For You I Do (16 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: For You I Do
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He gave her a dark, bold look. “I can give you quite a few ideas. Meet me at my house after you get off and I’ll show you.”

The look in his eyes said he had every intention of making love to her. After two days without him, Bianca couldn’t think of any reason to say no, except that her heart was in jeopardy.

But right now she wanted something so desperately, something that only London could give her.

“It’s a deal,” she said.

After lunch, London returned her safely to the front door of the hotel.

“See you later,” he said, then leaned over and gave her a kiss that was so heated that Bianca was still fanning herself on the ride up in the elevator. When she stepped through her office, Jabarie was waiting inside.


For You I Do

“Hello, big brother,” Bianca greeted in a merry tone, as she moved across the plush taupe-colored carpet and around her desk.

“Good afternoon.” He rose and walked over to the door and shut the door.

Her brow rose. She never closed her office door unless she was in a meeting. “Is something wrong?”

Jabarie got right to the point. “Are you pregnant?”

She lowered herself into her seat, then put her arms on the desk and nodded. “Yes.”

Jabarie ran a hand across his tapered curls and she could tell by the way his jaw twitched that he was trying to keep his anger at bay. “At least he’s doing the right thing and marrying you.”

She was tempted to tell him who the real father was, but thought better of it. The fewer people who knew the truth, the better.

He paced a path across the length of her office in a black, tailor-made suit. His shoes were so expensive they didn’t make a sound. He was making her dizzy. Finally, he dropped down in the chair across from her. “Do you love him?” He surveyed her face.

She hesitated a moment. “Yes. I wouldn’t marry him if I didn’t.”

“Thank goodness. The sooner you’re married the better.”

Her pride was triggered by the demand in his voice. How dare he tell her what to do? “Of course, we wouldn’t want to tarnish the family’s name,” she said sarcastically.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

you mean, big brother?”

“I mean I don’t want to see you trying to raise a baby by yourself. I want to see you happy.”

Her brother’s expression softened. She saw the sincerity in his face. And almost felt bad for snapping at him. “I
happy.” She hated lying, but it wasn’t completely a lie. If she was honest with herself, she’d have to admit that for the last few days London had made her feel as if she were on top of the world. “How did you find out I was pregnant?”


She didn’t even have to guess how he’d found out. Sheyna.

So much for keeping a secret

His smile widened. “I’ve got good news.”

“What? I’m always up for good news.”

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“Brenna is having twins.”

“Goodness, what are you trying to do, start your own baseball team?” she joked. He and Brenna already had an adorable three-year-old girl, Arianna, and a ten-month-old, Brianna. Jace and Sheyna had eighteen-month-old Jace Jr., and Danica and Jaden were six months’ pregnant with their first child. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. Mother is really going to start feeling old now.

She’ll have seven grandchildren in the next year.”

Bianca brought a fingertip to her lips. “Don’t say the
word too loud. Mother just might hear you.”

“We definitely can’t have that.”

Smiling, Bianca moved around the desk and gave her brother a big hug. No matter how much her brothers got on her nerves, she knew that they each had her back.
What would she do without
she wondered.

Over Jabarie’s shoulder, the engagement ring sparkled and reminded her of another family and a fiancé who would be waiting for her when she got off work. She hoped he’d be waiting in nothing more than his birthday suit. The thought caused a traitorous smile to curl the corner of her mouth.

Chapter 16

The week breezed by as she put marketing plans together for London’s family restaurants. Unfortunately, the project kept London on her mind 24/7.

Bianca had seen him twice since Monday and each time they ended up back at his house and in bed. After that, he left for Dover for the weekend to fulfill his one-weekend-a-month military obligation. When he returned Sunday night, she eagerly awaited him with open arms. London stayed Sunday and again Monday night. Each time, he made love to her. He was a compassionate, wonderful lover.

After that she declined his offers, feeling that in order not to cloud her judgment she needed to keep a little distance between them. Instead, they talked on the phone and she found that she enjoyed spending hours on the phone with him. They talked about their lives growing up and he told her hilarious stories about himself and his sisters. She didn’t need to see him. Just hearing his voice sent sensuous chills all through her body and reminded her of the heated nights she spent in his arms.

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By Friday night she was a ball of nerves. She took one final look in the mirror.

She had spent half the morning trying to decide what to wear and had finally decided on a pink linen skirt and a short-sleeve, cream-colored jacket, with a dark pink shell underneath. Cream pumps were on her feet and a pink-and-white scarf was tied in a knot around her neck.

Her eyes traveled over to the clock on the nightstand. London was coming to pick her up at any moment. They were going to have dinner with her parents. And she was a nervous wreck.

It wasn’t her parents that had her insides quivering. It was London. She couldn’t wait to see him. These past four days had been the longest of her life.

She’d never wanted to be that vulnerable to a man. Especially not London. He was cocky and pushy and wanted things his way.

But there were a lot of things about him she truly liked. His conversation, his compassion and especially the way he…

She swallowed and moved out of her room and down the hall. She had better get her thoughts in order quickly. All she had to do was remember what had happened with Collin to know that the last thing she wanted was to be vulnerable to falling in love again. There was no reason for her to come unglued. The doorbell rang. She counted to five, then opened the door.

“Hey, beautiful. You look nice.”

She smiled and stepped back as London entered and closed the door behind him. Clearing her throat, she pretended not to be affected by his presence, then gave up because she was only lying to herself. “Thank you. Let me grab my purse,” she said, and turned to walk away, but London gently grabbed her by the arm and stopped her.

“Is that how you greet your fiancé?”

She gave a nervous laugh but when she looked up in his eyes, her laughter stopped. The intensity in his gaze caused her to gasp, just as he swooped in and captured her mouth with his.

