Flame of Cytherea: Cytherean Chronicles book 1 (13 page)

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“Still, it can be addicting the killing, making me feel the
way it does.
It works for all types of
folk too.
Not just enemy soldiers.
I got an itch, what do you say we sneak off a
bit, track down a couple of travelers and get us a fucking thrill, I know you
liked it, I could see it in your eyes.”

She watched as the tiger flashed with light, and suddenly
she was looking up at Kat, an innocent look on her face as Kat stared down at
her in horror.
She could see Kat’s eyes
were damp.

She looked up quizzically and said, “What?
Don’t you want to feel that thrill
Let’s go!”

“NO!” she practically screamed it.

Scrunching her eyes together she looked up and asked, “Why

Kat yelled, “Because I’m not a monster!”

She said calmly with a gentle smile, “Of course you’re
Remember how you feel right now, because
that proves you are not a monster, a murderer, or sick in the head.
The thrill is natural, from adrenaline, a
survival instinct.
You are normal, just
like everyone else.”

Kat spluttered, “But, what was all that murder talk about

She replied, “Emotion trumps logic.
I had to show you emotionally you aren’t a
monster, before you would listen to the logic of it.
Sorry,” she smiled sheepishly, “If I remember
right I was mad at
for doing that to me for a
day or two, but I was a hopeless cause back then, so forgive me?”

Nora watched as Kat’s face couldn’t settle on anger, relief
or annoyance.
Perhaps consternation.

She asked innocently, “Need any help dressing the deer?
If we take too long Justin might get lost or

Kat snorted and shook her head in disbelief, but she said,

She remembered being in the same place Kat was now as well,
and knew it would all work out.
With a
smile she made a dagger of pure compressed air and got to work…


Sally listened as Justin told her about his old world, what
the people were like and all sorts of other things.
When he had first come over to chat he had
asked about her life, and she had told him a couple of stories about growing up
in her village.
But the longer she
talked the more uncomfortable she became until finally she had redirected and
started asking him question after question.

The reason was, as she was telling the stories, they didn’t
seem like hers.
She would not have acted
the way she did as crazy as that sounds.
The spell had made her a shadow of a person, someone who avoided any
confrontation at all costs.
reserved, unremarkable, invisible.

On top of that, it felt like a lie telling the stories, that
wasn’t her, which defeated the whole purpose of telling stories.
He asked because he wanted to know her, not
what a shadow she had been under the influence of her mother’s spell.
The problem was of course, she had no stories
Not any that he hadn’t already been
there to see firsthand anyway.

She couldn’t possibly share who she was because she had no
idea yet, not really.
She was confident
now, not reserved at all.
Based on this
morning she was good under pressure, but other than that?
She just didn’t know.
She could guess how she would react to
certain things, but often people don’t react the way they think they would, or
should, and it would be nothing but guesses or lies.

She was quite frustrated about it, and as she glanced his
way she realized, in more ways than one.


Nicci almost rolled her eyes as they set up camp, and for
the first time, considered getting replacement armor.
She knew she looked good in it, and it was
nothing short of scandalous, but she wasn’t so insecure anymore as she was five
days ago in her room.
At first, the
looks from all the men had given her a shot of confidence and made her feel
good about herself.
Now it just seemed,

She didn’t really mind it, but it didn’t do anything for her
Well, except for Justin.
When she caught him looking though, it wasn’t
a shot of confidence she felt.
her heart and breath sped up, and she had a yearning to feel his hands where
his eyes rested on her body.
There was
also a slight bit of fear to it as well, she was still a virgin, and the way he
made her feel was slightly confusing, and she was nervous while at the same
time wanting, more…

Her emotions were very conflicted about it, he made her
feel… too much.
The one thing she wasn’t
worried about was the pain of losing her maidenhood, besides being confident he
would be gentle the first time, he was also a healer.
If he ever got around to asking her that is.

She almost jumped when she felt someone take her hand, she
had been lost in her thoughts and didn’t hear anyone approach.

As if he had read her mind Justin asked, “Would you lay with
me Nicci?
With the intention of us
getting to know each other better and move toward a commitment?”

She stared back at him, completely lost in his warm hazel
eyes as her heart pounded.
She knew she
was supposed to say something, but her mouth was dry and she felt breathless so
she just nodded slowly…

Chapter 14

He saw both anticipation and a little nervousness in her
face as he led her to the edge of the camp.
He thought that this first would be different.
When he had first slept with Kat and Nora he
had felt the same anticipation and lust for certain.
He also knew they got along, or had at least;
hit it off from the start.

With Nicci now though, he had spent hours a day with her for
close to a week while putting their physical relationship off.
Which didn’t seem like much time to him at
first, but he quickly realized it wasn’t like a typical date back on
There were no distractions of a
show or movie or other activity.
they had done was walk together and talk, completely absorbed in each other as
they got to know one another.
As a
result his feelings had grown quite quickly in comparison to what would be
considered normal on his old home.

