Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (58 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘God, Summer. You feel so damn good, tell me I’m
not reading it wrong, tell me you’re nearly there, because holding off is
hell,’ he uttered, as he propped himself up on his forearms and gazed down at
me, through his half-closed gorgeous steel grey eyes. As he angled his hips to
strike new places inside me, currents of electricity surged through my core,
rocking my very foundations.

‘I’m … nearly … there,’ I panted, feeling
exhausted already, ‘Sir.’ I watched the smile spread across his face, his
gorgeous dimples appearing, as his thrusts got harder and went deeper than I
ever imagined possible. I squealed and called out his name as he uttered mine,
his body starting to tense above me. I thrashed my head back and forth, as I
fought against the urge to come, I didn’t ever want this to end, but my body
wasn’t listening. My hips were rising up to meet his downward strokes, my clit
buzzing with the intensity of his slams against it. My head felt as if it was
filled with cotton wool it was so light and my body was covered in a sheen of
perspiration. If we were going to continue doing this, I could quit using him
as my personal trainer. He’d be all the workout I needed. ‘Lucas, I … I …

I pleaded, a hint of a whine in my tone. I was nearly done in. ‘Please, I need
you, so badly.’

‘Come for me, angel. Come for me and let me hear
my name on your lips as you do. Let me see in your eyes what pleasure I’ve
brought to your body. Pleasure that only I’m going to bring from this moment
on. No one will ever touch you again, Summer.
No one
. Come for me,
Summer,’ he demanded between pants for breath, his eyes having darkened,
glittering with desire and hope.

‘Lucas,’ I whispered. I couldn’t summon the energy
to scream it, all of it had flowed to my very core, threatening total
annihilation with the impending orgasm. I fell silent, as tears of happiness
rolled down my face and my climax detonated like a nuclear bomb, a mushroom
cloud of sheer bliss blooming, touching everything in its wake. I heard him
roar something above me, as I shuddered below him, and I felt my eyes glaze
over and go unfocussed. A weird sensation of warmth spread inside me as he
collapsed on top of me and wrapped his arms tightly around my trembling and
spent body, peppering my face with firm kisses.

’ he groaned in my ear, his voice
vibrating with emotion. ‘That was …

‘More than,’ I managed to reply, as I caught my

‘You’re thinking about insurance while I’m still
inside you?’ he chuckled.

‘No,’ I giggled. ‘It was
more than
incredible. I can’t think of a word better than incredible right now, because
you’ve just blown my mind, as well as sending my vagina to an early retirement
home, but
completely fulfilled the definition of incredible, Sir.’

‘O God, don’t “Sir” me now. You’ll perk him up in
an instant and I think you need to rest for a while before we do that again.’

‘We’re doing that again?’ I asked quietly, looking
into his eyes for additional clarification that I hadn’t let him down.

‘We’re doing that forever,’ he sighed, his voice
full of contentment, as he rolled onto his side, taking me with him. He reached
up and swept my tangled hair away from my face and just stared at me. ‘You are
beautiful, angel. Have I ever told you that?’

‘A few times,’ I smiled shyly, letting my lashes
drop coyly to my cheeks. I never tired of hearing him say it though.

‘There’s something I need to do right now, but
then we’re going to have something to eat, as I’m ravenous, then I’m going to
carry you to my bed. When you’ve had a sleep, we’re doing that all over again,
but soft and gentle this time around.’

‘I think I’d be happy with any way you wanted to
do it,’ I nodded as I looked back up at him, leaned forward and kissed his
soft, warm, lips. He held the back of my head, stopping me from going anywhere
as he continued to kiss me. Working his way from one side of my mouth to the
other, then around my lips, before gently French kissing me. He was a
sensational kisser, making my mind and body respond in tandem.

‘You were so worth the wait,’ he sighed, as he
pulled away, his eyes glittering with emotion.

‘As were you,’ I agreed, as I reached up to clasp
his face and kissed him back. He quickly rolled on top of me again, grabbed my
hands and held them above my head.

