Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1 (10 page)

BOOK: Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1
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“Do you trust me Nora?
I mean, really trust yourself with me.”

He was so intense, in a way she had never seen before, and he
radiated a confidence so absolute that it made her knees weak.

She whispered almost tentatively, “Yes,” and wondered where
her own backbone had gone too.

He smiled and stepped closer so they were almost
He leaned down and whispered
into her ear, his breath warm on her neck.

Starting out softly, “Back at the camp, and with our group,
you are the confident and competent woman, one who is in charge of herself, and
even those around her.”

His voice grew harsh to her ear, strong, “But out here, when
we lay together.
What you want does not
matter in the least.
You will do what I
say, when I say and how I say it, do you understand?”

She was so confused.
She would normally be outraged and angry had a man said that to her, but
from Justin who had shown her and earned her respect and who she did trust, she
felt like lightning had struck her.
was weak in the knees, her mouth was watering and she was breathing heavily.
Her core was tingling and growing moist and
something in her made her say breathily, “Yes, I understand.”

He smiled and said, “Good girl, now get on your knees.”

When he said good girl it should have been insulting,
degrading, but she felt proud for some reason, and found herself dropping to
her knees.
She licked her lips
unconsciously as he undid and dropped his pants.
She gasped as he grabbed her by the hair and
started to use her mouth forcefully.
was still confused, but she didn’t fight it.
Her core was tingling and her stomach was tightening as he used her
She loved the feel of his long
cock sliding between her lips over her tongue.

He said, “That’s a good slut, but suck it harder.”

The word slut hit her like lightning and she started sucking
as hard as she could while her hot molten core dripped honey and
She had never felt anything
like this before, but knew she wanted more.

Suddenly she felt something strike the back of her throat,
he hadn’t even warned her, except for that deep grunt maybe, as he filled her
She thought she would gag, he
wouldn’t release her, forcefully holding her by her hair, and her mouth was so
full, she reflexively swallowed, then sucked hard, trying to get more before
swallowing again.

She felt him pull out and release her hair, demandingly he
said, “Strip”

She was trembling now, on the edge, and he hadn’t even
touched her yet outside of grabbing her hair and using her mouth.

He barked, “Now,” and reached around her and spanked her
hard on the ass.
She clenched up and had
a mini-orgasm, the pain pushing her off her peak.
She shuddered in pleasure as she stripped out
of her clothes.
She felt so exposed as
he walked around her, looking at her as an object to be used for pleasure.
She was so confused, why was she so excited,
she should be mad…

He said in an offhand way, “You really are a sexy little
slut aren’t you.”
Then in a more firm
voice, “Lie on your back.”

She lay down on the ground, looking up at him.
Her body quivered as he lowered himself on
top of her.
He lifted and bent her legs,
pushing them all the way back with his shoulders as he grabbed her wrists and
pinned them down on the ground.
couldn’t move, and it excited her that she was completely under his control.

He demanded, “Tell me what you want.”

She said in a trembling and begging voice, “I want you to
take me however you want.”

He shook his head, “I can already do whatever I want to you,
you are my little slut, I asked what you wanted.”

She yearned to feel his cock within her and said half
shamefully and half pleadingly, “Take me like this, I’m helpless and in your
power, take me, fuck me, use me.”

He smiled and said, “Good girl.”

She flushed again at the praise that should be a demeaning
insult, then gasped in pleasure as he plunged his long hard rod into her
desperately waiting body, filling her core.
She begged him to fuck her hard and fast, and he did.
She had never felt so much pleasure in all
her life, not just from his magical boost, but from her subservience.
And from the way he was treating her.

She looked up into his eyes as he pounded into her for his
own pleasure, and that triggered something in her that took her up high and
She felt so blessedly full, and
the angle of his entry was perfectly placed for her g-spot, which put her over

He never stopped, he just kept pounding into her as she
screamed out his name over and over.
After her third orgasm she lost count, she was in a daze of ecstasy as
he fucked her hard and mercilessly.
was dangerously close to overstimulation as she felt him start to expand
against her tight and milking walls.

She begged, “Cum in me, fill me, fill your slut.”