In short, he already felt the stirrings of love in his heart
for this young woman.
He was determined
to make her first time the best experience of her life.
That would take control on his part, because
almost perversely, the second result from waiting so long was a burning lust
and desire to ravish her without restraint, which he knew would be a bad idea
for her first time.

He was close to the edge of camp when Nora appeared in front
of them and shook her finger, looking very serious and determined.

“Back to the tent, we don’t know where the escaped soldiers
from this morning are.
It’s not safe to
take private walks right now.”

His first irrational thought was anger, luckily his brain
kicked in before he said anything stupid.
Neither Nora nor Kat would want to keep this from happening, and more, would
probably think it was about time.
flushed in embarrassment as he thought it through, he hadn’t given any thought
of the danger at all, he had been too focused on making this happen.

Nora said knowingly, “Don’t worry, we got it squared away.”

They followed Nora back to the large tent, he was gratified
to see that Nicci didn’t look very happy at being interrupted either, even if
it was for good reason.
When they got to
the tent Nora led them inside and one eyebrow rose at what they saw as Nora
pointed them toward one end of the tent.

Part of the tent had been partitioned by a thick blanket
they had hung at one end.
He looked at
it dubiously, was that supposed to be their idea of a private place?
He was touched that Nora, Cat and Sally had
tried to come up with a solution so he could still
with Nicci tonight, in safety, but privacy was more than just being out of
He looked at them doubtfully.

Sally looked at him with laughing eyes and twitching lips,
but her voice was calm and even.

“Go on, I made my own little addition, it is private.”

He saw Nicci’s fair skin blush scarlet as he led her through
the blanket, but they both froze as the blanket fell closed behind them.
The sounds of the camp, the men talking, the
sharpening of blades, the pops of the fires, all disappeared.
All he could hear was the sound of his and
her breathing.
A smile slowly grew on
his face, he would need to find a way to thank Sally and the others.

He also thought this would be a good way to manage all the
rest as well, even Nora would feel comfortable acting the submissive slut in
this island of privacy.
As he turned to
Nicci and cradled her face between his hands, all thoughts of the other three
women fled his mind.

He brushed his lips against hers and pulled back just a
little, looking deeply into her jade green eyes.
He saw the nervousness there, but he also saw
anticipation, just as he went to lean back into her, she stepped into him
He felt her sexy body push up
against his tightly, her large breasts mashed against his chest as her lips met

They slowly explored each other with their hands as he felt
her lips become less tentative and more demanding.
He ran his hands down her fiery hair, then
around to her front, unclasping her tight leather armored shirt.
He lifted his hands in the air as she pulled
off his tunic and when their bodies met again, his manhood jumped at the feel
of her large breasts meeting his bare chest.

It wasn’t long before they were both naked and he lowered
her down onto the soft bedding on the floor.
He was in awe of her as he took in her tight body, large breasts he was
almost sure were double D, but he wasn’t positive.
Her tight stomach and slim curved waist led
to mouth watering rounded hips.
Her core
glimmered in the torchlight, a result of her moist arousal, though her lips
were not yet swollen.
Her long legs were
opened for him invitingly, but her innocent face had turned a little more

He was so hard it hurt, he wanted to ravish this beauty
before him, but the look on her face bade him to be patient, and the feelings
he felt for her gentled his almost animal need.
He lay down beside her and pulled her against him, kissing her,
caressing her body.
He wanted her to be
relaxed and he hated the traces of fear in her eyes.
He teased the bottom of her breasts and
lightly pinched her nipples.

As that drew a gasp of pleasure, he wondered again for a
moment, what prompted him.
He had just
known her breasts were extremely sensitive.
He was going slow for her, but when the scent of her arousal hit him, he
was overcome by the need to taste her and he kissed his way down her body,
briefly stopping to tease a nipple with a light lick and nip of his teeth.

Her fair skin was silky smooth against his lips, tongue and
fingertips, and as he got closer to the source of her arousing scent his cock
jumped and somehow hardened even more.
His breath was heavy with anticipation as he ran his tongue along the
length of her labia.
He teased and
pleasured Nicci with his tongue, every gasp of pleasure, every time she arched
her back, or pulled his hair, it drove him to greater efforts.

“Oh, goddess Justin, that’s

Her body arched and trembled against his tongue as he
brought her to her bliss.
He licked her
slowly as she came down and looked up into her eyes.
There was still some stress in her eyes, but
it was eclipsed by the pleasure and held a hunger he knew his own did.

When she could speak, her voice came out thicker than usual,
sultry, “Justin please, I need you in me now.”

