Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (3 page)

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The Bar


The limousine dropped me
off at the hotel entrance and I looked up impressed. This place was huge and
very obviously expensive. As instructed I reported to Edward, the concierge on
duty, who discretely took my overnight case and directed me to the Champagne
bar. I strode over, checking my reflection in the frosted glass doors as I
passed. I adjusted the cuffs of my shirt under my jacket sleeves and ran a hand
through my black, unruly with an edge of cool, hair. I smiled politely as a
blonde stumbled as she passed me, too busy checking me out to see the small
step in the marble floor.
Logan Steele, you’ve still got it,
I thought
as I approached the bar and turned heads. Women wanted me, men wanted to be me,
I was used to getting this sort of reaction when I was in my workout gear, but
with a suit the attention was more pronounced. Even more so tonight, as I was
in a sharply tailored suit that I’d had made to measure in Bond Street as part
of Camilla’s requirements.

‘Still water, twist of lime, no ice,’ I asked the
bartender who nodded and pushed a paper coaster towards me as I sat sideways to
the bar, ensuring I had full view of the entrance.

‘Alcoholic?’ enquired a redhead as she sidled up
beside me and put her hand on my firm bicep.

‘Not at all. I’m meeting someone and want to be
clear headed for the evening I have planned for her.’

‘Lucky lady,’ she sighed and moved onto another
single male who gave me a grateful smile of thanks for refusing her.

‘Your water, Sir.’

‘Thank you, keep the change.’

‘Thank you, Sir,’ he smiled. I always paid as if
it were an expensive short, otherwise I’d just look cheap.

‘You’re welcome.’

‘Meeting Miss Domville?’ he enquired quietly as he
polished a glass.

‘What would make you think that?’ I asked, raising
my eyebrow in return. Client discretion was paramount.

‘All staff likely to see you with her have been
warned to keep quiet, to ensure that it does not get back to her father.’

‘The staff are more scared of his daughter than
the great man himself?’

‘The great man himself doesn’t have sex with his
staff and keep the recordings to blackmail them with, Sir.’

‘Well I should hope not.’ The report I’d read had
suggested as much, that Miss Domville was not the innocent virgin her father
believed her to be, but a recording was strictly against my policy.

‘If one were aware that there were such cameras,
hidden behind the speaker panel in the private lift to the Signature suite, as
well as in the iPhone dock facing the bed in the master suite, the vase of
black orchids in the main bathroom and box tree bush next to the hot tub on the
outer balcony, one could find a way to make sure they avoided their face being

‘Fascinating,’ I nodded as I slipped him another
tip and received a grateful nod as he stepped away to serve another customer.
So, Camilla was planning on capturing my face and trying to blackmail me? I
wondered what for, it wasn’t as if she needed any extra money. I ran through
the layout of the suite that I’d memorised and calculated how I was going to
avoid her spycams as I sipped at my water and checked the main door again,
before checking my watch. She was late, it was already ten past eight. If she
stood me up it would do me a favour, I’d been paid up front and could avoid the
complications of her scheming, but it would bruise my ego severely. No one had
ever stood me up.

‘Is this seat taken?’

‘I’m afraid so,’ I replied without looking at the
speaker. As well as skilled in bed, I was also skilled in reading into people’s
body language, listening to their tone and intonation and making snap
judgements. I’d lay bets that she was in her mid-sixties, a smoker, which I
hated, and that she was desperate. While the irony of not liking desperate
women for casual personal encounters wasn’t lost on me, given that I got it up
on a regular basis
desperate women, that was work. In real life I
veered towards women who weren’t quite so obvious and pushy.

‘It looks vacant,’ she prodded.
Why the hell
ask if you’re going to ignore my response?
I slowly turned to face her,
pleased that my intuition hadn’t let me down. She was attractive for her age,
but severely lined around the mouth from sucking on cigarettes, or maybe it was
cock as well, she certainly wasn’t shy in pressing me for my company.

‘It won’t be for long and I’m afraid that wasn’t
an offer,’ I smiled politely. She visibly bristled and tucked her grey hair
behind her ear and haughtily turned to head towards the ladies. I heard a
murmur sweeping around the bar and turned my head back to the door. There she
was, if I’d been drinking my water I might have lost my usual cool composed
self and spat it all over the floor.
What the fuck was she wearing? And more
to the point, how the hell did Mr. Domville think that his daughter was a
She smiled as she saw me sitting at the bar and moved towards me
with a surprising grace. Her dance training I guessed. I widened my thighs
slightly to accommodate my swelling cock. She had amazing legs and that dress
fitted her like a second skin, there was no fat on her anywhere. If anything
she was a bit skinnier and more flat chested than I’d like, a bit too straight
up and down and needed more of a curve to her hips and backside, but I wasn’t
complaining, she was attractive.

Sometimes I felt like James Bond, I was tasked to
fulfil my duties no matter what the cost. Logan Steele, licenced to thrill. I
let out a chuckle at my off the cuff witticism. I ought to have business cards
made with that slogan. Sometimes I just wished I could be myself more, but
women didn’t pay me to be myself. The real me was a bit of a gaming geek, who
loved to drink pints of beer while hanging out with his friends, who laughed at
things other people didn’t find funny to the point of doubling up, who adored
his football and rugby. No, they wanted the suave Logan Steele, seducer of
women, calm, controlled and mature.

‘Antoine, a bottle of Cristal please,’ she ordered
as she took the seat next to me, her eyes flicking to my crotch as she did.

‘Certainly, Miss Camilla,’ nodded my bartender and
gave me a discrete knowing smile.

‘Having a party?’ I asked. I watched as she
quivered, my baritone voice often did that to women, it was supposed to be a
sign of virility, I guessed it was. Having a deep voice had never done Dan and
I any harm when we used to act as each other’s wing men. Not that we needed
help drawing them in, but it made the whole experience more fun.

