Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11) (15 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11)
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My morning had been totally shit. First off Samantha on
reception had insisted on coming into my office every fucking ten minutes with
every excuse under the sun, her wages, her holidays, her lieu days, even her
damn pension benefits seemed relevant for her to come and see me about. And all
because I had a companion for the day; Elijah. The woman was relentless,
thrusting her boobs out, fluttering her eyelashes and even cocking her hip like
all the damn prostitutes in the Chinatown windows did. And I was ready for
ripping her face off her head and shoving it up her perfect ass.

By mid-morning it got even worse, my whole system
crashed, the red blinking light on the PC tower making my teeth grind so hard I
knew I’d need a filling by the end of the day. Nothing appeared to be working
and after calling the IT unit four times someone eventually arrived two hours
later, stuck a stupid little thing in and the whole thing powered up in
seconds. After asking Ted, the IT guy, if I could have his gadget thingy just
in case it happened again he’d then gone into forty minutes of spiel about how
software was and how only
employees were
allowed one.

Elijah, sensing my imminent breakdown, had then scurried
to Starbucks in search of something full of caffeine and calories to bate my
impending insanity.

And this is when Max King, the guy NSC was currently
taking to court for the assault on Sarah DeBourges, decided to barge into my
office looking like Satan with a hangover of epic proportions.

He stood simmering with rage in my open office doorway as
I quickly sent a reply to Jay’s text about his friend coming for supper. Fran
caught my attention from the reception area, waving her arm about like a One
Direction fan on amphetamines, to let me know she’d alerted security.

I relaxed my face and looked up at him. I wouldn’t let
him see my fear, he was just the type of man that would love that. “What can I
do for you Max?”

Taking another step into the room, he slowly turned and
closed the door behind him. If it wasn’t for the buzz of rage and tension
surrounding him, I’d have thought he was just paying me a regular visit. Max
had worked for NSC for over six years and I’d received numerous complaints
about his attitude from various employees. Yet until he stepped out of line
professionally, there was nothing I could do. Then around three months ago he’d
cornered Sarah, a receptionist in the wages department, after working late one
night and brutally raped her. Yet because Max had been head of security at the
time, he’d cleverly managed to avoid the buildings CCTV - and somewhat of a
coincidence, the surrounding cameras had all ‘crashed’ - so in effect it was
her word against his that it was sexual assault even with the semen sample
they’d taken from her. Hence why Max was currently stood in my office instead
of in a cell in one of the many UK prisons.

“You do realise that my wife has left me. I’ve fallen
behind on my mortgage repayments. My Merc has been repossessed, my passport has
been seized, fucking up my trip to the states and to top it off my own fucking
kid thinks I’m a leper and refuses to have anything to do with me.” His voice
was calm and controlled, however the energy radiating from him was anything

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I replied softly, the rampant
thud in my chest a huge contradiction to the way I actually sounded.

He narrowed his eyes on me and stepped closer until he
placed his palms on my desk and leaned forwards. “No you’re not, Beatrice,
don’t lie.”

My mouth was so dry I was nervously licking my lips. His
eyes held a glint that was warning me to back the fuck off but I knew any
movement on my part would bait him into doing something rash, so desperately
pushing back my fear I cleared my throat. “I have no reason to lie to you, Max.
I am genuinely sorry about your child. However, I don’t see why you seem to
think that it’s my fault.”

He was gnawing on his bottom lip, trying to hold back his
rage but when a growl rumbled in his chest it appeared he wasn’t having much
luck. “You’re taking me to fucking court, you bitch. How is that not your

“NSC are taking you to court, Max, not me.”

“It was your signature on the paperwork, it’s you who has
encouraged Sarah to take legal action!”

“That’s not how it works.” I was having trouble
containing my own rage. Was this man for fucking real? He’d raped Sarah so
violently that not only had he broken her cheekbone but he’d left emotional
scars that would never in all her lifetime fade. Yet I knew he was only just
holding back the urge to throttle me so I had to be careful how I worded my

“Well I want my job back.”

My eyes popped wide and my jaw fell at his demand. He
must have gone crazy. There was no other explanation. “I’m afraid that’s not
possible until after the court case. If your innocence is determined then NSC
will reinstate you, until then I’m sorry but…”

He shifted so quickly I didn’t have chance to move. His
fingers snapped around my throat and he yanked me across my desk, the paperwork
I’d been working on tumbling to the floor with everything else in the way.

“Are you not listening to me? I didn’t ask, I told you. I
want my job back.”

