For the Night: Complete Box Set (62 page)

Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘You didn’t play the track?’ I asked, looking at
him horrified. He thought I was breaking up with him by a text message? Except
it wasn’t really breaking up, not when I hadn’t actually agreed to go out with
him yet. ‘I sent you a track to tell you how I felt, I put a lot of thought
into it and you didn’t even listen to it?’ I gazed up at him even more
confused. His face softened as he towered over me, I was barefoot and barely
reached his broad chest.

‘I listened to the track,’ he said quietly, his
face turning serious as he reached up again to palm my cheek softly. ‘It went
someway to easing the utter devastation I felt, when I woke up to find you’d
left me.’

‘I’m so sorry.’ I choked up, as tears filled my
eyes at the thought of the pain I’d put him through. I grabbed his hand,
bringing it to my mouth, kissing it again and again as the dam burst and my
face was flooded with tears. He crushed me to him and stroked my hair as I
sobbed against his firm chest, overcome with emotion.

‘You sent me
by Ella Henderson. Are
you trying to tell me, even though you ran from me, that you want me? That
you’ll be my girl?’

‘Yes,’ I mumbled, as I took deep breaths of him
in, letting his natural scent and that aftershave I loved so much soothe me.

‘O, angel.’ His voice broke with emotion, as I
felt his lips press softly on the top of my head. ‘You have no idea how happy
you just made me. Tell me why you fled, why you’re so upset?’

‘Not here,’ I sniffed, with a shake of my head. I
reached behind me and grabbed his hand from the small of my back, before
pushing the front door closed and leading him through the lounge to my bedroom.
I heard him make a surprised grunt as I stopped at the end of my bed, let go of
his hand and pulled off my jumper, revealing my bare breasts, the nipples of
which were painfully aroused.

‘Summer?’ he looked at me confused.

‘I need you, Lucas,’ I pleaded, as I fumbled with
the button on my jeans. ‘I need to feel close to you, I feel so close to you
when you’re inside me, when your body’s on top of mine. I feel safe. Please
don’t make me beg.’

‘We need to talk,’ he reminded me, as a battle
waged on his face. I could see that part of him was struggling to stop himself
from leaping on me, ripping my jeans and knickers away and impaling me with his
hard cock. The other part was still confused over my treatment of him.

‘We will, I promise, I just need this now. I …
don’t make me beg,’ I pleaded, as my bottom lip quivered. If he rejected me
now it would hurt me so badly. I needed at least one more time with him, a time
when I’d memorise every touch, every groan, every thrust. I
in case he walked away when I told him that I wasn’t ready to wear his ring.

‘You’ll never have to beg me for orgasms, angel.
Whenever you want them, ask, they’re yours,’ he growled. He tore off his jacket
and flung it on the floor as my heart started to canter. He grabbed me, lifting
me up into the air and throwing me back onto the bed, my decorative cushions
flying off as I bounced on the soft mattress. As I caught my breath, he yanked
down his zip, fire blazing in his eyes, igniting my core, arousal flooding my
whole body. I lifted my hips and started to wriggle my jeans and knickers down,
impatient to have him inside me. I’d barely torn them from my ankles when he
fell on me, his shirt missing, his jeans and boxers pushed down to his knees.
His cock was fully stiffened, angrily pulsating with need. I grabbed his
backside as I spread my thighs and tugged him towards me, panting at the
thought of just how good he was going to make me feel any second. Everything
ached for him, everything
for him. ‘God, I need you so badly,’
he groaned in my ear, as his pelvis lunged forwards and his large cock speared
me, running through me with such power I screamed until my lungs held no more
air and I was forced to take deep replenishing gulps.

’ I moaned as my nerves fired on all
cylinders, no part of my body or mind left untouched by the feel of him inside
me again, surrounding me,
me. Nothing could replicate the high I
got from being with this incredible man.
incredible man. For now, at
least. I wrapped my legs around his waist, hooking my ankles as my hips rose up
to meet his, my clit rubbing against his pelvis, pleasurable high voltage jolts
racing up my body to batter my senses. I bit on his neck, sucking and tasting
him, while he reciprocated as his hips set up a gruelling pace. ‘Ahhhh.’

‘Tell me, angel. Tell me if it’s too much,’ he
mumbled between bruising bites on my neck.

