Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (44 page)

Read Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Online

Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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Adam pushed my body back against the wall just hard enough that it stung my ass. I yanked his wet hair in retaliation until he growled and pinned my arms above my head. He was out of reach and in control. His mouth took mine, devoured it, and opened it up until his tongue was sliding across the roof of my mouth, making my heels dig into his ass.

He held my arms with one hand while his other yanked
he shoved his pants and underwear to the ground.

The second his entire body was exposed fully to me
, I cried out with a mix of anger, fear, and pleasure. His rock hard abs sloped sharply toward his Adonis-V. His body was a machine built for brutal killing. Each line was there for strength and speed. His arms bulged and grew while he grasped my waist. His fingers almost touched in the center of my stomach, that’s how small I was in comparison.

He was going to slay me, break me,
and tear me inside out whether he was doing it maliciously or not. I was out of my league. His eyes seared down my skin, taking in my breasts and quivering stomach. His mouth bent forward and captured my nipple at the same moment he shifted us away from the wall.

I tried to yank his mouth off my breast, but it was no use. His tongue swirled around my flesh making it impossible to build any strength against him.

He shoved me down on the shower bench, tossing the shampoos aside to make room. My heart rate spiked as the bottles went flying across the shower, hitting the glass with loud pops.

“Lay back and spread your legs,” he demanded huskily, never drawing his gaze away from my
sex. I hated letting him be in control. He didn’t own me. His mouth was sin. His body was sin. I could be stronger than my primal urge to have him fuck me against the tiled wall. This was wrong.

“Don’t touch me,” I fumed. His
beautiful lips twisted into a smirk as he bent onto his knees. His presence crowded the shower, making me feel even more helpless as his palms pressed my thighs apart for him. He could see every inch of me. Everything inside of me twisted in anger and lust. Why was my body betraying me? Why couldn’t I overcome his power over me?

I tried desperately to shove my knees together, to close myself off, but his powerful arms kept me spread for him without much effort at all. Even as I fought to break away from him, my entire body sparked with pleasure.

It was a twisted game and Adam was setting the rules.

“I don’t want this. Get off of me!” I shrieked, trying to convince myself as much as him. He responded to my words by
pressing a finger deep inside me. So long and deft, it curled into me, hooking my body to him. I bit down on my lip, drawing a drop of blood as my back arched in need.

“Fuck,” he barked out, watching me respond to him in traitorous fashion. “Look at me,” he demanded so
loudly that my eyes sprang open.

Hot water streamed down my body as his mouth bent to lick the skin
just above my clit, teasing my legs apart. My lips fell open as a cry of pleasure rang across the tiled walls. His arms wrapped around my thighs and I propped my feet on his shoulders, needing to stabilize my body. His fingers spread my entrance apart and I watched him lick from the base slowly up until he’d unraveled every nerve ending in my spine.

My mouth hung open, my entire body shook with pleasure as he went to work, sucking and biting with a seductive rhythm. His sweet l
ips kissed and marked me as his.

His tongue worked too swiftly for my mind to concentrate on anything else. My vocal cords had been taken over
by cries of pleasure rather than threats.

His features were masked in dark pleasure as his tongue spun around my clit in a maddening rate. His dark eyes never left mine as he watched me cave to his deft abilities. His erection taunted me, solid and impossible hard, ready to claim me whenever he deemed me ready.

I couldn’t peel my eyes away from it and he knew it. His smug grin told me so as his lips pulled away from me. His finger worked agonizingly slow inside of me, drawing out moisture and teasing me until I was all but begging him to finish. My orgasm was awakening, crawling toward the surface, but he wasn’t going to coax it out until I was mad with need.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you, Kate,” he demanded with a dark, wicked tone.

I tried to answer, to argue, but he worked another finger inside of me, keeping me on the brink of collapse.

“Fuck you…” I managed between shallow breaths
. “Let me go.”

“God, you’re a fucking liar. Say it!”
He thrust his fingers inside of me so hard that my eyes squinted close. I could feel him on my g-spot, but he wasn’t going to let me come this way. No, he wanted to be buried inside of me; just like I needed him to be.

