Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (27 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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The Bar


James offered me his hand
to help me out of the car. I thanked him and made my way through the sliding
doors into the foyer, heading for the bar. I noticed heads turn as I walked
through. No, my attractiveness definitely wasn’t the reason for my husband’s
lack of attention that was for sure. My stride faltered when I saw Logan
watching me from the end of the bar, just where he said he’d be, and I felt my
mouth drain of saliva. He was a fine specimen of a man. If I thought I’d wet
the pearls on the ride over, I had just soaked them looking at him. He
immediately stood up as I approached, towering over me even in my heels,
placing a hand on my waist as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I had to
swallow a whimper of pleasure to smell him again; he reeked of sexual

‘Ava.’ His voice was like molten chocolate and
damn it, if it didn’t send a little surge of extra excitement to my clit. ‘You
look even more stunning than usual.’

‘All thanks to you,’ I smiled, as he straightened

‘Nonsense. Only a brunette with an exceptional
figure could pull off that colour and dress. You look nervous, is everything
all right?’ he asked, a small crease appearing between his dark brows making
him look even more rakishly handsome.

‘I’m a little … what if … what if I don’t find him
attractive?’ I whispered.

‘Trust me, as long as you have a pulse, I don’t
think that will be an issue,’ he smiled and flicked his head down to the other
end of the bar. I followed his gaze and locked eyes with a gorgeous looking
blond, with the most piercing blue eyes, who gently nodded at me. I swallowed
hard again and looked back up at Logan.

‘He looks seventeen, Logan. I look old enough to
be his mother. I
probably old enough to be his mother, yours too.’

‘Don’t do that, don’t put yourself down. You’re a
very desirable woman, Ava, to anyone but your blind husband, who has no idea
what he’s missing. Trust me, Trey is twenty-one and he knows what he’s doing.
You don’t find him attractive? Is that the problem?’

‘The problem is I do,’ I sighed. ‘It’s not right.
What I’m doing isn’t right.’

‘No, what your husband is doing isn’t right,
neglecting his wife. It’s a man’s job to make sure he takes care of his wife in
all areas, Ava, both in and out of the bedroom. You’re a beautiful, sexy woman,
who deserves to be appreciated and given how long it’s been since that last
happened, you deserve two sets of hands to give you double the pleasure, to try
and make up for what you’ve missed.’

‘But I … I …’ I looked back over at Trey, then up
at Logan again as I struggled with my body screaming at me to let them both
attend to me and the common feeling of guilt. Logan leaned in and lay his lips
gently on the side of my neck and breathed out, making my skin pucker under the
warmth as he whispered in my ear in that seriously sultry tone of his.

‘Imagine my tongue slowly trailing through those
swollen folds of yours, teasing your clit the way I know you love, while Trey’s
skilled fingers knead at your ripe breasts and his lips coax those sensitive
nipples to stiff points. Two pairs of hands caressing your skin as we bring you
to the most explosive climax you’ve ever experienced. And this is
Ava. You already know what I can do to you, how good do you think it will be
with Trey in the mix at the same time?’

‘O my God,’ I whimpered as I nodded. I was sodden
and my nipples had already peaked. I
know how good Logan was, but
even he couldn’t be everywhere on my body at once. The thought of being kissed
while my clit was being licked or sucked was overwhelming that little nagging
voice that was telling me I shouldn’t be here. Even before I’d first hired
Logan, my secret fantasy was to have two men pleasure me all night. And now it
seemed my fantasy really was going to become a reality. ‘Take me upstairs now,
before I change my mind.’

‘Excellent. You won’t regret it. Have I ever let
you down before?’ he asked, as he straightened up and offered me his hand,
which I took.

‘Never,’ I responded on a breathy sigh, as my
chest heaved.



I checked my watch as I drank my water, keeping
one eye on the door of the bar. Ava should be arriving any moment. She was
probably the only client I’d actually looked forward to meeting, since my
booking with Summer. If she’d been ten or so years younger, she would have been
quite my type: A classic brunette beauty, sexy yet classy, intelligent and
sweet. Most of all, I knew how much these sessions meant to her. Yes it was sex
because she wanted it, but it was more like she
it to flourish,
like a plant starved of water. Without it she would wither and lose her
confidence. She needed to be reminded that she was a sensual woman, a sexual
being who most guys would chew their right arm off to have, yet that wanker she
was with ignored her and made her insecure about her own self-worth. I despised
men like him. What man didn’t put his wife as the centre of his world and bring
her the pleasure she deserved?