‘More,’ I ordered. ‘Take me to the summit.’

‘Not yet, I’ll break you and I love you whole.’
His words squeezed my heart and sent a surge of warmth through my body. Why had
I been so frightened of them when he first said them last night? Now it was
like he’d just sung the most beautiful poetry to me, I needed to hear it again,
I needed his affirmation like my body needed water. I dug my nails into his
tight backside and heard him growl as I broke through his flesh.

‘Tell me,’ I begged. ‘Tell me again. Tell me how
you feel about me.’

‘I love you, Summer. I’m so in love with you, that
sometimes I think I’ll die because my heart can’t contain it all,’ he
whispered, his voice full of sincerity and warmth. I felt tears streaming down
my face again, as the knowledge that he loved me and I wasn’t going to run from
it, wrapped around my heart and squeezed it tightly.

‘Lucas, I … I …’

‘No, angel,’ he interrupted, as my body tensed
with the impending climax that threatened to ravage my body again and again,
like wild ocean waves pounding the shore and churning up all the sand and
delicate fragments of shell. ‘I can wait, I want you to mean it, not to say it
because I did. I’ll wait forever, Summer. Just tell me that you’re mine, tell

‘I’m yours,’ I confirmed, echoing the words in the
song that I’d sent him, then cried out again as he groaned, the impact of my
declaration touching him somewhere deep inside. His body reacted too, he fucked
me faster and harder, over and over, perspiration clinging to our heated
bodies. ‘Lucas … Lucas …
,’ I mewled, as everything in the universe
ceased and all that mattered was contained in the bubble of sheer bliss
surrounding the two of us.

‘Come for me, angel. Give me your body today, one
day soon I’ll claim your heart as well.’

I forced myself to keep my eyes open and as they
merged with his, I could see into those stormy turbulent grey pools and saw how
deep his feelings for me ran. How deep I hoped they’d always run. My mouth
juddered, words escaping me as my body tingled from head to toe, my orgasm
rupturing me from the inside out as he roared. I could feel his heat spreading
inside me as his eyes filled with tears of sheer happiness, matching my own,
before he collapsed on top of me, smothering me with his body. I quickly
wrapped my arms around his neck, tightening my legs around his waist, anchoring
him to me. I didn’t want him to leave. I never wanted him to leave. I could
hear our hearts beating in unison, perfectly timed, like a steady metronome as
we both gasped for air and let our bodies calm from such frenetic sex. When our
breathing returned to normal, his strong and steady heart beat still matching
mine, I let out a sigh of contentment.

‘That was …’ I swallowed as I shook my head
against his powerfully broad shoulder.

‘Off the charts. We need break up sex more often,’
he chuckled.

‘Break up sex?’ I uttered, indignantly. ‘We
weren’t even an official couple when you … stuck that enormous cock in me just

‘Miss Beresford!’ he chastised. He lifted his head
up to look at me with a salacious grin on his face. ‘Say the word “cock” again
for me.’

‘I just called us a couple and you focus on me
saying the word “cock,”’ I laughed with a shake of my head.

‘Angel, we’ve been a couple since I gave up
escorting. You just wouldn’t admit it. Why are you so scared of us?’ he asked,
with a suddenly serious brow raised.

‘It’s just happened so fast, Lucas,’ I sighed as I
closed my eyes, in need of respite from his intense gaze.

‘Fast?’ he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his
tone. ‘We’ve moved slower than horny arthritic tortoises. This is quite
possibly the slowest moving relationship in the history of the world.’

‘Not to me,’ I countered, as I opened my eyes and
let him see I meant it. ‘I’ve never had a relationship and for my first one I
went and fell for a man with a very chequered past. I needed to be sure I could
trust you before I let this become something.’

‘So now you trust me?’ he cocked his head, holding
my gaze as he waited for my response.

‘Yes, but …’

‘O God, here we go but woman. I’m going to make
you a cape, a Butwoman cape with a picture of your sexy arse on it.’ He sighed
and slid out of me without warning, making me wince. I hated that, it was the
worst feeling in the world to suddenly feel so cold and empty inside. ‘Hey,
what’s wrong?’ he asked, as he lay on his side. He swept my hair away from my
face as I stared up at the ceiling.

