Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (56 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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‘Angel?’ He looked at me puzzled and quickly
walked over to me, palming my cheek with one hand. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘You’re just so … you take my breath away, Sir,’ I
whispered, wondering why this felt so embarrassing, telling him my feelings
felt so much more intimate than him staring at my naked body. He smiled softly,
leaning in to kiss me. Tenderly, romantically, reassuringly.

‘As do you to me,’ he whispered in return, as he
pulled away, then reached for something off the table. ‘Do you trust me?’

‘Yes, Sir,’ I answered without hesitation and was
rewarded with the megawatt smile, the one that made women swoon at his feet and
chased the dark shadows away. I heard that damn annoying squeak leave my
throat, the one that betrayed me every single time, the one that told him what
he did to me, without me even saying anything. He just chuckled and lifted up a
long piece of what looked like red silk. He pressed up against me as he
positioned it over my eyes and secured it tightly behind my head. I frowned, I
loved looking at him. He was a masterpiece, designed to be stared at and

‘You’re not happy,’ he stated. I bit my lip, was I
supposed to answer that? ‘You can tell me,’ he added, I could hear the smile in
his cadence.

‘I can’t see you, Sir,’ I advised, with another
frown, as if it needed stating.

‘No, but I can see you and I’ll be observing your
responses. I want you to
what I’m doing to you. I don’t want you
anticipating what it may feel like, because you can see what I’m about to do.’
I nodded my head, it made sense, but I wasn’t sure how happy I was about it. I
soon sighed contentedly as he kissed my throat, and trailed his tongue down to
where the cups of my bra joined in the centre of my chest, as his hands swept
up and down my waist. I tipped my head back, letting him kiss my throat
properly and gently bite it. I was just starting to moan with desire when
suddenly all contact was lost. I turned my head back and forth trying to hear
him, but all I could hear was my very heavy breathing.

I gasped in shock, as I felt something chill my
nipple, something freezing cold, hard and wet. The gasp turned into a startled
cry as the same feeling hit my other nipple, then both at the same time. I
tried to move away from the burn, but my back was firmly against the hard wood
of the cross behind me. Lips pressed against mine, easing them open and my
mouth was filled with the same cold that was still rubbing over my nipples.
He’d just slipped an ice cube into my mouth. He was freezing my nipples with
ice! His lips pressed back onto mine and I pushed the ice cube back into his
open mouth and he chuckled, then transferred it back as he plunged his tongue
in as well. What he was doing was kind of hot and erotic, but I shivered as the
ice on my breasts started to melt and trickle down my belly. Lucas pulled away
and lapped up the trail, rubbing another cube in my navel, as I let out cries
of impatience for him to touch me properly. My skin was red hot where he hadn’t
iced it, it just seemed to highlight the contrast. I was desperate for him to
slide himself into me, to make me come as he made love to me again, I was
burning up with desire, but he was toying with me. I wanted to tell him off,
but I didn’t want to let him down. He’d been explicit with his instructions.

‘Shit,’ I yelled, breaking all my good intentions,
as he slid a cold cube through the puffy, engorged lips of my pussy.

‘Language, angel,’ he chastised sternly, as he
eased the cube inside me, ‘You’re racking up spanks, which I’ll take great
pleasure in doling out.’ I panted as my muscles stretched to accommodate the frozen
lump. All my intentions of complaining at this rude and unexpected intrusion
ceased, as his fingers gripped my thighs, his thumbs opening me up and his
tongue circled my clenching, freezing entrance. I moaned in delight and tilted
my hips, thrusting myself against his mouth as he lapped at my excitement,
along with the melting water dripping from me, before moving up to suck on my
clit. I was like a coiled spring, desperate for release, but as I quivered and
started to tense, nearing my blissful climax, he suddenly pulled away again. I
heard him padding across the room as I moaned in frustration.
What the hell
was he playing at? Didn’t he want me? Wasn’t this even hard for him?
wondered. I heard him approaching again and parted my lips, waiting for him to
kiss me. Instead I squealed, as my nipple felt as if it was on fire, heat
radiating through it, then it started to tighten. I bit my lower lip, to stop
myself from swearing, as it happened again on the other one. ‘How does that
feel?’ he growled in my ear, as he bit it.

‘I’m … I’m … hot and …
,’ I
moaned, as confused thoughts ran through my brain at the feeling of tightness
enveloping my nipples.

‘Sir,’ he barked.

‘Yes, Sir,’ I uttered, as my nerves seemed
heightened to the pleasure of whatever he’d done and the edge of dominance in
his tone.

‘I can’t wait to pour wax all over your bottom
too, which will already be pink from the extra spanks you’ve earned from not
addressing me correctly and swearing.’