When she felt his pleasure emptying within her she again
reached her bliss, screaming his name.

When he kissed her, it was tender and full of emotion.
He released her, then pulled her onto his lap
kissing and caressing her body so gently, so lovingly, she got tears in her
She wasn’t sure what led to the
tears, she was a mess of emotions, and her body was spent, in a good way.
But there was joy in those tears somewhere,
she was sure of it.

She was still confused, not really understanding what
happened, only that she had needed it, wanted it without knowing and that it
was the most pleasure she had ever had in her life.

She melded herself against him, enjoying this gentleness
from him, they kissed for a few more minutes.

He said tentatively, “You okay?”

She wasn’t really sure and said, “Could I ask… how did you
know I wouldn’t kick your ass for treating me like that, how did you know I
would like it?
It was amazing, but weird
and shocking for me at the same time.
That… isn’t normal is it?
didn’t do that with Kat…”

He arched an eyebrow which made her blush.

“I only heard a few seconds at a time every five minutes or
so, I wasn’t spying, just trying to figure out when you’d be done so I could
finally sleep.”

He nodded and said, “Let’s talk about the last question
It is normal, just, not for

She gave him a confused look so he continued, “Back on my
old world, you know women are considered equal, at least in some countries?”

She shook her head so he explained.

“Well, they are, and that means some of them have high
powered positions, and some don’t of course.
It is not a solid rule by any stretch, but a lot of the women on my
world in high powered positions like to be completely dominated in bed.

“The rest of their lives they are responsible, in charge, so
being dominated during sex is kind of an outlet, where they can not worry, not
stress and just let someone else take charge for a while.”

She nodded understanding.
She did have a lot of pressure going on, and despite only being perhaps
second in power in the group of five, she was basically calling the shots on
where they went.

He said, “You probably just hadn’t trusted anyone enough,
before me, to let that part of yourself out.
As far as your other question…
I’d like to claim that I am just that good, but the truth is my talent
gives me certain insights while I am in bed.
I don’t understand why, but I could just tell it was what you needed.”

She moaned into his mouth as he swept her up gently and
kissed her.
To her surprise he lowered
her gently onto his hardened member, smoothly entering her warm core.

His voice was a whisper as he said, “That doesn’t mean we
can’t be gentle from time to time…”

She laughed throatily and started to slowly swivel her hips
and grind down on him, gasping in pleasure as he hit all the right spots within
They continued their slow lazy fuck
for the next twenty minutes, teasing each other with kisses, nips, caresses and
pinches as they oh so slowly made their way to another peak.

He laughed getting dressed as she muttered under her breath,
“This relationship better fucking work or my sex life will be in ruins.”

Chapter 11

He was smiling the whole way back to the camp.
He had almost chickened out, wondering if
Nora would be able to accept what she wanted.
He was happy that she had surprised them both.
When they got back and entered the tent, the
women were mostly asleep, so he stripped and got under the bedding with Kat.

That struck him as weird for a second, having sex with one,
but returning to the one he had a living with commitment too.
But he firmly dismissed it in his mind, this
was how this world worked and he had to get used to it.
He spooned behind her, wrapping his arm
around her, resting his hand on her abdomen.

He felt her push back against him but thought her asleep,
until she did it again.
His mind was
stuck again, he still had Nora’s honey coating his cock, but he leaned in and whispered
directly against her ear, “In here, with the others?”

She turned her head and nodded, and put a finger against her
lips with a mischievous grin on her face.

He shrugged, and ran his hand from her abdomen to the apex
of her legs.
He was surprised to find
her ready for him.
Doing it in the tent
with others nearby must have been a real turn on for her.

He separated her labia with his ring and forefinger, then
flicked her clit with his middle.
bit down on and gasped into the bedding as he lowered his body a bit more, then
filled her with one sharp thrust.
He was
startled how much fun he was having, he had no idea he had a little
exhibitionist in him as well.
It took
just a few minutes of him flicking her clit while thrusting into her steadily
from behind as they lay on their sides and muted their vocal reactions.

When she peaked and her core tightened around him, he
couldn’t hold it and started pumping his baby batter into her milking, greedy,
and warm molten core.

