For You I Do (14 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: For You I Do
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She rose over him and London held onto her waist and guided her over his length. He pushed inside and she took him deep. Her eyes widened. Oh, he felt so good. Staring down at him, she ground her hips until he moaned.

“You like that?” she said feeling bold, her fingers traveling down his chest.

“Yes, now ride me.”

Bianca rose up until only the tip was in then lowered slowly again. She rose and he guided her with his hand and pumped his hips upward, meeting her halfway.


For You I Do

He groaned and she sped up the pace, rocking her hips back and forth.

Her body began to turn to liquid and she increased her speed, eager to get what only he could give her.

London slipped his hand between them, found her clit and stroked it as she rocked her body against his.

Oh, I could get so used to this.
Which was why she couldn’t risk her heart. She couldn’t allow herself to be in an emotional relationship—not after Collin—but she would worry about that later. All she cared about now was how London made her feel.

When Bianca cried out his name, she heard London cry only seconds after hers. Then his arms came around and held her tightly against him for the rest of the night.

Chapter 14

Hours later, London gazed down into the face of the beautiful woman lying peacefully on the bed beside him and his heart fluttered. Life definitely couldn’t get any better than this.

Sleep wasn’t even on his mind. He was afraid that if he did fall asleep he would wake up and find out it was all just a dream.

He spent hours replaying the evening in his head, and had to admit that it was one of the best nights of his life. Not that he had thought it would be anything other than fantastic between them. He smiled at the memories.

There wasn’t much they hadn’t tried last night. Bianca was a woman full of surprises and quite talented. She had showed him a few things he never would have believed possible. Bianca was passionate and erotic and knew how to take over and be in control.

Already his penis was growing hard with the thoughts of what the future held for them together. And the heated nights ahead.

All he knew was that from this point on, Bianca Beaumont would be sharing his bed. The rest of their future was uncertain, but it felt right when he thought of the two of them being together, even if it was only going to be for a short time.


For You I Do

Sex was good, damn good. But there was more to their relationship than sex, and he knew that wasn’t the only reason he enjoyed holding her, and kissing her, and feeling her warm skin pressed up against him.

He chuckled softly.

A couple of weeks ago, if someone had said he was going to fall for a petite little pregnant woman, he wouldn’t have believed it.

But here he was lying beside Bianca Beaumont and he felt like a king.

She stirred and mumbled something under her breath that he didn’t even understand. He reached down and pushed a curl from her forehead. Rolling over onto her other side, she pulled the pillow closer to her face and released a deep sigh.

The covers had shifted, and London gazed down at her lying on her stomach, her butt in full view. His penis throbbed at the sight of her and it took everything he had not to spread her legs, slide in between her thighs and bury himself deep again.

She was going to be the death of him.

He could already see it. He needed to keep their relationship in perspective. She had made it quite clear. They were to be married long enough for her to give birth to the baby and for him to give her child his name. As soon as the timing was right, they would go their separate ways.

Why did the thought of losing her sadden him so?
he thought with a frown.
He didn’t really want to be married. Nor was he
ready to start a family. Or was he?

He shook the thought away. Now was not the time.

Sliding down low on the bed, he pulled her into his arms, satisfied. For the time being, he had her just where he wanted her.

In his arms. In his bed. In his life.

Where did that come from?
he wondered.

He had planned to keep her away from his heart but he was starting to think it was too late for that.

Bianca brought the mug to her lips and took a cautious sip.

Orange rind tea was about the only thing her stomach seemed to tolerate these days. She took another sip, then reached for a
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cracker. They were the same kind of no-salt crackers London had gotten for her at the diner earlier in the week. That seemed like ages ago.

Last night had been incredible. London was kind and compassionate and a wonderful lover. Her insides quivered just thinking about how she had come apart in his arms again and again until they both collapsed from exhaustion.

After a night of heated passion, she had awakened to the smell of bacon frying and fresh coffee. They spent the morning talking, laughing and washing dishes together before he carried her back to bed, where he made love to her again. She had awakened to find a note on the pillow.

Thank you for a fabulous evening. I’ll pick you up for
lunch on Monday. No excuses.

Your fiancé

She stared down at the note, now on the kitchen table. London made plans again for the two of them to shop for an engagement ring. It made it seem so real. She was marrying London Brown.

Why did knowing that cause her stomach to flutter? Bianca pushed the feeling aside and took another sip. Usually she spent Satur-days doing housework and shopping with Debra, but all she could do was think about London and the magical time they had shared.

Bianca groaned with frustration.
How was it she had gotten
over Collin’s betrayal so easily?
It was just two weeks ago that she was wearing his ring and planning a future together. Now he was the last thing on her mind.

She shook her head. London had saved her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

After bringing the mug to her lips again, she took a deep breath.

She was starting to think that maybe she was about to make another mistake because for the last eighteen hours she had spent way too much time thinking about her new soon-to-be husband.

She groaned with satisfaction as she remembered how London took his time making sure she was sexually satisfied before finding his own release. Afterward, he held her in his arms and kissed her gently, while rubbing her stomach. She almost

For You I Do

cried, feeling extremely grateful that London was willing to marry her and give her baby his name.

She knew that she needed to watch herself before she got caught up. He was just helping her out, doing her a favor. Nothing more. After her last disaster of a relationship, falling in love again was not an option.


She frowned.
Where in the world did that come from?
London Brown was the last man she’d ever fall in love with. But even as that thought flitted through her mind, her stomach quivered.

Every time she closed her eyes, she could see his handsome face and sexy eyes. And taste his luscious lips.

