Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11) (14 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11)
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Jay smiled nervously when he walked into the bathroom as
I stepped from the shower.


“I have to get to work.”

He sighed. “I’ve ended things with Belinda.”

I shrugged, “You shouldn’t have done that.”

If I wasn’t so angry I would have laughed at the utter
shock on his face. “What? Why?”

“Well she gives you something you need. And you obviously
need it as like she said, you did text her saying you missed her ‘expert hand’.
Something we both know I don’t have.”

“Don’t,” he growled as anger contorted his previous soft
look. “You know that’s not true. You know I don’t need it when I’m with you.”

I snorted, growing angry when I struggled to fasten my
bra with the dampness of my skin. Gesturing for me to turn around, he hooked my
bra then held my shoulders so I couldn’t escape – he knew me too well. I sagged
with his touch and nodded, instantly easing with his determination to console
me. “I know, I’m sorry. But I can’t help worrying that... when the novelty with
me wears off that you’ll need…”

“Stop it!” he whispered harshly. “Bea, you ARE everything
that I need. You have proved it time and time again. You were made for me, fate
giving you to me to finally put my demons aside and grant me a reprieve.”

I couldn’t help but doubt myself. Graham had mocked me
after I’d found him with Lucy. He had taunted me saying it was my fault, that I
was shit in bed and couldn’t keep him sated and that if I had been able to
provide for him in the bedroom then he wouldn’t have needed to seek another
woman. But that wasn’t Jay’s fault and I was blaming him for something that he
had never even hinted at never mind said, and that wasn’t fair. I needed to put
Graham behind me and have more confidence in myself, after all Jay had the
ability to make me come, something Graham had never done, and Jay didn’t seem
to have any trouble in that department either, so I was obviously doing something
right. “How did Belinda take it? Is she okay?”

I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. I could see in her
eyes that she was in love with Jay, but he didn’t feel the same way. That must
hurt, deeply. I couldn’t help but blame myself and even though it wasn’t my
fault, I was concerned about her.

 “She’ll be fine. It was just a release between both of

I wasn’t about to tell him that I knew he was lying. I
could see he was worried and he felt guilty over it, and me adding to that wouldn’t

A knock at the door had me tensing. “Are you sure she was
okay with it?”

He nodded, giving me a soft scowl and warning me that the
discussion about Belinda was over. Kissing me quickly, he made his way to
answer the door.

I smiled to myself when I found that Jay had emptied my
suitcase and had filled half of his wardrobe with my clothes. I admitted that
it was nice to be staying with him. Although I craved my own space after living
alone for so long, it felt good to have the love and security he offered.


Venturing downstairs when I had dressed ready for work,
my feet stuttered when I was met with a giant sat at the kitchen table beside
Jay. They both looked up at me and smiled. Giant stood up and held out his hand
in greeting, “Miss Vine, my name is Elijah and I’m your personal security. I
gather Mr Fox informed you to my presence?” His smile was wide, his white teeth
faultlessly straight and his long blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail behind
his head but it was the sheer size of him towering above me that made my eyes
widened in amazement.

“Uhh.” I had no words to answer him and just nodded
slowly, my mind suddenly blank with the shock of him. I noticed Jay’s eyes
narrow and he came to stand beside me, his hand snaking around my side and his
fingers digging possessively into my hip.

“Yes, he did,” Jay answered for me sharply.

Elijah stared at him but his lips curved into a smirk. He
was obviously aware of his effect on women, and men. He tipped his head
politely at Jay and then turned back to me, “I’ll wait in the car Miss.”

When he’d disappeared out of the front door I blinked at
Jay, not able to hide my amusement. “Well bloody hell, isn’t he quite…
I couldn’t help but wind him up. The glower on his face was too comical for me to
remain stoic and I burst out a laugh. Seeing the worry on Jay’s face made me
chastise myself and I slipped my arms around him. “But he isn’t a patch on you.
You make my pussy hot and wet,” I whispered causing Jay to shiver in my arms.
“I know his cock could never give me the things that yours does, baby. He
couldn’t make me feel good like you do, and I know with my life that he will
never look at me the way you do. You don’t have to worry.”

He frowned at me then nodded but didn’t relax. “No, he
couldn’t.” He gripped my chin and narrowed his eyes on me. “You’re mine, Bea.
All of you. Don’t ever think that I’ll let you go because you will be sorely
wrong. And just so we’re straight, if another man ever touches you, he will die
and you wouldn’t like to hear what would happen to you.”

