Read For the Night: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

For the Night: Complete Box Set (53 page)

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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Hand Tied


I wiped my hands on my
suit trousers, then tugged my shirt sleeves down and quickly ran a finger
around the inside of my collar. I felt as if I’d been wandering in the desert
for months, I was completely parched. I’d masturbated frequently over the
months, but nothing was better than having sex, being buried inside a hot snug
cunt or a warm juicy mouth. As she strode across the room and came to a halt in
front of me, she made my tongue dart over my lower lip, before I captured it
between my teeth. Regulating my breathing was taking most of my self-control,
which didn’t leave much to stop me from leaping from my armchair, grabbing her
and kissing her, then bending her over the sofa and fucking her the way I
wanted to. I swallowed hard, as I rested my elbows on the armrests and placed
my index fingers on top of my lips.

‘Undo the coat, slowly slide it off and toss it
over onto the sofa,’ I ordered. My voice had dropped an octave. Full of desire
for the beguiling creature in front of me. She nodded and reached with
trembling fingers to undo the knot, slowly pulling the lengths of material
through each other, then dropped them and started to undo her top buttons.
‘Slower,’ I barked, my voice shaking with the effort to hold myself back. ‘Take
your time, part of this evening is about the exquisite anticipation of what I’m
about to do to you. I’m going to have you craving me, building your desire
higher and higher until you beg me for release.’

‘Logan, I …’

‘Stop,’ I ordered, with a hint of annoyance to my
tone. ‘Don’t say that name. Never say that name again. You booked Logan Steele
because you wanted this fantasy, to get to know the real me, the man behind the
façade, the dominant man. You wanted me to be myself, sexually, to let you
discover what being submissive to me would mean. You want to know if you can be
enough for me, and whether I can give you what you need, for real. You booked
me as Mandy Fullerton because you’re still nervous that you’ll never be enough
for me, so you’re pretending that we’re just playing another Logan Steele
fantasy, but I’m telling you right now that you
enough. This isn’t a
fantasy anymore, this is real. This is us, taking that next step. The final
proof that you need, to know if we can make this work. Tonight you’re not Mandy
Fullerton and I’m not Logan Steele. This is real life, Summer. You wanted to
physically experience my sexual preferences, well tonight I’m going to make
that happen. But then I’ll need an answer, angel. You
give me an
answer in the morning. No more games, no more stalling. You’re in or you’re
out. No more chances. Understood?’

‘Yes,’ she whispered, as she hung her head.

‘Look at me while I’m talking, Summer,’ I
demanded, as my cock stiffened at her meekness. In the last fourteen months I’d
got to know my angel pretty well. She had the biggest, kindest heart of anyone
I’d ever known. Always willing and eager to please everyone around her. She was
at such risk of being taken advantage of, by someone who wasn’t as honourable
as I was, so I’d worked on toughening her up a bit. Teaching her to stand up
for herself, to voice her opinion and to say no. I’d shot myself in the foot,
she’d become more feisty when it came to
, rejecting my advances,
refusing to agree to become my girlfriend and seeing through my attempts to
tempt her into my bed again. But tonight, she knew what I craved. Her, and her
complete compliance. She wasn’t an award winning actress for nothing, but I
could see through her. She was so inexperienced, she actually craved my
direction and control sexually. She
to submit to me. And that
turned me on more than any other client fantasy that I’d carried out, in all of
my years as an escort. She wanted
not Logan Steele

‘Would you like me to keep undressing,
she asked, as she raised her shining blue eyes back up to meet mine, my lips
curling into a slight smile. She’d questioned me extensively about my
predilections and what my expectations were for this sort of relationship. This
was a good start. It seemed she’d absorbed some of it.

‘I would. No talking from now on unless I ask you
a question, or unless you need to let me know that you want me to stop,
understood, Summer?’

‘Yes, Sir,’ she breathed, with a slight nod, as
she undid another button and the domes of her luscious breasts came into view.

‘Repeat the words for me that you’ll use if I’ve
taken things too far.’

‘Yellow, if I’m approaching my limits. Ant, if I
need you to stop, Sir.’

‘Excellent,’ I nodded, as her toned stomach came
into view. She’d chosen “Ant” on purpose on that first booking. The shit who’d
tried to rape her when she was younger, making her shy away from any form of
sexual relationship, until she booked me to take her virginity. I cocked my
head as the top of the small knickers came into view, a tiny, thin piece of
material housing the very part of her that I wanted to bury myself in. That I’d
imagined multiple times a day since our last night together, all that time ago.
I stifled a groan as she undid the last button and parted the coat, sliding it
off her shoulders, unveiling her body. And
Jesus Christ
, what a body. No
matter how good she may look in clothing designed to skim those curves, or work
out gear which revealed more of her tantalising flesh, nothing compared to
seeing her in the finest lingerie, in stockings and suspenders, with those high
heels that made her legs seem endless. Unless you counted seeing her naked, but
it was hard to remember how large her nipples were, or how pink her sweet cunt
was, after so long without seeing them. She put her hands on her hips and shook
her hair back over her shoulders. I suppressed a smirk. I’d given her so much
confidence in her desirability, she was a sexual woman now. She may have only
had two nights of sex, with me, but she was well aware of her appeal. Confident
and submissive all at the same time, no one had ever turned me on more. ‘Turn,
very slowly,’ I requested, as I indicated a swivel with my index finger. ‘I
want to see you from all angles.’

