Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down (22 page)

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Authors: Lisa Olsen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down
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I thought I’d learned the taste of Rob by now, I’d had his blood plenty of times, but it was nothing like drinking from him directly.   Feeling him alive and pulsing, his powerful arms closing around me as I drank… it transcended a mere feeding. 

I was home.

There was no counting, I knew I could drink without fear of losing control
.  He was strong, far stronger than any human I’d drunk from before.  His vigor sang through my veins, filling me with an intense warmth I hadn’t known since I was alive. 

Desire swept us headlong into the abyss, and I felt his hands sliding over my body, seeking bare skin.  Forgetting any caution, I tugged at his t-shirt, the fabric frustrating me until I gripped it too tightly and the flimsy material tore in half.  I peeled it away from his body, my mouth never breaking contact with his skin. 

For half a second I wondered if he’d object to the ruin of his shirt, but a heartbeat later I felt the cooling air kiss my skin as he reached between us and split my own shirt in two.  Skin to skin we pressed together, bodies sliding against each other, his breath harsh at my ear as I drank and drank. 

The heat spread through me, the blood throbbing in some interesting places until I felt warm and full and whole… but burning, burning so hot for him
that I thought I might die if I couldn’t have him completely.  No longer satisfied with his blood, I tore my mouth from his neck, seeking his mouth for a deep kiss. 

Rob gave a low cry of frustration when I stopped drinking, returning my kiss with a fevered passion that took my breath away, only to pull his lips from mine, his eyes closed tight has he pressed his forehead to mine.  “A man can only take so much temptation,” he growled, his voice raw with need. 

“Then stop fighting it and give us what we both want.  Or I’ll show you temptation.”  Feeling bold, my hand dipped into the waistband of his jeans, feeling the silky hardness there.

“The things you say,” he rumbled, his lips curving with barely checked desire before he took possession of my mouth in a bruising kiss.  A mewl of disappointment escaped me when he pulled away a few seconds later, rolling onto his back before he urged me with him.  Rob’s hands settled on my hips as he caught my gaze, his eyes glittering in the darkness.  “Show me.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


Empowered by the desire I saw there I took the lead, my gaze sliding over his body as I stripped him out of his jeans and boxers.  I wriggled out of the rest of my clothes before climbing back up the length of his body.  I paused at every scar or curve that caught my interest and paid homage to it with a kiss.  Some of them puckered and fresh, and some only pale silvery lines in the moonlight.  So much pain, so much sacrifice.  How many times had he offered his body in service to Jakob? 

I sealed the wounds at his neck with my own blood, to show him how much I wanted him and not his blood.  It was a powerful aphrodisiac, but drinking his blood was the appetizer, not the main course. 

Rob lay back against the cool covers, content to let me tease him for now, but his eyes never left me, following the path my mouth and hands traced over his body.  Gentle exploration gave way to deliberate enticement as I did my best to give Rob the temptation he challenged me for.  My teeth scraped against his skin, followed by the softest kisses, nothing but his sharp intake of breath to tell me when I hit a particularly sensitive spot.  I’d become a temptress, a shameless wanton, wholly bent on making him lose that rigid control he was so famous for. 

I felt a surge of triumph as he lost that veneer of composure, sitting up to wrap his arms around me, his mouth claiming mine in a deep, possessive kiss.  Strong hands guided me into place, but I was the one who set the pace.  It was my swift descent that sank him deep inside, and my roll of the hips that made him swear against my skin in a hot rush of breath.  Bodies joined, we held each other tight, slowing down, each wanting the moment to last forever. 

I felt his hands start to roam and I smiled, learning for myself how talented they were.  He coaxed my body into a feverish state as we moved together, each of us straining for that elusive peak.  Every surge of his powerful muscles brought me closer, his hands guiding me harder and faster now as we built to a reckless pitch.  And then it felt like my body might break apart, it was so filled with light and love.  And pleasure, my God, the
spread through me like a wildfire, robbing me of my ability to breath, to think, to do more than hold on and ride it out. 

There was a flash of metal out of the corner of my eye and I felt the cold sting of a blade against my neck.  Just a tiny slash of a cut, but when Rob’s mouth closed over the wound to drink it was enough to push me past rational thought. 

Unable to control myself, my fangs clamped down on his shoulder and his low, guttural cry of satisfaction reverberated through me as we throbbed together.  We clung to each other, connected by the beating of his heart.  Despite the sharing of blood, I knew there was more to it than the physical.  Knowing his heart beat just for me was enough to touch my soul as the music swelled between us. 

