Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (46 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘Come on then, come for me, let me hear you
scream, tell me how good it feels to be finger fucked by a complete stranger,’
he demanded.

‘So good, so …
, I love it,’ I mewled
as heat spread through my body like wildfire. I screamed as my climax ploughed
into me like an Artic truck, shattering me completely. I closed my eyes and
imagined it was Dale’s fingers working inside me so expertly and a smile spread
across my face as I pictured his brown eyes full of desire, his blond hair
flopped over his forehead with that cheeky grin on his face. O God, how I
longed for it to be Dale pinning me down on the Jeep. I tried to catch my
breath as Logan removed his fingers, with an audible pop.

‘Open your mouth,’ he ordered. I did as I was told
and he shoved them into my mouth. I didn’t need to be told to suck them clean.
I went to work right away, tasting my sweetness all over him. As soon as I
finished I felt him release my neck, then slide down the back of my body and I
whimpered as his powerful lips wrapped around my clit and his tongue went to

‘Holy shit,’ I muttered. His technique was
flawless, even if I was a Yoga Master and could reach, I doubted I could give
myself head the way he was doing it now. His girlfriend, if he had a girlfriend
crazy enough to let him do this job, was one lucky bitch. I felt his fingers
scooping my wetness and trailing it back up towards my exposed bottom and let
out a soft moan. Some “Lady” I was, getting all worked up at the thought of anal
play. I clenched tightly when he thrust his thumb inside me and turned it as he
pumped. I squealed as he continued to work on my swollen and tender clit at the
same time and trembled with anticipation as he slowly removed his thumb and
trailed it up to my backside and pressed firmly, jamming himself up to the
knuckle. I let out a string of expletives that would have my mother die of
shame. Shit, I was so close to coming, again. He was incredible.



Eve wasn’t wrong that she liked it rough, I was
forceful by nature, tender and gentle wasn’t really my scene, until Summer came
along, but even this was pushing at my boundaries. If I’d pinched her nipples
any harder, or smacked more forcefully, she’d definitely have bruised. The fact
that I still had pure anger flowing through my veins at Summer’s rejection of
me helped, I just kept imagining it was her bent over the bonnet of the car,
that I was taking out my frustrations on her, punishing her for making me drop
my guard and open myself up, only to be shot down in flames. I thrust harder
with my thumb in Eve’s backside and nipped her clit with my teeth. She howled
above me, but forced herself backwards, flexing against my lips and hand,
telling me that she wanted more. She had a decent body, tall and slim with a
nice pair of tits on her, a bit smaller than I liked, and she lacked Summer’s
round curves that had my cock stiffen on sight. Damn it, it was flexing
painfully in my boxers now, all the blood rushing to it, my balls rumbling just
at the thought of her. I wished it was her sweet nectar I was lapping up now,
her soft pink lips I was scraping my teeth along, her heated cries of pleasure
filling my ears, when the hell was I going to get over that damn woman?

‘Logan, I’m … I’m … coming,’ cried Eve up above
me. I shook my head in amusement. As if I didn’t know. Her muscles were
clenching so hard around my thumb, as I thrust it in and out of her backside,
she was liable to break it and her juices were pouring out of her as she ground
against my face. I’d been doing this long enough to know when a woman was about
to peak.

‘Come for me then, sweetheart,’ I ordered, before
biting her swollen clit again. Her thighs clamped around my ears as shudders of
pleasure ran through her body and the air was filled with her sobs of pleasure.
My cock strained against my clothing, I needed to come. The thought of Summer
had me so close. I’d promised myself I was going to fuck her out of my system
and I needed to start right now. I lapped Eve’s swollen cunt clean, before
pulling out my thumb and rising up to grab the cleansing wipes off the car next
to us, as she clung to the bonnet of the Jeep and tried to recover. I cleaned
my hands up and leaned back on the Jag I’d been pretending to work on. ‘That
covers the tow, now you owe me for the inspection,’ I advised, as she
straightened up and turned to face me, her cheeks flushed, her swollen nipples
and cunt poking out of the cleverly designed outfit. The thought of Summer
dressed up in something like that, secured to my bed or cross, had my cock
surge as more blood rushed to fill it. Eve’s eyes went straight to it and her
tongue darted over her top lip.

‘You want me to give you head?’ she asked. ‘Suck
you off and swallow?’

‘That would be a good start,’ I replied, as I
spread my legs and curled my fingers around the chrome grill behind me. For a
Lady she had a potty mouth on her. She was a surprise all around, totally not
what I expected. She stepped forwards and quickly undid my belt, button and zip
and pulled my painfully stiff cock out with a gasp of surprise, as I groaned to
feel her fingers wrap around it. She dropped to her knees and stared at it in
awe as she moved her fist slowly up and down. I smirked to myself, I always got
that reaction. I’d been seriously blessed with my looks and cock, the rest I’d
worked damn hard at. I loved it when a woman appreciated any aspect of me.
‘Wrap your lips around it, sweetheart. I want you to milk me with your mouth,
suck me dry, fondle my balls and swallow me whole,’ I ordered.

