Flirting With Chaos (30 page)

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Authors: Kenya Wright

BOOK: Flirting With Chaos
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I smiled. “Yes. I’ll give you my number.”

“And another kiss?”

I moved to him and pressed my lips on his. After several delicious seconds, I stopped.

“A few more kisses?” He licked his own lip, like dots of honey coated it.

“I have to go.”

“To a guy that doesn’t care about you.”

“No. To a guy who is my friend.”

Jude was a really shitty man to date or get involved with. But overall, he was my friend, and a good one. Maybe that was the problem all along. Originally, I figured we could just have sex with each other and do the same with other people, and no problems would arise. But tonight we’d tried, and for whatever reason, I felt betrayed. We needed to return back to normal—stop the sex and the taking of our friendship to another level.

I’d given his lifestyle a chance and tried to fit into it as Rain, his best friend and sexual partner, but in order to do it successfully, I think I would’ve had to change my way of thinking and my reactions to him continuing to sleep with lots of women. I didn’t think I could do that. We were too close, and he was too important to me. Jude would never change. I would have to be the one to do so, and that wouldn’t be fair to me.

“You look like you just zoned out. Are you with me, beautiful?” Maestro asked.


“Tonight, you came back to my trailer and only blessed me with a few kisses, but that’s cool. I like your style. I like that I know where those lips have been and who’s been touching that body instead of wondering how many other rappers and celebrities you’ve been making out with.” He pulled out his phone. “Will you call me if I give you my number?”


Chapter 22

Tainted Apple

on all the vehicles in the parking lot as Maestro and I traveled through it. Crowds of tired people scattered out of the club.

They must be done shooting all the scenes for the video.

Maestro and I darted through many of them with his guard trailing several feet behind us. I’d been with him in his trailer for an hour and now was in a hurry to get back to Jude, figuring he would be worried. I planned on sitting down with him and letting him know that I may have over-done it with thinking that we could casually have sex and be friends. In the end, I just couldn’t keep my heart out of it. I couldn’t just not over-think our situation or not care when he hooked up with other people. My heart and mind were too deeply involved with him. Someone had to be the mature person and stop us before we ended up hurting each other.

“You didn’t have to walk me back.” I spotted the bus up ahead. Only twenty feet remained between the coach and us as I held Maestro’s hand.

“Are you crazy? You’re hot and sexy in this sweet little outfit you’re wearing.” He studied the tops of my breasts as they jiggled while I walked. “There’s no way I’m letting you return alone.”

I sighed. “Okay, but when we get close, I’d rather go there by myself.”

“You’re scared to let Jude see us together?” He gently squeezed my hand.

“No, but I’d rather he not see us.”

“Too late for that, huh?” Jude stepped out of the shadow of a nearby van, holding a bottle of gin.

Why was he over there?

He took a swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Don’t be scared, Rainy. I don’t mind you hanging with Maestro. He’s a good friend of mine. Isn’t that right, Maestro?”

“Yeah.” Maestro appeared as startled as me.

“I wasn’t scared. I just thought it would be weird.” I tucked a few curls behind my ear.

“No. Don’t worry about that.” Jude gazed at Maestro’s and my hand linked together. “We’re free to do whatever we want, right?”

I nodded but wasn’t relieved.

He gulped some more of the gin and gestured for us to follow him. “Maestro, you never got to hear my song. It seems we both had a busy night tonight.”

“Yeah. I saw those two chicks you had with you in the bathroom, man.” Maestro guided me forward, or more like dragged. “They were definitely dime chicks, sexy and beautiful.”

I was reluctant to move on. I didn’t like the edge in Jude’s voice or the insinuations in Maestro’s words. Both guys smiled, but their eyes spoke of annoyance and anger. Tension thickened in the air around us. With each step I made toward the bus, goose bumps rose on my flesh, and a cold fear crept up my spine. I thanked God that Maestro’s bodyguard was with him and Jude had brought his along, even though I didn’t see him.

“The girls were all right,” Jude muttered.

Maestro let out a chilly laugh. “They had to be more than all right. You were real busy with those two.”

“Yeah, I was. They did what I needed them to, but clearly you snatched up the biggest bounty tonight.” He didn’t even look at me.

“Snatched, huh?” Maestro laughed. “More like saved, I think.”

Jude glanced over his shoulder. His face shifted to serious. “You needed saving, Rainy?”

My throat went dry. “I got pretty high with Simon and ended up yelling at the director. I made a little embarrassing show of myself. Maestro came in and stopped me from being more foolish.”

“Hmm.” His gaze dropped to mine and Maestro’s hands again. “Maybe I shouldn’t have left you alone tonight.”

“It was no big deal.” I averted my eyes.

“Clearly it was since you left and wouldn’t tell me where you were at.”

“I texted you that I was fine.”

“That’s not enough for me. I want to know where you’re at, and who you’re with,” he said through clenched teeth.

I ceased with walking. “You know, guys, maybe tonight isn’t a good time to listen to the song.”

“Why not?” Jude turned around.

Maestro remained quiet as he glanced from me to Jude.

Because there’s bad negativity flowing from all of us

“You can’t be worried that Maestro over here is going to hear you moaning on a song.” Jude pierced me with a furious glare. “I’m sure he’s heard you moan enough tonight. You’ve been gone for a while.”

“We didn’t have sex,” I blurted it out fast and felt like a kid in front of a reprimanding parent.

“Well, too bad for him. Sex with you is better than breathing. It damn sure is worth dying for.” He placed the bottle to his lips and swallowed some more of the gin. “What do you think, Maestro? Is fucking my Rain worth dying for?”

