Forbidden Drink (27 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Forbidden Drink
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Eventually, he rolled off me and pulled me up the bed into his arms, grabbing the duvet cover to throw over us with a flick of his wrist.

“I think we should just stay here for the night,
ma douce
. To hell with responsibilities.” He kissed me softly on my head.

“I bet you've already told someone to handle things for you at the club.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps. I had intended to head in though, the line is still fragile at the loss of Bruno. They need reassurance.”

Bruno. Shit. How could I have forgotten about Bruno? I felt like such a selfish bitch all of a sudden.

Michel pulled me closer and placed a hand under my chin, lifting my face to his.

My sweet little one, when have you ever
put others before yourself? A moment of happiness for just you is not being selfish. Besides, my need to claim you is still too strong, I would not have allowed you to turn me away to mourn.” His lips brushed my mouth.

I let my head fall against his warm chest and just listened to the beat of his heart, so calming, so much like home.

“Still, we should go in and see them, if you think it would help,” I said, still wrapped up in his arms. “Did we lose any others?” A question I had been dreading asking.

No. Just Bruno and he fought like a warrior, like only Bruno would. He.... he died for me, for the chance for me to escape. It was futile, they would have caught me anyway. At least he went to
as a true vampyre warrior. He would have been proud.”

I held on tight as Michel remembered his fallen friend. Bruno had been turned by Michel, he had been by his side for over 200 years, they were more than just master and servant, so much more than just that.

“I'm sorry,” I whispered, letting a single tear flow down my check onto his chest. He picked it up on the tip of his finger and took it in his mouth.

Ta chagrin calme mon coeur, ma douce.

And then he translated in a whisper as he bent to kiss my head. “Your sorrow soothes my heart.”

I still needed a moment to recover, so he opted to shower alone, with reluctance I might add, but a necessity. We decided the 'family' needed us more than we needed the solitude together. So, to
to rally the line it was.

I could have easily wiled away the night with Michel in my arms, or at the very least curled up on the couch and watched T.V. with him. I realised that he and I had never done that before. Sure we've spent down time together, usually in his chamber, or occasionally at my apartment, but only for a few hours at best. A whole night doing nothing but normal around home things would be my dream. If there was one gift he could ever give me that would be priceless and I would be unable to resist, it would be his time. One night, just him and me, no pressures, no responsibilities, just us on the couch at home enjoying each other.

We could have made it happen tonight, I think he really wanted to. But the health of his line, right now when so much more was going to be asked of them in the coming days, as we faced whatever the Dark had in store for us, was more important than just me and him. I knew this, but I also pined for what he couldn't yet give me.

I lay there and listened to the water falling and let my body enjoy the last moments of blissful rest before duty called. My thoughts though, were rudely interrupted by the phone on my bedside table. I thought perhaps Erika or Amisi would answer it, but when they didn't I lifted the handset and lazily said, “

Bonsoir, ma petite chasseuse.
Have you been practising your French for me?”

Gregor. Shit.

Chapter 27

“Hello, Gregor.”

“Lucinda.” I could practically hear the smile in his voice. “I hope I haven't disturbed you, little Hunter. I have missed you this past weekend. You know, you really shouldn't stand me up.”

I wasn't sure if anyone had told Gregor what had happened, I assumed they had, but just in case...

“It wasn't intentional. I was kinda laid flat.”

“You are better I trust? Your kindred healing you, as he should no doubt. So, when will I see you again?”

I don't think he was really too fussed about whether I was well or not, or whether Michel had healed me or not. He wanted me in Wellington and that was all that mattered. I sure as hell didn't want to go there.

I stifled a sigh. “I'm not sure, Gregor. I have some things that need sorting here.” The health of Michel's line. Finding out what's happened to Rick and blasting his arse if he's still around. These were far more pressing things to me than Gregor and his wayward human assassins.

Lucinda, we had an understanding. You were going to help me with my little human problem and fill the gap of a Nosferatin until one could be found for my city and I was going to keep the
from your shores. It is getting increasingly harder to hold up my end of the bargain when there have been so many more attacks since you were last here.”

Bugger. More attacks?

“How many more attacks?” I could feel his grin from here, he'd hooked me and he knew it.

“Three Rogues killed and two of my line attacked, but now safe.”

Damn that's not good. “Have you managed to find anything else out about the humans?”

“We have made a dent in their numbers. I believe our tactics have - how would you say? - scared them shitless, I think that is your phrase, but they are still rallying. Determined doesn't even cover their psyche, I'm afraid.”

