Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (7 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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The Bathroom


Camilla had fallen asleep
within seconds of me pulling out of her. So much for cheerleader stamina, I
still hadn’t given it my all, I’d sensed she wouldn’t be able to take it. She
lay face down on the bed, her cheek against the white cotton sheet below. She
looked so damn young, if I hadn’t had Ian do checks on her to ensure that she
was actually twenty-one, I wouldn’t have believed it seeing her sleeping now.
the hell was she doing paying for someone like me?
Why hadn’t she found a
nice guy, her age, to go steady with? I carefully got off the bed and headed to
one of the other bedrooms and used their en-suite to clean myself up and
dispose of my condom, before heading back to the lounge and pouring myself some
water. Someone had been in again and replenished the ice, they’d probably heard
us screaming. I chuckled, Camilla was going to be the talk of the hotel
tomorrow. It seemed that most of the staff had her sussed. I went and stood at
the window and took in the stunning view. Here I was standing in the middle of
luxury, women craved me, I had a substantial nest egg built up, I loved sex
which meant that I loved my job, but something was still missing. On the
surface I had it all, but I wasn’t content. I sighed and shook myself off and
headed back to the master suite, checking my jacket was still covering her camera,
applied another condom, then lay back down on the bed and started kissing the
back of her neck.

‘Hmmm,’ she groaned.

‘Bathroom time,’ I whispered as I ran my tongue up
and kissed along her hairline. ‘I want you again, now. I’m thinking we can get
dirty before we get clean.’

‘Now you’re talking,’ she giggled and wriggled
around to face me. I reached out with one hand and held her jaw as I kissed
her, letting my tongue flutter against hers. ‘Are you ready for me again,

‘I’ll always be ready for you, Camilla. That was
the best sex of my life. I don’t know how I’m going to get on that plane in the
morning knowing I won’t see you again.’

‘I have a feeling that we will see each other
again, sooner than you think,’ she murmured against my lips. I smirked, she
still hadn’t seen I’d foiled her second blackmail attempt. Not that I was sure
what she expected to achieve, I had money, but she certainly didn’t need it. I
shut my mind off to that, the issue at hand was how to ruin her third attempt.
I kissed her again, leapt off the bed and held my hand out to her, pulling her
up and against my chest, then I pulled out something no woman seemed to be able
to resist. The two handed face clasp with possessive kisses. My lips lifted up
in the corners as she took the bait and flung her arms around my neck and
jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Perfect, that would shield me
from view. I quickly strode into the master bathroom and swung left, ensuring
her back was to the orchid camera and shoved her onto the console table on
which it was positioned. I kneed apart her thighs and dove back into her while
holding her face steady to protect my own and set off at a pace that would make
any marathon runner drool. My suspicions were right, the table started to shake,
I pushed into her so hard it slid her backwards and rammed her against the vase
which toppled with a thud. ‘What was that?’ she gasped between pants.

‘Me, fucking you. Damn it Camilla, you’re ruining
me, I need to come again, desperately. Grip the edge of the table and help me,
flex those hips and ride my cock the way I know you can, the way you were born

’ she mewled and did as she was told.
I let go of her face and slipped my hands down her sides to grip her hips and
stretched out my fingers to test where the damn thing was. I was fucking her as
if her life depended on it, she was screaming and yowling and still the damn
thing hadn’t rolled off. I gave it an encouraging shove with my hand and heard
a crash as I buried my face in her neck and kissed it. ‘O my God! What was
that?’ she gasped.

‘Some vase. Shit, I don’t want to risk your feet
on the floor with pieces of glass or whatever it was, we’ll move this into one
of the other rooms.’ I circled my hips again, making her squeal, distracting her
as I grabbed her backside and slid her off the table and swung around and
marched out of the offending room. Three down, one to go, how the hell was I
going to avoid the one on the balcony? I should have gone to check it out while
she was sleeping. I felt her kissing my neck as I walked, wishing I got some
kind of response to it. Not since Lucy had I had a proper response to women
touching me. I had no problem performing, I was a guy after all, a naked
willing woman was all that was needed to get me hard, or off, but it was like I
shut off a part of myself, the part that really let me relax and enjoy it. Sex
with clients was just a function, I had to save something for my personal life
and all I had left was my feelings and genuine reactions. I strode into the
bathroom I’d ventured into earlier and made my way to the wet room and turned
on the two overhead rain showers. They were a perfect temperature. I lifted
Camilla off me, with a moan of protest from her, and set her down on the
travertine floor. ‘Turn around, face the tiles.’

‘But I want to see you.’

‘Do as you’re told and I’ll make it worth your
while,’ I nodded. She spun around and faced them for me and I flexed my muscles
in the heat before pressing her up against the tiled wall and kicking her ankles
apart. ‘Hands up above your head on the tiles and keep them there.’

‘You’re hot all in control,’ she groaned. I placed
the tip of my finger tip in the hollow at the base of her neck and slowly drew
it down her spine and watched her shiver, then turned my hand and slid further
down to press my middle finger on her perineum. I gently stroked it and smiled
as she let out a throaty gasp, then slipped forward through her wetness,
circling her entrance as she writhed her hips. I leaned in and lay a trail of kisses
up the side of her neck before nibbling on her ear lobe.