‘I told you that I’m yours, Lucas, and I am, but
you can’t rush me.’

‘Who’s rushing? Any slower we’d be going
backwards, Summer.’

‘You are with your …’ I broke off as I covered my
face with my hands. He was going to be devastated. Again.

‘My what?’ he tugged my hands away, so I quickly
closed my eyes. I couldn’t look at him when I told him. I couldn’t bear to see
the look of pain that was going to set into his handsome face.

‘Your engagement ring,’ I blurted out as fast as I
could. ‘We’ve just started dating and I’m not there, Lucas, I’m so sorry but
I’m not there.’

’ he exclaimed. I opened my eyes a
little and squinted at him, totally confused. Which was exactly the face I was
getting back.

‘I saw it, I was panicking about you telling me
that you loved me and needed to calm down and I saw it. It was sitting on your
kitchen island, next to the lily and the note.’

‘You saw the box?’ he asked, his eyebrows raising
to dangerously high levels. ‘That’s why you ran?’

‘Yes,’ I cringed, as I covered my face again. I
felt him move away from me and the mattress shifting.
upset him, I knew it, I’d upset his plans. And Lucas was just like Logan, he
to plan. I listened to his bare feet padding across the room and bit my lip,
praying he wasn’t leaving.

‘Look at me, Summer,’ he demanded, in a voice that
told me non-compliance wasn’t an option. I peeked through my fingers, at least
he hadn’t stormed out, but I cringed to see he was holding it up in the air.
‘This box?’

‘Yes,’ I whispered, feeling sick again. He
surprised me by bursting out laughing, before running and leaping onto the bed,
landing next to me.

‘I’m in love, Summer. I’ve not had a bloody
lobotomy, proposing after we’ve spent a total of three nights with each other.
We’re great friends and
lovers, but we need to know if we can
live with each other, if we’re compatible in all areas, before I even think
about buying a ring.’

‘You weren’t proposing?’ I gasped, as relief
flooded my body and I dropped my hands to look at him wide eyed. He smiled and
shook his head, holding the very box that had given me so much worry, out to

‘No. Here take it, look inside,’ he insisted, as
he waved it at me. I frowned and struggled upright, pulling the duvet up to my
chest, before taking the velvet box off him.

‘It looks like a ring box,’ I advised him as I
shook it.

‘It is, it’s the one this titanium ring came in,’
he chuckled, as he held up his right hand to show me the overtly masculine ring
he wore on his index finger. ‘Open the damn box before you have a heart

‘Ok.’ I opened it, the lid flipping back with a
satisfying pop, and bit my lip as I giggled on seeing the contents. ‘A key? You
got me a key?’

‘I figured if we were going steady, you should
have a key to my place, so you can come and go to suit you. I even made space
in the wardrobe for you, and cleared out a drawer, but if I’m “rushing things”
then I guess we’d better call the whole thing off,’ he teased, his grey eyes
twinkling with amusement.

‘Don’t you dare,’ I laughed, as I dropped it on
the bedside table, then snuggled back down into the bed. I grasped his face and
kissed him. ‘A key and some clothes space I can handle. I’m so sorry I over

‘You nearly killed me this morning, please don’t
ever run from me again. If you’re scared you talk to me in future, tell me how
you’re feeling, don’t run. Ok?’ he tucked my hair behind my ear and held my
face as he kissed me back.

‘Ok,’ I nodded. ‘Can I tell you how I feel now?’

‘Hungry and tired, and probably in that order. We
didn’t get much sleep last night and we
been extra physical.’ A
proud smile crept across his face.

‘We have,’ I blushed. ‘And I
hungry and

‘So I’ll make you pancakes and bacon with maple
syrup, which I know you love, then we can sleep, ok?’

‘Ok, but that wasn’t what I was going to tell

‘I’d better warn you, sexy as I find you, if
you’re about to tell me that you need the toilet urgently, I don’t do well with
the whole bowels talk stuff. My friend Brooke makes me cringe with some of her
toilet tales.’

‘No,’ I laughed. ‘It’s not ladylike to discuss
that, let alone with a boyfriend.’

‘O shit, say
again,’ he groaned, as he
dipped his head and pressed his lips against mine.

‘You, Lucas Logan Steel, are now my
but so help me God, if you hurt me I’ll castrate you.’

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