‘Yes,’ she sighed as she guided my head into her
mouth, her tongue sweeping over my wet tip, lapping up my pre-come. I closed my
eyes and groaned as she went to work. She gave good head, but nothing felt as
good as my Summer’s lips. No one had her suction technique, she was a damn
natural. I’d so been looking forward to teaching her how to deep throat, to
feel her take me down to my hilt, for her to do that while I sank my tongue
into her heated moist cunt and drank her sweet juices until we came together.

‘Fuck,’ I groaned as I grabbed the back of Eve’s
head, memories of the first time Summer had taken me into her petite mouth
playing through my mind. I started pumping my hips, my hands guiding the pace
as Eve worked on me and gently squeezed my heavy balls. I could picture
Summer’s big blue eyes looking up at me for reassurance that she was doing ok.
My sweet angel, she had no idea what effect she’d had on me, what effect she
still had on me. ‘Fuck,’ I yelled, as I started to thrust harder, Summer’s name
nearly escaping my lips. Damn it, I wanted her so badly, to think I’d never got
to feel her warm cunt clamping down on my bare cock, my hot come coating us
both, or to try that virginal backside of hers. The thought of it had me yank
Eve’s head forward as I thrust down the back of her throat and emptied myself
with a roar of frustration. I half-opened my eyes as I looked down, released
her and watched her splutter. I always came harder when I was thinking of
Summer, I wondered if I’d ever get over her, if I was doomed to screw clients
while imagining her for the rest of my life? It wasn’t a happy thought. ‘Do you
ride?’ I asked, as I helped Eve up and quickly tucked myself back in.

‘No, but I’d love to,’ she replied with a naughty
twinkle in her eye. I chuckled as I carefully did up the zips on her bra, then
reached for more wet wipes and gently cleaned up between her legs, as she
looked at me surprised.

‘You can still be a gentleman when you’re rough,’
I advised. ‘And trust me, when we get to where we’re going, I’ll be so fucking
rough you’ll feel it for days, you’ll wince every time you sit down,
remembering how good my cock felt inside you and how hard you had to work for
that car repair.’

‘O my God,’ she groaned, as she shivered with
pleasure and closed her eyes. I carefully did up the zip, making sure not to
catch her swollen lips, then helped her into her jacket and grabbed a motorbike
helmet for her.

‘Put this on, there’s a microphone inside so we
can communicate,’ I ordered. She opened her eyes again and nodded, doing as she
was told as I did up my jacket and grabbed my own helmet.



On the Road


I climbed on the bike, Eve
tucked in behind me, and I explained how the controls worked, then opened the
throttle which gave a satisfying roar before purring steadily, the vibrations
rising up through the leather seat. I closed my eyes and blew out a slow
breath. Riding my Harley was something I did to blow off steam, when I wasn’t
doing it by fucking that was, but right now I needed all the coping mechanisms
I could. A decent ride tonight, in more ways than one, should take my mind off
her for a while. As I pulled away, instructing Eve to hold onto me tightly, I
realised I hadn’t actually fucked her in the garage like I’d planned. I let out
a surprised “Hmmpph.”

‘What’s wrong?’ shouted Eve, making me wince and
laugh at the same time.

‘Microphone in the helmet,’ I reminded her. ‘You
can talk normally and I’ll hear you. When we get moving watch and feel how my
hands and feet move and I may let you take over the controls for a while.’

‘Seriously?’ she gasped.

‘Yes,’ I chuckled. ‘But it will be on a very
straight, empty piece of road and slowly.’

‘O Logan,’ she moaned. ‘Please, please,
Slowly I can handle, fast would be even better.’

‘Returning Lady Myers in several pieces tomorrow
wouldn’t do my reputation any good.’

‘I sincerely doubt anything could taint your
reputation,’ she scoffed. I grinned as my chest swelled with pride. If you were
going to do something, I always felt it wasn’t worth doing it half-heartedly.

‘Keep holding tight, no matter what happens,’ I
instructed. I was taking a risk with this part of the plan for the evening, but
she’d paid me an extortionate fee for rough and exhilarating and what Lady
Myers wanted, Lady Myers would get. Except for actual sex it seemed. I revved
the engine and heard her giggle, as I tried to work out if I’d deliberately
chosen not to fuck her, or if it was an oversight. I mean sex was the whole
purpose of the evening, so why the hell had I skipped it and gone for head
instead? It wasn’t like me. I checked left and right then put my foot down and
roared up the cobbled street as Eve screamed with excitement, making me chuckle
again. I’d forgotten what a buzz the first time on a bike was.