‘Actually yes, I’m expecting a very large
surprise,’ she smiled as she swivelled on her stool to face me.

‘Then I sincerely hope you aren’t disappointed.’

‘So far the evening has exceeded expectations, and
it’s barely begun,’ she giggled as she slowly parted her legs, letting me see a
flash of green lace before she crossed them again.

‘What expectations did you have?’ I enquired as
she ran the pointed heel of her shoe up my calf.

‘I’m really hoping to scream when I unwrap my
present, I’m hoping it’s as big as I imagined.’

‘I’m sure it will be, who could refuse to give you
what you want?’ I asked with a cock of my head. I could see the pulse in her
neck beating faster.

‘No one I hope, I’d hate to have to return it for
a refund.’

‘I’m sure you’ll find that your present
with a guarantee cast from pure Steele,’ I winked. She gulped and fluttered her
eyelashes, then bit her lower lip and wriggled a little on her stool.

‘Miss Camilla, your champagne,’ announced Antoine
as he carried the champagne bucket around to place it at her side.

‘Antoine, I’m in the mood to start my party early.
Please could you put it on ice until I arrive in the suite, in case I’m delayed
on the way up.’

‘Of course,’ he nodded with a slight bow and
backed away with it again.

‘What a shame I won’t be able to enjoy the
pleasure of your company for a little bit longer,’ I advised with a pretend

with me,’ she giggled with a wriggle
of her shoulders, as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder.
one RSVP I’ve never declined darling
, I thought as I pretended to consider
her request.

‘I’m not one for crowds, Miss Camilla. I’m best in
a one to one situation.’ I lifted the corner of my mouth into a smile.

‘One to one? Are you trying to seduce me, Sir?’
she gasped, acting all affronted.

‘There is no trying,’ I countered as I leaned in
and placed an elbow on the bar, the other on my knee as I spread my legs in a
masculine pose. ‘If I wanted to seduce you I would. I’d rip those tiny green
knickers you’re wearing to shreds and impale you on my cock before you had a
chance to beg me.’

‘And what makes you think I’d be interested?’ she
asked as she uncrossed her legs and parted them slightly.

‘The fact that you’re dying to know just how large
I actually am that it’s made your tiny little cunt drip with arousal, every man
in this bar can smell it, you’re watering for me, aren’t you? Desperate for a
stranger to fuck you and take you to heights you’ve never seen.’ I angled my
fingers to trail slowly up the inside of her thigh and her eyes glazed as her
breathing quickened. ‘Blow off your party, I’ll show you a far better time that
you’ll remember for years to come.’

‘Only if I can blow you off,’ she whimpered as my
index finger reached the sodden lace. ‘We’re in a public place,’ she whispered
as her eyes went wide when I started to stroke. I smiled, this was the reason I
refused scripts for the entire night, I only agreed to use certain words or
phrases if that really got them off. There had to be some spontaneity or where
was the fun? She’d not been expecting me to rub her clit as she sat at the bar
in her father’s hotel.

‘That was a given, Miss Camilla. I’ll want you on
your knees with your hands tied behind your back as I fuck your throat and
you’ll swallow me with no complaint, I may even save some for that pretty face
of yours.’

‘O fuck,’ she groaned as she closed her eyes.

‘Not quite yet, but it can be arranged very
shortly if you so desire,’ I advised as I slowly trailed my fingers back down
her thighs. I heard her gulp as she opened her eyes and nodded at me. I stood
up and fastened the button on my jacket, leaving her eye level with my chest as
I held out my hand to help her off the stool. She took in a sharp breath, she’d
felt it, the elusive
that everyone spoke about when they met
their perfect match. Despite the number of women I’d had, that crackle still
evaded me. I put my hand in the small of her back and steered her out of the
bar, aware that many eyes were on us. ‘You live dangerously,’ I observed as we
made our way across the cavernous lobby.

‘For accepting the offer of a stranger?’

‘That, and the fact that you’re brazen enough to
do it in this hotel.’ I wasn’t supposed to bring up the fact that I knew who
she was. ‘You’re not worried people will think you’re a prostitute, dressed
like that?’

you!’ she hissed as she glared up
at me.

‘A high class prostitute, one I’d happily pay good
money to fuck,’ I shrugged. ‘Lucky me to get you for free.’

‘I’m paying
arsehole,’ she snapped,
breaking cover, as we stood in front of the lift door and she rummaged for her

‘Did you never question why the price was so
high?’ I asked as I trailed a finger up and down the inside of her wrist making
her swallow again. ‘You’ve never been fucked by a real man Camilla, a man so
large he could split you in half with one thrust, who can make you come
multiple times in seconds just with his fingers, let alone his tongue and thick
cock. I’m so large, I’ll stretch you so wide that you’ll have to resort to dual
penetration in your cunt to feel half of what you felt with me when you fuck anyone
else. I’ve even made a woman come just by telling her what I was going to do to
her. Tell me you’re not dripping down your thighs right now at the thought of
it? That your little clit isn’t screaming for me to touch it properly without
that lace in the way?’

‘Logan,’ she mewled as she swayed on her feet and
dropped the private lift key card. I dropped to one knee next to her and
stooped to pick it up, pretending to steady myself by clasping the back of her
right leg, taking the opportunity to press my thumb against the little known
erogenous zone at the back of her knee. I smiled as I heard her pant as my
thumb worked while I picked up the key card with the other hand. I released her
leg just before she had to reach out to palm the lift door to keep upright. I
placed my hand back on the small of her back as I swiped the card, then leaned
closer to her and breathed on her neck, making all of her hair stand on end.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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