My Rain?

Maestro shrugged. “You know my background, Jude. I’ve never been scared of death.”

His guard moved to his left.

Jude let out an evil chuckle as he studied the guard.

“Maybe you should let me hold that bottle,” I offered.

Jude centered those angry eyes on me. “I’d prefer it if you held my dick instead.”

My breath caught in my throat. Maestro stiffened at my side. I lost all possibility of talking. I’d seen Jude be an asshole to people at parties and in night clubs before, but he’d never been harsh or crass with me.

“I guess that’s a no then.” Jude turned back around and stumbled off to the bus.

Maestro leaned my way. “I don’t feel comfortable with you staying with him tonight. Come back with me. I’ll get you a hotel room to yourself. No strings attached.”

“I’ll be fine.” I pulled away from him and took my hand out of his.

“So, what are we going to do, man?” Jude glanced over his shoulder at Maestro. “You want to hear the song, or not?”

“I think we should all call it a night,” I said.

“Like I said before, not much scares me. No way. Let me check out this song.” Maestro pushed ahead of me and walked side by side with Jude. “Plus, I want to make sure Rain gets on the bus and to bed safely.”

This is so stupid and insane.

“Don’t worry about tucking in Rain. I’ll be doing that tonight.” Jude slung the bottle at a car in front of him. Thankfully, the bottle missed the vehicle and smashed onto the pavement. Bits of glass spread all around us. I didn’t even waste any words to tell him how stupid that was or to explain to both of them how ridiculous everyone was being.

Enough is enough. When we get on, I’m going straight to the back. I won’t be around this craziness anymore.

With no further male posturing or bottle smashing, we approached the bus. T-Bone stood outside with a worried look. He glanced at me, Maestro, and then finally at Maestro’s guard, probably sensing that tonight might not be a drama-free one.

He held his hand out. “Everybody can’t get on.”

Maestro’s guard waved him away. “You know better than anybody that I stay with my person.”

“Then he doesn’t get on.” A dangerous mask plastered on T-Bone’s face. “It’s hard for me to guard Jude and Rain when a bunch of people are on there. Tight quarters and all.”

The guy looked at Maestro for an answer.

“You scared to get on this bus without your security, man?” Jude climbed the stairs and chuckled.

“Are you?”

He scoffed. “I’m not afraid of anything.” He nodded to T-Bone. “Why don’t you enjoy the stars.”

“But, sir—”

“Enjoy. The. Stars. Got it?”

T-Bone gritted his teeth and crossed his bulky arms over his chest.

“So, are you scared?” he asked Maestro again.

“Never.” Maestro motioned for his man to wait outside.

The guards stayed but didn’t look happy about it all. My fingers shook. I didn’t like how Jude was acting and the things he’d already said. He had to be drunker than he’d ever been around me. And being familiar with how Jude loved to party, I figured he’d done some coke or popped an ecstasy pill too.

“My studio is close to the back.” He stood next to the empty bus driver’s seat, let Maestro walk by, and studied me as I climbed the stairs. “You need any help?”

“No, but I do need you to not do this tonight.” I arrived at the top, inches from him.

He leaned his head to the side. “What are you talking about? We’re just going to listen to ‘Apple’ and maybe decide if we’re going to work on it together or not.”

“That’s it?” I headed to the back too.

He caught me by my arm before I could take another step. “What did you do with him tonight?”


“He doesn’t look like nothing happened.” His grip on my arm began to hurt. “He looks pretty fucking happy, if you ask me.”

“We didn’t do anything. Now let go of me.” I shoved him away.

He released his hold but stepped so near that I had no space from his presence. “What did you both do?”

“You have a lot of nerve being such a dick tonight after you had a freaking orgy in a public restroom.” I shoved at his chest, but of course he remained there, only an inch or so away from me.

“That’s why you ran off with Maestro, to prove a point?”


“I’m not stupid, Rainy. You don’t have to whore yourself out with another guy to show me that you’re fucking valuable. I know how much you’re worth.”

“I didn’t whore myself!” I marched away from him and hurried through the bus. The white door was open. I could see Maestro standing outside of the studio, waiting for Jude and me to arrive. I wondered if he’d heard the conversation as both of us approached him.

“Nice place, Jude.” Maestro backed up. “Good idea to travel with a studio.”

Jude didn’t say anything and opened the glass door. Lights came on. The stools from earlier were no longer there. He pressed buttons and pulled back levers so quickly I couldn’t tell what he was doing.

Maestro stepped in and held out his hand for me to come. The studio barely looked like it could fit all of us.

I shook my head. “I’m going to sleep, guys. You both have fun.”

“I want you to hear it.” Jude’s lips transformed into a straight line.

“I’m tired.”

“No, you’re not. You just think I’m going to keep being an asshole.”

“Are you?” I asked.

“Not if you stay and listen to the song.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

I entered the studio. It was a tight fit but doable. We all had a few inches of space between us. I stood in the middle. Maestro hung in the back. Jude continued to play with buttons in the front.

After another minute, he faced me. “Here we go.”

“Oh! Oh!”
My moans filled the air. They flowed out of the speakers and vibrated through me.

My body responded, remembering what had brought on those sounds of ecstasy. My nipples stiffened, a scorching hot sensation warmed my center, and my heartbeat increased. I stirred, ready to get out of the studio where I lingered between these two gorgeous men that I’d both kissed.

“Oh! Please.”

My own groans turned me on. I stared at the ground with hormones bouncing around inside of my core.

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