I didn't like the sound of that. Gregor making a dent in their numbers could only mean one thing, he wasn't even trying to avoid death as a solution. Killing off all the humans, who are part of this whole humans against vampires thing, would be a perfect solution in his world. I couldn't ignore this. I had to step in.

I was rubbing my face in frustration when Michel came out of the bathroom and began to get dressed. He didn't say anything to me, he could probably tell who was on the other end of the line, hear my thoughts, hear his voice. His presence was a balm though, a soothing balm, calming my jangled nerves and rising temper.

“Ah,” Gregor breathed down the line. “Your kindred is near, is he not?”

Huh? “How do you...?”

“I sense your calm through our bond,
ma cherie
. I also sense you moving further away from me. I admit, my desire for you to be in my city is more than just political, my dear. Much, much more.”

Michel was standing over me in an instant, growling low and long. I knew Gregor was doing it on purpose, his laughter at the other end of the phone line made that quite clear, even if I didn't know him well enough by now to have figured out his ulterior motives already.

“Gregor, I'll have to get back to you on this.”

“Of course,
ma cherie
. Go calm your beast. I am, if nothing, a patient man and I have already tasted the dessert, I can wait a little longer for one more mouthful.”

The phone was snatched from my hand and hurled across the room in an instant, where it shattered against the far fall. The call disconnected with finality. Michel hauled me up into his arms and growled as he grabbed my hair and tipped my head back, exposing my neck.

I managed a, “Michel!” before his fangs bit into the side of my neck and his words shouted through my mind, the room, hell, even the universe:
You. Are. Mine!

Possessive, much?

The bite didn't last long, just enough for him to feel he owned me again. I was getting used to it, I wasn't sure how much longer my neck was going to survive it though, but I understood it. For the first time in my association with vampires, with Michel, I understood. This wasn't about controlling, this was about not sharing. I was his, he didn't want to share me and for the first time I didn't want to be shared either.

“Oh God,
ma douce,
” he said in a shaky voice as he crushed me to him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Maybe, this reading my every thought was going to be helpful after all.

He let me go so I could have a shower, but he didn't go back to getting dressed, he just sat on the side of the messed up bed and stared off into space. His hand running along his jawline in a soothing contemplative motion, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He was beautiful to watch, even in this distracted moment. He was gorgeous. I wanted him again right then and there.

His eyes shot up to me still standing in the doorway of the bathroom and his lips quirked at the corners.

“I think I should perhaps leave you to shower,
ma douce
.” He slipped on some trousers while I watched with hungry eyes, he didn't bother with a shirt. “I'll be in the kitchen fixing you something to eat. I will have you eating again properly, if it the last thing I do.”

He blew me a kiss from the door and headed out of the room.

I sent him.

Sweet temptation, thy name is Lucinda.

I laughed as I got under the shower, finally and had the most luxuriously warm and wonderfully imaginative few moments alone. Aware that I probably wasn't really alone, that Michel would be hearing every thought, probably seeing every image, I was painstakingly playing in full HD colour and surround sound in my head. I have a very good imagination.

I heard a loud growl from outside the room and just laughed harder. He probably hadn't even made it down the stairs yet.

He was sitting in the kitchen when I came down though, still shirtless, still gorgeous. Still looking very frustrated.

“So, how's that reading my mind going for you?” I said as I slipped into a seat at the table and picked up the delicious and extremely tempting looking sandwich he had put together for me. Ham, cheese, tomato, lettuce, mayo, oh and pickled cucumbers, my favourite. Divine.

He sat back, placing his tablet computer carefully on the table and looked at me. I could see the
New Zealand Herald
website on the open browser page. I hadn't realised he'd brought his tablet here. Maybe he had one in every house he owned.

ma douce
. You must demonstrate some of those more acrobatic moves you imagined some time. I would be keen to help you realise your potential.”

I just looked at him over the top of my tasty sandwich and winked.

“Whenever you say the word, lover boy, I'm your girl.”

He smiled broadly at that.

“You are?”

“Ah-ha,” mumbled around a mouthful of sandwich.

“Promise.” His voice was low, sexy, inviting.

I started chewing my mouthful more carefully, he was up to something, I couldn't tell what. Hell, who cares, I was so his it wasn't funny any more.

He burst out laughing. “That is so good to know,
ma douce
. I shall hold you to it.”


He relaxed back into his seat and just watched me eat. I was used to it, this was familiar ground, he's watched me eat so many times, I can no longer count. It's almost a ritual for us, so comforting.

Will you stay with me tomorrow?” I have no idea where that came from. I was quite prepared for Michel to stay at
and for me to go back to work.

He looked curiously happy, but almost as though he was unsure whether to believe his good fortune or not. He reached out and took my free hand.