“Max…” I choked out, my fingers curling around his as I
tried to loosen his grip. He was strong, I’d give him that. My vision blurred
as he continued to yank me, my body dropping to the floor with a thud. As he
pushed my face into the carpet and straddled my back, a loud sob burst from me.
Ava had taught me all the proper self-defence moves but when memories of the
rape burst into my head with the way he held me, I started to panic.

However, when he leaned into me, his mouth at my ear and
whispered to me, all hell broke loose in my head. “You feel just like your
brother did beneath me. Are you going to beg for your life like he did?”

A rage I’d never felt before completely took over, as
though a living monster inside me broke free and liberated all the hatred. My
ears buzzed with fury and my pounding heart pumped so much adrenaline around my
body that I literally felt high on it. I screamed beneath him, thrashing about
and clawing at anything I could get my hands on as I tried to free myself.

“I thought I’d give you a taste of your own medicine
bitch, just so you know what it feels like to lose your family like I have.”

“Arghh!” I screamed in frustration when I couldn’t get

He flipped me over and his fist connected with my cheekbone
with a sickening crunch. “The faggot deserved everything I gave him,” he spat
with so much hatred my body shivered with the chill in his voice.

My fingers scraped at the paper surrounding me as I
struggled beneath him. I cried out when he punched me again, the pain
unbelievable as tears of both frustration and grief flooded my sore cheeks. But
then my hand won the battle and my fingers curled around a paperweight that
Noah had bought for me one Christmas.

Swinging my arm, I aimed for his head. I wanted to kill
him, beat him until his brains coated the walls and his face crumbled under my
assault. But just as I neared contact, his own hand shot out and he grasped my
wrist. He tutted and shook his head, “You shouldn’t have done that.”

He peeled my fingers back and took the weight from me,
gripping it in his own hand. Just as the glass came hurtling towards my face,
my eyes squeezed closed ready for the contact, Max was pulled from me with a
force that sent the glass ball flying across the room.

I stared as Jay then proceeded to beat the living shit
out of him. His fists rained hits like a professional bare-knuckle fighter
would, the precision and power behind each strike astonishing. I had never seen
anyone fight with as much hatred or determination and it wasn’t until my brain
kicked up a gear that I realised Jay was killing him.

Clambering up and wincing at the pain in my face I flung
myself at Jay’s back, grabbing him as I tried to pull him off. “Jay!”

He didn’t hear me, he couldn’t, he was too far gone in a
haze of fury to distinguish anything other than killing the man that had hurt
his lover.

“Jay please,” I tried again. “He’s not worth going to
prison for.”

I looked up when the door to my office flew open and
Elijah stood with wide eyes, coffee in one hand a brown paper bag in the other.

“Don’t just stand there!” I shouted.

Snapping back to reality, he dropped the items and made
for Jay, his strength the only thing that managed to pull a consumed Jay off my
brother’s murderer.

Jay blinked at the heap that was left of Max before his
eyes snapped to me. His gaze was frantic as he looked me up and down. He took
one giant stride over to me and pulled me to him, his arms curving around me
tightly. “Are you okay?”

I nodded slowly, shock slowing my movements. “It was
him,” I managed to choke out. Jay frowned at me and shook his head.

“It was him what?”

“Max, he killed Noah.” My voice broke and a sob tore from

Jay stared at me then looked back at Max then back to me.
Pulling out his phone, he dialled a number. “It’s me. I need someone saving for
me. NSC. First floor. I will.” He ended the call and shoved his phone back in
his pocket then took my hand. Turning to Elijah, he spoke in a soft growl.
“Mason is sending someone for him. I’m taking Bea home.”

He nodded simply. “I’ll stay until they get here. Will
you sort the CCTV?”

Jay nodded. “I’ll handle everything here before I go.”

Elijah looked at me and grimaced, “I’m so sorry Bea.”

Shaking my head, I bent to pick up the brown bag. “It’s
not your fault, you went to fetch me this.” He nodded but I could see the guilt
on his face. “Hey,” I pressed, “This is important.”

He stared at me like I was crazy but a chocolate muffin
was the only thing saving my sanity right then. Jay just shook his head and led
me out.



Bea was quiet as I gently sponged water over her. Her
body was so tense I was surprised she could move. I wrapped my legs around
hers, the water lapping around us soothingly. “Bea, talk to me.”

She remained still for a while but then she shook her
head. “I can’t.”

I thought I’d made progress with her yet still she
struggled to open up. It both angered and saddened me. Softly she ran her
fingertips up and down my legs, the action calming the rage that was still
simmering beneath the surface. “Yes, you can.”