I fell across his chest, a strange mixture of weakness and vitality coursing through me at the same time.  His blood zinged through my veins, making me feel more alive and tingly than I ever remembered feeling before I’d died.  At the same time, my body felt heavy and satisfied, more lazy than weak, I guess.  Rob’s heart hammered in his chest as he caught his breath, languidly stroking my back as he gradually calmed, and I smiled in the darkness. 

Rob was mine. 

Maybe he’d always been mine, but now, no matter what the future might bring, we’d always have this night to remember, and hopefully, share again and again.  The feeling of bliss lingered as we lay there, neither one of us feeling the need to move much beyond the occasion
al brush of lips or light caress. 

He reached for the quilt at our feet, drawing it up over us and I snuggled back against him, savoring his warmth. 
“So, was that tempting enough for you, or do I need to try harder?” I teased.

“Any harder might kill me.”  A chuckle rumbled through his chest, but I leaned up to peer at him, worried I might have been a little too enthusiastic and hurt him by mistake. 

“I’m sorry, did I take too much from you?”  Every instinct told me no, he was still healthy and strong.

ah, I was just having a bit of a laugh,” he grinned, leaning up to kiss my temple.  “Besides, I don’t think it’d be such a bad way to go, yeah?”

“Oh, okay.  Good.”  I relaxed against him, my head tucking into the crook of his neck.  “Who taught you that trick with the knife?  It was amazing.”  I hadn’t really thought about him drinking from me during sex before, but it made me wonder if something like that was a common practice.  Or had another vampire taught him to do that before?  I tamped down the irrational surge of jealousy that followed for a person who might not even exist.  

“Just a piece of innovation.  Did you like it?”

“You’re a genius,” I sighed, my body pleasantly sliding against his as I scooted more to one side.   It was still some time before dawn, but I felt drowsy and content.  “Totally worth it,” I murmured, already starting to drift.

“What is?”

“Almost dying.  If that’s what it took to make you see how amazing we’d be together.”

Rob gave a low chuckle.  “Wasn’t never any doubt of that.  But Anja…”

I didn’t want to borrow trouble, it was far too nice to chase after the perfection in my dreams.  “Shhh, for tonight, let’s pretend nothing else matters.  Nothing but you and me and this.”  I gave him a little hug, glad to feel his arms tighten around me reflexively.  “Tomorrow will come soon enough.  For right now, I just want to make a memory of what this feels like.”

“As you wish.”


* * *


I half expected to wake up to an empty bed the next night, but I felt Rob’s arms around me, sure and strong as I drew in my first breath.  Looking up carefully to make sure I didn’t wake him if he was still asleep, I found him watching me, a sad, regretful look on his face. 

Oh no.  Not already!
  It was too soon for doubts and regrets.  I wanted to chase after the feeling we’d shared when I drifted off to sleep.  I didn’t say anything, hoping like hell he was thinking about global warming or the shortage of pandas in the world to put that look on his face. 

When he spoke, his voice was thoughtful, almost soft in the stillness of the room.  “I thought you’d died you know.  When they took you away and no one would tell me where you were

“I’m sorry.”  I could have kicked Bishop in the teeth for putting him through that. 

“It made me rethink a few things.”

That didn’t sound so bad, maybe there was hope for us yet?  “Like the me not being for you stuff?”

“That still holds true.”

I propped myself up on his chest, prepared to do battle if he started talking about taking off again.  “Rob… you said you wouldn’t leave.”

“No, let me speak my piece.”  His fingers brushed across my mouth, stilling my words.  “My place is with you, just not in the way I’d like.”  His thumb stroked my lower lip, his voice solemn.  “You’re my curse.  My penance.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I told you before, I’ve done things I’d rather bury, but they’re not meant to be forgot.  A price needs to be paid and you’re my penalty.”

“Paid to who?  Rob, that’s ridiculous.” I sat up, no longer content to let him speak when all he said was stupid stuff.  “You don’t really believe that
, do you?  You deserve to be happy, you’re a good man.”

“You’re wrong there.”  Rob shook his head, absolutely convinced of his theory.  “It’s not your fault, but there it is.  I’ll be here to watch your back as I promised, no matter what, but we can’t let this happen again.  I won’t ask you for anything more than friendship.”

“Hey, it’s nobody’s business who I let into my heart, not even Jakob’s.  We’re already way past friends, even friends with benefits.”

“I can’t let you love me.  You’re too precious to me.”  He picked up my hand and gave it a squeeze.  “I’ll be here for you, I’ll make certain you can’t come to any harm.  But this is the last time I’ll share your bed.”