‘Wax?’ I gasped, in horror. He’d just poured hot,
molten wax on my damn nipples?

‘You’ve just earned another one. Yes, angel, wax.
Be thankful I eased you in by icing your breasts first. I’m going to peel it
off now and see if it’s left me with a lovely impression of your beautiful
large nipples, if not, we’re repeating, without the ice to numb you first.’

‘And I’d love to pour wax on your cock and see
what a “lovely” impression that would make,’ I hissed, annoyed at his games,
and not caring that I’d just earned another smack. He surprised me by bursting
out laughing.

‘O Summer, we really do have some training to do,
don’t we?’ he asked, but forced his tongue into my mouth, silencing me before I
had a chance to answer. I forgave him immediately. I could forgive him nearly
anything when his tongue was in my mouth, sending me floating into space. I
always felt bereft when he pulled away. The joviality of seconds before soon
faded as he firmly gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger. ‘Don’t
take my leniency tonight as a sign of my weakness in this room, angel. If you
say yes tomorrow, next time we’re in here it will be for real. Instead of my
hand for disobeying me, you’ll feel something that will bring me far more
pleasure and leave you regretting your insubordination every time you sit down for
the next week. Do I make myself clear?’

‘Perfectly, Sir,’ I replied quietly, determined to
play ball from now on, I didn’t want to know what “something” may be. He took
my mind off my troubled thoughts as I felt him gently peeling the still tacky
wax off my nipples and murmuring some comment about what a good job he’d done.
Seconds later his fingers found their way back down to my pussy, which was
throbbing with such intensity. I prayed that no wax was going down there, the
hair removal one at the beauty salon was tender enough. He started working on
me again, as I bucked my hips, desperate to come. I groaned in frustration, as
he took me to the brink of a glorious climax and then stepped away again.

‘I hate you right now,
’ I moaned, as
some tears trickled from under the blindfold and down my cheek. I needed him, I
needed him like oxygen.

‘Yet more spanks,’ he responded sharply. ‘I don’t
tolerate lies, Summer.’

‘I’m not lying,’ I pouted. ‘Not right at this
moment. I’ve been waiting for you for so long and you’re teasing me. I hate you
for teasing me.’

‘It seems that Easter has arrived early. At this
rate of disobedience, with all the spanks I owe you and the hot wax on your
bottom, you’ll be having hot cross buns.’ He said it seriously, but I could hear
the lilt of humour in his tone. He grabbed my face and kissed me aggressively,
making me forget why I was mad with him.



Exploring the Senses


I reluctantly undid her
restraints. I was taking it easy on her, very easy, it was her first time and I
didn’t want to terrify her, but I couldn’t wait until I could do this for real.
Leave her in here, immobile, to ponder the mistake of questioning me, or
paddle, flog or lightly whip her backside for back chatting, then fuck her as
she was shackled. She needed to feel safe though, to learn some of the methods
that got me off, without me going all out. I needed her to agree to see me, to
be mine moving forward. Once she was mine, if she’d accept my orders and come
into this room willingly, I could increase the levels of pleasurable pain I
inflicted on her, as she’d trust me. Her limits to appreciate what I was doing
to her, and ultimately what it did to me, would increase the more we did it.

‘Tell me how you’re feeling?’ I asked, as I took
her hand and led her to the bed.

‘Hot and …
, Sir,’ she replied

‘Desperate to come, or desperate for me?’

‘Both, Sir, especially for you,’ she nodded, as
she moved her head to try to look at my face, despite the blindfold still being
in place. Her declaration made my stomach do back flips.

‘The more desperate you are, the better your
orgasm will be when I finally let you have it,’ I replied, as I kissed her
temple. I helped her up onto the bed, lying her on her stomach and placing her
hands together above her head. I grabbed the soft bondage rope, which I’d
already secured to the top of the bed and deftly knotted it around her wrists.
This way I could have her on her stomach, or flip her over onto her back
whenever I wanted. I could pretty much do
I wanted with her.
That was a very potent aphrodisiac. I gathered her hair in my hands and twisted
it into a pony tail, laying it to one side, out of the way of her sexy, slender
neck, which I peppered with kisses, before biting it and lightly sucking, leaving
another red mark as she writhed below me. I got up and quickly stripped off. I
couldn’t wait to sink into her, but I’d have to, I needed to play with her
first. When I’d received that email booking from her, confirming she was ready
to take our relationship to the next level, we’d discussed our options and
she’d agreed to go on the pill, if I’d get tested and let her see the results.
Naturally I’d agreed, but all of those years of using condoms with clients
thankfully paid off. All of my tests were negative and she was reassured to see
that and agreed that we could proceed. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d
had sex without a rubber. The fact I hadn’t already fucked her showed what
level of self-control I had, without the fourteen month waiting period. I could
see her listening intently, trying to work out what was happening. To see her
full rounded backside, curving up above those sexy stockings was a pretty damn
fine visual. ‘We’re going to explore the senses,’ I advised. ‘Sound, touch,
taste, scent and sight.’