He kissed the back of her neck, whispering in her ear that
he loved her.
Then he rested his head
down while pulling her against him tightly.
He fell asleep that way, still buried inside her…

Over the next four days he made an effort to spend some
alone time with all four of the women, just talking and getting to know
He usually split the marching time
between Sally and Nicci.
He was open to
starting things up with them by the second day as they seamlessly seemed to hit
it off, each relationship just a little different, bringing out other sides of
his personality.

He had to give it to the goddess, she knew who was
compatible with whom.
But he knew all
the work needed in a relationship still needed to be done.
So far he was juggling the four, but he was
only sleeping with Nora and Katrina, and he didn’t really have much else to
He worried about it a bit, but of
course, maintaining a relationship didn’t take several hours a day, but when
the time came he would miss it.

Although he was ready to invite both to bed, he felt they
were not ready yet.
He wasn’t sure why,
he just knew his power was prompting him.
Maybe they had stuff to figure out about themselves first, he wasn’t
really sure, and he didn’t care either, he just enjoyed his time with
It wasn’t like he was sex starved;
Nora and Kat were both wild and insatiable.

With Nora, like that first night, he explored both gentle
lovemaking and extremely dominant and rough sex, although he would not, and
never did actually hurt her, hard spanking being the limit he set.
With Katrina it continued to be playful and
was getting more exhibitionist as time went on.
There were never any urges, even from himself, to try a threesome.
It was two separate relationships for him at
the same time.

On the third night though, he asked Katrina a question,
“Kat, I have a question about this multiple mates thing.
I get that they are all separate, and there
is the common sense thing of not having more than you can maintain.
What happens when you have two mates, or even two in the second level of
commitment of sharing a bed?
How…” he
just trailed off.

He just didn’t see how he could be in two places at
The answer was obvious yet

She smiled widely, “You planning to ask Nora?”

He was again struck by weirdness, but not nearly as much as
usual, she sounded almost giddy about the idea.
His old world
Although he wondered for not the
first time, if the connection to the goddess everyone felt here somehow
eliminated jealousy.

He just nodded in response to her question and she explained
it to him.

“Well, once you ask a second person and they accept, it is
your two sleeping partners that decide, not you.
Normally if they get along, they will just
share the same bed and respect privacy when the other is having sex.
If they are not thrilled with each other,
they may decide to split your time.
you get one per night, or however else they may decide to split it up the
living/sleeping arrangements.

“On the rare occasions the two people hate each other and
cannot reach an accord, it will fall back to you to decide who to keep.
That last one is extremely rare.
Did that make sense?”

“Yes, strangely enough it makes perfect sense.”

She asked curiously, “Strangely?”

He nodded in mock seriousness, fighting a smile, “Of course
dear, who would think that a woman could be that logical.”

She growled and tackled him.
As their wrestling always turned to one or the other in control of sex,
it was quite a long time later before they spoke again…

The next day, they reached camp late in the evening, just a
couple of miles from the enemies reported position.
He was a bit nervous, not really worried for
himself, but for the women that not only protected him, but shared his
He cared about them all now.
He wasn’t a pessimist by nature, but he
decided he needed to ask Nora tonight, just in case.
He wanted to make sure she knew where he
stood, and how he felt before the battle.

They were worried about enemy movement so close to their position,
so they stayed close to the camp, instead of their usual distance.
That meant he wouldn’t be able to play rough
and make her scream, but that was okay.

He softly made love to her that night under the stars.
Then, when he held her he whispered lovingly
in her ear an extremely ironic endearment that she loved to hear, and that he
swore to himself no one else would ever hear.
He also had a question that had him nervous, “My perfect little slut, I
love you, will you sleep next to me tonight?”

She grinned at him mischievously and echoed her answer to
his first proposal, “Fuck yes”, and then tears filled her eyes and she cried on
his shoulder.
He wasn’t disturbed by
this, it wasn’t the first time.
missed her killed sisters still, and often broke down when he made her
It was healthy, and he had hope
one day she would heal.