I swallowed past a wild moan and stared him straight in the eye
, midnight meeting cool ocean. He knew I wouldn’t cave.

“Please,” I murmured, unsure
of what I was pleading with him to do. Leave me or fuck me against the wall?

I expected him to shove himself inside of me, to take me anyway and end both of our misery. I needed to orgasm. My skin was crawling, my nerves were on edge
, and I felt like my heart would pump right through my chest.

Instead, he shoved away from me, slamming the glass door open so hard that I thought it would shatter into a million pieces.

“Get out and get dressed,” he snapped. “If you
yourself, I’ll send you back to your cell. Do you understand?” He was standing outside of the shower, completely naked with water dripping down his physique. I heard his words and I nodded, but my concentration was focused on his muscles, his broad shoulders, his incredibly toned stomach. Why hadn’t I just told him to fuck me? Why was he leaving me unsatisfied and needy?

Because this wasn’t right no matter how good it felt.


Chapter Five


Once I heard his bedroom door slam closed behind him, I turned the water off and eased my way out of the shower. The clothes he’d brought me were lying on the sink, right next to a clean towel. I don’t think I’ve ever dried off and dressed so quickly in my life. I had no clue what was in store for me. If he’d send me back to that disgusting cell or let me stay in the suite.

I didn’t
to be in the suite, but it was the lesser of two evils. The suite was cleaner, I had fresh clothes, and I felt protected by Adam more in the suite than I had back in the cell.
by him. What kind of sick person feels protected by their kidnapper?

I prodded at the clothing
on the counter as if it were alive and could strike me at any time. When I was confident that they were just normal clothes, I stepped closer. There was a matching pair of white underwear, modest, but lacy. As well as a short cream sweater dress. I was thankful for the long sleeves, but the hem hit much shorter than I would have normally preferred. My hands worked to tug it down as far as possible, but it was a loss either way since pulling it down meant more of my cleavage was visible.

I tiptoed out of the bathroom on silent feet, as if I was afraid to awaken the three-headed beast. He was unpredictable and unstable. Too handsome and scary for his own good.

The bedroom was empty and his bed beckoned me once again, but I shoved past the thought and crept to the door. With my ear pressed against it, I tried to pick up on any sounds.

A moment later
, I could hear Adam’s voice.

“Don’t let her leave this suite. She’s still a prisoner. No one is to speak with her
her while I’m gone.”

The m
en he was speaking to agreed to his instructions. I heard them shuffling across the concrete floor.

“I don’t need both of you watching her. Lee
, come with me to question the man you picked up the other day.”

Their footsteps were growing fainter, but I
still caught the tail end of their conversation.

“He wouldn’t speak two days ago and we haven’t given him any food since. Hopefully he’ll be more
compliant today,” the man spoke with a wicked tone.

I’ll make sure he is,” Adam clipped matter-of-factly.

What the fuck. He was going to torture someone? Right then? After everything we’d just done? Was he truly so far gone from morality?

I sank back against the bed. He’d said I was allowed to leave the bedroom, but I didn’t want to draw the guard’s attention by wandering around the suite. I didn’t trust any of them, so I decided to stay in the room as long as I could.

After checking every window and finding absolutely no means of escape, I leaned back against the bed to think. But then the lack of sleep from the previous two nights caught up to me
, and I felt my body falling back against the luxurious bedding before I could stop myself. My eye lids fluttered closed, and in the privacy of Adam’s bedroom, I caught up on the sleep that I dearly needed.


Adam pulled my sweater dress up with his rough, demanding hands. His other hand pressed my lower tummy down on the bed so that I couldn’t wiggle out of his grasp. When his tongue found me wet and waiting, I couldn’t contain it anymore. I couldn’t call his bluff, and I moaned his name, gripping his hair and begging for more. I needed him to sink into me, to take me like he’d hinted at doing all along. I wanted to be scarred by him. I wanted to be branded as a lunatic all because his touch made circumstance and morality dissipate.

“Kate,” he said between my parted thighs. I moaned louder in response.

“Kate, wake up.”