Every cell in her body sang in uncontrollable response. Bianca wrapped her arms around his middle and released a sigh of pleasure. It had only been four days, but with him holding her in his arms, she realized just how much she missed him. London

For You I Do

was starting to become important to her and that thought had her heart beating heavily in her chest. London parted her lips with his tongue and slipped inside, and she met his strokes with her own. The kiss didn’t end until they both were out of breath.

“Now that’s how you greet your man,” he said, struggling to catch his breath. “Grab your purse. Time for me to officially meet your parents.” He had met her parents years ago, but this meeting would be nothing like that. This evening she would be introducing London Brown as her fiancé.

This was not a good idea, Bianca realized, hesitating in front of the entrance to the country club.

As though London sensed her reluctance, he stepped forward and took hold of her arm so that she had no choice but to enter the club alongside him.

She glanced over at London and felt proud with him on her arm.

He was dressed in a brown linen suit and a collarless cream shirt.

She admired how well he fit in with all the other men in the room.

He could have been mistaken for one of her parents’ friends.

Bianca was aware of the stares the minute she and London stepped through the doors of Delaware’s most exclusive country club. Her mother had suggested they meet there in hopes of avoiding nosy townspeople. Bianca was glad to take the fifteen-minute drive to Rehoboth Beach. As they moved across the gleaming marble floor, Bianca wasn’t surprised when female patrons looked long and hard at London as he strolled across the dining room, holding her hand. He was definitely eye candy.

“Nervous?” he asked.

Bianca gave him a tight smile. “Very. I’m just glad you’re here.” Very glad. There was no way she could have met with her parents alone. She hadn’t seen her parents in two weeks, since she had announced to her mother after dinner that she was engaged to London. And she felt guilty for breaking family tradition by purposely avoiding them. She had no idea how her father had reacted to the news. With each step she prayed for strength.

To her surprise, Jessica and Roger Beaumont greeted them warmly once the hostess delivered Bianca and London to their table. They had chosen a spot at the very back of the restaurant,
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as if they’d hoped for privacy. Her father rose the way he always did when a lady approached. A smile touched Bianca’s lips as she took in the dark black suit that draped his medium build the way it was intended, compliments of a fabulous tailor in town.

From the look of her father’s salt-and-pepper hair, he hadn’t missed his weekly appointment with his barber. His naturally wavy hair was cut low and faded on the side. When their eyes met, he returned her smile and her shoulders relaxed.
Maybe this
won’t be as bad at I feared,
Bianca thought as she grew nearer.

After all, she was a daddy’s girl. Bianca moved into her father’s strong, outstretched arms and returned his giant hug, then kissed her mother on the cheek. London dropped a peck on her mother’s cheek before shaking her father’s hand.

“Dear, you look lovely tonight,” her mother replied. She knew her mother well enough to know that the moment she spotted her daughter walking across the room she had been inspecting her attire to ensure that it met with her approval. Bianca was relieved to hear that it had.

“Thanks, Mother, so do you,” Bianca replied. As always, Jessica Beaumont looked as though she’d just walked down a fashion runway. She was beautifully dressed in a mauve suit with diamond accessories. Her mother wore style and grace as if she had invented them herself.

London helped Bianca into the seat across from her mother, then took the one beside her. The waiter came to the table, handed them menus and took their drink orders. Her parents were already sipping white wine. She and London ordered fresh-squeezed lemonade, and their waiter hurried away to fill the order.

“It’s about time our daughter told us who she was engaged to,” Roger scolded gently. “I’ve known your father all his life and I know that he is a good and honest man.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Her father gave him a dismissive wave. “Please, London, call me Roger. After all, we’re going to be family.”

Her mother took a sip from a long flute. “Imagine my surprise when Bianca told me she was engaged to you! I was so relieved.

Shame on Bianca for leading us to believe that she was marrying a man in the air force.”


For You I Do

Bianca looked over at London. Their gazes met as she tried to figure out what he was thinking.

in the air force,” he began with his eyes still glued to her, then he winked and centered his attention on her parents and smiled. “I’m in the National Guard, instead of on active duty. I left Germany two years ago, after my father had his heart attack.”

Jessica reached over and patted his hand. “How is your father doing?”

“Ma’am, he’s doing quite well, thank you.”

Her mother pursed her lips. “I agree with my husband. They’ll be none of that Ma’am stuff. Please, call me Jessica.”

They made small talk until their food arrived.

They were halfway through the meal when London suddenly put down his fork and stared intensely around the table. “Sir, if I may say so, I would like to apologize.”

Roger’s brow rose. “Apologize for what?”

“For not asking your permission to marry your daughter.”

Bianca choked on a roll.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?” her mother asked.

She nodded and reached for her glass.

“Mrs. and Mrs. Beaumont, I love Bianca and plan to spend the rest of my life showing her just how much,” he said.

Bianca was speechless. He turned in his seat and pressed his lips to her cheek and her skin tingled. She stared up at him in awe. The impact of his look caused her mouth to go dry. His eyes were bubbling over with passionate intensity, and something else she couldn’t describe. It was as if he truly loved her. And her insides quivered. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a man who truly loved her. To have a man look at her the way he was staring at her and really mean it. She shook the ridiculous thought away. London didn’t love her, she reminded herself, nor did she want him to. This was only a show for her parents.

“Bianca, dear, quit staring at that man before you run him off,”

her mother scolded, chuckling.

“I agree,” her father chimed in. “This is the best one you’ve brought home yet.”

Bianca shook her head and focused her attention on her salad.

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The way her stomach was churning she couldn’t handle much more than that.

Her father was obviously pleased that London knew how to show respect. Roger rose and offered him his hand. “London, son, we would be more than happy to have you join our family.”

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