Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (28 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘Hmmm,’ I sighed happily, then squealed again as
another small climax hit me. I felt my leg being lowered to the ground and Trey
rose up, like some Greek God from the ocean, his face covered in my arousal,
his blue eyes flaming with need. He clasped my face and kissed me aggressively,
letting me taste myself on him, before sucking on my lower lip. Logan released
me and Trey took my hand and walked me into the bedroom as I tried to catch my
breath. The two of them were going to kill me with orgasms, but what a way to





The Bedroom


I poured myself a glass of
water as Trey settled Ava down on the edge of the bed and bent over to strip
off his boxers. She was already happy and we hadn’t even got around to fucking
her yet. This sort of appointment I enjoyed; where it was about a woman needing
pleasure because of the beauty of it, of how some attention to her body could
make her feel. This wasn’t like those appointments with Camilla and Yasmin,
where I had to fake my desire and interest. Where all they were interested in
was getting fucked. There was a difference between women who just wanted a good
pounding for the sake of it and women, like Ava, who missed the affection and
attention and craved that sensual connection with another human being, someone
who missed feeling how a woman should be made to feel all the time. Summer was
the same. There was a kind of innocence to their curiosity and need.
Just thinking about her made my cock surge and harden even more. Ava was like
an older version of her. Fucking her definitely wouldn’t be a chore. I drained
my water and strode through to the bedroom where Trey was kneeling on the bed
behind her, playing with her breasts as he nibbled on her neck. Her eyes were
half-closed, a look of pure bliss on her face. A look I was about to compound when
I slid my cock inside her. She was always so vocal and grateful when I breached
her tight walls.

I dropped my boxers and heard her let out a tiny
gasp of approval. She watched as I ripped open a condom packet and carefully
cloaked myself and nodded to Trey. He moved to the side of her and gently lay
her down, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed. I stepped forwards and
gripped her ankles, lifting her legs up into the air as I angled myself against
her clenching opening. I saw her eyes widen with expectation. I had to go
gently to start; she always found it painful when I first nudged my way in. It
took most women time to adjust to my length and girth, but Trey had got her wet
enough for me, that was obvious looking down at her moist, hot, pink flesh. I
really should have let him go first, warm her up for my larger cock, but there
had to be some benefits to being me. I slowly inched my way into her, amidst a
torrent of cries and squeals. Trey lay on his side on the bed and angled her
face to his as he kissed her to take her mind off what my cock was doing to her
tight cunt.

‘Fuck,’ I groaned as I continued to make my way
inside. I wanted to just ram into her, all the way, balls deep, so I could hear
her scream properly. Nothing stroked my ego like a woman who let me know how
good I felt inside her. I slid my arms under her knees and gripped the inside
of her thighs as I lifted her hips slightly off the bed, giving me more room to
sink fully into her with a grunt.

‘Logan,’ she cried, as she moved her face away
from Trey’s. ‘O God,

‘That’s it Ava, rock your hips, you’re already
relaxing for me. You’ll soon remember how good it feels to have me moving
inside you, fucking you, the way your husband should. He doesn’t know what he’s
missing. You’re one of the best I’ve ever had,’ I groaned sincerely. She was.
There was something about naivety and lack of experience that just got me off
even more. The thought that I was one of the few to have breached a woman’s
walls always made me extra hard. But no one topped Summer; she was streets
ahead of any woman I’d ever been with, and I’d had my fair share even before I
took up this gig, so I had enough comparisons to make that judgement
confidently. I started to move, slowly at first as Ava gripped the duvet below
her and her jaw dropped; Trey moving to suck on one of her nipples as his left
hand reached across her body to play with her other breast.

‘O. My. God,’ she mewled and I chuckled, as I
picked up my pace. Her internal muscles were rippling up and down my shaft as I
moved and Trey suddenly sat up to squeeze his cock.

‘Damn, this is hot,’ he groaned. ‘I’d love your
sweet lips around my cock, Ava.’ She swallowed hard and I nodded my reassurance
to her. We both got tested before working together each time. She looked at
Trey and slowly opened her mouth as she tilted her head to the side. He wasted
no time scrambling into position as I started to ram into her harder, 
appreciating the sight of her breasts jiggling as I moved. Trey groaned as he
slipped his bare cock inside her mouth and she eagerly sucked. She hadn’t fully
mastered the finer points of blow job technique, but like everything with her,
what she lacked in skill she made up for with eagerness to learn. ‘Shit,’ Trey

I spread her thighs further apart and moved closer
as I began to power into her properly, the whole bed shaking. Damn it, how I
longed for that to be Summer lying there on the bed, accepting me so
gratefully, without Trey’s cock in her mouth though. Summer was a woman I
wouldn’t share with anyone. She’d be too exhausted from my attentions to ever
need anyone else. I closed my eyes and pretended I was with her and
automatically had to fight the overwhelming urge to unload immediately. That
damn woman wrecked me.



I could hardly believe I was doing this. For
someone who only had sex with Logan a couple of times a night, once a quarter,
I was lying on my back with Logan’s enormous cock pleasuring me, with another
in my mouth. It felt so wanton, so hot,
so erotic
. I actually preferred
sucking on Trey’s. It was that bit smaller than Logan’s and fitted my mouth
better. He tasted sweeter too. Logan had this undeniable masculine scent and
taste, slightly bitter and I was more of a sweet girl. My whole body felt
alive, every nerve was awake, firing my brain with signals of pleasure and
happiness. I’d been a virgin when I met and married David. He was suggested as
the perfect partner by my father. I wasn’t forced into a marriage of
convenience, but ultimately that’s what it was. I’d been heartbroken; I was in
love with someone I’d grown up with, but I knew father would never have allowed
him to be my suitor. Even though I was the youngest of my siblings, and his oil
business would never pass to me, he still wanted to ensure that I had additional
financial security and David’s credentials spoke for themselves. For years I
assumed that our less than active sex life was normal, until one of my
girlfriends laughed when I told her how often we did it and that I was sure I’d
never had an orgasm during sex.

