Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (11 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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The Lounge


Summer looked even more
amazing in the flesh than I’d imagined. I’d chosen well, the electric blue of
her dress really complimented her skin tone and brought out the sparkle in her
eyes, as well as fitting her curvy body perfectly. I swallowed hard and tried
to ignore how much my balls ached as I looked at her, then suddenly remembered
I was supposed to be the guy in charge. I gave her my best smile and saw her
blink and swallow as hard as I had. Well that was a bonus, my fear that the one
woman in years I’d got a reaction to, being the one woman who
react to me, seemed totally unfounded. I reached out quickly and took her hand
as she swayed and tried to grab the door frame. I nearly needed to do the same
myself. I’d just felt it, that elusive “crackle” that everyone spoke about when
they touched someone they apparently had amazing sexual chemistry with. It shot
up my arm and straight down, zapping the hell out of my cock and balls. Fuck,
fuck, FUCK. I shouldn’t be seeing her, this was crossing a seriously
unprofessional line. It seemed my body was ignoring my head however, as I
stepped forward and slipped an arm around her, placing my palm in the small of
her back as I leaned in and kissed her soft smooth cheek.

‘Miss Beresford, you look stunning tonight,’ I
whispered in her ear as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could smell
honey in her hair. Sweet hair, sweet woman and, if my intuition served me as
well as it normally did, I’d lay money on her having the sweetest tasting cunt
as well. I couldn’t turn her away, I had to have her, to know if she tasted as sweet
as she smelled, to know if she’d feel as good as I was imagining when I fucked
her. It was only for the night. One night, then I could get her out of my
system and get back to being emotionally detached, the way I needed to be. The
way I
to be.

‘Mr. Steele,’ she breathed in a sexy tone that
made me shudder.

‘Please, call me Logan,’ I replied, cursing myself
for loving the way my surname sounded rolling off her tongue.

‘You’d better call me Summer then. So how does
this work?’

‘Well, first you come in and I offer you a drink.
You seem nervous. I promise there’s no need to be. We’re just a couple on a
date, Summer.’

‘Ok,’ she nodded. I reluctantly let go of her hand
and gestured for her to step inside and had to tear my eyes off that curvaceous
backside as she slinked over to the lounge area. Fuck, my cock had just got
even harder at the thought of taking that backside. I don’t think she actually
had any idea that she was sexy, she had an almost innocent glow about her. I
closed the door and walked over to her taking my time, so I could appraise her
body and it didn’t disappoint, in any way.

‘Can I get you a drink?’

‘What do you have?’ she asked as she blinked up at
me. I was six foot one, even in heels she was barely five foot ten, but she was
one sexy, voluptuous little package.

‘I’ll surprise you,’ I smiled. I already knew what
she’d like. I had a bottle of Champagne chilling, but not the cheap stuff she
drank as a poor substitute. I also knew that she liked Crème de Cassis in it as
well, to add a little extra sweetness to it.

‘You’ve already surprised me.’

‘How so?’

‘The lily and the clothes and … accessories.
They’re so beautiful, thank you so much. How did you know?’

‘Shouldn’t every attentive man know how to please
his date?’

‘Well, one can hope,’ she smiled. ‘Why did you
choose green lingerie?’

‘Virgin for the night, green for naivety, white
seemed too obvious a choice,’ I smiled, then frowned as I saw her chewing the
inside of her lip. ‘Why are you so nervous?’

‘This is just a bit surreal. I don’t even know you
and you seem to know so much about me.’

‘Then let me get you that drink and we can have a
seat, relax and get to know each other, just like any couple on a first date
would, before we eat.’ I smiled at her again, thinking fuck the aphrodisiac
risotto I’d planned to make for her, I’d rather eat her, lick her over and over
until those pink cheeks turned scarlet as she panted my name in that thick
chocolate tone and tightened her thighs around my ears.

‘Thanks,’ she gave me a half-smile and went and
perched herself on the edge of the sofa, looking anything but relaxed. I
returned with her drink, and a glass of still water with lime for myself.

‘Here you are, Summer.’

‘You know my favourite drink, too? Is there
anything you don’t know about me?’

‘I’m very good at what I do,’ I smiled, with a
knowing look. She went a darker shade of pink and sipped her Kir Royale. I
stayed standing, unbuttoned my jacket and slowly slipped it off my shoulders,
watching her face. Her eyes raked down my body and she blinked again, then
chewed her lip even harder as she looked at my crotch. I threw my jacket over
the back of the sofa, unbuttoned my shirt cuffs and rolled back the sleeves,
before sinking back into the corner of the sofa and stretching my arms across
the top, as I placed one ankle on my knee, going for sexily nonchalant. ‘So
tell me Summer, why are you looking so tense? Do I make you uncomfortable?’ I’d
love to make her uncomfortable in all sorts of positions she probably didn’t
even know she was capable of.

‘I’m just used to planning, I plan things, and all
of a sudden I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight and I feel on edge.’

‘Would you like me to tell you what’s going to
happen? Would that make you feel better?’

‘I don’t know, maybe,’ she shrugged and knocked
her Champagne back. I frowned, I didn’t want her to get pissed, I may fuck
women for a living, but I’d rather they were conscious and I had a feeling that
Summer didn’t handle her drink well.

‘I’ve prepared some canapés for us to eat while we
have a drink and I get to know you a little, then I’m going to cook us dinner,
then I plan on kissing you, all over. In the spirit of putting your mind at
rest, I’m an extremely good kisser Miss Beresford, you’re likely to go light
headed but I promise you that I’ll hold you up. I’m going to make sure that I
pay close attention to you all night,
close attention, I guarantee
no other man will ever have made you feel as good as I’ll be making you feel,’
I advised as I felt my pulse racing at the thought of what I planned to do to
her. She took me by surprise, putting her empty glass down on the coffee table
and quickly standing up.

