Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (54 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘Yes, Sir. Because I want you just as much,’ I
confirmed sincerely, as I gazed into his gorgeous eyes. He growled and pulled
my face down to his, smashing his lips against mine, the contact brutal and
savage. I gasped and went to reach for his hair, to pull him onto me harder,
until I realised my hands were going nowhere. I felt him take advantage of my
lips, parting for that intake of air, his tongue snaking its way into my willing
mouth. We both groaned simultaneously as his battled for supremacy, forcing the
pace of his wild out of control thrusts. I felt like I was floating up with the
stars, my head was dizzy as he took everything he could from me in that one
frenzied kiss. I felt heart broken when he suddenly pulled away and looked at
me through hooded eyes. I could almost end the night happy now. A kiss from him
was like the best gift ever given or received. The noise of our heavy breathing
as we both tried to recover was deafening. He slowly dragged his thumb
sensuously across his damp lower lip, as he regained his composure. ‘I’d
forgotten how warm and wet your mouth was. I’m going to fuck it. Go and drop to
your knees in the middle of the room.’

I closed my eyes for a moment, excited at his
dirty instruction and nodded, his fingers curved around my hips to steady me
and help me up. I bit my lip as I stood upright, my knickers felt so damp. Was
it normal to get this turned on from a few orders and a kiss? As I looked at him,
I realised what a ridiculous question that was to ask myself. His beautiful
face was enough to turn on a woman, let alone the dark desire etched across it,
that substantial swelling I’d felt between my thighs as I sat on his lap, or
his expert tongue in my mouth. I stepped backwards carefully and sank to my
knees as he remained in the chair, his legs spread, showing me the evidence of
his huge erection straining against the black material of his trousers. I
gulped, but held his gaze as he just stared at me. A dark and hungry stare.
was he doing?
I wondered, as I tried to calm my breathing down. I thought
he’d throw me down and go at it like a bull in a china shop. It had been

‘Part your knees,’ he ordered, as he studied me.
‘Head up, when I’m in front of you I expect your eyes to be on mine at all
times, lips parted. When I order you to present yourself to me, no matter where
you are, or what you’re doing, this is how I will expect you in my spare room.
Wearing matching lingerie, stockings, suspenders and high heels, in this pose.

‘All the time?’ I asked, wide eyed. Would sex
never be spontaneous with him again?

‘The correct response to that question was “Yes,
Sir,” angel,’ he shot back, as he cocked his head and frowned.

‘But I don’t understand,’ I protested and saw the
frown lines on his brow deepen. ‘Sir.’ I added quickly. ‘Am I to do this
you want sex?’

‘No,’ he replied with a slight sigh. ‘This is only
when I crave some control over you, when I’m in the mood to dominate you. It
won’t be every time, but when I give you the order to present, that will tell
you my expectations. You’ll stop whatever you’re doing, go and change, then
kneel like this in the spare room waiting for me.’

‘But what if I’m not in the mood, Sir?’ I
enquired. He let out a deep, sexy as sin, laugh.

‘Angel, trust me, you’ll always be in the mood
around me and if you’re not, a few minutes sitting like this, imagining how
good I’m going to make you feel, will soon have you begging for me. Are you
done with questioning me, or can’t you follow the rule that you only speak when
spoken to? I’ve spent months answering your questions and you told me you were
ready. I have certain expectations and if you don’t meet them, then I’ll be
forced to punish you. Understood?’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I responded quickly. I didn’t want him
to spank me or withhold my orgasms. I needed to do as I was told.

‘Good girl,’ he smiled proudly, as he eased
himself up and circled around me. I kept my eyes in front of me, waiting for him
to stand still and look down at me, knowing he’d expect me to look up. I gulped
as his crotch appeared.
Was he always that big? I quickly looked
up, holding his gaze, a gaze that was telling me how much he needed to unload.
‘I want you to take my cock out and suck it. I’m so desperate for you I don’t
think I’ll last long first time, and I need to last for what I have planned for
you later. This will take the edge off,’ he stated. I remained looking up at
him, silent. I wasn’t supposed to speak, but if I couldn’t, how did I remind
him that I was handcuffed and couldn’t do as he asked? ‘Is there a problem?’ he
enquired, raising an eyebrow rakishly.

‘My hands are secured behind my back, Sir.’