She shook her head and sighed. “No I can’t, I’m angry.”

“That’s normal. He killed your brother…”

“Not Max, you,” she whispered hoarsely as if the words physically
hurt her.

I stilled, stunned by her declaration. “What? I don’t

She paused then turned in the water until she was knelt
between my legs, her eyes sad and haunted as they fixed on mine. “What you have
done makes you as bad as him.”

“What I have done?” She nodded, lowering her eyes but I
lifted her chin making her face me. “We can’t sort this out if you won’t talk
to me. Tell me why you feel like that.”

Gently she traced the edge of my face with her finger,
her eyes following its track. She seemed to struggle but eventually she sighed
and looked back at me. “Why didn’t you just phone the police? Why did you ask
Mason to fetch him? And what I’m really struggling with is how you can just
dish cash out to all the witnesses, paying them off so they’ll keep their
mouths shut!” Her questioning started off quiet and timid until her last
question burst from her with anger. “And why erase all the CCTV? It was proof
about what he did to Noah, and me.”

Blowing out a breath, I gave her the simplest answer I
could. “Because he deserves to die, slowly and painfully.”

She shook her head, swallowing harshly. “But that’s just
it, he doesn’t deserve peace. He should be in prison for the rest of his life,
locked up with his own guilt to torture him. I have to grieve for the rest of
my life, Jay. I have to wake every morning without my brother, I have to face
his birthday, Christmas without him! I will never again be able to see his
smile, or hear his laughter. I won’t be able to touch him and console his
tears. He’ll never get to tell Jamie how much he loves him…”

She broke then, her words vomiting from her in between
huge gulps of air. “He’ll never hold my child, he’ll never watch me get
married. He’ll never again give me that sly wink when he would wind Dylan up…
and… and it’s not fair! It’s not fair!”

“I know, baby,” I whispered as she finally gave in and
allowed me to take her anger and grief. “And that’s why he needs to die,
because I swear to you, here and now, he will never be allowed to hurt you
again. Don’t ask me not to do this, Bea because I can’t. That filthy cunt raped
you, he fed you with so much filth that you lost your soul to him.”

She looked up at me and frowned, “What? It wasn’t Max who
did those things.”

My heart picked up a pace with the way her confusion
stared back at me. “What, of course it was him. He admitted it.”

“No,” she said with conviction, “No, he admitted killing
Noah. But nothing else.”

“How do you know? He…”

“Jay, Max was laid out on top of me, his mouth to my ear,
his rancid breath washing over me. He smelled different, he felt different, and
his voice was different. Trust me, I know. I’ll admit the man who raped me is
definitely the man who took me but it was most definitely not Max King.”

I couldn’t help but close my eyes and groan with
disappointment. I had thought it was over, that Bea was finally safe. I could
argue with her until the fucking world ended about how he could have hired
someone, or put on an accent yet I knew, deep down in me that she was right.
This was far from over.




Eight o’clock Miles rapped on the door, not waiting for
me to answer before he swept in. His huge grin when he spotted Bea made me
chuckle. “Well hello, sweetheart.”

She grinned back at him, his easy nature relaxing her
immediately and stood up, thrusting her hand out to him. Instead of shaking it,
he took it and softly kissed the back of her hand, his eyes never leaving her
face. “Well aren’t you quite beautiful, no wonder Jay dumped me for you.”

She giggled but blushed, her gaze moving to me. I knew
she was shocked by his directness but I smiled back and winked, watching how
easy they seemed with each other so soon.

Miles gazed at her, his head tipping to the side as his
eyes roamed every inch of her. Bea stilled under his scrutiny and gave me a bewildered
look. “Excuse him,” I laughed as I moved in to save her. “The only thing Miles
is interested in is getting inside you.” I figured it best to go for the honest

Miles tutted and slapped my shoulder, “I am interested in
her as a person too.”

I chuckled and lifted a brow, challenging him. “Oh, come

He shrugged, “Okay maybe I am imagining sinking inside
her right now. All those soft curves and that pale skin smattered with sexy
little freckles.”

Bea just stood stiff with wide eyes on both me and my
friend. “I don’t… uhh…” she stumbled over her words, but her eyes told me she
was trying to figure out if we were teasing her.