I wasn’t entirely sure why she stayed with him. It
wasn’t the money; she came from money herself. The background checks my IT guy,
Ian, had run for me had unearthed that straight away. Her family had ties to
the oil business in the Middle East, which explained her dark glossy hair, rich
chocolate eyes and almost olive skin tone. I could only put it down to a
marriage of convenience, or maybe her self-esteem really was shot. Either way,
I saw myself as the seasonal rains on the plains of the Serengeti, quenching
her thirst after the long dry spell, and giving her the sustenance required to
keep moving forward until I sated her again. She shouldn’t need me though; he
should be her water, he should be nurturing her.

I nodded at Trey as I saw her enter the bar and
smiled over at her. She looked amazing as ever. That rich red I’d chosen really
suited her and she had the best figure of any woman her age I’d ever seen. She
put women younger than her to shame. Her breasts weren’t big enough for my
tastes; not heavy and full like Summer’s, with those enormous pink nipples that
had given my mouth such a work out, and she wasn’t as curvaceous. Damn it. I
was thinking of bloody Summer, again. I was hard for her, again. Nine damn
months and she still plagued my waking and sleeping thoughts. I quickly stood
up to greet Ava.



I saw Logan nod at me and quickly looked around at
the bar entrance and nearly whistled through my teeth. There were sexy women
women and she ranked right up there. Her picture seriously
hadn’t done her justice. Part of me wondered why a woman like her had to pay
for sex, part of me was thankful; she was going to be no chore. I was hard
already, but my dick surged as I studied her, and once I got this hard, it
wasn’t easy to get it to go down. I cocked my head as I ran my eyes up her long
shapely legs, nicely offset by those heels. Damn. I knocked back my water as
Logan spoke to her and I saw her look back at me. She looked nervous, but I
recognised the fire in her eyes. She wasn’t backing out, she was eager for us.

I slid off my stool and picked up my briefcase,
which contained fresh clothing for the morning and my toiletries, along with
condoms and lubricant, staple supplies for any job. I followed them out of the
bar, winking at the girls as I passed and they broke into more girlish giggles
as their cheeks flamed. I soon turned my attention to Ava’s backside swaying
sexily in her closely fitted dress. She was one classy looking woman. A natural
looking woman, a rarity with some of the clients I saw, all fake tits, nails
and some arses too. I wondered what would happen if they sat on a tack on a
chair? Would their backsides suddenly deflate? And if one cheek went down,
would you have to pop the other, to even out the sagginess of the previously
filled domes? I decided next time I was sucking on a fake tit I wouldn’t apply
so much pressure, a mouthful of exploding plastic was possibly the one thing
that would deflate my cock as quick as their breasts.



The Lounge


Trey closed the door
behind me as Logan took my clutch bag and placed it on the coffee table. Then,
he gently tugged on my ponytail, tipping my head to the side as he trailed his
tongue up my neck. I sighed heavily, I was so sensitive there. I was so
sensitive everywhere. Months of lack of contact had me wound as tightly as a
coiled spring waiting for release. In fact, if Logan kept kissing my neck like
that, I was liable to come. My clit was already pulsating against those smooth
pearls and I half-closed my eyes as his lips met my skin and started to kiss,
gentle butterfly kisses that made my skin crackle and rendered me to the
consistency of warmed honey. I heard a champagne cork pop and looked through
lazy eyes to see Trey pouring a glass from my favourite bottle.
How did
Logan know these things?
His hands gripped my hips, his fingers gently
kneading as Trey set down the glass on the coffee table and stepped up behind
me. I caught my breath as he placed his hands on my waist and started to kiss
the other side of my neck.

‘Ava,’ he sighed as he moved up to my ear. ‘Your
body’s insane. I’d love to see more of it.’

‘Hmmm,’ I sighed, as I tried to get used to the
sensation of having my neck kissed on both sides at once. A man could have such
an effect with his lips in just the right place there, but two sets of lips?
Holy hell, I was going to be done in after the first session with these guys. I
felt his fingers move to grip my zip and he lowered it agonisingly slowly,
trailing his index finger down each vertebra as he went. Crackles of energy
came off his hand and soaked into my skin. I dropped my head back onto his
shoulder, as a moan escaped my lips.

‘Champagne?’ Logan breathed into my ear.

‘I … O God,’ I cried, as Trey bit the back of my
neck. He ran his hands up to my shoulder, slipping his fingers into the
material of my dress and started to work it down my arms.

‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ chuckled Logan as he
stepped away from me. I helped Trey by extracting my hands from the sleeves of
my dress and shivered as his fingers skimmed over my waist and hips as he
rolled the dress further down until it slithered to the floor, leaving me
standing in just my heels and underwear.

‘Ava,’ he groaned, as he flattened his palms and
moved them around to clutch my stomach. ‘Do you have any idea how hard you’ve
made me?’