She still cursed like a sailor, was bossy at times, and
short tempered, and he wouldn’t want her any other way.
But she was hardly ever bitterly angry
anymore which he thought was a good thing.
He was sure she would have wanted to share her good news with them.

That night he slept with a woman on each arm.
He should have known, but they had talked
about it already a couple of days ago, and they both liked each other just fine
and didn’t mind sharing a bed with him in the middle.
The only thing that felt strange about it to
him was… it didn’t feel strange at all.


stepped slowly into the small chapel within
the castle of
as his king directed.
He was a bit nervous and unsure, but was not
going to defy his new king, despite how wrong he knew it was.
In a few short months he would have what he
had strived for.
He had worked hard to
come up in the ranks of the military, and shortly he would finally have what he
deserved, the lead of the next raiding group.

He lived for those
One of his favorite things were
breaking a woman, putting them in their place, but here in
there were certain… lines he could not cross, at least, not with the local
If he did, there would be
inquiries, their families could object and he could lose everything.
But every few years for the last twenty he
had an entirely free hand to do as he wished with captured females.

So here he was, doing
something that part of himself was screaming out against.
But he stepped forward, the voice inside
weak, so he pushed it down and ignored it, much like he had done many times
He did not know that his inner
conscience, his soul, was giving him a dire warning.
He just knew it was the same inner voice he
had pushed down and ignored ever since discovering his unique proclivities
toward women.

The chapel that had
once been a bright place was muted dimly.
All symbols of Cytherea had been removed and other symbols that chilled
his soul had been put in their place.
again stepped forward, moving toward the altar,
on by the thought of what he would soon have, command.
If he did not follow this order, he knew the
king would replace him.
He couldn’t
allow that.

His soul cried out one
more time as he made out the shape of a tied down person on the altar, his
hand, holding the knife had gotten slippery from the sweat of his palm and he
wiped it on his uniform nervously.
But this
warning he also shrugged off, and moved forward quickly, wanting to get this
over with.

When the deed was
done, and lifeblood flowed on the altar, the shadows around him seem to come
alive, moving inky blackness that headed in his direction.
The quiet voice inside him was screaming now
as he instinctively felt evil, but he knew it was too late.
The darkness closed in around him, then
entered him.
He felt his talent, his
magic, being twisted, and he fell to the floor wracked in pain.

woke with a silent
His body covered with
The last week had gone well for
him campaign wise, outside of gods be damned
What a disaster that was.
He had all his earth magic talents building
traps, tricks, and fortifications.
enemy would be torn apart when they came.

But there was something wrong with his personal quest and it
enraged him.
He was changing in some
fundamental way.
His soldiers had
brought back women from the nearby towns, and as he trained them he felt no joy
or thrill in it.
He felt dead
That’s when the nightmares of
that night two months ago had started; he had been dreaming it the last four

He was afraid…


Katrina was tossing and turning, nervous about
Though, she tried not to bump
into Justin, he would need his sleep.
She was worried about what tomorrow would bring.
They had their last strategy session a few
hours ago, she knew what she had to do.
It was simple really, she could hold her tiger form all day without
issue, so during the battle she would transform and stay by his side.

She knew Justin’s magic although incredibly strong, was more
limited than that.
They had been
experimenting at Anton’s suggestion a couple of days ago.
It had seemed to her the more power he
channeled the faster he would tire out.
he simple touched people, like her, his power could be used almost endlessly,
channeling small amounts of magic.

But when she watched him use the full scope and power of his
magic, which was impressive, covering at least a hundred yards around him in all
directions with his white fire, it only lasted about fifteen minutes before he
was spent.

She glanced at his sleeping form so close to hers.
The plan was simple really, at least, for
their group.
They would be in the center
of the troops, possibly the safest place available.
Anton had talked them into letting him direct
his power, when called depending on the order, he was supposed to either flash
a quick wave to cancel out the enemies’ magic for just a moment, which would
conserve his energy.

She knew the other command of course, would be for him to
put out sustained power that would basically make the troops untouchable by the
enemy’s power, while charging and refreshing their bodies and talents.
Of course, it would not stop physical
attacks, but should tip the balance if done at the right time.

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