Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down (8 page)

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Authors: Lisa Olsen

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down
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“Why doesn’t anyone go talk to her?  Try to get her to see the unrest she’s causing by encouraging this?”

“Hey, that’s Frost’s baby, you’ll have to ask him.  All I know is, I’m not in the cool club anymore where she’s concerned.  I wasn’t invited to Christmas at the Gudrun mansion.”

“Has Frost bubbled this up the chain?”

“I dunno, he doesn’t run stuff past me.” 

If he had, that meant a whole lot of attention for Anja, above and beyond any increased scrutiny from her new position.  But Frost was a fairly laid back guy, maybe he was trying to ride it out. 

“Hey, what did you mean before when you said you had an increase of vamps?  Is that part of this civil unrest?” 

“Oh, just that our new Elder was working the underground railroad if you catch my drift.”

Bishop bit back a string of expletives, pressing the base of the phone tight to his lips to keep from losing it.  Christ, he couldn’t leave her alone for a day before she was up to her neck in trouble again.  “Please tell me you’re messing with me right now.”

“I kid you not, man.  Word on the street was, Anja was offering Sanctuary to anybody looking to avoid the Order over a matter of delayed paperwork.  Not that it matters now, she’s got carte blanche to approve any petition that comes across her desk if she wants to.”

“Right.”  Now that she was Elder, any investigation into her activities would probably be dropped.  And if the vampire populace got too uppity… then the Order might take steps to re-establish control over the area, but there wasn’t anything they could do to Anja directly.  Still, that kind of unrest was never good for either side.  “Have you tried talking to her?”

“Yeah, I barely escaped with my balls intact for my trouble too.” 

“Alright, I’ll try talking to her when she gets here.  She’ll have to see that there’s nothing to be gained in riling everybody up.”

“Sounds like a plan.  Listen, I hate to blow you off, but I gotta motor.  If I’m still here by the time Hanna gets back, then it’ll take me another couple of hours to get out of here.”

Bishop couldn’t help but smile over the sheer happiness in Mason’s voice when he spoke of Anja’s sister.  “Things are going good between the two of you?  No regrets in taking the plunge and moving in with her?”

“Not a one.  Except maybe I think about taking a year or five off to pretend I’m a normal stiff sometimes, you know?” 

“Trust me, you’d hate it,” Bishop scoffed.  “Guys like you and me, we’re not built for normal domesticity.”

“Speak for yourself, K
emosabe. I happen to be a fantastic cook, as it turns out.  In fact, that reminds me – I’d better hit the stores before they close and pick up some heavy cream.”

“I guess I’ll leave you to it then.  Take care, man, I’ll talk to you soon.”

Bishop let out a long breath as he disconnected the call.  It didn’t surprise him to find his Anja at the epicenter of the drama in the West these days.  No, not
Anja, he had to remind himself.  Though part of him would always consider her to be his, no matter how far they drifted apart.  At least now he had a good reason to talk to her. 



You know how when you go back to your high school after a few years it seems somehow smaller?  Something about the way your perspective changes as you grow older, but not necessarily too much taller.  I thought I might feel something like that when the House of Vetis came into view, me being the Elder and all.  I wasn’t an obscure nobody anymore – I’d actually become a strong, confident, vampire after months of pretending.  There’s an inspirational message in there somewhere, suitable for bumper stickers, but I’m not quite sure what it is.   

Well, my perspective must not have changed all that much, because the house still looked as grand and imposing as ever, the gray stone lending a slightly mournful air to its appearance.  This time I wasn’t surprised to see ginormous wolves freely roaming the compound, knowing them to be part of the security team.  Maybe Tucker was one of them.

“Damn, ain’t that a sight.”  Macallister gave a low whistle beside me.  “Makes you feel kinda like the red headed stepchild, don’t it?”

So, the brash Texan could be intimidated after all, I realized with a faint smile.  “Don’t be silly, we deserve to be here as much as anyone else in there,” I said with more confidence than I felt. 

Still, a flutter of anticipation made my insides tremble as Rob handed me out of the limousine, my shoes crunching on the gravel drive.  He held onto my hand for a fraction longer than was necessary, dropping a quick wink my way.  Dressed in the suit again, he looked every inch the professional bodyguard.  So did Gunnar, as usual, and the security team that got out of the car behind us. 

This was all old hat to Felix though, and Bridget looked right at home on his arm as he strode right up to the great wooden door.  She’d come a long way from the wide eyed stare a few short weeks ago. 

“Come on, Mac,” I smiled, patting his shoulder to urge him forward from his slack jawed stare.  “Let’s go show ‘em a thing or two about Western power.”

Beyond the great door was a large antechamber, flanked by two armed guards dressed in tactical gear.  Brody (or Mr. Smiley, as I liked to think of him) manned the desk, waving Felix and Bridget right through, but blocked my path when I tried to follow them. 