I didn’t have a chance to say anything as Logan
stood in front of me, took a mouthful of champagne then stepped forward,
clutched my face and angled it backwards as he lowered his mouth to mine. Our
lips met and mine parted for him automatically and I felt the simultaneous
invasion of his tongue and fresh, crisp bubbles that exploded in my mouth. A
kiss from Logan was a wonderful thing on its own. If there were eight wonders
of the world, then there should be eight sexual experiences in life that every
woman has the chance to experience. I’d lay odds that Logan would take the
award for most of them, starting with his kisses. I swallowed the champagne as
his tongue sensuously danced around mine with well-practiced ease. How sad was
it that I could end the night happy now, from just fingers on skin and a mouth
on mine putting me into such a pleasurable state? Trey’s fingers moved to undo
the hooks on my bra and slid the straps off my shoulders, before he slithered
it away from me and reached around to palm my aching breasts. I whimpered into
Logan’s mouth as Trey gently kneaded with his hands, laying a trail of kisses
up the back of my neck as he tucked in closer behind me. I could feel the
outline of his erection against my backside; the rigidness of it was impressive
and had me automatically clenching in anticipation of having him inside me.

When Trey’s fingers started to pinch and pull on
my nipples I cried out, the noise muffled by Logan’s skilled tongue in my
mouth. He pulled back and sipped more champagne as he watched me helplessly
writhing. As if they were communicating telepathically, one of Trey’s hands
moved to palm my stomach as Logan dipped his head and took one of my painfully
swollen nipples into his mouth and started to suck. The combined chill of the
alcohol and heat of his mouth was toe-curlingly good. When Trey’s hand reached
down and slid between my legs gently rubbing the pearls nestled in my swollen
folds, I started to tremble. Logan’s lips pulled harder, elongating my tender
nipple as Trey gently pinched the other, while his fingers continued to rub the
pearls. I reached up with one hand and clutched the back of Logan’s head to
keep him on me as I pressed Trey’s hand harder between my legs. The friction on
my clit was amazing. In seconds I let out a high-pitched cry as a quick short
orgasm hit me, and leaned back on Trey’s hard body to support myself.

‘You’re still as responsive as ever, Ava,’ Logan
smiled as he straightened up.

‘She’s wet, seriously wet. These pearls are coated
and I’m going to love sucking them clean,’ Trey groaned in my ear.

‘O God,’ I moaned at thought of it. Logan shrugged
off his jacket, tossed it over the back of the chair and started to undo his
tie, while Trey released my nipple, clasped my chin and tilted my head back,
taking my mouth in a crushing embrace. He had none of Logan’s finesse and fine
skill, but he made up for it with enthusiasm and vigour. He made me feel as if
he couldn’t get enough of me. That hunger was what I was missing in my
marriage; to have someone
me, or want me the way that Logan and
Trey made me feel. That would make me feel so special. Trey suddenly released
me and I heard the sound of him undressing behind me and refocused my eyes to
see that Logan was down to his boxers. I felt myself staring at his insane
body. He was muscular perfection, lean and defined without being big and bulky,
with no fat anywhere on him at all. He didn’t have any tattoos or noticeable
scars either, no blemishes to mar him. He just radiated power and sexiness and
boy was my body getting the message. Was there any woman in the world who’d be
immune to his raw sexual appeal? I sincerely doubted it.

‘Are you ok, Ava?’ he smiled as he moved back
towards me. I tried to speak, but nothing came out, so I just nodded instead.
He sipped more champagne, gripped my ponytail at its base, tipping my head back
as he trickled the dry crisp fluid from his mouth to mine, the bubbles
exploding on the roof of my mouth. I drank hungrily, before he spun me around
and pressed up behind me, his erection nestled into the small of my back as he
ran his hands up and down my arms, slowly, making me shiver at the lightest of
brushes against my parched skin. My eyes widened as I took in Trey, who was
also down to his boxers. He was stockier than Logan, with the hint of a tan and
black and grey tattoos on his bulging biceps, ribs and down that delicious V of
his. It made him seem older than he looked, which was good. In my mind sex with
someone his age was seriously wrong, I didn’t need a reminder looking at a
wimpy body. Luckily he had the body of a well buffed man. I watched as he
grasped his erection. His eyes slowly raked my body, the lust in them obvious,
and I shivered as Logan’s lips returned to my neck and his hands palmed my
tender breasts again. ‘Are you ready to feel both of us working on you at

‘Yes,’ I whispered, unable to take my eyes of the
bulge in Trey’s boxers. He was so much bigger than David. I doubted he was as
large as Logan, but even so, it was impressive.