She nodded and lay her cheek on the pillow, her
perfectly formed heart shape lips slightly parting as she continued to breathe
erratically. My balls were so blue, I was on the point of bursting. Thank God
I’d had the sense to demand a blow job first, or I’d be tackle free, it would
have exploded all over my pristine white walls. Splattering them with red cock
and balls, like some piece of Banksy art. I left the room to go to the kitchen
to prepare a tray of items required and returned to find her fidgeting.

‘What do you need, angel?’ I asked, as I set the
tray down on the bedside table.

‘Don’t make me wait,
don’t make me
wait,’ she pleaded with a sad face, her bottom lip wobbling. ‘It’s been so long
and all I can think about is touching you, kissing you and having you make love
to me.’

‘Sir,’ I reminded her, with a shake of the head.
It was hard to be mad at her tonight for forgetting my rules, as it was her
first time, and it
been a long time since we’d had sex. I’d been
serious earlier though, next time I wouldn’t tolerate it. I did some mental
arithmetic to see how many spanks I owed her now and smiled to myself. It was
thirteen. This time I’d definitely get to see her turn pink. Maybe her lack of
training had a bonus after all. I picked up the remote for my stereo system,
which piped music all around the house, selecting her favourite classical
singer, Josh Groban, setting his tracks on shuffle so it played low in the
background. I saw a happy smile play on her lips and I climbed up onto the bed
and straddled her back. She made an audible moan as I ran my thumbs up the
centre of her spine and moved my hands to grip her shoulders, then leant down
and whispered in her ear.

‘First we’re starting with sound, I want you to
focus on the music, give yourself up to it and listen to me as I tell you what
I’m going to do to you. I don’t want your attention on anything else, Summer.
No rehearsing lines in your head, no thinking about grocery shopping. It’s all
about sex, about you and me. We’re building up to me fucking you and I want
your complete undivided attention on how stimulating this is to your mind, as
well as your body. Are we clear?’

, Sir,’ she responded immediately, with
that sexy breathy tone that had me screw up my face in a pleasurable grimace.

‘You have no idea how hot you look lying here,
waiting for me,
for me. You’ve got me so hard, angel. It’s
taking every ounce of self-restraint not to bury myself in your snug welcoming
little cunt right now,’ I whispered, as I kissed her neck. She moaned softly
again and tilted her head, letting me nuzzle in closer. Even the taste of her
skin was amazing. I wondered what my life would have been like if she’d not
booked me that one time? Would we have even met? I smiled to myself, even if
our paths hadn’t crossed, the minute I saw her advertising her film I’d have
wanted her, I’d have pursued her and she’d have been beneath me regardless.
There was no question about it. She was destined to have been mine. ‘So now
that we have hearing sorted out, how about we move onto taste?’

‘Yes please, Sir,’ she nodded, enthusiastically. I
raised myself up and lifted her by the waist, quickly spinning her around so
she was on her back, between my legs. She let out a surprised gasp, her lips parting
wide enough for me to thrust my tongue into the recesses of her mouth, claiming
her with deep and forceful kisses. I stopped to grab a glass of her favourite
cocktail off the bedside table, a chilled Kir Royale, Champagne with
blackcurrant Cassis to sweeten it. I took a swig, holding it in my mouth, then
kissed her again, letting the sweet mixture trickle from my mouth into hers.
She smacked her lips in appreciation as she swallowed and her tongue reached
out to lick them clean. I could feel the pulse in my neck pounding as I looked
at her. I drank more and transferred it again and again, until the glass was
empty, then picked up a ripe cherry and placed it on her lips. She hesitated
for a moment.

‘Eat it, you’ll love it, I promise. It’s sweet and
juicy, it nearly rivals you, angel.’ She opened wider and I popped it in,
taking one for myself. I smiled as I chewed, watching her eat and lick her lips
again. I gave her another, some of the juice escaped her mouth, slowly
trickling down her cheek, so I quickly dipped down to lick it off, enjoying her
heavy breathing. She was going to be begging me soon, she needed me. After
feeding her more cherries, I kissed her for a while, feeling sparks firing off
our lips as they rubbed together, then moved back to that spot on her neck that
always had her moan with pleasure as she wriggled below me. I quickly slid
back, to straddle her knees, and without warning I plunged two fingers deep
inside her, making her raise her head off the bed as she took in a deep breath,
then released a seductive moan that had my balls grumble in response. She was
absolutely soaking. I pumped a few times as she yanked her wrists against her
restraints, but gave up as she realised it was futile, she wasn’t going
anywhere until I was ready to release her. I pulled my fingers out and offered
one to her. She took it, with no hesitation this time, and I closed my eyes as
she sucked, feeling it all the way to my groin. I cleaned the other one myself,
with a groan to taste her on my tongue again, then swept my thumb over the
sticky tip of my cock, shuddering as I did, she wasn’t the only one excited and
desperate. I thrust it in her mouth and she sucked hard, with no complaints.
‘That’s taste down, onto smell,’ I grinned, ecstatic to see her nod excitedly.

