Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (55 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘I want you, Sir,’ I whispered, unsure if that
would incur another spank for speaking when he hadn’t asked me a question.
Surely expressing desire for him was allowed?

‘How much, Summer?’

‘Like I’ll die if I don’t have you inside me
soon,’ I whined, like a moody teen, beyond frustrated.

‘Excellent, just how I want you, but now you’ve
incurred another two spanks, which I’ll do on your bare rump, for speaking out
of turn and then not addressing me correctly,’ he chuckled as he gripped my
shoulders and raised me back up onto my knees, pulling me back against his
chest. I groaned with frustration as I felt his erection pressing into my back.
I didn’t just want him, I
him, but damn him for being so harsh,
when I was just telling him how badly I wanted him. ‘But first I think I owe
you some pleasure, for trying so hard and pleasing me,’ he added, his voice
softening. I nodded vigorously, as I bit my bottom lip and twisted my head to
look up at him. He dipped his head and gifted me his tongue, eating me as
hungrily as I did him. I moaned with excitement into his mouth, as one of his
hands moved to squeeze my aching breast then slid down my toned stomach. I
whimpered pathetically, as his fingers slid down the inside of my knickers,
parting my swollen lips and nudging my clit. ‘Damn it, you’re soaked,’ he
breathed against my cheek, the excitement in his tone palpable. ‘I can’t wait
to lick you again. See if you taste as good as I remember.’

I nodded as I started to pant again, while he
coated his fingers in my arousal and started to circle my sensitive clit.
‘Ahhhh,’ I cried, the anticipation had worked me up to the point of orgasm,
even without his light, expert, touch.

‘Let me hear it, angel. Let me hear you come, let
me hear your moans and screams,’ he demanded, forcefully, as he bit on the side
of my neck and his fingers continued to work their magic. I felt my eyes
rolling as the glorious feeling started to spread, igniting my core. I’d been
masturbating, a lot, since that last night with him all that time ago, but
while I could make myself come now, nothing compared to the skill of his
fingers working on and in me. My orgasms had the power of a sickly kitten’s
mewl, when compared to the majestic and fearsome lion’s roar with the ones he
gave to me. I felt my body starting to tense as pleasure rippled outwards. I
was going to come. Already. It was pitiful that I had so little control around

‘Yes, yes,
’ I moaned, as he applied
more pressure and I started to writhe my hips in time with the movements of his
fingers. He grasped my breast, easing my nipple up slightly, freeing it from
the lace half cup. He tugged it as he ran his lips up and down my cheek and my
clit started to vibrate intensely. ‘O God … I’m going to … O God.’

‘Come for me, angel. Give me the first of many orgasms
tonight. I own all of them now, from this moment to the end of time,’ he
whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. I felt a tear roll down my cheek,
which he licked away, as my body was battered by a climax that tore through my
body like a tornado, leaving utter devastation in its wake.

‘Lucas,’ I cried at the top of my voice and heard
him purr with pleasure to hear me call his name.



The Cross

Lucas Logan Steel

I groaned as she came,
crying out my name at the peak of her climax. I’d longed for that since the
first time she’d called out “Logan,” all that time ago. She’d booked me as
Logan Steele that first time, and had known me as Logan Steele for some time,
up until that night she’d agreed to see me just as friends until she was ready
to take our relationship further. I smiled as I remembered that day, how I’d
broken every speed limit known to man, as I’d driven my BMW like a formula one
driver, across the streets of London, to hammer on her front door. She’d opened
it and I’d hauled her into my arms and kissed her like a man possessed. She’d
warned me that we wouldn’t be doing anything, I’d warned her I’d be kissing her
whether she liked it or not, and
, had I kissed her. She nearly
fainted and went limp in my arms. When she’d moaned the name Logan, as our lips
had finally parted, I’d told her the truth immediately. Logan Steele was the
name I was known by when it came to my escorting and personal training career.
My real name was Lucas Logan Steel, Logan having been my late grandfather’s name.
It had been a surreal experience, to hear someone other than my parents call me
Lucas. James, my regular driver, and Ian my IT guy, both called me Sir. Even my
best friend Dan knew me as Logan. We’d met in a sex club, trying to pick up the
same submissive for a night of pleasure. I’d never really felt like a Lucas,
I’d called myself Logan for as long as I could remember, but hearing that name
coming from Summer felt wrong. Like I was still being paid by her. I associated
“Logan” with my escorting career now. The name Lucas on her lips, was like a
prayer, like divine music to my ears. It just felt natural.

