Folk Lore (23 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Folk Lore
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When Anna sought her out her daughter an hour later, she discovered her sitting, looking despondent, on the small balcony watching the spectacular sunset without much enthusiasm.

“Why are you hiding out here? I’ve been looking for you. I’m surprised you didn’t go with him to plead your case,” Anna said.

“Go where and what case?”

“You don’t know?”

“No, Mum.”

“Keelor has gone to the elders and revealed his true feelings for you. The others are deliberating over their vote. I have already decided mine and cast it. I voted for Keelor to stay and protect you regardless of his feelings.”

Oh no!
Mum, they can’t send him away.” She leapt to her feet.
“Why aren’t they voting on my banishment too?”

“He told them it has nothing to do with you and it was all one sided. I know differently but the remaining elders don’t. They believe you were naive and it was merely whimsy that drew you to Keelor. As you haven’t lived in the lands they decided to allow you to stay along with the fact you are the most powerful human princess they have seen. Kalar, in particular, stressed how important it was you stay if we are to defeat Mecaldorf.”

“He is the best warrior in the circle and my new protector. They can’t send him away!”

“If they decide to banish him, they will bring your human protector forward. In my opinion he isn’t ready but I am only one vote.”

“I must talk to the elders. Shouldn’t I be able to decide who I want to protect me?”

“Folk law, albeit antiquated, is gospel to many folk for they have lived by the creed their entire lives. I don’t believe anything will sway their unwavering view.”

“Where is he? I want to see him.”





Keelor and the Elders


Keelor paced by the river but could find no peace. He was still a little astounded he’d gone through with his plan. The elders were meeting when he located them to declare his love and plead his case.

Upon leaving Seraphina, Keelor sought answers as he sat deep within the forest and could only find one. With resolution, he’d
into Kalar’s chambers, where the elders deliberated and without pause delivered his speech.

“I beg your pardon for my intrusion however I have a matter to discuss which I could wait no longer to reveal. I am unconditionally and deeply in love with Seraphina and whilst I understand the consequences of my revelation, I deemed it important to cease the secrecy. I am unsure if she returns my feelings as deeply although I do believe she is quite fond of me. I think what she feels is most likely adulation. I have been hiding my emotions although it has been with great difficulty. I do not believe however I was concealing them well enough and would have been discovered before too long. I am hoping my honesty will work in my favour. If my punishment is banishment then I accept these terms as it is the law and I have always believed in justice. I only ask one thing, that Seraphina be allowed to remain here, regardless of my fate. She is valuable and powerful and I believe could only benefit the circle when it comes time to face Mecaldorf again.” 

He’d stopped and glanced in turn at each elder’s face to find mixed expressions. Anna offered a secret smile and Keelor was relieved he would have at least one vote in his favour. Kalar told him to await their response as they needed to discuss and vote. This was now what he was doing, waiting.

The thought of being banished was not causing as much grief as he thought it would. What was causing his trepidation was the idea of never seeing Sera again. As he’d told the elders, he was
completely in love with her, although he realised suddenly who he hadn’t told this to was Sera. He considered the possibly he wouldn’t have the opportunity to before he would have to leave. His perception of the world had become totally different since Seraphina entered his life such a short time ago. The thought of being unable to continue to share his life with her made his heart ache. He was staring at the river, which he now thought paled in comparison to the eyes it matched, when he heard her sweet voice.

  She rushed to him before throwing her arms around his neck causing him to wince.
“Did I hurt you?” As always Sera didn’t miss a thing and the thought almost made him smile.

“I am a little tender after your
outburst earlier.”

“Let me see.”

A bruise had already formed on his strong pale chest and she gasped.
“I did this to you.”
He nodded
gazing into her blue pools. With haste she healed the pain, unaware the ache inside his chest was unbearably worse.

“Why have you told the elders about us and without me?”

“I do not want you to suffer the same fate as me. I have been the reason two folk have been banished from their home already. It would cause me enormous pain if I did it to you as well.”

“If they send you away, I’ll go too.”

“No you will not!  Besides they are only considering me. I though Elder Annaphina would have informed you of this.”

“Stop shutting me out, Keelor thought we were going to do this together, when this is all over.”

“I changed my mind.”


“I cannot hide my feelings anymore. I do not want to hide them anymore.”

“Then don’t.” 

Sera kissed him and poured all her love into her heart before projecting it to him. She hoped this would convince him she didn’t want to live without him.

“Sera,” he groaned into her mouth before pushing her away
Please do not torture me.”

“Then don’t torture me!”

“I am sorry. I was simply showing you how I truly feel by taking a chance with the elders.”

“Without me, Keelor?
It will be much worse when they send you away while I stay here. You could have shown me another way.”

You were upset with me and I wanted to show you how much I have changed. I needed you to see that how I feel about you
much more important to me than the law.”

“Why not tell me?”

“I do, I have.”

“Losing you won’t make me happy.”

“It will not make me happy either. I am so in love with you, more than I ever thought would be possible.”

“Oh, Keelor

They were interrupted by Anna who informed them a decision had been made. They followed her into the conference room and Sera realised her mother wouldn’t meet her eyes. She knew the worst possible outcome was about to occur.

