For the Night: Complete Box Set (64 page)

Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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I’d hoped that last bouquet had been a one off, it
had been nearly a month. I know Lucas had tried to play it down, but I’d seen
the look on his face. He was as concerned about it as I was. And now this? I
heard the intercom go again, it must be him. I looked down at the flowers,
wondering if I should hide them, to avoid upsetting him, but I knew he’d be
furious with me if he found out after. Even with my developing acting skills, I
wasn’t able to hide my internal emotions from my loved ones. I ran to the door
and flung it open, throwing myself into his arms. He made a surprised grunt, as
he hugged me back, kissing my neck.

‘Angel, what a greeting.’

‘I missed you,’ I sighed, as I breathed him in,
taking comfort from his powerful muscular arms cocooning me.

‘I missed you too. I didn’t even get a chance to
look at you.’ He prised me off him and held me at arm’s length as he cast an
appraising eye over my outfit, nodded, then whistled. ‘Holy shit, are you trying
to give my dad a heart attack?’

‘Too much?’ I asked, as I bit my lip nervously.

‘I was going more along the lines of too little,
but you look sexy as hell. Mum’s going to love it. Designer?’ he enquired, I
nodded with a half-smile. I was so lucky, I was now being sent free stuff to
wear and I’d already had to spill over to one of the spare rooms’ wardrobes. ‘I
felt bare skin, turn around, let me see the back.’

‘I couldn’t zip up myself, no skin will be
showing,’ I smiled, as I drank him in. He looked utterly edible in a charcoal
grey suit, with a white shirt undone at the neck. ‘Come on in, you can do it up
for me now.’

‘Maybe I could do it up after I’ve fucked you up
against the front door,’ he grinned wickedly.

‘Not when we’re already running late and I’m
meeting your parents for the first time,’ I chastised, as I dragged him in and
closed the door. He quickly spun me around, pinning my hands above me as he
held me against the door, pressing up close behind me and I whimpered as I felt
the heat of his breath on the back of my neck.

‘Do I have to beg?’ he asked, as he let his lips
meander up and down my exposed spine.

‘Lucas, I really want to but …’

‘Butwoman’s back,’ he groaned. ‘I’m going to ban
that word from your vocabulary. What’s wrong? You seem off. Is the prospect of
meeting my parents that bad? Even if they hate you, which they won’t, I told
you I’m never letting you go. You have nothing to fear, Summer,’ he said in as
reassuring a tone as he could. I sighed as I felt him slowly sliding the zip up
on my dress, giving the back of my neck one last kiss and sexy teasing nibble.

‘Please don’t get mad with me, and don’t let it
ruin our day, but I had another delivery of black roses. The message said to
ask you what you used to do and said that Logan Steele had been a very bad
boy.’ I heard him mutter under his breath and I turned around to look at him. A
deep frown was furrowing his brow.

‘Hand delivered again?’ His voice was low and I
could hear the anger in it.

‘Yes, I didn’t spot them when Albert handed them
over, as I had a few other things too and they were in the box at the bottom.’
I grabbed his hand, which was balled into a fist, prised apart his fingers and
led him to the kitchen and went to pick up the card.

‘No,’ he barked, grabbing my hand, halting me in
my tracks. ‘Put it in a freezer or sandwich bag first. We need to make sure we
don’t smudge any prints.’

‘Lucas? What’s going on?’ I looked at him wide
eyed, this was like an episode of CSI.

‘I wasn’t going to tell you, I didn’t want to upset
you, but I got a card the same day you got your last set of flowers and another
this morning, on my damn car at my place. Someone who knows my history is using
my past to try and hurt us.’

‘O God,’ I uttered, as my hands flew to my mouth.
‘Why? What have we ever done to them? Do you think they’ll try to physically
hurt either of us?’

‘No,’ he replied quickly. He tried to sound
confident, but I could tell he wasn’t convinced himself. ‘But they obviously
don’t know that you booked me and are already aware. They’re trying to get
between us, though I’ve no idea why.’

Lucas bagged the card before reading it and
quickly tapped out a message on his phone to a guy called Mason, then copied it
in to Ian, saying he’d fill me in on the way to his parents. He gave me a
reassuring hug and kiss, then told me to get my bags together, while he went
down to have a word with Albert. I smiled for him, to let him know I was ok,
though inside I was shaking. Who would want to play with us like this, to make
insinuations without a direct threat? I had a horrible feeling this was only
the start of it.



I headed down to the lobby, my blood boiling. You
could threaten me all you wanted, but nobody threatened Summer. She was trying
to put a brave face on, but I knew she was worried. She was still trying to get
used to being in the limelight, having people chasing her for an autograph when
she went out, she didn’t need the added pressure of someone stalking us too.
This Mr. Black, whoever he was, seemed to know our movements, which really
concerned me.

‘Morning again, Jake. Is Albert about?’

‘You just missed him, Paul clocked on early to let
him go and be with his family,’ he replied in a deep voice. It was the first
time I’d ever heard him speak.

‘Damn it,’ I muttered, as I banged my fist down on
the granite countertop. ‘Sorry, Summer’s had a threat in a delivery this
morning. I wanted to talk to him about it.’

‘What kind of threat?’ Jake jumped to his feet, a
worried look crossing his face.

‘Flowers with a card in. Did you see who dropped
them off and when?’

‘No, Mr. Steel. But we have surveillance cameras
if you want me to take a look?’

‘Please, if you can save the footage for me that
would be even better. Summer’s a little shaken up and we’re running late for

‘I’d need to check with my supervisor if we can do

‘Fine,’ I sighed, as I shoved a hand through my
hair. I’d just get Ian to hack into the footage and copy it over for me if it
was a no. If it wasn’t the florist’s delivery people, we may get a lead that
way. ‘Please do and if you can be extra vigilant when it comes to anyone asking
to see her, I’d appreciate it.’ I pushed a fifty pound note across the
countertop, but he frowned and pushed it back.