“Come on, seriously?”  He had to know who I was, we’d gone through this song and dance last time.  Or maybe that was the problem?  He didn’t like how I’d made him back down after tormenting Tucker.  The short, husky blonde had a chip on his shoulder the size of Montana.

“Do you have any weapons to declare?” he asked, in his broad American accent.

“Just these babies,” I waggled my fingers at him.  I almost wished he’d push me a bit more so I could show him some of the skills I’d picked up from Rob.  Speaking of whom, Rob looked like he wanted nothing better than to take Brody’s head off.


“Come on, Brody.  You know full well who she is,” Rob snapped.

“Anja Gudrun, Elder of the West,” I smiled sweetly, gratified to see his eyes widen.  So, he hadn’t known, after all.  He caught up a clipboard, his eyes scanning the page until he came to my name and I saw his jaw tighten. 

“Welcome to Vetis, Your Grace,” he said stiffly, like he’d rather chew broken glass than bestow the title on me.  Quickly glancing past Rob, he focused on Macallister next.  “Name?” 

I knew I could go on through, but I lingered for a moment, waiting to make sure Mac made it.

“Macallister James.”

“Do you have any weapons to declare?”

To my surprise, he drew out a pair of pearl handled revolvers from his carry on bag.  Had he had those on the jet the whole time?  “I like to be prepared,” he shrugged.

Instead of confiscating them like I would have thought, Brody simply made a note of it.  “You’re not on the list.” 

“So?  Ain’t you still offerin’ Sanctuary?”

There was definitely a gleam of satisfaction to Brody’s eye as he set down the clipboard.  “Ordinarily that
’d be true, but we’re full up right now with the Gathering.  I’m afraid you’ll have to find a place to stay in town.”

“He’s with me,” I said, hoping that would be a vote in his favor. 

“Sharing a room then?” Brody’s mouth twisted into a smarmy grin.

“Apologize for that, you
filthy dog,” Rob growled, his muscles coiled to strike if the werewolf so much as twitched, but I laid a hand on his arm.  It was time to teach Mr. Smiley some manners. 

“You know what, Brody?” I asked, easily catching hold of his will with mine.  “I don’t think I like your tone of voice.  From now on
, you will only speak to me when spoken to.  Do you understand?” I stole a page from Jakob.

His head bowed submissively.  “Yes, Your Grace.” 

“You’ll add Mr. James to your list and see to it that he gets accommodations suitable for the delegate from the honorable state of Texas.  Is that clear?”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

“While you’re at it, I want to have Tucker added to my security team for the duration of my stay here.”  It would be nice to see the shy boy again, and if it got him an easier work detail for a while, all the better.  “And now that I think of it, I want you to personally see to bringing my luggage up to my suite.  I’d hate to see it go missing like last time, so you be sure to bring it on up with your own two hands, okay?”

“Yes, Your Grace.”  

“Great,” I smiled, giving his cheek a condescending pat.  “Isn’t it so much nicer when you remember your place?”

“Yes, Your Grace.” 

“Come on, guys, I feel like checking out my room.”  I sailed into the open hall with my head held high, spotting Felix chatting with Bridget near the bottom of the stairs.

“Why does it always take you so long to check in?” Felix muttered.  “You ready to go get settled in?”

“How’d you do that?”  Macallister’s eyes bulged as he followed along behind me.

“Just a touch of compulsion, no biggie.  The jerk had it coming from way before.”

“You can compel a werewolf?”

“Of course.  Can’t you?” I smiled wide, feeling like a million bucks. 

Felix’s brow shot up.  “You compelled a Were?” 

“Yeah, it was bloody brilliant,” Rob beamed with pride. 

“Put the little shit right in his place too,” Macallister grinned.  “Which I greatly appreciate.  I was startin’ to think I might have to go find me a Motel 6 around here.” 

“Isn’t that an interesting development.”  Felix perked up at the news and I wondered if I should
’ve been so cavalier at admitting to such a thing. 

“It’s not that big of a deal
, guys.”  I tried to downplay it.  “Let’s go check out our rooms.”

Macallister was diverted to a parlor to await his room assignment, but Felix and I were shown right up to our accommodations.  I guess in the back of my mind I thought I’d be
given the Swan room again, or one right next to it, but they took us to the suite Felix and Tommy had shared in the last visit.  It was bigger than the Swan room, and a bit more masculine, but it had two private bedrooms, each with their own bathrooms, which was nice. 

Bridget and Felix immediately closed themselves up in the smaller of the two bedrooms, and Gunnar excused himself to go and show the other security boys where they’d be bunking in a dormitory style room for the help, given all the added security force brought along by the other delegates.   

It took Brody about fifteen minutes to bring up all of our luggage, making several trips up and down without the luxury of calling on anyone else for help.  He was red faced and sweaty by the time he was done, but left without saying a word.  Only after he was done and the door locked did I feel relaxed enough to take my shoes off and scrunch my toes around in the plush carpet beside the massive bed. 