I lit the oil burner, full of the frangipani oil
and soon the room started to fill with the exotic sensual fragrance. Summer
took deep breaths of it. She was looking more relaxed, which was good. I, on
the other hand, was as tense as anything. I needed to come and soon. Fourteen
months without being able to bury myself in her succulent cunt, and I’d had her
here for hours without doing so? I deserved a fucking medal. I grabbed the
small bowl of chocolate, which I’d melted earlier and coated my fingers with
it, holding them in front of her. She sniffed, delicately, then smiled as she
recognised the smell and lifted her head to find them, licking and sucking them
clean. I did it a few times, she needed the sugar for energy, because when I
finally sank into her, I planned on making it last. I smeared some chocolate on
her nipples, and took my time licking it off, savouring the sweet taste and the
scent of her skin as she whimpered and thrust her shoulders back, trying to get
me to take more of her breasts into my mouth, to be more vigorous. She didn’t
always like it delicate and sweet, my angel had a wild and raw side. I saw her
open and close her mouth a few times, then bite on her lip.

‘You want to ask me a question?’ I enquired.

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Ask away.’

‘I loved the smell of the oil and chocolate, but
I’d really love to smell you, or even better

‘Would you now,’ I chuckled. I held myself up over
her and tilted my head so that my neck was close to her face. I heard her take
in a deep breath, then I groaned myself as she lifted her head and kissed me.
She kissed me again, the heat of her breath and her moist lips making my skin
tingle. When she bit and gently sucked I had to quickly pull away, her biting
like that brought out my primal side, and she definitely wasn’t ready for that.
I moved up and straddled her chest, in desperate need of some attention to my
throbbing cock. ‘Open wide, angel,’ I advised, as I coated it in the warm
chocolate and fed it to her. I sucked my fingers clean, then gripped the hair
on each side of her head as I slowly slid myself in and out of her mouth. Damn
it, her tongue worked with the skill of a Turkish carpet weaver. I closed my
eyes, my jaw dropping when the stimulation I was receiving ran all the way up
my spine. I lost track of time as I let her work on me, but quickly pulled out
when my cock tingled with that spidey sense, my thirty second warning. ‘How was
that?’ I growled, as I squeezed the head of my cock, to stop myself from

‘Sweet and salt combined. Delicious, Sir,’ she
smiled, as her cheeks coloured again.

‘Do you know what comes next?’ I asked, my voice
having taken on a huskier tone than normal, knowing that my reward was nearly
in sight.

‘If it’s not me, then I’m hoping sight and touch
at the same time, Sir,’ she smiled. ‘Especially now that I know you’re naked.’

‘Touch first,’ I confirmed, as I shifted and
flipped her over, back onto her stomach, chuckling as she let out a groan of
frustration. After sweeping her long hair out of the way again, I tipped some
of the melted Frangipani oil into my cupped palm, then rubbed my hands together
and started to work on her shoulders and neck. She sighed with pleasure and
wriggled to get more comfortable. When I asked her for her answer in the
morning, no way was she going to say no to me after this, it was going to be a
resounding yes. I’d never been so sure of anything in my life. We’d be able to
do this whenever we wanted, and the thought made my stomach warm and my heart
soar, not to mention what it did to my already frustrated and over stiff cock.
I worked my way down her back, then moved to straddle her ankles as I dug my
fingers into her peachy, biteable backside, applying plenty of oil, which I
took great delight massaging in. She had the sexiest arse I’d ever seen and the
thought that one day, soon I hoped, I’d get to claim it, had me shudder with
pleasure. I finished massaging her legs and smirked to myself as I raised my
hand and firmly spanked one of her cheeks, the oil giving more depth and
resonance to the crack that emanated from under my palm. She jolted and let out
a scream of surprise and twisted her head. I could feel the glare piercing
through her silk blindfold and grinned with wicked delight. I adored her
feistiness. She’d come such a long way from that sweet virgin I’d met so long
ago. ‘I warned you. I counted fourteen infractions.’

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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