‘Are you a petrol head?’ she asked, as I weaved in
and out of the back streets heading for the edge of the city.

‘I dabble,’ I replied, then remembered I wasn’t
playing myself tonight, I was Logan Steele, car mechanic and biker for the night.
I was so off my fucking game. ‘Outside of the day job that is,’ I quickly

‘There’s something about bikers that just gets me
so hot,’ she sighed.

‘I’ll bet you’re a Charlie Hunnam fan,’ I grinned
as I overtook a car, making her scream again.

‘God, he’s so hot in SOA, I’m gutted it’s over.
The tattoos on his chest and back are …’

‘Are what?’ I asked as her voice trailed off.

‘So damn hot,’ she groaned. ‘I love your sleeves
and the ones on your hips. What others do you have?’

‘Don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll be seeing them in
all their glory before you know it,’ I grinned. So she’d checked me out when I
was under the car. It was good to know I hadn’t lost my appeal. Summer not
calling had knocked me sideways. I’d never been turned down by a woman before,
I’d never questioned myself as to whether I’d done something wrong. Even
without having fucked her yet, I obviously hadn’t done anything wrong as far as
Eve was concerned, not judging by the way she kept wriggling her hips, grinding
herself against my backside, her hands caressing my stomach. She really loved a
bad boy with ink. It hadn’t been cheap having these done and it had taken
forever. Thank God they weren’t real and would wash off in a few days, tattoos
weren’t really my thing, I just didn’t see the appeal. I worked damn hard to
have women admire my body, without covering it in permanent ink. ‘So, why are
you offering me your body as payment, instead of calling your boyfriend to come
and rescue you?’

‘I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment,’ she

‘Why the hell not?’ I asked, stunned for real. She
was a damned attractive woman, making a name for herself on the catwalk with
those long legs and piercing eyes of hers. She should have guys lining up for

‘I have a father who’s rather overprotective, who
chooses men for me and a bodyguard paid to keep anyone else away from me.’

‘Doesn’t sound like fun,’ I observed.

‘It’s really not,’ she replied with an even
heavier sigh.

‘So you’ve never once dated a guy you had the hots
for?’ I asked, amazed at the thought.

‘Define dated?’

‘Gone out on a date with, you know, a meal, a few
drinks, or spent a few nights with.’

‘No, the closest I got was Dale.’

‘Dale?’ Her voice softened when she said his name,
in some distant dreamy tone.

‘A seriously sexy real biker, covered in tattoos
with the strongest Cockney accent. I met him at the Anaya Club, I managed to
shake my bodyguard one night and Dale came to dance with me. He’s so not my type,
at least he wasn’t my type, but one look at him, a few sexy dances and a heated
snog and now he’s all I can think about. Have you ever had a girl get so far
under your skin you compare everyone to her?’

‘I hear you,’ I sighed. It seemed Lady Myers and I
had more in common than I thought. ‘So why don’t you go out with him? Hasn’t he
asked you?’

‘O he’s asked, he keeps texting me and I keep
fobbing him off. My parents would be beyond mortified.’

‘How old are you?’ I laughed as I swerved around
another car and felt her hands grip me tighter and the sound of her breathing
speeding up in my headset. She was loving this as much as I was.

‘Don’t you start. I’ve had Tiffany, my best
friend, on at me to screw what they think and just go for it.’

‘So why don’t you?’

‘I’m titled, I live in a palace, it’s hardly
conducive to a relationship with a council estate biker.’

‘We’re not living in medieval times anymore. If
you want to date someone, date them. Why the hell should your parents dictate
who you can or can’t see? Do they expect to fix you up with an arranged

‘My father would if he could.’

‘What’s the worst that can happen? They cut you
off, ignore you for a while?’

‘I’m not so bothered about the money, I’m making a
good living off my modelling. I just can’t bear to see the look of
disappointment on their faces. It would be like me going out with one of the
servants, it would be shameful for them.’

‘Eve Myers,’ I sighed. ‘You’re telling me if you
had children of your own, you’d force them to ignore their heart and do what
was expected of them, following some centuries old tradition?’

‘No, but …’

‘Then why do you not set those standards for your
own happiness?’ I interrupted. ‘Life’s too short to make yourself miserable to
keep others happy. If you really think he’s the guy that could make your heart
sing, if he gives you butterflies every time you think about him, make a date.
He could be your forever guy, worth all the drama with your parents, or you
might go out with him a few times and find he’s not who you thought he was and
your parents never even need to find out. Or he could be shit in bed. Try
before you buy.’