“I guess you’ll be bunking down with Gunnar in the barracks then, huh?  Or will they put you in the east wing with the room that goes to this?” I batted the silken cord hanging next to the bed. 

“No, I’ll be staying here with you.”

“You will?” I blinked, surprised but not displeased by the idea. 
Only Rob’s declaration stemmed from less personal reasons than I’d hoped for. 

“I’m not taking any chances with their security after what happened to Tommy.  I’ll be right by your side the entire time we’re here.”

“I kind of like the sound of that,” I ventured a smile.  “There’s room for an entire platoon of security in this bed.” I patted the mattress beside me.

“I’ll take the couch out in the sitting room.”

Where was the fun in that?  “Hey, it’s no big deal.  I sleep like the dead for the bulk of the day, remember?  I promise to keep my hands to myself.” 

“I can’t promise the same thing.”

That caught my attention for sure.  “Is that such a bad thing?”  Our eyes locked for a long moment, neither one of us so much as breathing, before he looked away. 

“The couch will do me fine.” 

“Okay, but the offer’s on the table if you change your mind.” 

“I think I’ll just have a quick wash up before we go down to the hall.  Don’t
go anywhere without me,” he warned.

My hand came up to lie over my heart.  “I promise I’ll be good.  But
, um… if you don’t trust me, I could always join you in there.  Help you wash your back?”  I threw out the semi-serious tease. 

” Rob wagged a stern finger in my direction before he escaped to the safety of the bathroom. 

Things were looking up.


* * *


Rob was out in two shakes, and I’d already changed into my cherry b
lossom dress, wanting to look more put together before we joined the other high muckety mucks in the ballroom.  It took almost another half hour before Felix and Bridget emerged from the other bedroom, Bridget looking flushed but happy in a dress of deep green as we started down the stairs to the grand hall. 

Felix peeled off to go talk to someone almost the moment we stepped into the room, taking Bridget with him, but Gunnar and Rob stayed by my side, comforting in their solid presence.  Simon Corley, Warden of Vetis, sat tucked away in the corner of the room on his massive armchair, holding court, but I ignored him for the time being.  Sure, I’d have to go present myself to him and go through all the formal greeting rigmarole, but first I wanted to take a look around and see if I could place some of the faces with the names I’d studied. 

It was far more packed than last time, but I actually felt more comfortable with the larger crowd, the easier to blend in.  Soft piano music added to the din of conversation, but there wasn’t any dancing.  Not that there weren’t couples a plenty.  I’d thought the Gathering might be heavy on the male side, but there were lots of women present, beautiful in their colorful dresses, heavy jewels glinting under the lights.  Thank goodness I’d changed first, only I hadn’t thought to wear anything sparkly to impress.  Rob’s necklace hung tucked inside the bodice of my dress, Jakob’s ring and my ring of office the only other jewelry I wore.   

Lìngrén jingyì
...  Aren’t they just beautiful?  I breathed, feeling a little like Cinderella at her first ball, wowed by all the opulence gathered in one place. 

Ó, nǐ shuō zhōngguó huà ma?”
A voice sounded at my elbow, and I turned to face a petite Asian man who was peering at me closely, posh as anything in a black tuxedo with a white bow tie. 

“I’m sorry, what was that?
”  I asked, bewildered when he fired off a string of rapid fire Chinese, leaving me more confused than before.  “Sorry, I only speak Firefly,” I grinned sheepishly.  The man shook his head with a confused squint, and turned away.  “Who was that?” I whispered to Rob as soon as he’d moved away a respectable distance.

“I’ve no idea,” he replied, his eyes scanning the crowd, all business. 

Gunnar just shrugged when I looked to him for an answer. 

“They should make people wear nametags to these things,” I grumbled.  “Or maybe put out a newsletter.  The who’s who of the vampire world.  Or a website!”  My eyes opened wider in excitement.  “We should totally do a website!  We could get pictures of everybody, take a few candids during the meeting, what do you think?”

Rob’s response didn’t fill me with a ton of confidence in the idea.  “Something tells me that won’t be met with a lot of enthusiasm.” 

“It’s not like I’d put VAMPIRE across the top of it.  Or heck, who’d care if I did?  There are a ton of wacky websites out there.  I can think of three alone that friends of mine run claiming knowledge of vampires, witches
, and aliens.  Nobody cares.  I should talk to Felix about it, if I can find him.” 

“I’ll go fetch him,” Rob offered.  “Stay close to her,” he added unnecessarily to Gunnar
, who edged a few inches nearer. 

“He didn’t mean that close,” I laughed, side stepping him when I started to lose my balance.  “Felix can’t
be too far.  Can you see him from your height?”  My head twisted around, looking for my partner in crime when I spotted a familiar set of shoulders. 


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