His statement should have shocked me, angered me but it
had the complete opposite effect. His possessive declaration made my belly
quiver with heat. His gaze on me was intense with warning and adoration. My
pussy thrummed with excitement, my chest heaving when the pure lust he
projected had me dropping to my knees and frantically pulling at his shorts,
his large, heavy cock springing free.

He groaned when I suddenly wrapped my lips around him and
sucked hard. His balls clenched and shrank back when my hand cupped them and I
slid my little finger along his perineum. His hands fisted my hair as he sucked
air in through his clenched teeth. “Bea…” he uttered as my eyes lifted to his,
his idolisation of me urging me on.

His mouth fell open when I slipped the tip of my finger
into his anus. His cock jerked in my mouth, telling me exactly what Jay felt
about my little given extra. “Fuck!” he growled when I pushed further in and
found the little bundle of nerves, giving it a gentle stroke.

He shuddered inside my mouth, his fists tightening their
hold on my hair as his hips thrust him deeper towards my throat. Suddenly he
pulled back and his hands curved around my face, pulling me up. No sooner was I
upright than he was spinning me around. My hands slapped on the counter as he
yanked up my dress. “Holy fucking hell,” he hissed out when he found my black,
lacy hold-ups. He ran a finger just under the lace edging, “I like these,
they’re hot!” My body vibrated with arousal, the simple light touch and his
keen approval driving me crazy. Leaning into my back, his teeth nipped at my
earlobe, “Hold on, sugar.”

He drove his cock inside me just as his firm hand slapped
my backside, the heat from it spreading through my body like a wildfire. I
cried out, digging my fingers into the granite as I tried to hold on when he
powered into me like a man possessed. He wasn’t gentle or easy, he was generous
and forceful, tearing my orgasm from me almost painfully. He followed me over,
his cock pushing deep inside as he spilled his cum into me with fierce growls
of satisfaction.

Blowing out a breath, I rested my forehead on the cool
worktop. “I think I will wear these nylons again.”

He chuckled and nipped my shoulder with his teeth. “Feel

Helping me up, he straightened my dress back over my hips
and then pulled me into his arms, placing a long kiss to my head. “I love you.”

I turned and looked up at him, “And I love you more.”

His smile made my heart quake but he leaned forwards and
kissed me on the nose. “I’m not in NSC until after lunch. Stay with Elijah, do
not move from his side!”

I nodded firmly and saluted him, “Yes, sir!”

He scowled at me. “I mean it Bea.”

The worry on his face had me backing down instantly. “I
know, I promise I will. Will you let me know if Sam finds anything?”

Nodding, he held out my jacket and I slid in it before he
escorted me out to the large posh car that Elijah sat waiting patiently in. When
Jay appeared at Elijah’s window as I slipped into the back seat, he wound it
down and respectfully gave Jay his full attention when he spoke. “Please take
care of her, she’s very special.”

Both my eyebrows shot high as my cheeks heated but Elijah
nodded firmly. “I take each job very personally Mr Carter, you needn’t worry,
Miss Vine will be very safe in my hands.”

“Mmm,” Jay mumbled and whispered something under his
breath that strangely sounded like, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Luckily, it appeared only me that heard his growl of
jealousy. I gave him a sly smile and shook my head as I blew him a kiss and
Elijah pulled away.



“Oh come on,” Miles pushed and I rolled my eyes at his
childish plea.

“I’m not sure. It’s Noah’s funeral on the following Monday,
and I’m not keen on leaving Bea all weekend.”

I could mentally picture him pulling a face at me. “Shit,
I know I told you to go after her, Jay but you aren’t attached to her. You need
your space from each other or you’ll both go mad.”

It was coming up to our yearly Vegas spree. Me, Miles,
Tom and Syed went every year, it was a proper guy trip, full of beer, gambling
and of course the one thing that would be missing from my trip this year, women
and sex. We’d been every year since we’d all been friends at uni and for the
first time ever, I was dreading it. Bea was my life now and I knew I would miss
her terribly, yet I also valued my mates. They’d been there through thick and
thin, and I knew even if I didn’t go they’d respect my decision, however I was still
reluctant to let them down. But they didn’t know what was going on in Bea’s
life and how her safety mattered more.