Kalar stepped forward, her face devoid of expression.
“Keelor, the council have high esteem for your honesty and I believe had you been discovered, the vote would have leaned further toward your banishment. It is with a vast amount of regret to inform you the vote was five to three in favour of the law. You have until morning to vacate the lands.”

“No!” Sera cried.
“Don’t I have any say in this? Doesn’t everyone else have to vote?”

“The decision has been made, Princess Seraphina, however you are of course free to voice your opinion. When the law has been broken, only the elders need to vote unless it is a tie or the decision will affect the entire circle. In this case the outcome does not concern the circle.”

“The only opinion I have is, if he goes, so do I. We all voted on Sam and Angelique. Why not now? This does affect the circle!”

“Sera,” Anna cautioned her daughter.

“No, Mum. I’m as guilty as he is. If anything it was my persistence that broke him.”

Keelor moved to stand before her.
“Please, it will be alright. If you feel the way you say you do, then you will stay, for me.”

“That’s not playing fair, Keelor, you know I would do anything for you.”

Leaning forward he whispered in
her ear, “W
e have one night left together perhaps we should be spending it alone.”

Her sad eyes stared into his and her concern radiated around him which filled his broken heart with solace.

“That’s my girl,” he whispered again before smiling serenely at her.
“Shall we?”
He held out his hands.

“This is not the last I have to say about his,” she called over her shoulder as he all but dragged her away.





Nermina and her Hazer


When dawn cast its warming rays across her face, Sera reached for Keelor to discover she was alone. She sat up abruptly and called out his name with no response. Dressing swiftly, she
the hut only to discover his possessions gone too. He’d left without saying goodbye.
Dread consumed hereto lose
Sam and Keelor in close succession was almost too much. His hut now barren as though he’d never lived there.

After his insistence the previous evening, she’d moved her ever expanding wardrobe to his home, which had now become hers. Filled with determination, she strode to the gardens, to be the first to arrive, in preparation to voice her disapproval once more.

To her vexation she wasn’t the first to appear. Nermo sat with poise beside the river and it soon became apparent he was waiting for her. He nimbly rose and strolled towards her, his expression filled with genuine concern and caution.

“Don’t even say anything remotely clever such as I told you so,” she warned him.

“I would not dream of it. I am concerned only for you.”

“Yeah, well, I guess you saw it coming.” He shrugged.
“This isn’t over for me.”

“You will not change the elder’s minds. The law is the law.”

“You aren’t worried about breaking it.”

“Not if it meant I had your heart.”

“Well, no offense, but you wouldn’t.”

“I can wait.”

With a frustrated groan, she sat down upon her spot within the circle meadow to wait. He joined her and much to Sera’s surprise said nothing.

Time ticked over slowly and she drummed her fingers on her crossed legs. When the elders finally surfaced they brought with them a dark hair boy who would be lucky to be seventeen yet he
appeared strong. Ignoring him for now, Sera strode forward to begin her sermon and was greeted with a sharp shake of Anna’s head instructing her to remain silent. Respecting her mother’s wishes she returned to her place.

Slowly each member drifted in and once all were in place, Kalar stepped into the circle.

“Good morning. There is much to discuss and plans to implement therefore I will begin with haste. Our most skilled warrior Keelor will no longer be residing within the lands for he has broken the law and h
as been punished accordingly.”
There were various gasps and murmurs before Kalar silenced the group by raising her hand.
“I understand he will be sorely missed, particularly with Mecaldorf threatening the lands and his desire for book, however it is done and there w
ill be no further discussion.”
She stared pointedly at Sera and discovered heeding her mother’s warning was a wise decision.
“Our next point of discussion is Mortimer. We are indebted to him for his part in Nermina’s return therefore h
e is welcomed back to his home.
Yesterday evening after discussions with Nermina and Mortimer, we, the elders, discussed how we are to repay him and it was decided he may ask one favour of us for which we will facilitate without further discussion or vote. Mortimer, have you decided?”

“Yes, Elder Kalar, my only wish is for Nermina and I to be together, therefore I ask for the mixed relationships law
stricken from the record.”

The silence which followed appeared as though it would be infinite until the whispers between folk began.

“Mortimer, you are asking us to abolish a law?” Kalar asked.

“I believe I am.”

“This has never occurred before.”

“It is all I want and Nermina feels the same.”

All eyes turned to the pixie who nodded her concurrence.

“As we have promised we have no alternative but to consent, though I believe this to be extremely unwise. Princesses call forth the book.”

Sera sat dumbfounded. Her relationship with Keelor, which was forbidden the previous day, was about to become legal. Did this mean he could return? This would be the first question she would ask when the appropriate time arose.

She chanted the words and waited with anticipation as Kalar located the laws within the book and then recited an incantation which instantaneously removed the notation from the book.

“It is done, however I warn you all of the detri
ment of this unwise decision.”
She paused, her face a plethora of unease. She did not speak again until her composure returned.
“Before we move on to graver matters, does anyone have anything they wish to say in regard to this matter?”

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