‘Do you have
idea what you do to me,
Camilla Domville?’ I whispered. ‘You have the most amazing body that I just
want to worship all night, I want to lavish attention on those stiff little
nipples of yours as your fingers tear through my hair, then lick and kiss every
inch of skin between them and
’ I confirmed as I pressed my finger
tip firmly on her clit. She whined as I started to circle it and her hips moved
in a perfect rhythm. ‘Do you want my cock inside you?’

‘So badly you have no idea.’

‘How about I just give you this instead?’ I asked
as I slid two fingers up inside her and she whined and stamped her feet.

‘No, I want your cock.’

‘This is just a reminder of all those boys you’ve
been with before, this is as good as it gets with them Camilla, remember how inadequate
this feels in a second when I’m buried deep inside you, filling you the way
they never will.’ I pumped my fingers and gently bit the back of her neck,
sucking until she squealed, trembled and tried to catch her breath. ‘That was
an average orgasm, you’re about to experience one that will leave you

‘O shit,’ she breathed and I pulled out my fingers
and gave them to her to suck. She wrapped her tongue around them and I angled
myself with my left hand and thrust into her without warning, letting out a
pretend groan.

, O. My. God!’ she cried. I held her
hands in one of my own, high up above her head against the tiles, while I
snaked a hand around, squeezing between the tiles and her toned stomach and
pinched her clit, hard. ‘Don’t leave, I’ll pay you anything you want, I want
you to stay, to be all mine and only mine.’

‘I am entirely yours Camilla, for the night. I’m
not going anywhere, not when you’re milking my cock like that. I’ve never met a
woman I wanted to fuck more than I did you when you walked into the bar with
that dress on,’ I lied as I kissed behind her ear and moved my hips a little
faster with another pinch, until she shattered again. Truth was, hot as she’d
looked in that outfit and as much as I’d wanted to fuck her, I couldn’t
remember the last time I
wanted a woman deep in my gut, that
to have you or I’ll die
feeling. The only person recently that had given me
any form of emotional response was Summer. My cock swelled immediately as I
thought of her picture and Camilla screamed with joy and came again. I closed
my eyes and imagined it was Summer that I was buried in right now, damn her
wanting some bloody virgin softly softly approach next week. I took out my
frustrations on Camilla by really pounding into her until she was begging me to
stop as one orgasm after another hit her. I finally unloaded hard and fast and
gasped myself. Damn it, just thinking about a picture had me come harder than I
had in a long time. I was breaking one of my secret cardinal rules, “Never get
excited about meeting a client or you’re well and truly fucked, as personal
just crossed into professional.” I’d already crossed that line before our first
fucking appointment.

‘Logan,’ Camilla whimpered as her body went limp,
suspended by my one hand holding her wrists and my stomach against her
backside. I wrapped an arm around her waist and let go of her hands, spun her
around and smoothed the wet hair away from her dazed looking face and kissed

‘You were sensational, every time just gets better
and better.’

‘Yeah,’ she groaned as she tried to focus her
eyes. I moved us under the hot water and cradled her in my arms, her head
against my chest, planting the occasional kiss in her hair as she tried to
recover, while I wished I was anywhere but here. That was the power of money
for you.



I stretched out my fingers over Logan’s chest as
we lay in bed relaxing. I’d gone dizzy and lightheaded after that seriously hot
shower sex, but he’d been so sweet after, washing my hair for me and soaping up
his hands to give me a slow all over body massage. He’d wrapped me up in one of
the luxurious soft dressing gowns provided and I must have dozed off, as the
next thing I knew was that he was waking me up a short while later carrying a
tray with a room service order he’d placed, as we’d missed eating dinner. He’d
got me my favourite meal of PB&J sandwiches with curly fries and a hot
chocolate fudge brownie with vanilla bean ice cream. I was amazed, I hadn’t
even given him that information in the booking form. He really was everything
I’d heard he was. He also had quite an appetite, for food as well as sex. He’d
ordered himself a lobster bisque, chicken Caesar salad, a side of fries and an
Idaho potato with sour cream and a fresh fruit salad, requesting plenty of
banana and mango and had polished off the lot before I’d even gotten to
dessert, there again he did wear off plenty of calories with all that work he
did. He’d held me to his chest suggesting I needed a rest as he still had plans
for me and I needed to conserve my energy.

I’d been so happy to wake up like that, in his
strong arms. I smiled as I lay draped over the top of him, drawing my name with
my fingertip on his chest. I couldn’t wait to watch that recording back. Too
bad the damn lift and shower sex ones were a bust, but the one of him fucking
me from behind on the bed would be amazing to watch. And when I gave him the
blow job, as he sat at the end of the bed while I had my hands tied behind my
back, that would be a perfectly clear shot of his stunning face on the camera.
Blaine could work his magic and copy those for my own private collection. I
looked over at the camera and nearly swore out loud. He’d tossed his damn
jacket over the top of it, fuck. Fuck, fuck,
Now I had nothing,
three damn cameras and not one recording?

I looked up at Logan, who smiled down at me and I
forgot about my fury for a moment and studied his face. Everything was in
perfect symmetry, except for his bottom lip which was even sexier as it was
slightly fuller than the top one. He also had a tiny scar under his jaw and I
wondered how he’d got that. He had no tattoos on his beautiful buff body, which
was refreshing given virtually every guy I went with had. His dark grey eyes
were mesmerising, I could drown in them.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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