‘I don’t need an incentive to do my job, Mr.
Steel. I’m always vigilant.’

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you, I’m just
worried about her safety, in case this escalates.’

‘You can trust us to keep a close watch,’ he

‘Thank you, happy Christmas.’

‘To you too, Sir,’ he nodded, as he sat back down
and picked up his phone. I headed back up to find Summer wheeling quite
possibly the largest suitcase I’d ever seen towards the lift.

‘We’re only going for the night, what the hell
have you packed?’ I asked, as I grabbed it off her and followed her into the
lift, pressing for the basement.

‘Presents and a few outfits, just in case.’

‘Sexy bedtime ones I hope,’ I winked, trying to
lighten the mood.

‘Pervert. I’m not sure about having sex in your
parents’ house,’ she warned, flashing me one of her hot as hell glares, that
had my cock swell in response. Ordinarily I’d have been hard at the sight of
her in that hot outfit, but my mind was on Mr.
Black and his

‘Think again, angel. It’s been over twenty-four
hours, I could die of starvation. Don’t worry though, I brought the gag to
muffle your screams. It’s that or we fuck in my car on the drive, because
either way I’m not going without today.’

‘Sometimes I really hate you,’ she replied, as she
crossed her arms and backed herself into the corner as the lift began to move.
It usually made me chuckle, she had a thing about having to be in the corner
after watching one of the Final Destination films, where a lift plummeted and
the snapped steel cable sliced through the metal and cut a guy in half. He’d
been standing in the middle and it had freaked her out. Today though, I was
finding light-heartedness a chore. I was angry, and when I was angry
testosterone flooded my system. I pressed up against her, clasped her face in
my hands and kissed her aggressively, grinding my painfully swollen erection
against her stomach. I felt her trying to resist, but I knew the signs, the
excited squeak that always left her throat, her pert nipples poking into my
chest through that damn sexy dress of hers. I’d warrant if I dropped to my
knees I’d smell the sweet scent of her cunt flooding her knickers with
excitement. The thought had me growl and nip her lower lip, sucking on it hard.
she mumbled as she moaned.

‘One way or another, I
be fucking you
before the day is out, Summer. The only choice you have is where I do it. Here,
in this lift, in my car at a place of my choosing, or at my parents’ house
tonight.’ I moved the high collar of her dress and started biting the side of
her neck, right in the place that made her melt each time. Fuck, I wanted her
so badly. It had been hours.

having sex before I meet them, not
when I’m all flushed and dishevelled. I need to make a good impression.’

‘So we’re settled on tonight then,’ I announced
triumphantly, yet also slightly pissed off that I wouldn’t get my way with her
now. My cock was desperate to unload.

‘How about I give you a blow job to keep you going
until later?’ she replied with a longing sigh, as her eyes flicked down to the
obvious tent in my suit trousers.

‘Now you’re talking,’ I grinned with a wink, as my
hands flew to my zip.

‘Not in
,’ she gasped, then added with
a whisper, ‘cameras.’

I looked up and groaned to see the black dome on
the ceiling. If they had cameras, someone had to have seen something that would
help us with our bloody stalker.


I drove up the tree lined drive of my parents’
house, still sporting a ridiculous grin from an impeccable blow job as I’d
parked up in a country lane. Her technique improved every time and she was so
close to taking me all the way down. Sadly I never lasted long enough to really
enjoy it, the sight of her angelic face bobbing up and down on my shaft had me
unloading way too fast every damn time. I’d offered to help her out, she was as
horny as I was, I could tell, but she refused, saying she’d rather wait. I’d
taken her mind off her impending panic attack at the thought of meeting my
parents, by filling her in on the investigations so far. Reassuring her, that
in two days, I’d get Mason and Ian back on the case. I pulled up outside the
large detached black and white manor house, with the Bentley and Mercedes
parked outside and smiled at her as she gulped.

‘You lived here?’

‘Yes, they’ve owned it since before I was born.’

‘You said they were well off, but this is … this
is something else.’

‘It’s just a house, stop stressing.’

‘I’m just not used to this kind of lifestyle,

‘Well get used to it. Pretty soon you’ll have more
money than even my parents can dream of. It doesn’t matter what size house they
have, what cars they drive or how much money they have in the bank. They’re
still people, just like you and me. And they are going to adore you.’

‘How can you be so sure?’ she asked, as she looked
at me for reassurance.

‘Because I do. They’ll love you because you make
their only child the happiest man in the world, angel.’ I held her chin as I
planted a kiss on her soft delectable lips. ‘Come on, in ten minutes time
you’ll be wondering what all the fuss was about. We’ll leave the bags for a
minute, let’s go and say hello first.’



He held my hand tightly, as I carefully walked
over the gravel, trying not to sink in my heels. I was silently cursing myself,
Zoe for my choice of outfit. I looked like I was going out to
an exclusive party. I should have just worn a more demure dress, or trousers
and a shirt. I watched as he lifted the large black Lions head knocker and
rapped on the old metal studded oak door a few times. I always did the same at
my parents’, I never just walked in anymore, not since I left home and got my
own place. Who knew what they may be up to without me in the house to foil
their plans anymore? The last thing I wanted to see was Dad’s bare arse pumping
up and down and hearing my mum screaming his name as they went at it like a pair
of geriatric rabbits on the lounge floor. I shuddered at the thought, then did
it again at the thought that they may do the sorts of things that Lucas and I
did, the

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