He crawled up her body then kissed her passionately before
reaching down and guiding his manhood to her now flowered open labia, but still
incredibly tight honey pot.
He slowly
ran his tip up and down her wet heat before guiding it firmly into her outer
silky folds.
He was gentle as possible,
but it took not a little force as he tried to enter her core.
Her silky wet heat was so tight on his
sensitive tip, that they gasped together as it finally penetrated into her.

He took his time, letting her get used to it as he slowly
filled her to her barrier.
When she was
ready he gave it a quick forward thrust to break past her maidenhood.
At her gasp of pain he released his healing
into her and the pain quickly left her face.
He stayed frozen as the walls of her silken sheath contracted tightly
and at the same time, tried to accommodate its invader.

Their gazes were locked together as he slowly inch by inch
made his way deep inside her willing but inexperienced body.
He was deeply aware of every reaction from
the supple nubile body beneath his, as he slowly claimed her with every inch of
his hard and aching pleasure.
When he
was fully buried inside of her, he started to pump into her, pulling back a
bare inch or so to start, worried if he pulled to far back her body would
He slowly increased the length of
his stroke as he gently plundered her body.

At first she just laid there as he stroked in and out of
Her nerves and inexperience
stifling the natural reactions of her body, the rhythm was slightly off and
almost awkward.
He saw the moment
though, when the fear completely fell away, and she surrendered herself to
pleasure, passion, and him.
He knew she
had let her instincts take over, let her body make the decisions.
Her breath sped up and her face filled with
pleasure, her hips started to roll up and her young nubile body met his
invasive thrusts eagerly, their skin started slapping together sharply.

He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last, already
desperately holding it in, trying to get her there before him.

The feel of her warm wet heat hugging his fleshy pole so
tightly was overwhelming.
Add to that
the feel of her silky and sexy body beneath him, her heaving breasts, the look
of trust and love in her eyes, and the sounds of pleasure leaving her slightly
parted lips.
It was a miracle he had
held on long enough to even start.
barely managed to hold on just long enough to hear for the first time, a curse
pass through her sweet innocent lips, and it was emotionally charged with the
feelings of surrender and passion that completely undid him.

“Oh fuck!

Her trembling body, her warmth rippling against his hardened
flesh, milking him, the look of absolute ecstasy on her face, and the
strengthening scent of her arousal as she soaked his middle, all combined and
pushed him over.
He felt her get
painfully tight as he expanded within her, his legs locked and he thrust into
her hard one more time and stayed buried in her grasping heat as he started to
fill her womb.

He wasn’t worried about his lack of control, despite his
intent to bring her over twice their first time, he knew his night had just
gotten started.

The second time she rode him.
He stayed as still as possible as she
experimented with moving her body in different ways above him.
It was hard not to thrust up into her, but he
held off until she settled into a rhythm and her breasts started swaying above
him just asking for attention from his hands and lips.

This time he was able to hold off, as he watched her reach her
bliss time after time.
Until finally he
was overwhelmed by the erotic beauty of her reaching completion time and time
again, along with the pleasure of her tight velvety channel on his manhood.

They talked and cuddled for a while after they finished, then
decided to turn in as it had gotten quite late…

It struck him again how strange this world was when he
crawled into bed between Kat and Nora.
He had been tempted to skip straight to the second step after his
amazing lovemaking session with Nicci, but had held his tongue.
He realized this would be complicated.
Now it was fine as this common purpose drove
them together, but how do you split time with a princess, a warrior, and a
tavern owner?

He shook his head and decided not to worry about it.
Figuring out that stuff was up to them after
all, but still.
The question nagged him
as he spooned with Nora, it was her turn tonight, and started to fall asleep.
What will happen after their quest is
He couldn’t imagine his life
without any of them and it hurt his heart to consider it.
It would only get more complicated when Sally
was added.

He almost laughed as he considered them making schedules on
who slept on the outside, and who got to sleep against him.
Finally his mind shut off, his body a little
sore but pleasantly sated, he fell into a deep sleep.


Kat closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his cock hardening
in her mouth.
The feel of him parting
her lips and the way he felt on her tongue.
She had started doing this every morning shortly after he began lying
with Nora.
Although she had no
inclination to do anything at all sexual with the other women, tasting Nora on
him had given her a thrill, made her feel dirty, and it got her incredibly
Much like it felt when she took
him in a place they could get caught.

Since the rest of the women were still sleeping, this had
the added thrill of being both at the same time.
She had to do it now, before Sally woke and
did her daily morning clean and fresh magic.
After then it would be too late, Nicci’s dried essence would be gone.

She moaned softly around his flesh as he filled her mouth,
his tip now teasing the back of her throat.
She was enjoying the taste of Nicci on him as much as she did
She knew he had woken when she
felt his cock jump in her mouth and a quick surge in growth accompanied by a
muted gasp.
She loved how he grabbed her
hair as he thrust upward into her hot wet mouth.
It made her feel in control.
She was in control of any pleasure he may feel.

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