‘I’m so sorry, this … was a mistake. I should … I
should leave,’ she stammered. I looked up at her horrified. No one had ever
No one.
I’d be damned if I was letting the one woman I was
desperate to fuck walk out of that door. I stood up quickly and caught her eye,
she blushed and hung her head. I couldn’t understand what the hell I’d done
wrong. It was obvious she found me attractive, I’d yet to meet a woman that
didn’t. I’d been a perfect gentleman and attentive for the few minutes she’d
been here. I took a sharp breath as realisation hit me when I noticed that she
was trembling.

‘O my God. This isn’t your fantasy night is it?’ I
asked softly as I reached out and put my fingers under her chin, lifting her
face to meet my gaze, and was struck by the level of fear in her eyes. ‘You
booked me to take your virginity for real.’

‘You must think I’m so pathetic,’ she whispered as
a tear rolled down her cheek, which hurt me right where it shouldn’t have.

‘Not pathetic, no,’ I frowned with a shake of my
head. ‘Surprised. You’re a beautiful, sexy young woman.’

‘Sexy?’ She gave a nervous laugh and I reached up
and wiped her tear away with my fingertip. I suddenly felt so protective of
her. How could someone as attractive as Summer never have had sex? I grabbed
her waist and pulled her against my body, delighting in the feel of her soft
breasts rubbing against my chest and I heard her take a shaky breath. ‘What are
you doing, Mr. Steele? I told you that I wanted to leave.’

‘You paid me a non-refundable fee, Miss Beresford,
and knowing what I know now, there’s no way I’m letting you walk out of that
door. I’m not going to let you lose your virginity to some bumbling idiot who
doesn’t know how to make a woman come multiple times, you could be put off sex
for life and I can’t have that. I’m going to do exactly what you paid me to do.
I’m going to take your virginity tonight, I’ll be gentle, respectful, and
answer any question you have about sex. I promise you that by the time I’m done
you’ll no longer have anything to fear and you’ll be begging me to blow off
cooking and spend another few hours making you come.’

‘Hours?’ she whimpered as she went wide eyed and I
felt her heart racing against my chest.

‘I have a feeling with you I could make it last
days,’ I nodded.

‘Do you say that to all the women you’re paid to
sleep with?’ she asked bluntly taking me by surprise.

‘Some of them, but with you I mean it,’ I replied

‘I bet you say that to them too,’ she bit back.
Damn it, this wasn’t going well.

‘I don’t, but regardless of whether you believe
me, I came recommended for a reason and right now I’m here with you. I want

‘Only because I paid you.’ More tears started to
roll down her cheeks.

‘Why did you book me if you’re so reluctant?’ I
asked feeling puzzled. My fees should be enough to put off anyone who was
anything less than serious from signing the final contract.

‘I … I have to fake sex on screen and I have no
idea what I’m doing. I want to be good, to be sexy and seductive and I thought
who better to show me than you? My makeup artist told me all about you when we
were doing screen tests, but this all feels a bit clinical all of a sudden.
Paying someone to sleep with me, someone who doesn’t care about me, who only
cares about my money.’

‘That’s not true.’

‘Yes it is. How many women have you slept with
this month? I bet I’m just another in a long line and you won’t even remember
my name this time next week, you won’t feel anything. Sex is supposed to be
this wonderful connection that people who care about each other have,’ she

‘Who says that two people who’ve just met can’t
have a wonderful connection? I care about you right now because you’re feeling
vulnerable and scared and I hate to see any woman feeling that way. I can
understand that this may seem a terrifying proposition to you, but I promise
you if anyone knows how to give you the most incredible experience of your life
it’s me. Who better to show you? You walk out of that door now and you’ll
always wonder what it would have been like to taste me, for me to run my lips
all over your body, to tease those big nipples of yours to stiff points until
you shattered into an explosion of joy. You’ll never know how my tongue could
make you even wetter than you are now, or how multiple orgasms from me making
love to you would feel. Have you ever experienced an orgasm provided by another

‘No and I … I … I’m too embarrassed to say,’ she
replied dropping her eyes.

‘You’re playing the role of a sex symbol on
screen,’ I reminded her. ‘You need to get comfortable talking about sex, your
wants and desires.’

‘I’ve never had an orgasm full stop,’ she
whispered under her breath. I looked at her shocked.

‘You’ve never masturbated or used a vibrator?’

‘No,’ she gulped. ‘I had a bad experience and it
put me off wanting to try.’

‘I’m going to kiss you right now Summer, after
I’ve kissed you, if you tell me that you still don’t want me to carry out our
agreement, I’ll call James back to take you home.’

‘But I …’ she started to protest.

‘No buts, it’s just a kiss,’ I interrupted and
reached up to grip the back of her neck, making sure she couldn’t turn away,
and anchored my other hand on her soft backside. I lowered my lips towards hers
and heard her take in a sharp breath. I groaned as I sealed my mouth over hers
and tasted her for the first time. She tasted of strawberries, sweet, rich and
ripe. She tried resisting for a moment then I heard her make a high pitched
moan and as soon as her lips parted, I gently slid my tongue in and wrapped it
around hers. I didn’t even have the urge to take her the way I usually did, I
could still feel her trembling against me and wanted her to feel safe. No way
was I calling James, Summer Beresford wasn’t leaving until I’d buried my cock
into her uncharted folds and given her the most incredible night of her life.
She’d no longer fear sex, she’d crave it.

’ she moaned against my lips and suddenly
reached up and put her arms around my neck. I groaned again as I took her mouth
more possessively and not only felt my cock surge in my boxers, but my stomach
did some weird tingling roll.
What the hell was that?


BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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