‘Do you mind me lying on you like this?’ he asked,
concern painted all over his handsome face. I smiled and shook my head. When
Lucas and I were getting to know each other, I’d fully confessed what had
happened with Ant, the neighbour who tried to rape me when I was fifteen. I’d
told Lucas how terrified I’d been to be pinned down, to have his hands crudely
grasping at me, ripping off my clothes as he ground his erection against my
pelvis. I’d thought Lucas was going to punch something, he’d got that angry and
upset as I told him. I hadn’t even given my parents as much detail.

don’t scare me, Lucas. You make me
feel safe. So safe,’ I added in a whisper.

‘And you make me feel like I’ve come home,’ he
replied, making my stomach twist in delicious agony as my eyes filled with
tears. He kissed them away again, then slowly slid out of me, making me wince.
I didn’t like it. Feeling him inside me just then had felt so natural, now I
was cold and empty and that beautiful close connection, emotional and physical,
was lost. He released my hands and slowly kissed his way down my body, giving
no preferential treatment to any particular part of it. He seemed as fond of
one bit as another. When he continued to move down from my belly button I
tensed up, reached down and grabbed his head.

‘Stop,’ I demanded, forcefully, then quickly
added, ‘Sir.’

‘Why?’ he enquired, with a twinkle in his eye.

‘Because … because I’m …
. I need a

‘You’re not soiled, angel. You’re full of me.
That’s very different and I’ll warrant very tasty. I want to lick you clean,
then you can have a shower, eat then sleep.’

‘Noooo,’ I moaned, as I flung an arm over my face
to try to hide my embarrassment. ‘That’s not right. That’s so not right it’s …’

‘Wrong?’ he chuckled, as I groaned at his
persistence. ‘I don’t care about right or wrong. I just care about doing
whatever the hell I want to this body of mine.’

‘Body of
,’ I protested, firmly, as I
moved my arm, propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at him. He smirked
and kissed my mound, making me cringe.

‘I think you’ll find that as my girlfriend, you
belong to me now.’

‘I haven’t agreed to be your girlfriend,’ I
reminded him, secretly delighted to hear him use that phrase.

‘Yet, but you will,’ he chuckled with an overconfident
smile, as he moved lower, prising me apart with his thumbs. I collapsed back on
the bed, covering my face with my hands. I was mortified.
Was this normal?
‘The smell of sex on you is so damn hot,’ he growled, as he flicked at my clit
with his tongue. I shuddered, part in horror, part with pleasure. I was still
feeling the rush of my earlier climax and my clit was hypersensitive. He
trailed a finger through my wetness, both of us combined and I heard him
sucking noisily on it. Damn it, that was so hot. It seemed even more erotic as
I wasn’t sure it if it was supposed to be hot or disgusting. I gasped as he
sealed his entire mouth over me, sucking, probing, licking and nibbling.

‘No, no,’ I moaned, my words in total contrast to
my actions as my hands moved to grip his soft hair. ‘Yes …
’ I
flexed shamelessly against his face, as waves of pleasure rolled up my body. I
was so close.
. How did he do this to me? ‘O God … O God … O …

‘Just Lucas is fine,’ he murmured, in a humorous
tone, against my swollen tender flesh. If I wasn’t on the verge of coming I’d
have laughed, but all I could focus on was how amazing his tongue felt,
exploring every inch of me, eating me alive.

‘You’re … you’re …’ I stalled as my body tensed.

‘Amazing? I know, angel.’

‘Cocky,’ I spluttered through my lack of focus.

‘Hmmm, that too,’ he chuckled, as he gently nipped
my clit between his teeth and lashed the tip of his tongue over it. I exploded
like a Piñata, screaming his name as my thighs clamped tightly around his ears.
I was gone, completely gone. If he was a drug, I’d just overdosed. I felt a
kiss on my forehead, then his strong arms scoop me up from the bed into his
arms. I tried to focus my eyes on his stunning face, on those dimples which
always came out when he smiled at me.

amazing,’ I sighed.