One moment I was teetering on the brink of a dreamy orgasm, and the next I was wide awake. Reality sank in like a hot knife.

I’d been dreaming about him, moaning his name
, and he’d been watching me do it. I tilted my head up to find my legs spread wide and my hand down my underwear. It wasn’t Adam’s tongue; it was my fingers driving me wild.

With an exasperated breath
, I pulled my hand out and straightened up against the headboard. My hands worked to pull my sweater dress down. And finally, when I could contain the fierce blush, I peered up at Adam.

He had a coffee cup in his hand. A wicked grin on his face. His midnight eyes were dark and mocking me. Arrogant asshole. Even when he brought that cup up to his fuck-me-senseless lips, that smirk never wavered.

“I should count that as touching yourself and send you back to your cell,” he mocked. It was clear he was quite amused by situation.

I mashed my lips together, trying to spit fire through my eyes. “Oh, please.”

The side of his sinful mouth lifted a centimeter higher. “Funny, that’s exactly what you were moaning in your sleep.”

My face heated and I bit my bottom lip in anger. If he was a foot closer I would have reached out and slapped him. He deserved it.

“I wasn’t dreaming about you,” I declared with an arched brow. False bravado was leaking from my veins as if I could actually beat this guy at his own game.

He tried to contain a smile as he moved forward to drop his coffee cup on the side table next to the bed. When he straighten
ed, his fighter body loomed over me like a shadow.

“Tell me Kate, do you know many Adams? Do you moan their names and beg them to
fuck you while you sleep?”

I sat up onto my knees,
still leaving me a few inches shorter than him. It was close enough. “I would never dream about someone who
people. You’re disgusting.” I spat out the words like I actually meant them, and for fuck’s sake I did mean them. I meant them. I kept repeating that to myself as I pushed away from the bed and slammed his bedroom door behind me.

I didn’t want to explore his apartment with him gone, but now I had no reason to stay cooped up in his room. I was fueled with embarrassment and anger. Thos
e two things combined to push away any common sense. I moved with quick steps until I was standing in his kitchen, turning in a quick circle. I didn’t know I was hunting for a weapon until I pulled open a draw and found the sharp steak knife. My movements were thoughtless. My fingers gripped the base and I slammed the draw closed again.

I’d never hurt anything beyond a mosquito. The feel of that knife in my hand
sent adrenaline coursing through my veins like wildfire. I was going to use it. I’d demand my freedom.

It only took Adam another moment before he stepped into the kitchen. His entire demeanor screamed control. It screamed hunter stalking prey. His eyes were pinned on me and his jaw ticked when he saw the knife in my hand. I backed up against the counter and held the blade out in front of me.

I realized in that moment how careless I’d been. Were there other guards? Would he command them to shoot me if I tried to stab him? My eyes darted around the space, trying to assess the surroundings.

“We’re alone, Kate. It’s just you and me,” Adam answered my wild search
, and I settled my eyes back on him. He hadn’t paused his pursuit. He was stepping toward me with such confidence that I looked down to confirm that I
have a knife in my hand. Was he not scared in the slightest? I’d taken self defense. I couldn’t beat him in strength, but I could be quick and surprise him.

So I did. I moved with ferocious speed. My knee lifted to make contact with his groin as my hand shoved out to stab the knife into his side. He deflected my knee with a sharp grab, but he wasn’t quick enough to block my knife as well. Maybe he didn’t expect me to have the nerve to actually stab him. My knife made contact with his skin beneath his shirt. It
all happened too quickly to gage how deep the knife sunk in.

He hissed and I watched his entire demeanor shift. I’d awoken the beast and I was about to learn what it meant to be a prisoner. With a sharp grab, he pulled the knife from my hand and threw it across the room in anger.
The metal crashed against his concrete floor and skidded to a stop. My eyes dilated and my breathing quickened until I thought I’d hyperventilate and pass out. I couldn’t quit. There was nothing left. I’d already pissed him off.

I stepped forward quickly, shoving my foot on top of his and using the leverage to push the heel of my hand against his nose, just as I’d done to Erian. Adam wasn’t a fool though. He moved faster than I could have imagined. His hands grabbed my wrists and twisted us around until I was lying on the concrete floor with him straddling my hips. My dress had ridden up around my waist and I
couldn’t move an inch.