“Technically this is your bed, so we still get to um…”  My words fell away when I saw he wasn’t even cracking the hint of a smile.  “But how can you say that after what we shared?  I know you heard the music that time.  Isn’t that worth the risk?”

“I did,” he said softly, almost too quiet for me to hear.  His head came up, his steely gaze resolute.  “This is the way it has to be.  I still think you’ll find your way back to your boy if you give it some time.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.  “You want me to be with Bishop?” I gaped at him in shock. 

“I want you to be happy.  Even if that’s with another man.”

“Then you’re barking up the wrong tree,” I snorted.  “Bishop wants nothing to do with me and I already told him I was moving on.”

“I’ve seen the way he still looks at you.  He’ll come around before too much longer, I think.”

“It doesn’t matter.  I’m done chasing after Bishop.  Rob, I feel very connected to you and not just because of the blood thing.  I can’t help but think that you and I deserve to give this thing a shot.  But... I won’t chase after you either.  I’m tired of pushing for someone to love me.  I deserve better than that.”

“Yes, you do.  Which is why we can’t be more than we are right now.  It’s far too dangerous.”

I let out a deep breath.  In my heart I’d been expecting some variation of this, just not quite so soon.  “So this is it then?  Friends?  Or are you going to be pulling more of that

“Would you rather I call you Your Grace?”  A rare smile stretched across his face, and I was glad he felt like he could joke about it, but I wanted to make him eat that grin. 

“Oh, you’re going to get it.”  I reached for his sides, my fingers wiggling and probing, but despite the fact that his muscles leapt under my touch, he laid perfectly still.  “Aw, man… I forgot you’re not ticklish,” I growled, grumpy I’d been cheated out of my revenge. 

“Says who?”

“Um, the fact that you’re not moving a muscle.”

“Course I am.  I’m just better at hiding my reaction than most.”

“What?  That’s insane.”  Nobody had that much discipline.  “Don’t you ever lose that self control?”

“Way too often where you’re concerned,” he said, his lips twisting into a wry grin. 

“Ah…  Then all I have to do is push the right buttons…”  I tried tickling him again, my body sliding against his.  This time he fought back, pinning my hands behind my waist.  I probably could’ve pulled them free, but I was having way too much fun anticipating what he’d do next. 

His mouth descended over mine, but before things could get really interesting, his phone rang shrilly.  Rob froze, but it was my turn to trap him, my legs coiling around his.  “Let it ring,” I said, arching up beneath him.  “As long as we’re still in this bed you’re mine.”

“It might be important.”

“Nothing’s more important than this.”

I saw duty war with desire, but in the end he let the phone go to voicemail, getting back to the business of kissing me much more seriously.  Right up until his phone chimed with a text.

“Oh, come on…” I growled, when he tore his lips from mine.

“Let me take a quick peek.  There might be something from Felix.”  He reached for his phone, the furrow between his brows deepening as he read aloud.  “Meeting called on Anja’s behalf.  How soon can you get here?”

I could tell what was coming before he had a chance to say it.  “We can’t catch a break, can we?”  My head fell back against the pillow as he swung his feet out of bed to sit on the edge.

“Some things aren’t meant to be.”

“Says you…” I muttered, pushing my way out of bed and stealing the quilt along the way.  “I’m taking a long hot shower,” I declared, pausing by the door.  “It’s up to you whether or not you want to join me, but you probably shouldn’t show up at the mansion like that.  Someone’s bound to notice my scent all over you.” 

Just to give him an extra push I let the quilt drop before I slipped out of the room, my cheeks burning the whole time.  When had I turned into such a brazen hussy?  From the glimpse of his face before I left I knew I wouldn’t be showering alone though.  About halfway through the shower we completely ran out of hot water, but neither one of us seemed to notice. 

I was glad to see Rob wanting to squeeze every last possible moment out of our alone time together.   It made it
somewhat easier to bear.  We eventually made it out of the bathroom, cleaner (though Rob had to soap himself up again without my help) and a lot more awake. 

With my t-shirt ruined, I’d planned on borrowing something of his, but the older dresses in his gran’s closet caught my interest.  I picked out a
peachy dress with a shawl collar, heavily embroidered with tiny posies all down the skirt.  It looked like it’d only been worn once or twice before, probably held in reserve for fancy occasions that had never come. 

“Is it weird, me borrowing your grandmother’s clothes?” I asked, pinning my hair up behind my ears.  Her shoes were a
bit snug, but they’d do until I got back to my own.  I kind of wanted to borrow some of her earrings too, but decided I should stop going through her stuff. 

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