‘So are you, angel. So are you,’ he whispered, as
his lips touched my forehead.


Softly, Softly


I carried her into my
en-suite, she looked tired, not just from our exploits so far tonight, she was
working herself too hard. On top of her ridiculous filming schedule, she was
coming to mine early every morning to run through a gruelling circuit training
routine, followed by boxing. She was flying back and forth to Los Angeles for
casting calls for new films, fielding offers from agents. She’d also just moved
into a new three bedroom, penthouse apartment and was missing seeing her
parents every day. She needed a break. I decided I was going to organise a
holiday for us, as soon as she finished these last few scenes of the
Promises Trilogy
. The thought of days alone with her, being able to sink
into her whenever I wanted, had my cock unfurl again. I set her down under the
power shower head, kneeling down and unhooking the stockings from her suspender
belt, carefully rolling them down, kissing her thighs as I did. She ran her
fingers through my hair, gently raking my scalp with her sexy black painted nails,
which sent shivers down my spine. I wasn’t sure I could wait until the morning
for her answer. In the past I’d have laid all my money on a woman wanting me,
on saying yes to anything I asked, but with Summer had come nerves. She’d found
a tiny crack in my perfected armour and had seeped in over time like water,
penetrating the heart of me. She had me questioning myself all the time,
wondering if I was good enough. For her.

‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, softly. I looked up
from my crouched position to see her dazzling blue eyes full of concern.

‘Nothing,’ I smiled.

‘We promised no lies,’ she frowned, reminding me
of our agreement when we started seeing each other as friends.

‘I’m worried about you,’ I shrugged, as I lifted
each foot in turn to slip her stockings off.

‘My bottom’s fine, it may hurt when I sit down,
but it’s fine.’

‘Good to know, but I wasn’t talking about your
delicious pink bottom,’ I smiled, as I stood back up and reached around her to
unhook her suspender belt, kissing her as I did. ‘You look tired.’

‘I’ve had three powerful orgasms tonight,’ she
smiled back, with a flush to her cheeks.

‘Before tonight, you’re working too hard.’ I
reached to the control on the wall and turned on the water, it was already
pre-set to the perfect temperature, hot enough to leave skin pink, just like
her cheeks, but not scalding. She gasped as the droplets hit her and I swept
her hair away from her face. ‘You need to rest, you need a break.’

‘I will, when things quieten down.’

‘Things will never quieten down for you, Summer
Beresford. You’re a star now, but you’re going to be a super star. You’ll have
photographers and fans following you everywhere, you’ll be in the headlines
every day, you’ll need a bodyguard and I’ll take out anyone who even so much as
looks at you the wrong way.’ I clasped her face as I stepped forward, pressing
against her soft breasts as I kissed her, my need for her drowning me more than
this torrential down pour hammering down on us, and it wasn’t the only thing
steaming up my mirror and glass shower screen.

‘You want to be my bodyguard?’ she questioned, her
eyebrows raised in surprise, between kisses.

‘I want to be your boyfriend, but trust me, when
you’re with me no one will ever hurt you. I’d die first,’ I responded
sincerely, my heart right behind the statement.

‘Lucas,’ she sighed, as she looked up at me, tears
of emotion in her eyes, her black mascara starting to leave trails down her

‘Talk later, I want you, again. I always bloody
want you. From the moment I opened that first email, you had me angel, there’s
been no one for me since. You’re my Viagra, when I’m old and grey I’ll just
look at you and he’ll come to life.’ I reached down as I continued to kiss her,
curling my fingers around the back of her thighs, sliding her up the slate
tiled wall and she automatically wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs
around my waist. ‘Do you want me, again?’ I questioned, not sure if I’d bruised
her too much earlier. It had been a long time for both of us.

‘Yes,’ she breathed, in a sultry tone, as she
nibbled my ear. ‘But gently this time, or you might break me.’

