Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (57 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘What infractions?’ she protested, with a pout, as
I massaged her cheek.

‘Speaking without permission, like you just did
now, earning you another spank, and not calling me, Sir. I take this very
seriously, angel, as should you in future. You’ll soon learn though, or maybe
you enjoy being spanked so much you’ll either deliberately flaunt my rules to
force me, or you’ll beg me to do it.’

‘Like hell I will,’ she uttered and yelped as I
smacked her on the other cheek.

‘And there was another. Sixteen in total, or would
you like to interrupt and make it more?’ I was secretly begging her to, but she
bit her lower lip and buried her face in the pillow. ‘So, as you’ve already had
two of them, I want you to count the remaining fourteen as I give them to you,’
I ordered. She gave a slight, almost indiscernible nod and I decided two sharp
fast spanks at a time, one on each cheek in rapid succession would be best.

‘One, two, Sir,’ she mumbled into the pillow.

‘Turn your head, I want to see your face as well
as hear you count properly,’ I demanded. Damn it, if it didn’t make my cock
surge at the thought. She did as she was told, so I laid another two on her,
delighting in the fact that she hadn’t used her safe words and that her pale
skin was starting to colour.

‘Three, four, Sir,’ she cried, in a higher pitched
tone, and tensed her backside.

‘Don’t, it will make the pain worse. Relax them,’
I advised, as I gently soothed her cheeks with my palms and thumbs, waiting for
her to comply before heating her up with another two.

‘Five, six, Sir,’ she whimpered. Then ‘Seven,
eight, Sir,’ and ‘Nine, ten, Sir,’ the latter of which was spoken in a low

‘You know what to say if you need to don’t you,
angel?’ I asked, as I brushed my lips over hers. She bit her lip and nodded,
which I took as a sign that she wasn’t going to be defeated, so I straightened
up and applied the penultimate two, putting a little more power into them.

‘Eleven, twelve, Sir,’ she groaned, her voice
having taken on a husky tone, as she kicked her feet up and down. I noticed
that her fingers were gripping the pillow under her restrained hands. She was
fighting the urge to give in. She wanted to please me. I smiled, she really had
no idea how much she already had.

‘Last two to go, I’m so proud of you. You’re my
warrior angel, taking whatever I give you,’ I happily observed. I’d held back
on the previous spanks, but she needed to know the worst it could be. I’d never
hit her bottom to bruise it, but that delicious shade of pink or red was what I
aimed for. I knew just the right amount of pressure to apply for the pain to be
balanced against the pleasure of it, and despite her contorted face as I was
doing it, her little breathy moans and heated cries belied the faces she was
pulling. I’d learned adding oil really helped, in terms of the heating effect
as well as the most satisfying of noises, so I applied more before cracking the
last two on her.

‘Lucas,’ she called out, as her fingers nearly
bore a hole in the pillow. I was tempted to give her another for not calling me
again, but I loved hearing my name roll off her lips and the hot
pink hue that was currently colouring her cheeks was reward enough. I gently
rubbed them, as I took pleasure in the sight below me, then leaned down and
kissed each of them gently and felt her quiver. I moved to lie across her back,
reached up and smothered her hands with my own, as I kissed a few stray tears
on her cheek away.

‘Why the tears?’

‘Because you’re spanking me and … and …’ her voice
trailed off.

‘You liked it,’ I whispered, as a smile of
satisfaction crept across my face. I kissed the corner of her mouth, feeling
beyond ecstatic, even before she confirmed my assessment with a nod. More tears
started to flow from under the blindfold, so I kissed her properly, joy flowing
through my veins. I’d known it that first night with her, that she was my
perfect match, but this had just confirmed it. I was never letting this woman
go. ‘O, angel. Don’t cry. You wouldn’t believe how many women out there love
it. There’s nothing wrong with anything a couple does behind closed doors, as
long as they both enjoy it. Watching your cheeks wobble, that colour coming to
the surface, it turns me on so much and you have no idea how hard my cock is
for you right now.’