“I would stay with you every day if you would let me. But, if it is just tomorrow, then so be it. I am yours. Tomorrow I shall stay here with you.”

I had a sudden attack of the guilts. “I suppose, I should really go back to work.”

He shook his head, still holding my hand and slowly stroking the skin on the back of it with his thumb. “You are on leave for the rest of the week,
ma douce.
We were not sure how quickly you would recover, or if we could get you out of the hospital as soon as you came round. It was a safety measure, but I believe you should take full advantage of it. We must sort this Taniwha issue, before it gets too much further out of hand. We have to take a more proactive stance.”

I finished my last mouthful of sandwich, aware that it was the first time in days I had eaten without feeling nauseous. I took a sip of
Diet Coke
to wash it down and sat back in my chair.

“Rick is still out there, I take it?”

“Yes. He has made sure we are aware of it, he expects us to act first I think.”

“How did he capture you, Michel?” The sixty-four thousand dollar question.

Michel ran a hand through his hair, which he hadn't tied back since showering. Oh yeah, that's right, the urge to escape the bedroom was too strong. I say again,

ma douce
, very harsh.” But he was smiling slyly at me. “I am afraid, he caught me at a weak moment. I had thought he was prepared to talk. I have been trying for a discussion for days, he seemed amenable to negotiations. I was a fool and also, I admit, not at my best, so the mistake is all mine. I had wanted to solve this for you,
ma belle
, without further bloodshed, if I could.”

Wow. That was interesting, wasn't it? Here's Michel trying to do the humane thing, something he knew I would have wanted above all else and there's Gregor slicing down humans because he can and it's easier that way.

I shook my head in amazement. “Is there any wonder why I love you so much?”

I think he had stopped breathing, he just looked at me in shock. Oops. Maybe I hadn't said that aloud before, I know I'd
it to him plenty.

He moved with vampire swiftness, one minute stock still staring at me from across the way, the next on his knees between my legs, his head resting on my stomach, his arms wrapped around my waist.

Ma belle petite lumière, la raison de mon existence. Je t'aime, je t'adore, je t'aime.

I hesitated for a second, his words so sincere, so full of love, but I couldn't stop myself for long and found my hands running through his hair, soothing him, touching him, calming him. I reached down and cupped either side of his face, raising it up towards me. It was a bit weird looking down at him, I usually have to look straight up to reach his face, but his lips felt the same as normal, when I brushed them with mine.

When he sighed against me, I slipped my tongue inside, just a hint, running it along the inside of his bottom lip, dipping in then out, making him moan for more. I had intended to just leave it as a soft, intimate kiss, nothing more, but Michel responded with his usual hunger and need. He took command of the kiss and deepened it, his tongue taking over possession of my mouth. His hand at the back of my head, in my hair, pulling me to him. His other arm staying around my waist, then using that arm to pull me onto the floor and into his lap. He was kneeling, I had my legs either side of his, straddling his lap. A handy position, I must say. He continued to kiss me with deep urgent thrusts of his tongue. I was taking much delight in the fact he didn't have a shirt on, running my hands all over his bare skin, digging my nails in to his flesh, making him growl against me.

I knew where this was heading, we just couldn't keep our hands off each other tonight, but I didn't care. We'd get to
eventually, do the whole make happy the line thing and then come back here for more. But right now, I wanted him. Here, on the floor, or maybe the kitchen table. Either would be good.

He quickly lifted my T-Shirt off me, then made even quicker work of my bra, his lips leaving mine, which were now swollen and red no doubt, to wrap around a nipple, his hand from my hair now gently fondling the other breast, not to leave it out. I could feel his erection stirring, pushing against the fine material of his trousers. I wanted it out as much as it wanted to be out. I think we were safely on the same page.

It did occur to me that we were behaving a bit like rabbits recently. I mean Michel and I have always had a healthy sexual relationship, when I wasn't running from him that is, but lately, it's been absolutely anything that sets us off, gets the flame burning, the desire pumping. Since returning from Wellington, we'd been unable to say no once the ball started rolling. Why?

It is the claiming, I am giving off pheromones, I can not help it. I want you so badly, your body is simply responding to my scent. I am sorry, I will try to stop.

He did, he tried to pull away, to give me distance, but I didn't care if he was scenting me into a frenzy, I didn't care that it made me want to jump his bones the second he walked in a room. It had no effect on how I felt about him as my kindred, as the love of my life, it was just a sexual stimulant. I'd still want him under normal situations, but just not quite like this lack of inhibitions we were displaying right now. I mean, come on! The kitchen floor? What if Erika or Amisi walked in right now? My body didn't give a shit. And neither did I.

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