“Listen, let me have a word with Bea, if she’s fine with
it then I’m all for it.”

He cheered and his voice relaxed, the earlier tension now
gone. “Good boy!”

“You’ll have to team up with Tom this year though, the one
thing I won’t be doing is sleeping with any women.”

As if he’d expected it, he chuckled, “Don’t worry, Tom’s
all for it. Can you believe he’s never had a threesome? Where the fuck has the
man been?”

I’d expected to feel a little jealous but to be honest, I
was more shocked that I wasn’t. Bea was more than enough for me and I shook the
thought of her from my head when my dick started to grow. Miles was as carefree
as they came, he lived for sex with no sentiment. We’d often indulged in group
sex together because of his relaxed attitude and there was no better feeling
than the sensation of your cock in a hot arse with the slide of another cock
alongside, the tightness that gripped you was extraordinary. I squeezed my eyes
closed when I couldn’t help but picture Bea, beneath me, my cock in her
delicious ass and Miles inside her dripping cunt.
I was painfully
hard and amazingly not jealous. Miles would be the perfect partner, he was so
detached that I didn’t think even I would get jealous. He wasn’t selfish in bed
either, he could make Bea feel as good as I wanted her to feel, yet I knew he
would never step out of line in the emotions department. And I trusted Bea
impeccably, although I knew she’d slept with the bastard who had taken her, it
had been the drugs that had and not Bea in mind or spirit.

As if my best friend had access to my thoughts, he
cleared his throat. “I know how much Bea means to you, Jay so please don’t take
this the wrong way but…”

I knew what he was going to say and my body tensed. “I’m
not sure how… accepting she would be. I must admit though, for a minute there
my mind raced away with the picture of her between us both,” I finished for
him. I wanted nothing more than to make my girl feel good, to show her how
fucking amazing she actually was in bed. Her ex had made her feel insecure and
useless but she was far from it.

Even though it had been mere hours since I’d fucked Bea
like my life depended on it, my dick was solid and agonisingly rigid.
I was in trouble because now I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.

“Listen, let me know,” Miles cut in to my thoughts.

“How about you come to mine for supper, then you can both
get to know one another and I can feel Bea out a bit?”

“Perfect idea,” he agreed.

My mouth was dry when I ended our call so slipping into
my shoes ready for work I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and made my
way to my car. I wasn’t due in for another couple of hours but the house was
already too quiet without her and she’d only been here for a day. I loved
having her with me, the feel of her soft body against mine in the night, the
rhythmic softness of her breathing filling the silence in the bedroom that had
been there for far too long. Her little whimpers and the way her nose twitched
in her sleep was adoringly cute, along with her faint shivers in the night
making me chuckle. She was entertaining even when she was asleep.


The building was busy as I made my way through reception
to the security unit at the rear of the foyer. Pushing open the door, Bradley
was sat in my chair, filling in on my morning off. He shot to his feet but I
shook my head and waved him back down, “You’re okay, I have some work to catch
up, I can do it from your desk then I won’t get as distracted by the damn

He grumbled and nodded in agreement “Damn thing hasn’t
shut the hell up all morning, dunno how you do it.”

Rolling my eyes and nodding when the phone rang again and
Bradley cursed as he snatched it up, I pulled out my phone and text Bea.



We have company for supper, my friend Miles is joining
us, that ok?


It was a while before she answered back and then it was






??? Everything ok?


Frowning when she didn’t reply I hit the call icon. It
rang for an age before her voicemail kicked in. Grumbling under my breath, I
tried again, receiving the same damn response. I couldn’t help but wonder if
she was still pissed at me about Belinda’s visit that morning even though I
thought we’d sorted it. Grabbing my Bluetooth headset, I told Bradley I was
checking on something then took the stairs up to the next level where Bea’s
office was.

Just as I walked along the corridor towards her office, I
stalled when I noticed a group of people outside Bea’s office. Fran, noticing
me, visibly relaxed with relief. “Thank fuck!” she declared as she hurried
towards me. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been ringing down for ten
fucking minutes!”

“What’s going on?”

“Max King!” she hissed out his name, “He’s in Bea’s
office and he isn’t a happy camper, at all.”

“Why the hell didn’t you hit the panic button!” I snarled
as I set of into a run.

“I did,” she called out after me, “but you ignored it.” I
hadn’t ignored it but it was obvious Bradley had. The cunt was dead when I got
hold of him.

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