‘I do, because it’s currently pressing against my
rather sore bottom, Sir,’ she sniffed. I chuckled and kissed her again, then
leapt up. I decided against using the wax, she’d done so well her first time, I
didn’t want to push it. Instead I grabbed the facecloth I’d put on the tray and
dipped it into the virtually melted bowl of ice cubes, wrung it out and applied
it to her cheeks. You could almost hear the sizzle of the water as it touched
her hot skin, and she moaned again as I gently circled the cool damp cloth over
her, then tossed it aside.

‘Spread your legs,’ I ordered and smiled as she
did as she was told. I dipped the tip of my index finger inside her and groaned
at the same time as she did. ‘You definitely liked being spanked. I’ll have to
do it on a regular basis.’ I undid her restraints, then her bra clasps, letting
my fingertips gently sweep across her skin, then flipped her around, onto her
back again, hearing her hiss as the sheets connected with her reddened cheeks.
I slid the straps of her bra down her arms and tossed it out of the way. Her
perfectly formed breasts rose up from her chest like rounded sand dunes, her
nipples pink, full and pert, perfectly centred. I cupped a breast in each hand
as her chest rose and fell, then lowered my mouth to kiss and gently bite each
one. ‘
, we move onto sight.’



I held my breath as he lavished attention to my
aching breasts. I thought I’d wanted him badly the first few times we’d had
sex, but nothing compared to the need that was currently clawing at my insides.
I felt drugged on endorphins, totally spaced out on the rush that was coursing
through my veins, each touch, however hot, cold, hard or gentle, just amplified
my pleasure and desire for him. For
Lucas Steel.
I hadn’t been sure I
could ever get used to calling him Lucas, I’d lost my virginity to Logan, spent
another night with Logan for my premiere and those nights held such special
memories for me. I’d fallen for Logan Steele. Lucas though, he was the man
who’d spent the last fourteen months getting to know me, being my friend, my
support, my trainer. He’d never once put any pressure on me to sleep with him,
though I’d seen through some of his attempted seduction tactics, much to his
mortification. While Logan had dazzled me, Lucas had stolen a part of my heart.
I hated being apart from him, I got excited each time I was about to see him,
and now
? I’d thought him making love to me, or fucking me, as he
had in the past, had been mind blowing, but him all in the zone, being
Sucking on him, when I had my hands cuffed behind my back
as he’d towered over me in his suit, his handsome face looking down at me, had
been heady. Being restrained, not knowing what was coming next? I’d loved it.
But now I’d had enough, I’d been patient for long enough. I didn’t want any
more games or teasing. I wanted him, inside me. I wanted to cling to him, to
bite him, to pull his hair, grip his firm bottom, kiss his chest and those
sculpted abs and most of all to touch that beautiful cock with my hands. I felt
him climb off me and his hands slip under my head as he carefully undid the
blindfold. I kept my eyes shut as it slithered away, then carefully opened
them, squinting as I grew accustomed to the dimly candle lit room.

‘Hello, beautiful,’ he smiled.

I whispered, full of emotion, as I
saw him standing at the bottom of the bed and I propped myself up on my elbows.
He stood with his hands on his hips, his fingers angled down towards that
enormous erection of his. I gulped as I studied him, I hadn’t seen him naked in
forever and the sight most definitely didn’t disappoint.

‘How many times do I need to remind you, Summer?
In this room it’s always, Sir,’ he advised, as he cocked his head, power
radiating from those shining eyes of his. ‘I’m Lucas in my bedroom or anywhere
else, here I’m Sir.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I nodded, as I licked my lips while my
eyes roved all over his fit body. He was insanely toned,
beautifully toned.
wasn’t into guys with muscles that were so large they were out of proportion
with their body, where veins bulged to the point of popping. Lucas was simply
the personification of perfection, even without his gorgeous face, or those
clear slate grey eyes, which were currently burning into me as he scanned my
body too.
What was he waiting for?
His cock was quivering and flexing,
he was obviously ready. I held his gaze as my breaths got shorter and faster,
the anticipation was killing me as the air between us shimmered and the heat in
the room intensified. You could practically see the electricity arcing between
us. I squealed as he suddenly lunged forwards, throwing himself on top of me,
his fingers weaving into my hair as he kissed me wildly. I reached up and
grasped the back of his head with one hand, as the other slid down his back to
grip his firm backside and squeeze, at last. His skin was so warm, so soft to
touch, yet so firm at the same time. We rolled back and forth on the bed, our
hands grasping and needy, I managed to curl my fingers tightly around his large
shaft for a second, before he yanked them away.