‘Excellent response,’ grinned Trey. ‘Because I’m
more than ready for you.’ He stepped forward and kissed me again, with his
fingers clasping my jawbone as his thumbs stroked my cheeks. He was eager,
passionate and animalistic in the way he kissed, like his hunger for me would
never be sated and God did that make me feel good about myself. He pressed in
closer, backing me up tightly against Logan and I whimpered. I was completely
sandwiched between two of the hottest men I’d ever seen. An erection against my
back, the other digging painfully into my stomach, while one man kissed my neck
and the other plundered my mouth. I felt like I was in some weird alternate
reality. Things like this just didn’t happen to normal people. At least I
didn’t think they did, they never had to me, until I paid to make it happen. I
tentatively put my hands on Trey’s hips, my thumbs running up and down that
dent that had me salivate every time I saw it on Logan. Trey groaned and pulled
away from our kiss. His bright blue expressive eyes had turned darker under his
hooded gaze and the look made me catch my breath. He suddenly stepped back and
dropped to his knees in front of me, laying kisses on my stomach and tracing
the edge of my red knickers with his tongue.

‘Oh God,’ I sighed as Logan’s fingers moved on my
nipples with more urgency, pinching, tweaking and rolling. Exquisite torture.
Trey reached up and hooked his fingers into the material over my hips and
slowly drew my knickers down, tugging to extract the pearls from where they
were so tightly nestled into me. I looked down as he tapped on my ankle,
indicating for me to step out of them. I held my breath as he lifted them to
his mouth and sensuously sucked on each pearl with a guttural groan. I felt my
core tighten at the thought of him tasting me, of doing
That was
something David would never have done. In fact he’d only ever performed oral
sex on me once, when he was drunk and it had felt clumsy and awkward. I’d been
so shocked the first time Logan did it to me, the difference in skill,
technique and pleasure was …

‘Spread your legs for me, Ava,’ Trey demanded from
his position kneeling in front of me. ‘I need to taste you properly. Now.’

‘Do as he asks, Ava,’ Logan purred in my ear, as I
hesitated. ‘I promised you that you’d know what it felt like to have one tongue
in your mouth, while the other worked on that tasty clit of yours and right now
is that time.’

I did as I was told, and Logan placed one of his
palms on my stomach to hold me against him, as Trey lifted up my right foot and
placed it over his shoulder. He ran his thumbs up the inside of my thighs,
edging closer and closer to my sodden pussy that was quivering with need. I
inhaled sharply as his thumbs opened me up and I clenched in anticipation as I
watched his face edge ever closer. I finally sucked in a deep breath, right
before I cried out as his tongue swept firmly over my clit, sending shockwaves
up through my core. Logan chuckled and gripped my chin, angling my face to his
as his warm lips worked against mine, his tongue delicately teasing my own, in
direct contrast to the long hard lashings of Trey’s tongue on my throbbing
clit. I could hear the noises of appreciation he was making from down below as
he lapped and sucked, and I felt myself building up towards another climax.
Such little stimulation was required, it was pitiful really. I moaned against
Logan’s tongue as I felt Trey ease a finger inside me, gently thrusting as he
licked away noisily, edging me closer and closer to my breaking point. I tensed
my leg draped over his shoulder, drawing him further into me, and he responded
with zealous enthusiasm, licking and probing more firmly, his groans rivalling
my squeals of delight. Logan’s tongue worked with skill in my mouth as his
expert fingers rolled and teased my left nipple until some tears of bliss
started to roll down my face.

‘No,’ I cried, as I broke away from Logan’s mouth
and clutched at Trey’s soft hair as I looked down at him. I could just see his
ultramarine eyes gazing up at me and they sparkled as he saw me watching him.

‘Don’t fight it, Ava,’ ordered Logan. ‘You know
you need to come again. Give it to us.’

‘It’s too … much,’ I moaned. I felt it. It was
going to be violent and raw. I wasn’t accustomed to such powerful orgasms, I
wasn’t sure if I could handle it.

‘That’s why you wanted two of us,’ he murmured
against my neck, as Trey sucked and thrust on, pushing me to the limits of my
ability to withhold. ‘To experience pleasure on a scale even I couldn’t give
you on my own. Come for us, Ava,’ he ordered, as he bit and sucked on that spot
that had my body turn to the consistency of blancmange, as he pinched my nipple
and Trey took my sensitive clit between his teeth, sucking powerfully. I
screamed as my climax hit me with dangerous voltage, jerking my shoulders back
against Logan’s chest as my back arched. I tightened my grip in Trey’s hair as
tremors jolted my body against his face. ‘Ava,’ Logan sighed. ‘You come so

‘Wow,’ came a voice from between my thighs as I
closed my eyes and sagged back against Logan’s firm chest. ‘You come so
and Christ do you taste good.’

‘Uh,’ I mewled, as he attached his face again,
licking and sucking on my puffed up lips.

‘I think you’re a definite hit with Trey,’ Logan
chuckled. ‘When he’s done, how about we move this into the bedroom? I have this
desire to sink my cock inside you.’

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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