I kissed her cheek and held her tightly, until her
trembling body calmed down, then I slowly withdrew my wet fingers, putting one
against her lips, encouraging her to suck. It made my cock stiffen even more
when she did, when I felt that tug as she hollowed her cheeks, reminding me of
her near flawless blow job technique. She had an inherent natural ability.
She’d been practicing on something, I trusted that it wasn’t another man, but
it was obvious from the way she’d taken me in so far. I was going to teach her
to deep throat, but then again I only lasted minutes as it was, did I really
want her that good that I came in seconds? I pulled my finger out, put the
other in my mouth and closed my eyes as the sweet taste of her flooded my
mouth. Damn it, that was so hot.

I reached down to undo the cuffs and shoved them
in my jacket pocket. I’d put them back on her later if she wasn’t too worn out.
I quickly stood and lifted her up into my arms as she gazed up at me, her big
bright blue eyes shining with something that I didn’t dare question. Not yet. I
needed to know if she could handle me sexually first. Feelings could come
later. I dipped my head and let my lips press against hers, smiling internally
as she responded with the sweetest of kisses I’d ever had. She still tasted of
strawberries. Her arms slipped under my jacket, holding me tightly around the
waist, as I carried her to the spare room. I’d tried to make it less scary for
her, she’d had a freak out when she’d accidentally come in here last time,
witnessing my custom made four poster bed with its hooks for restraints,  and
then the BDSM St. Andrews cross. I’d lit relaxation candles, sprinkled rose
petals on the sheets and put some frangipani oil out, in case I needed to give
her a massage to relax her.

‘It’s ok,’ I whispered gently, as I opened the
door and felt her tense in my arms. ‘I promised you that I wouldn’t take you
beyond what I think you can handle, and you have your safe words. You promise
me you’ll use them if you need to?’

‘Yes, Sir, but …’ she stalled and dropped her eyes
to my chest.

‘But what?’ I frowned, as I pushed the door behind
me with my foot.

‘You told me that this is part of you, that you
need this. What if I can’t handle it? What if you don’t want me anymore because
I can’t give you what you need?’

what I need, angel. You’re what
I’ve always needed. Let’s try this before we worry about tomorrow, ok?’ I
replied, in as reassuring a voice as I could. I kissed her forehead tenderly,
trying to soothe her nerves. I needed to show her the extent of my sexual
preferences. Not all tonight of course, but the night did include some of my
preferred items of cuffs, shackles, bondage tape and rope, blindfolds, gags,
anal play, spanking, paddles and orgasm denial. All of these were part of my
wish list for her, but I’d never gone as far as suspension, or complete
trussing up of a woman, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I think she’d done some research
and had seen pictures, or read about, the extremes of BDSM and had got herself
worked up. I set her down in front of my cross, hauled her against my body and
kissed her again, kissed her until I felt her relaxing, as she clung to my
jacket lapels in an attempt to hold herself upright. I slowly walked her
backwards until she was leaning against the section of smooth polished wood
that joined in the centre. ‘Give me your right wrist,’ I whispered against her
soft lips, unbelievably excited to finally have someone to share my passion and
unused room with. She hesitated for a second, but when she looked up into my
eyes and I gave her a reassuring nod, she did as she was told.

I twisted one of the metal hooks in the cross and
moved it down the chrome grooves until it was at the right height for her, then
twisted it again to lock it into place. I then lifted her wrist and kissed it,
before grabbing one of the four leather cuffs, adorned with metal D rings, off
the small table at the side of me, buckling one around her wrist and attaching
it to the hook, suspending her arm from the cross. I kissed her as I heard her
breathing picking up speed, then repeated with her left wrist. I clasped her
face again and pressed my body up against hers, kissing her forcefully, easing
some more of the tension out of her, then dropped to my knees, laying a trail
of kisses across her toned stomach, groaning as the scent of her sex assaulted
my nostrils. Full of excitement, I gripped the edge of her knickers and swiftly
pulled them down, ordering her to step out of them. I couldn’t look up, I
couldn’t see her sweet cunt, or I’d want to dive face first into it and lick
her to another climax. I needed to show some restraint. I chuckled to myself at
my ironic pun, as I adjusted the hooks at the bottom of the cross and gently
coaxed her ankles into position, spreading her legs wide, restraining them as I
had her hands, with the final set of cuffs. I ran my lips over each of her
thighs, on the strip of soft skin where the top of her stocking ended and
gritted my teeth to be so close to her.
One taste wouldn’t ruin it, surely?
I darted my tongue out and swept it slowly through her, gathering her moisture
and lingering on her clit, as she gasped then let out an impassioned cry above
me. I licked my lips at the taste of her again, she still tasted so sweet, just
like the purest of honeys. I forced myself to rise up and step back, to take in
the effect of my tethered angel.

