Then Sonya hops on the lift and pushes the button. The lift rises but the beast is jumping up, trying to reach. The two other beasts soon join in. Sonya feels the metal support beam weakening. She takes out a small explosive, sets the timer, and plants it onto the platform of the lift. Then she grabs hold of a ceiling pipe and begins pushing the lift over with her feet, using all of her might. The lift falls on two of the beasts and explodes, killing them.

The pipe breaks and Sonya falls onto the second level of the lab. The rifle slips out of her hand and falls below. The last beast jumps up and begins chasing her. He swipes her on the shoulder and Sonya flies off the second level, onto the floor. She gets up and runs towards the window. She pulls out her sidearm and fires four rounds through the glass. The beast leaps forward and crashes through the window as Sonya slides and grabs onto the ledge. The beast howls as it plummets to its death.

Sonya pulls herself up and leans onto a wall. She feels excruciating pain and touches a piece of glass lodged in her side. She yanks out the glass and blood begins leaking.

The markings grow red. Sonya stands up and loads another clip into her sidearm. She walks toward her brother and says, “Stop now, Isaac.”

hand begins to rise, and Isaac opens his eyes with excitement.

“No!” screams Sonya as she fires three times, hitting Isaac twice in the chest and once in the head.

Rahna’s hand falls down and Sonya feels limp, defeated. The glow of the markings slowly fades away. Then Sonya feels hands on her, helping her to sit up.

“Are you hurt badly?”

“I’m fine—arhh.”

Joseph looks at the wound her hand is covering, then he places his hands on the wound and begins chanting. His chanting is soft and pleasant, unlike Isaac’s. She feels the warmth of Joseph’s hands as he heals her.

“There. All done. How do you feel?”

Sonya stands.

“My body is not what you should be asking me about. I just killed my brother.”

“Sonya, you did what needed to be done.”

Joseph walks over and picks up the statue.

“I just killed my brother and—”

“And he was going to kill thousands of people to bring back my sister. Don’t stand there and act like you're the only one who’s hurting. You think that I didn’t give a second thought to let him bring back my sister?” Joseph turns from Sonya and walks toward Isaac. He pulls his body by his arms and lays it next to Rahna’s.

Sonya accepts this as his statement.

“What are you doing to the bodies?”

“The bodies still contain incantation power. They must be sealed and destroyed.” He begins chanting.

Sonya walks away.

“Where are you going?” Joseph asks.

“I can’t stand here and watch while you destroy my brother.”

She exits the lab and runs down the hallway into Noel’s room. She maneuvers around the small toys on the floor and enters his bedroom. She doesn’t see him in the bed but hears whimpers from underneath it. She looks and sees Noel crying.

“Hey little guy,” she says. “It’s okay. Auntie Sonya is going to look after you for a while.”

He slowly crawls out from under the bed. Sonya picks him up and sits him on the bed. She twists and turns around and finds what she was looking for. She climbs up on a chair and opens the air vent.

“Here, Sweetie,” she tells him. “You have to climb in.”

She picks Noel up and he gently crawls in, then she closes the vent and locks eyes with Noel.

“Be very quiet, okay? I’ll be right back.”

Noel nods bravely.

“That’s my boy,” Sonya says smiling. She jumps down and leaves the room.

Sonya enters the lab again to see her brother and
Rahna’s bodies lit up in blue flames. She watches as they burn and she can’t help but feel a little envious at the love they had, the promises and dreams they made together. Isaac finally found love, a feeling he didn't want to let go of, but it’s now lost.




A Zone bus travels down a street. Noel is asleep on Sonya’s lap. He positions himself to a more comfortable spot on her lap. Sonya softly rubs her head.

A rumbling sound in the air causes Sonya and many others to look outside. A large ship flies high leaving the atmosphere. Sonya watches as her ride to the Gauntlet leaves the planet forever until a beam of light hits the ship and explodes. Hundreds of pieces descend from the sky. Another beam strikes the ship, sending a shockwave that hits the bus. The bus pulls over and everyone exits, their faces staring up at the falling debris.

“Auntie Sonya, what was that?” Noel asks, rubbing his eyes.

“Trouble Noel,” she says. “Trouble.”


To be continued…

































Billy-Joel and Russell lock eyes on the thirty-eight-special lying on the muddy ground. The gun is solid black with the exception of its dark brown grip. The trigger is dirty with traces of rust on it. Most gun buffs would throw it back into the lake, but not these two country boys. They found a gun and they’re going to keep it.

Russell reacts first, grabbing the gun with his filthy hand.

“Hey!” Billy-Joel shouts at him. “Gimme back!”

Russell smiles. “You’re too slow, Billy-Joel.” With the gun in his hand, he stretches his long arm into the air. Billy-Joel jumps up and down trying to reach it, but it gets him nowhere. Then Russell’s teasing smile widens, and Billy-Joel kicks him in the groin. The gun slips from Russell’s hand as he folds together and falls to the floor.

He rubs his privates for a few moments, waiting for his voice to come back. Then he looks up and says, “Jesus Christ, Billy-Joel! Whatcha gon’ do that for?”

“Don’t ya take the Lord’s name in vain.” Billy-Joel picks up the gun and begins rapidly wiping off the dirt on his already dirty shirt. He looks down at Russell. “You started this,” he tells him. “I found it, not you, ya hear?”

“I was gonna give it back,” Russell says evenly. The worst of the pain subsides, and he stands to his feet. He stomps his foot on the ground. “You didn’t hafta kick me in my balls. I know da good book says sometin’ ‘bout that.”

Billy-Joel touches the small stainless steel cross that hangs from around his neck. It was a gift from his nana, Mildred, a week before she died in her favorite wicker chair, watching Wheel-of-Fortune. Billy-Joel was taught the most important virtues for being a follower of the Lord from her: love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and faith. Forgiveness was the one thing he didn’t want to remember, and he hated being tested on it.      

“You right,” he says. “I’m sorry for kickin’ ya in da balls.” He holds out the gun to Russell. “Here, you can have it.”

Russell relents, shaking his head. “Nah, you can have it. You found it first.” He smiles, and Billy-Joel smiles too. “Just don’t go killin’ anybody wit’ that thing,” he adds.

Billy-Joel looks at him like he must be crazy for saying such a thing. “I ain’t gonna kill nobody. Besides, only non-believers are afraid of death.”

“You talkin’ a fool, Billy-Joel. Every man is afraid of death!”

Billy-Joel shrugs. “Not me,” he tells him. “When you understand the power of Christ, you can overcome death.” Russell starts to laugh at him, and Billy-Joel twists his face. “You makin’ fun of my Lord?”

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