‘Logan,’ she laughed, then sighed. ‘He does give
me the butterflies.
butterflies, I’m getting them now just
thinking about him. Men get them too?’

‘We do, when it’s the girl of our dreams,’ I replied.

‘You’ve found your forever girl?’ she asked.

‘I sure have,’ I confirmed, knowing in my heart
Summer was it for me. ‘Sadly it seems that I’m not her forever guy.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered. ‘That sucks.’

‘Thanks.’ I blinked a few times, it seemed we had
even more in common. The need for someone it seemed we couldn’t have. Someone
we desperately wanted. Maybe that was why I hadn’t fucked Eve back in the
garage as planned. While I’d thought that I wanted to fuck Summer out of my
system, I didn’t want to obliterate that memory of the last time I’d had her
pinned beneath me, making love to her. Of the feel of her body under mine, the
tightness of her sweet, delicious cunt rippling around my shaft, the perfect
swell of her breasts and her large nipples that filled my mouth. Damn her. Was
it possible to love and hate someone at the same time? Because Christ knows, I
really wanted to hate her for what she’d done to me. I gulped suddenly as I
heard my own words back in my head.
and hate. When the hell did love
come into it? Was I falling in love with her? Was that why her rejection hurt
so badly? Fuck!



Logan was right of course, I was a grown woman in
the 21
century, I should be able to date whoever the hell I
choose, my parents should be ecstatic just to see me happy. Would it be so
wrong to see Dale a few times, to get a feel for whether this was just a case
of crazy lust because he was so far off my usual type, or if it really was
genuine? I mean, just as I might worry he was beneath my usual standards, he
might think I was too posh for his, when he got to know me. Or maybe we’d find
that none of that even mattered the more dates we went on. Maybe class divides
were really a thing of the past, that they should be entombed along with my
relatives of old, in the stone crypt in the grounds, spoken only about in
historical papers, no place for them in the modern world. If only life was so
simple and black and white I thought.

I shook my head and decided focussing on Logan’s
skill in riding this powerful bike was a far easier task, and more thrilling
than debating my future.
Live in the now, Eve,
I told myself, as he
accelerated on the open road ahead of us and I laughed as the adrenaline tore
through my body. It was about forty minutes later when he veered off the main
roads and started following some country lanes, reminding me to lean with him
as he took the corners. My heart was beating wildly in my chest as he barked
instructions, to lean left then right, and told me what he was doing with the
controls. This beat any thrill I got from a catwalk show in Milan or New York.
it. He slowed down and suddenly banked to the left, through an
open gate and over a rough concrete road cutting across a field and pulled up.

‘Where the hell are we?’ I uttered, as he
instructed me to get off and swap places with him.

‘An old army airstrip, if you’re going to learn to
ride this bike, better to do it with no other motorists on the road.’

‘You’re really going to let me have a go?’ I asked
as I slid forward and he tucked in behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

‘You’ll move your hands and feet over mine, that
way I can correct if you make a mistake. After you’ve had a go for a while,
then I’m going to show you proper speed down the whole runway and trust me, it’s
going to be a thrill in more than one way, which will blow your mind.’

‘How do you make everything sound so damn sexy?’ I

‘An inherent talent, sweetheart,’ he chuckled, as
he started the engine again and headed to the end of the runway. I looked at
the concrete stretching off into the distance, beyond my line of sight, the
darkness gobbled it up, but to be an airstrip, a runway had to be long. I was
beyond excited.

‘Why is it just open? Won’t joyriders come on

‘It’s usually kept locked. I have connections.
Right, I’ll give instructions and you follow, it will all be you, Eve.’

‘I’m ready,’ I nodded, as I gripped his hands even


‘Logan that was amazing,’ I sighed, as we finished
our fourth journey down the runway. I really felt like I’d been riding her on
my own that last time and it felt so fast.

‘Ready for me to blow your mind?’ Logan enquired.

‘Hell yeah,’ I laughed. Not sure how he could
improve on that. I screamed as he revved, wheel spinning away and opened her
up. ‘Holy shit,’ I yelled as she picked up speed. I looked down at the
speedometer and screamed with delight as he tore up the runway. I’d never even
been this fast in a car. I heard him laughing behind me as I whooped with
delight, I knew I should feel scared, I was with a virtual stranger, with no
knowledge of his bike handling ability, not wearing leather protective gear,
but somehow I trusted him. He just inspired it. I knew he could go faster, he
was holding back, he wasn’t totally reckless. I quickly revised that assessment
as he started to slow down when we reached the markers for the end of the
runway and ordered me to take control of the handlebars, sliding his hands
away. ‘Logan?’

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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