She nodded and did as she was told. I raked my
eyes up her body, from her slender ankles, up her shapely legs to where the
black stockings gave way to the creamiest porcelain flesh. The ruffles on her
knickers adding unnecessary, but welcome, volume to that backside I loved so
much. That I wanted to claim so much. I continued up the slight curvature of
the dip in her back, then as she turned again, drawing my hungry gaze over her
slim waist and up to those breasts, those huge pink nipples of hers just
showing over the top of the low cut bra. I reached down with one hand and
squeezed my erection. God, what I had planned for that body of mine in front of
me. She’d refused to physically call herself mine, but she was. And she knew
it. The moment I first kissed her she’d been mine. She’d freed me, shown me how
my life could be. I’d given up my career as an escort, not for her, but because
I’d realised what sort of life I could have if I gave it up. I’d done it for
me. But the thought that she might be my reward for doing it, hadn’t been an
unwelcome sweetener.

‘Walk to me, straddle my lap and place your hands
in the small of your back,’ I ordered throatily and watched her hips sway as
she approached me. I placed my forearms on the padded arms of my leather
armchair, my fingers curling tightly and gripping them, trying to control my
excitement as she parted her ankles and placed one knee against my hip, lightly
clasping my shoulders as she raised the second knee, tucking it in place, her
heaving chest wobbling inches from my face. I just wanted to dive in face
first, that was one way of drowning I could live with. I wasn’t sure who was
breathing harder and faster as she put her hands behind her and I reached for
the metal handcuffs on the coffee table next to me.



I felt dizzy as I straddled his lap, as if the
thought of us finally having sex again wasn’t heady enough, to have him looking
at me that way, his grey eyes full of fire, the way his teeth were working over
that delicious lower lip of his was driving me insane. I’d spent months
resisting him, months studying him, questioning him, trying to make sure that
he couldn’t hurt me again. The way he’d hurt me those times before, by not answering
my email, giving me the wrong number and confirming his kinky sex preferences.
Even when I’d walked into his spare bedroom last time and seen that scary
looking four poster bed with the hooks, that cross up against the wall and he’d
admitted his preference for BDSM in his personal life, I’d still wanted to
trust my gut that he was a good guy. That he wouldn’t hurt me again. But I had
to be certain, and I had to be even more sure that he really had left his
escorting days behind. If we were going to do this, I wasn’t the sort of girl
to share. I wanted my fairy tale Prince with a happy ever after. I’d pushed him
to the limits by resisting him, I’d pushed
to the limits, but I
wasn’t prepared to risk my heart, just because he was nearing the end of his
patience to sleep with me again. I’d explained that until I was ready it
wouldn’t be happening, and I knew I risked losing him forever. My best friend,
Mandy Fullerton, the one whose name I’d jokingly used on the “booking form” for
Logan, was the only one who knew his real identity. She’d told me that a man
like Logan wouldn’t wait for long, but he had. He’d waited
months for me. Nothing had ever made me feel more special or deserving.

I wanted him in a way that I’d never experienced
before. Not just sexually, though that itch was now unbearable, I just wanted
He was so kind, generous, chivalrous and protective of me. His smile when
he saw me lit up a room, I suspected it could light up Wembley Stadium, it was
that dazzling. The way those light grey eyes sparkled when he laughed, his
voice … I could go on for ever, there was nothing about him that I didn’t like.
Especially not the body that I knew was concealed under that tailored suit of
his. Those abs, which were covered by his crisp white shirt. The memory of what
was there between his thighs had my pussy clench. And his scent! He had the
aftershave on that made me swoon, but it still didn’t mask his natural
masculine musk which I found so appealing. I let out a whimper as he leaned forward
and placed a delicate kiss between my breasts, then on each one. The heat of
his breath making my skin prickle. I’d booked “Logan Steele” as Mandy
Fullerton, because I wanted to try and detach myself, in case it all went wrong
and I hated it, or he was disappointed in me for not living up to his
expectations. I’d told him that I wanted to role play if we were going to go
through with this, but he knew me too well. He knew I was still nervous, but he
also knew what I did, deep down in my heart, that if we were having sex again,
after so long, it
to be us. Neither of us could act out a role
tonight, we were being our genuine selves. We’d assured ourselves of our
compatibility over the last year and a bit, in all areas but the last place
that mattered. The bedroom. Or the lounge, or wherever the hell we were going
to end up. Frankly I didn’t care. I was that desperate for him, even with the
nerves currently rattling my bones.

‘Angel,’ he sighed deeply, as he licked up between
my breasts with his warm, moist tongue and kissed the hollow of my throat. I
moaned in delight and flexed my hips. Each touch on my skin burned me, branded
me forever. My nerves sang happily, my muscles shedding some of their tension
as his lips brushed over my neck and his hands slid down my arms, the chill of
the metal cuffs he was holding was a total contrast to his warm fingers. I
gasped, a residual nervous reflex, as I felt the metal circle my one wrist and
heard the snap as he locked it into place. I was close to hyperventilation from
sheer excitement, blended with worry, as he clicked the second into place and
moved his hands to my hips. I gazed down at him as I panted and tried to move
my hands, seeing how much give I had. Very little. ‘Sit back on my knees,’ he
ordered, as his eyes flashed with hunger. I nodded and lowered myself, and one
of those annoying squeaks of excitement, that I wished I could control around
him, escaped my lips, as he reached up and clasped my face, rubbing his thumb
over my lips. ‘Do you have any idea how badly I want you, Summer?’ he murmured,
in that sexy low baritone of his.

BOOK: For the Night: Complete Box Set
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