‘Damn it, Summer,’ he groaned between thrusts of
his tongue into my mouth. ‘I’ve never wanted anyone so badly. I wanted to
prolong it, spend hours teasing you, making you come again and again before I
fucked you, but I can’t wait. It’s going to be hard, fast and raw. Tell me
you’re ok with that? I promise to make it up to you later.’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I confirmed eagerly, and he quickly
tipped me onto my back. I ignored the chaffing of my skin on the bedclothes and
parted my thighs, letting him nestle down between them, as we continued to kiss
like it was our first time. My best friend, Mandy, had asked me if it bothered
me that I’d never had sex with anyone but Lucas. She was the only one who knew
that he was actually the infamous Logan Steele. I’d replied that it didn’t. I
really didn’t care if anyone could make me feel even better than he had,
because the way he made me feel was … I didn’t even have words. I sincerely
doubted anyone could be better and I had no plans to find out. I felt him reach
down to angle himself against my clenching opening and took a deep breath.
Finally, this was it. He stopped kissing me and moved to brush his lips up and
down my neck, as he slammed into me with the force of a hurricane, threatening
to lay waste to anything in its path. I screamed with shock as my muscles
screamed in protest. Damn it, he was so
I felt ridiculously
stretched. He groaned and I buried my face in his neck, biting down hard on his
shoulder to try and muffle the sobs of mixed pain and pleasure trying to

‘Angel, try and relax, remember how good it felt
after you got through the pain last time,’ he murmured against my ear, as he
drew back and thrust inside me again. I let go of his hair and reached down to
grip the back of his shoulder instead, wrapping my legs around his slim hips,
opening myself up to him, hoping it would ease the pressure. It only let him dive
in further, making me sob and bite him again. ‘Kiss me, kiss me to take your
mind off it,’ he demanded. ‘You have no idea how good it feels for me, to be
inside you without a condom, to feel your tight warmth holding me. I don’t want
to hurt you, Summer, but I don’t want to stop either. Kiss me, let me distract
you, now.’

I did as I was told and he surprised me with soft
gentle kisses, as he slowed his thrusts down. I whimpered into his mouth as he
started to coax soft moans of pleasure from me. He’d got me so excited that I
was more than lubricated enough for him to slide in and out, my muscles just
needed that encouragement to relax, to accept that him being inside me was
natural. I focussed on my memories of the last time we’d had sex, how enjoyable
it had been and quickly groaned as his pelvis bumped against my clit on an
inward thrust. The pain was slowly being saturated by feelings of bliss, of
drugged up intoxication. I wasn’t a Logan addict anymore, I was a Lucas addict.
Man of Steel
, he could star in
Rod of Steel
. Mandy had grown
frustrated at my lack of ability to describe just how large Logan was, I had no
idea if he was considered small, average or large, I’d never seen another one
before. I knew for sure that I didn’t ever want a larger one near me. If I had
a limit, Lucas was it. She’d gone and purchased the biggest cucumber she could
find and had demanded I cut it to size. Her eyes had nearly popped out of their
sockets when I held up the approximation. I’d giggled as she said she was taking
it home to play with. Apparently he
normal. Apparently it was
“Fucking ginormous.” She’d even called me a lucky bitch. As a feeling of warmth
started to spread through my body, my toes curled and a tingle started to creep
up my spine, I was inclined to agree. I was a very,
lucky bitch
indeed. My grip on his shoulder started to slip, so I slid my hand down his
damp back to clutch his other buttock, my short nails digging in as he picked
up speed. I released my teeth from his shoulder and cried out, again and again,
which had him groan in return, as the heat between us rising as high as my
cries of delight. I wasn’t sure how much more my poor senses could take, he was
surrounding me, I was drowning in him and the sheer pleasure he was bringing to
my seriously aroused body.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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