The phone rang, breaking into her racing thoughts. Grateful for the interruption, she rose and reached for the phone on the kitchen wall.

“I thought I was supposed to be your best friend,” Debra said by way of a greeting.

“You are,” Bianca replied and instantly knew she was angry about something.

“Then why is it I had to come to the beauty shop and get my hair done to find out that my best friend is marrying London Brown?”

Bianca moved over to the table and took her seat. “Sorry. I was planning to tell you. We just told our parents yesterday.”

Actually, she had told her mother and her mother had told the rest of the world.

“Ohmygoodness, Bianca! I can’t believe you decided to go through with it. I am so happy for you. Happy for the both of you.”

“Thanks…I think.”

“You know I’m dying to know what he did to convince you.”

“I did it for my baby.” But even as she said it, Bianca knew there was more to it than that. She just wasn’t ready yet to admit how much London was coming to mean to her in such a short time.

“Come on, Bianca. You’re talking to me, Debra, your home girl. I want to know what made you decide to accept his offer.”

“Do you have to ask?” she barked with laughter. “My mother.”

She pursed her lips then added, “And Jaden.”


She reclined back in her chair and rested her hand on her lower
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stomach. “I was all set to change my mind when Jaden walked in on me and London in my room…you know…”

Debra gasped. “Y’all were doing the nasty?”

Bianca giggled, wishing she could see the stunned look on her best friend’s face. “Yes, we’ve been doing the nasty.”

Debra started screaming and laughing at the same time.

“Oh…my…God! Please do tell. Does he live up to the legend?”

Bianca hesitated and warm wetness flowed to her lower region as she remembered him moving inside her. “He’s better than the legend.” She sat up straight with a start when she realized that she had purred.

Debra screamed as if she had won the lottery, and Bianca joined in.

“Oh, my. This is better than a soap opera!”

“Yep, and it’s all because of Collin.” Bianca took the next few minutes to tell her about finding him in her house and his threat that sent her running to London’s house.

“What did London have to say about it?”

Bianca cleared her throat. “I didn’t tell him. Collin is my problem—not his.”

“But if he’s marrying you, then it becomes his problem as well. That baby is going to be raised a Brown.”

A smile teased her lips at the thought. London was definitely a better choice.

She had thought about it long and hard last night. If she got married, she’d have a better chance of keeping Collin from finding out about her unborn child. Then once the baby was born, she and London could separate, divorce and return to their old lives. Only, she realized, she could never go back, at least not to her old life, because now it would be her and a child. Her life would change.

“The sooner we’re married the better, which is why we’re planning to get married before Memorial Day.”

“I guess considering the circumstances…”

She didn’t want to be reminded as to why she was getting married. Goodness, the things she was willing to do for her parents.

“I truly believe the two of you are going to be very happy.”

“It’s not real, Debra. We’re only going to stay married long enough for my baby to be born, then we’re getting a divorce.”


For You I Do

“A lot can happen in that time.”

“That won’t happen to me. After Collin and all the jerks before him, marriage and love are the last things I need.”

“Girl, you know every woman is town going to be jealous of you. You already know what they’re saying about him in bed.”

She pressed a palm to her ear and shook her head. “I don’t want to hear it because it doesn’t matter. What happened between us was strictly a bonus. He’s just helping out a friend.”

Debra snorted rudely in the phone. “Keep thinking that. I can hear it in your voice that it meant a lot more to you than that. What happened last night was more special than you care to admit.”

“Debra, I’m pregnant and vulnerable. Right now is not the time for me to confuse my feelings for London and to start thinking there is more going on between us than there really is.”

“So you do have feelings for that man?”

Bianca shook her head. “You are impossible.”

“Just think how much fun you’ll have trying to figure out what you want.”

Just thinking about how good he made her feel made her insides quiver. She would just have to find a way to keep her heart intact.

“Well, for whatever reason, I’m just glad it’s London and not Collin. I can’t wait to see that creep on the street,” Debra said.

“He works all the way in Dover.”

“That’s only a thirty-minute drive. And Delaware is small enough that some day our paths will cross, and when they do, he’d better look out.”

Bianca chuckled at how ridiculous her friend was being, which was one reason she loved her so much. Debra always had her back.

“So when’s the big day?”

“Three weeks,” she said in a breathless whisper. It was still hard to believe.

“Goodness, girl, you’re not giving your mother much time to plan.”

“Trust and believe, Jessica Beaumont lives for entertaining.

Now that the word is on the street, she is going to make sure everything is perfect.”

“You know I’m here to help you in any way I can. Like maybe catering the event.”

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“Good luck getting past my mother.”

“I know how to handle Ms. Jessica.” It was true. The two had come up against each other on numerous occasions, and Debra always knew how to stroke her mother’s ego when the moment called for it—which were most instances.

“I know. That’s why I love you. Now hurry up and get your own man.”

Debra erupted with laughter. “Nah, I’m having too much fun living vicariously through you.”

Chapter 15

Bianca returned to work on Monday to discover two things—

a surprise party given by her assistant, Mary, and a copy of her engagement announcement in the society section of the paper on her desk.

The girls in the office had decorated the conference room while Debra brought all the food, including the best coconut cake Bianca had ever tasted. Almost the entire hotel staff, including her sister-in-law, Sheyna, stopped by to congratulate her.

Bianca was touched, by Mary and Debra’s thoughtfulness, and her employees for caring enough to celebrate the occasion. If only her marriage were real, then she wouldn’t have to feel so guilty accepting everyone’s congratulations. For a weird moment she almost found herself wishing that her marriage wasn’t a fake.

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