‘I know,’ he grinned wickedly. ‘I deliberately
undid my button for you. Use your teeth.’

I swallowed hard and nodded as he gazed down at me
and felt my stomach twist. He was so damn hot and sexy. I leaned in and gently
used my teeth to grip his zip and tugged it down, until the material of his
trousers flopped to each side. Tilting my head I grasped them over his thigh
and yanked, again and again, until they finally slithered down his muscular legs
and gathered in a pool around his ankles. He was breathing hard and fast, as
was I. Would I remember how to suck him? Would I be able to take him? Mandy,
the real Mandy, had visited me in my new penthouse apartment, courtesy of my
large pay out from the proceeds of the first film and upfront payments on the
remaining two. She was far more experienced and had given me hints and tips and
we’d got drunk one night when she’d made me practice on a banana. I’d nearly
choked on it first time around, while she nearly choked from laughing too much.
The cock writhing in the boxers in front of me was no banana. It was more like
a damn marrow. A prize winning marrow. His tight jersey boxers took more effort
and concentration. It didn’t help that I could smell the muskiness of his
scent, some powerful elixir which flooded my senses as well as my, already very
damp, knickers. When I finally got them down to his knees and he sprung free,
jutting out in all his manly glory, I groaned at the sight in front of me. His
solid shaft was wider and longer than I remembered, with that hot pink bulbous
crown and wet tip. I poked out my tongue and gently swept it over his soft
head, tasting him for the first time in forever, and he groaned loudly as his
fingers reached down into my hair, caressing my scalp.

‘That’s it, angel. Kiss, lick and suck me. I’ve
dreamed of this, of you on your knees in front of me, those beautiful blue eyes
looking up at me in awe as you swallow me whole. Do it.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I purred and slowly ran my tongue up
his warm, hard rod. He growled as I lay a trail of kisses along his shaft and
licked his smooth balls, kissing all the way around the top of his thighs, into
that lovely dip on his hips, across his hard stomach and back down. I trailed
my tongue up his shaft again and wrapped my lips around his sticky head. His
fingers automatically tightened in my hair, as his eyes turned a dark shade of
grey, completely focussed on mine. I engulfed him and took him down as far as I
could, hearing him mutter a load of expletives as I sucked my way back up. His
eyes were glazed now, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his fingers encouraged
my head to move faster. My mouth was ridiculously stretched, surely he wouldn’t
fit inside me again when we had sex? He was so much bigger than I remembered.

‘Summer,’ he groaned, gutturally, as his hips
started to pump. I started breathing through my nose, as his cock filled my
mouth completely. His stomach inched closer and closer to my face as I took him
further down with each powerful thrust. I kept my eyes on his, even though he’d
closed them and his face was contorted with pleasure. I would have smiled if I
could. He was happy.
was making him happy. I was still in awe that
someone as amazing as him wanted me so badly. He could have anyone he wanted
and he’d fallen for me. I felt him tense as he started to grunt and I prepared
myself for the inevitable flood. ‘Shit,
, swallow me, angel. Please,
swallow me,’ he gasped, as he opened his eyes and looked back down at me. He
looked drugged, completely blissed out on a rush of sexual endorphins. I held
his gaze as he blasted my throat, and managed to swallow as he rammed himself
further in, nearly choking me. He stayed there for a moment, then quickly
pulled out and sank to his knees in front of me, grabbing my face, kissing me
passionately, not giving me a second to catch my breath. ‘Even better than I
remembered, angel. I can’t wait to bury myself in you, but first I owe you some
pleasure. Would you like that?’

‘Yes, please,’ I nodded, excitedly, as I took deep
gulps of air. He smiled but arched a brow at the same time.

‘Then pleasure you’ll have, but you’ll also
receive a spank for not addressing me correctly.’

‘Shit,’ I uttered, as I looked at him wide eyed. I
really wasn’t sure how I felt about being spanked. I’d never even received one
as a child. I’d been too well behaved.

‘And now we’re up to two,’ he replied.

But it’s my first time,’ I
protested, as nerves flooded my body again.


‘O no, Sir,’ I groaned and closed my eyes briefly,
before looking back up at him, my eyes pleading with him not to subject me to

‘Four,’ he smirked.

‘But I said “Sir,” Sir,’ I objected, as I looked
back at him.