‘Fuck,’ I groaned, testosterone flooding my body
and rushing to my cock, which I reached down to squeeze, to ease the unbearable
ache. She looked so damn hot, spread like that for me, easily accessible for me
to play with, or fuck, with no way of escape. The thought of tying her up like
that, facing the wall, so I could spank her pink and then pound that virgin
backside of hers nearly had me combust on the spot. I blew out a deep calming
breath, she wasn’t ready for that yet, I could be patient. I’d been damn
patient for the last fourteen months, but no way did I want to be waiting
another fourteen to break in that tender arse of hers. ‘How do you feel?’ I
asked, gruffly.

‘Hot, hot and bothered,’ she whispered. Her cheeks
turned a delicious shade of pink as I studied her perfect, virtually naked,

‘Sir,’ I snapped, reminding her.

‘Sorry, Sir,’ she grimaced. ‘I’m hot, bothered and
very wet, Sir.’

‘Excellent,’ I smirked, full of pride that my
efforts were having the desired result. I stepped forward and ran my index
fingers inside the lace edge of her bra cups, pushing them right under her
large breasts. I dipped my head and gently sucked on a nipple, then tugged on
it with my teeth, coaxing it to grow larger as she moaned above me. I looked up
at her, at her eyes which were glazing over, she was so damn responsive, if I
carried on she was liable to come. Orgasm training was something we were
definitely going to have to work on. I held her gaze as I applied pressure with
my teeth. Her eyes widened, as her mouth formed a large perfect circle in
surprise. I chomped my teeth a couple of times, until she squealed and tried to
writhe, but her restraints stopped her movement, making my cock jerk again. I
straightened up, winked at her and walked out of the room, shutting the door
behind me. I chuckled when I heard her call “Sir?” in a confused voice behind
me. I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water and sliced lime,
draining it to cool myself down. We had all night, I didn’t want to rush this.
I grabbed a bowl and opened the freezer, removing the ice cube tray and popping
some into the bowl, then strode back to the bedroom purposefully.



I pulled at my restraints, but they were firmly
fixed, I was going nowhere until he released me. The thought was more appealing
than I’d ever anticipated. I hadn’t spent fourteen months getting to know him
for nothing. He cared for me,
cared for me, maybe even more, but
we’d not discussed our feelings, just our lives, our hopes and aspirations, our
days at work, movies, books and sex. We’d discussed sex in great detail, which
I sometimes think made things even harder for us both, when we were trying to
refrain. I don’t know how long I’d have held off getting into bed with him
again, I mean you could spend a lifetime with someone and not really know them.
The moment I knew that I was safe with him, that I could trust him to take
things further, was a couple of weeks ago. I was on set filming and he’d come
to watch in the wings, like he often did if I was filming late.

It was the peak of summer time, boiling hot, and
I’d been on set for ten hours and had skipped lunch to try to get finished
early to go out with him. I’d suddenly had a dizzy spell and wobbled on my
feet. Before Daron, my self-absorbed co-star, had even noticed, Lucas had raced
over and caught me, right before I nearly fainted. He’d carried me to the
paramedics’ ambulance, always stationed on site, and despite their assurances
that I’d be ok, he told the producer in no uncertain terms what he thought and
that I was done for the day. He’d carried me to his car and took me home, then
had put me in my bed and had gone to cook me something to eat. He’d insisted on
sleeping on top of my duvet next to me all night, to keep an eye on me. I’d
known then that he was the man I wanted. He’d spent money on me, purchased me
gifts, sent me untold bouquets of flowers, taken me out for expensive meals,
but it was that one simple night that had made up my mind. A night when he
showed me the type of man he was, and I realised that Lucas Steel was the just
the man I wanted. All that stood between us now, was whether I could handle
this side of him, the one side I hadn’t seen. And whether I lived up to
expectations of course.

I took a deep breath as the bedroom door opened
again and he walked in, his eyes narrowing and nostrils flaring as he took in
my body, from head to toe. I blushed. I was virtually naked and it had been a
long time since he’d seen me like that. His lips curled into a sexy smile, as
he put a porcelain bowl down on his desk, then pulled the handcuffs out of his
jacket pocket and placed them next to the bowl. I was breathing faster as I
watched him, trying to imagine what was coming next. He shrugged off his suit
jacket, carefully hanging it on the back of his chair and then moved to undo
his cufflinks. He was taking his time, building up the anticipation and
was it working! The cufflinks landed with a loud clunk in a glass bowl that was
already on his desk, which looked as if it contained coins. He held my gaze as
he slowly rolled his white shirt sleeves up. I could feel my chest heaving.
would have thought that the sight of a naturally bronzed forearm, covered in a
dusting of dark hair would be a turn on?
After diligently making sure each
sleeve matched, he toed off his leather shoes and bent to remove his socks.
Even his feet were beautiful. He was simply male perfection. I felt my eyes
stinging with tears as I looked at him.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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