‘I’d just piece you back together, I’m your glue
now, angel. I’ll be anything you need.’ I reached down to guide myself into
her, sliding in slowly, watching her face as I did. The change enthralled me,
enthralled me. I loved the way her blue eyes expanded, her long dark lashes
fluttering, the perfect circle her full luscious lips made as she took in that
first gasp to feel me inside her again. The way her cheeks turned a pale shade
of pink, several shades lighter than I’d made her bottom earlier. I felt her
nails denting the back of my neck when I flexed my hips to bury myself to the
hilt in her, as I let out a low groan. She was so tight, I doubted even my hand
could replicate the grip of her muscles. It was a testament to my stamina that
I didn’t unload in her after a couple of thrusts. No one would be able to
resist once inside her. The thought that I’d been her first, that I’d be her
last, had my chest puff with pride. She really was mine. She hadn’t said yes
yet, we had to have the formal conversation when she was rested and not high on
the orgasms I’d given her, but she
mine. I was never letting her go.

‘Lucas,’ she moaned, in a high pitched tone, as
her head tipped back to rest on the tiles, her eyes closing as she drew in
quick sharp breaths. I guided her hips, circling them around me as I gently
pushed in and out of her. She was a quick learner and soon started to move them
herself, as my fingers moved to knead her voluptuous backside. I loved that she
had some flesh on her. I kissed and bit on her neck, then just for the hell of
it, because I could, because I wanted everyone to know she was taken for real
now, I gave her a love bite, right in the crook of her neck. She squealed and
tugged on my hair trying to pull me off, but I clamped down even harder. The
brand of my cock inside her may not be visible to any other fuckers with ideas
of stealing her from me, but this work of art would tell them. I felt a wicked
grin spread across my face as I pulled up and admired my handiwork. I really
was the Picasso of love bites, she was a beauty.

‘Don’t scowl at me, angel, it just gets me even
hotter for you,’ I laughed, as I pecked her lips and slipped out of her,
letting my cock brush over her clit a few times, making her forget her anger as
she trembled against me. ‘Tell me how this feels?’ I demanded, as I did it

‘Incredible,’ she sighed, as she pulled her head
off the tiles and looked at me, her eyes shining bright. ‘Make it more
incredible, fuck me.’

‘Who knew the sweet, angelic, Summer Beresford had
a potty mouth?’ I chuckled.

‘Only with you, you bring out the best and worst
in me,’ she winked.

‘Say it again.’

‘Say what?’ she asked, then whimpered as I rubbed
against her again.

‘“Fuck me.” It’s so hot coming out of your mouth.’

‘Even hotter when you’re coming in my …’ she broke
off and giggled, as her cheeks went a rich shade of scarlet.

‘You can’t say the word, can you?’ I laughed.
‘Come on, say it. Cunt.’

‘That’s so crude,’ she objected, with a furrow of
her brows as her hand slapped my bicep.

‘But it gets you off when I whisper it in your ear
doesn’t it?’

‘Maybe, but
not saying it.’

‘Say pussy for me then. Say “it’s even hotter when
you’re coming in my pussy.”’

‘Lucas.’ She gave me an adorable girlish giggle
and dropped her head so she wouldn’t have to look at me. I planted my feet
firmly as I let go of her, leaving her clinging to me, balanced on my hips, as
I clasped her face and pulled it up to look at me again.

‘It gets me off to hear you talk dirty.’ I gently
thrust, letting my cock sweep over her sensitive nub again and she mewled as
she looked at me.

‘Fuck me,’ she ordered, with determination.
‘Impale my pussy with your giant monster cock.’

‘Excellent, you’re such a quick study,’ I praised,
as my cock surged, hearing those words roll off the sweetest, purest, of lips.

‘Softly though, I’m still a bit tender,’ she
added, making me laugh and kiss her again. I gently entered her and she gripped
my shoulders and started to ride me, her breasts jiggling, tempting me to bend
down and bite one of her nipples, gently this time. Her heated cries above me
had me fighting against coming. She was ruining me. I swivelled my hips as I
nibbled and sucked on her, trying to ignore the low rumble of my balls,
desperate to offload again. No way was I ever going back to wearing damn
condoms, her hot flesh wrapped like cling film around my cock was

‘I’m coming again, I’m so sorry, I’m … coming,’
she cried, her voice full of anguish.