She had suggested I book an appointment with Logan
immediately, but I stalled, resorting to a vibrator first, rather than
cheating. I’d been stunned to feel what pleasure that piece of plastic brought
me and so my toy collection had grown. Every time I thought about succumbing
and contacting Logan, I brought a new toy instead. Eventually though I just
craved the feeling of someone’s hands on my body, lips on my skin, the feeling
of warmth inside me, God, even just a passionate kiss. So I’d emailed him. I
tried to shake off the feeling of guilt that suddenly came over me. I always
tried to enjoy my night and give in to the self-punishment and scolding the
next day. Somehow though, tonight felt even more of a betrayal, maybe because I
was with two men. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on how good these two men
were currently making me feel. I was here now, I’d paid good money and I
going to continue to enjoy myself. I could beat myself up in the morning.

‘Ahhh,’ I cried, as I grasped Trey’s hot cock in
one hand and took in some needed gulps of air, before he pushed his way back
inside me muffling my screams of pleasure as Logan worked me with all the skill
I remembered. His thick shaft rubbed against all my nerves. His pubic bone
smacked against my clit on every violent thrust forwards. I swear he was larger
than normal, I’d never felt so full before. I heard Trey starting to grunt as
he pumped into my mouth with more vigour.

‘Ava, baby, I’m going to come. If you’re not
prepared to swallow, you’d better let me know right now,’ he groaned. I opened
my eyes, looked up at his and nodded my head, signalling my approval. He gently
clasped my face as he thrust harder and started to pant. Logan was grunting as
well and my pussy was flooding with each determined entry, the pleasure
building up inside me at speed. ‘Ava,’ yelled Trey, as he rammed into my mouth
and I felt him pumping his hot load down my throat.

I swallowed quickly and gasped in some air as he
pulled out and lay on his back next to me. I was right; he was sweeter than
Logan. He reached out and laced his fingers with mine as I started to pant and
thrash my head. I squeezed Trey’s hand, hard. Logan was taking no prisoners
with this session. I felt my legs tense as my shoulders powered down into the
mattress and my spine curved upwards as I started to sob. The pleasure was too

‘Ava, come for me, let me have it,’ Logan growled
as I fought against my inevitable climax.

‘Give it up, Ava,’ Trey whispered in my ear. ‘You
know how good it’s going to feel once you let go. When Logan’s done, I want to
bury myself inside you. I want to put that look of exquisite agony on your
beautiful face.’

‘Logan?’ I whimpered, as I looked up into his dark
grey shining eyes.

‘I’ve got you, Ava. Come for me, now,’ he
demanded. I nodded as my mouth dropped and I relaxed my body, which
automatically jerked as an orgasm exploded internally, rippling its way out
through my body, scalding every nerve ending. It felt sinful to have two men
attending to me, but sinfully hot. I’d never felt so wicked or sated before in
my life, and I knew that we were only just beginning. As I sank back in sheer
bliss, Logan came with a roar, his cock flexing inside me, setting off my body
into more spasms and I sobbed as Trey soothed me by stroking my hair. I felt
Logan ease his way out of me and heard him head into the bathroom, then the
sound of splashing water before he returned. The bed beside me dipped and he
tucked up against my side and kissed my cheek. ‘Didn’t I tell you two sets of
hands would be better than one?’ he asked and I could sense the smile on his

‘You did and you didn’t lie,’ I sighed.

‘Have a rest for a minute, because I want you
next, from behind while you suck on Logan,’ Trey advised as he tilted my head
towards him and kissed me gently on the lips. ‘You are one beautiful woman,
Ava. What’s wrong with your husband? If you were mine I wouldn’t be able to
keep my hands off you.’

‘Exactly what I’ve been telling her for ages,’
agreed Logan, as his fingers circled my navel. ‘She deserves to be treated

‘To have someone worship this hot, tight, little
body on a nightly basis,’ Trey nodded, as he kissed me again.

‘I could say the same about both of you,’ I
smiled. ‘You’re very attractive men. Why don’t you have women in your lives?
Why must you resort to this occupation to have sex?’

‘We don’t “resort”’ Trey scoffed. ‘You make it
sound as if we were desperate and this was our only option. Neither of us would
have a problem having sex whenever we wanted it, or getting a girlfriend. I’m
still young. I don’t want to be tied down to one woman yet. I can enjoy myself
and get paid for it, why would I want that commitment?’

‘You are young,’ I agreed, as my cheeks flushed at
the reminder. ‘I get that, but what about you, Logan?’ I asked, as I looked
over at him.

‘Are you implying I’m old?’ he asked, one eyebrow
sexily raised in amusement.

‘Not old, not by my standards anyway, but older
than Trey. Don’t you want to settle down one day and have a family?’

‘I still have plenty of time to do that, thank
you,’ he smiled.

‘You’ve not met her yet?’

‘Her?’ he enquired.

‘The woman who makes your heart stop, gives you
the stomach butterflies and you can think of no one but her?’

‘That’s a fantasy dreamt up and perpetuated by women,’
he retorted with a slight roll of his eyes.

‘I refuse to believe that men aren’t just as
emotionally drawn to the opposite sex as we are to them. They just do a better
job of hiding it,’ I smiled.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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