We were screaming at each other with our eyes. Neither one of us looked away. I’d be damned if I turned into a coward now. I’d fought hard and if he was going to kill me than I’d make him suffer the entire time.

“You don’t know what I am, Kate,” he whispered with a harsh tone. It caught me off guard. The fact that he wasn’t hitting me, that he wasn’t finishing the job quickly, didn’t make sense.

Why did he keep repeating that phrase? I knew what he was. He was a torturer. A criminal. A despicable human being. But I wanted him still. I wanted him to corrupt my soul and drag me down to the depths of hell with him. Oh it would be worth it. The dampness in my panties proved as much.

His hands loosened on my wrists as the situation started to sink in. His other hand yanked his shirt up to inspect his stab wound. It was nothing. A pitiful surface wound that had already stopped bleeding. My failure pissed me off and I took advantage of the opportunity. I grabbed his face between my hands, feeling the sharp lines beneath my soft palms. He was ice, stone, hard lines covering burning flames.

“Tell me what you are. Tell
me WHO you are!” I screamed, and he shoved me away from him. I fell back hard against the concrete. The pads of my hands caught my body before my head slammed back.

“You don’t make the rules here.” I thought he was going to leave after he’d tossed me away, but he came to stand over me. His thick cock was hard beneath his black pants.

“Get up,” he ordered with a biting tongue.

“No,” I challenged him, still feeling the edge of my anger. He didn’t deserve my compliance.

He reached down and wrapped his hands around my puny biceps to lift me to my feet. Before my equilibrium had even settled, he’d ripped off my panties and was tugging up my loose dress. My hand reached out to slap him, but he caught it with cat-like reflexes.

“Do you think that’s a good idea? Who do you think is in charge right now,

He didn’t let go of my wrist. He held it tight enough that when I tried to twist it free
, my skin smarted as if he were burning me. I reached up with my other hand and raked my nails down his chest. Through his shirt I could feel his skin, so warm and hard as a rock. I don’t know why I fought it, it didn’t make him stop; he liked when I fought him. I was like a little kitten trying to play with a bear.

He grasped both of my hands and then lifted me back onto the ledge of his kitchen island behind me. He gripped my hands behind my back so that I had to arch to keep them from being ripped out of my sockets. Fucking sexy asshole. I hated him as much as I needed him. His other hand spread
my legs apart so that my pussy was on perfect display for him.

“This is mine. This belongs to me. Why do you try and fight it?” he asked gruffly before bending down so that he was eye-level with my

“Do you see how it responds to me? How you respond to me? You’re dripping, Kate. You’re so fucking wet because you want what I give you.” He reached forward and lapped up my juices, his tongue’s rough texture violated my body, but somehow I needed more. I wanted him to lick me,
to drink me up.

“Do you feel that? This pussy belongs to me.” I stared down at him with angry lust flooding my gaze.

“You’re a fucking bastard,” I retorted.

body doesn’t seem to think that,” he answered, sweeping one of his long fingers into me. Even his finger made me want to grind down harder. Any part of his body would be enough to push me to oblivion. He pushed it in and I looked down, watching his finger sweep in and out, coated with the evidence of how much he owned my body.

“I can feel you grinding down onto me, Kate. You’re a fucking terrible liar.”

“Fuck you,” I growled.

He jumped to his feet and captured my mouth with his. We fought each other with our lips, ripping into each other’s souls and trying to take root. I wanted to tear his heart out and make him fuck me until I couldn’t walk. His fingers worked into me tirelessly. There was something primal about him
fingering me like that, as if he could make me come with barely any work at all.

His thumb swirled around my clit as his fingers fucked me. I begged him to keep going with my lips. My tongue stroked the top of his mouth and in return his touch devoured me. His grasp on my wrists never lessened. I could hardly feel my hands anymore, but I liked that he didn’t let go. He didn’t trust me. He didn’t trust us. This wasn’t a relationship; this was him
coaxing me into submission.

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