‘Come for me then, I’m right with you. Scream for
me, angel. Let me hear you scream.’

‘Yes, yes … Ahhhh,
’ she panted, as
she rose and fell faster and faster as I pumped into her harder. ‘Now … now …

her voice trailed off as her head tipped back again, her eyes rolling and
unfocussed as she started to buck in my arms. I gripped her waist to hold her
steady as I let my release come, loving the feeling of me pumping my seed into
her, coating both of us.

‘Summer, you’re killing me,’ I choked, feeling
overcome with emotion. She threw her arms around my neck and rested her head on
my shoulder, placing light kisses on my neck that had me shiver. I held her
until her body calmed down, until we were both breathing normally again, then took
a few steps back under the blast of the hot water, hearing her let out a gentle
sigh, full of contentment. I was right there with her. I couldn’t wait to take
her to my bed, to watch her sleeping in my arms. I gently lifted her off me,
lathered up my hands and took my time washing her, chuckling when she got
embarrassed again as I cleaned her between the legs. ‘I put a supply of your
usual toiletries in the left hand cabinet above the sink,’ I advised, as I
kissed her and handed her a fluffy towel off the heated rail. She smiled and
wrapped herself in it, squeezing the water out of her long hair and padded out
to find her stuff to clean her face. I watched as I cleaned myself up. It had
been a long time since I’d had a woman in my own en-suite. Even when I was
seeing Lucy, six odd years ago, I mainly stayed at hers. I was quite
territorial about my own space. Yet seeing Summer here seemed natural. Like she
belonged. I turned off the water, wrapping a towel around my waist, smirking to
myself as I caught her looking at my abs in the reflection of the mirror. I
left her to dry her hair and went to make us a quick chicken in lemon sauce
stir fry, I was ravenous.


I ate, with my left hand, my right one holding
hers, our fingers tightly laced. I’d spent so long unable to touch her as often
as I wanted, that now she was here, I couldn’t keep my hands off her. I even
stood behind her as we brushed our teeth, smiling at her through the foam and
then ripped her towel away, swept her off her feet, carried her to my bed and
threw her on it, watching her breasts bounce as she landed laughing. Her laugh
soon turning to a wince as she pulled a face.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘My bottom’s stinging a bit,’ she shrugged. I
quickly rolled her over to examine the still coloured cheeks.

‘Lie there, like that, I’ll be back in a minute. I
have something that may help.’ I headed to the en-suite and rummaged for my
bottle of witch hazel, helping myself to some of her cotton wool, then went to
grab some more ice from the freezer, wrapping it in a tea towel. I pulled out
the gift I’d bought for her and put it on the kitchen island, along with a card
and her favourite flower in a vase. I’d surprise her with that when I brought
her breakfast in bed in a few hours’ time. I caught my breath as I walked back
into my bedroom to see her lying there, her feet in the air, her face turned on
the pillow with her long brown hair fanned out across her back. She was beauty
personified. I felt those damn stomach butterflies as she smiled at me. I sat
on the edge of the bed, placing the wrapped ice gently on her bottom and heard
her hiss through her teeth. ‘Did I hurt you?’

‘No, it was … it smarted at the time, but it
turned me on. Now it just stings a bit. Am I bruised?’

‘No,’ I shot back, indignantly. ‘I’d never bruise
you. I promised I’d never hurt you, Summer and that includes bruises. Looking
at your arse though, I’ve thought of a title for your next film,’ I nodded as I
swept the ice over her, numbing the pain.


‘Fifty Shades of Pink,’ I grinned with a chuckle.

‘O my God, is it that bad?’ she laughed, craning
her neck to see.

‘No, just one or two shades,’ I reassured her, as
I continued to cover all the coloured areas, cooling then down.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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