‘You closed your eyes, angel. I warned you, eyes
on me at all times when I’m in front of you,’ he reminded me, as he trailed his
fingers delicately down my cheek. I gave him my best sad eyed look, but he
didn’t relent. It was my first time doing this, surely he could show some
leniency? I sighed as I realised he wouldn’t. This was what he wanted. He
wanted me to try to follow his rules, but if I didn’t he wanted to punish me.
This was a part of him that I was going to have to accept if I wanted him. And
I still wanted him.
. He crouched down in front of me and
kissed me tenderly, his tongue performing a romantic dance with mine, as I
struggled to keep my eyes open. Surely he couldn’t expect me to do that while
we were kissing, or when I was … coming. He broke away and smiled as he stood
up, then bent down and helped me up, leading me over to his sofa. He positioned
me facing it, my knees against the soft leather cushioned seat. ‘Kneel,’ came
his commanding voice.

I did as I was told immediately, nearly overdosing
with a saturation of nerves.
He was really going to spank me?
thought he’d do it over his knee or lap, like I’d read about in the countless
erotic books I’d been reading to help with my acting role, as well as trying to
understand why he needed this so much. I felt his hand in the small of my back
and let out a defeated sigh as it moved slowly up my spine, sparks of
electricity waking up my skin as he moved under my hair and gently gripped the
back of my neck, swiftly forcing me to lie down. I turned my head to rest my
cheek on the sofa, the cool leather giving welcome relief to my tender, hot,
peaked nipples. I heard him kneel down behind me and took in a sharp breath of
anticipation as his hand caressed one of my cheeks over the ruffled material,
while the other remained anchored to the back of my neck, holding me in place.

‘Normally I’d do this on bare skin, I’d love to
see your flesh turn a rosy pink, but you’re scared, I can feel it in your body,
hear it in your breathing and the rapid beat of your heart. This time I’ll take
it gently, let these sexy knickers take away some of the sting for you, but I’m
going to need flesh on flesh at some stage tonight, angel. Now remember how
good you felt when I bit your nipple last time. Pleasure and pain are separated
by the finest of lines. Don’t concentrate on my slaps, concentrate on the
feeling of excitement that will light up your sweet little cunt, making it even
more juicy for me, as juicy as I’ll need it to be for when I slide this large
cock of mine inside you later and make you scream my name.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I mewled, unsure of which emotion was
getting the better of me. The anticipation was killing me. I wanted to please
him, so badly, but I was frightened in case he took it too far.
Four spanks,
I reminded myself,
how bad could they be?
I screamed as the first one
connected with my right cheek. More out of indignation, humiliation and shock,
than pain. I knew it was coming, but I’d expected him to warn me first. I felt
him rubbing the cheek that was currently smarting like hell, but heard him let
out a slight groan. He really loved this and if I wanted him, I’d have to learn
to love it too. I felt his hands switch on the back of my neck and he repeated
the warm up on my left cheek, as I tried to relax and blow out some breaths of
tension. I jolted as the spank connected and moaned. It stung, but the thought
of what it was doing to him eased that a little. As he swapped hands again and
the third slap rained down on my right cheek, I hissed through my teeth and my
jaw dropped.
What the hell was going on?
I could feel my pussy quivering
and my nipples throbbing as much as my backside. I moaned out loud as the
fourth spank connected and felt a wave of moisture escape, completely ruining
my knickers, as he gently rubbed each cheek.

‘O yes, I’d bet anything that you’re soaking wet
right now. Wishing I was giving you more than four spanks,’ he chuckled. I
blinked a few times, trying to bring myself back from my confused state. I
didn’t want to be spanked! It was sort of degrading, but the dampness between
my thighs told me that I was enjoying it. Still maintaining his grip on my neck
I felt him kiss each of my heated cheeks over my knickers, then his wet tongue
trailing up my spine, over each bony protrusion. He moved my hair out of the
way and licked the back of my neck, then bit it and sucked, making me squeal. I
was going to mark, he was marking me! We’d be having words about
quickly forgot my indignation as he worked his way along my shoulder, light
delicate kisses, then retraced his steps and kissed me right in that spot on
the side of my neck that had me melt, like butter in the warmth of the sun.
‘You smell so good, and I’m not talking about your perfume, angel. I can smell
how aroused you are, that sweet scent of honey. You have me hard again,
already,’ he murmured in my ear, as he ran his tongue around it and bit on my
ear lobe and tugged.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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