Giving her a reprieve I shook my head in humour and
grabbed the wine glass out of her hand that I’d been topping up for the last
two hours to try and relax her. She would be more open and honest with alcohol
and I didn’t want her to just go with the idea because she thought that’s what
I wanted, even if it was. I needed her to have the courage to say no if that’s
what she wanted. But then I needed her comfortable enough to say yes if it was
something that appealed to her.

“Food’s ready,” I changed the subject and took Bea’s
hand, Miles following closely behind us into the kitchen.

He propped himself up at the bar, his long legs still
allowing his feet to graze the floor from the height of the stool. “So who

“I did,” I said quickly when Bea lowered her face, her cheeks
heating with shame.

Miles chuckled and poured himself a large glass of red,
filling Bea’s and mine up at the same time. “So I gather you don’t cook,” he
directed at Bea as he took a swig of his drink and eyed her over the rim of the

She shook her head as she took the salad from the fridge
and placed it on the bar. “Not unless you want things black and crispy, then I
can cook you anything you like.”

He laughed, rolling his eyes humorously, “You’re okay,
sweetheart. I’ll stick to whatever Jay’s rustled up.” Right on cue, I placed a
plate of pasta and herb-crusted chicken in front of both him and Bea and slid
onto the stool beside Bea and opposite Miles.

“So,” Miles spoke to Bea after a few mouthfuls. “How’s it
going living with Mr Domesticated?”

I stared at him, growling under my breath at his mockery
of my lifestyle. “Miles, tell me one woman that would actually live with you,
you’re the filthiest pig I’ve ever known!”

He shrugged. “That’s the reason you get the women in,
fool. You’re doing this all wrong, mate. Backwards, I swear.”

Bea chuckled and switched her gaze from me to Miles with
a large smile at his banter. “So how long have you two been friends?”

“Around ten years now, we met at uni, hit it off

“What Miles means is he can’t live without me since the
moment he laid eyes on me.”

Miles spluttered his drink out and gawped at me. “Excuse
me Mr I’ve-got-a-large-ego, who is it that begs for my dick every month?”

My eyes shot wide and glared at him as I grabbed the edge
of the bar to stop myself from launching him across the room. He chuckled to
cover his slip up and grimaced at me but Bea burst out laughing, her head
shaking with amusement. “I like you,” she said honestly, the wine now doing
what it was supposed to. “At least he’s honest,” she aimed at me.

I frowned at her, “What about? Me craving his dick?”

Miles glanced at me as he slid his fork into his mouth
and tugged at a piece of chicken. We both turned our attention to Bea when she
giggled and rolled her eyes. “Oh don’t try telling me you never shared. Men are
notorious for it, especially experimenting in university.”

My mouth dried and I plunged ahead. “Well of course we
share, but we’re talking about Miles’ dick here, not sharing women.”

She narrowed her eyes, the glaze over them making me
reach forward and slide her glass away. “And when exactly are you going to tell
me the truth about why Miles is actually here?”



She quirked a brow at me, casually taking a bite of her
chicken as she waited for me to answer. My eyes shifted to Miles who just
smirked. “Busted!”

“I, uhh…” She caught me off guard and when she rolled her
eyes at my stunned silence, I remained dumbstruck staring at her.

“I mean, I could be wrong here,” she mumbled around a
mouthful of pasta and shrugging as if talking to herself, “And you’re trying to
tell me you two have a bisexual relationship, and I’m way off the mark that you
want to have a threesome with me in the middle.”

Miles coughed and grinned to himself as he tapped the
counter with his fingers. He was thoroughly amused and I’ll admit, I was more
in a state of shock than amusement.

“Bea… I… uhh…”

“Do you not think I experimented in uni?”

“Okay,” I lifted a hand and growled. “Enough. That is
something I don’t want to think about. With me, definitely, but without me,
then no fucking way.”

She smirked and casually looked at her plate. “I had sex
with a woman once.” She just blurted it out, right there as Miles froze with
his fork halfway to his mouth. I just blinked at her, unable to force that
little image out of my head.

“Jesus Christ, Bea!”

“What?” She shrugged. “It was really nice too.”

“Nice?” Miles spluttered.

Bea nodded and sighed. “I’ve never had a threesome with
two men before though, only another woman and a man.”

My mouth dried as my cock banged on the zip of my jeans
for freedom. I had to close my eyes for a moment to regain some sort of
composure. My teeth were vibrating with the amount of lust riding my system.
Her voice was soft, seductive as her own arousal surged with her obvious
memories. Never in my life had I ever envisaged Beatrice Vine had experimented
with group sex. She never failed to surprise me time and time again.

“So,” she suddenly declared as she slid off her stool.
“Who’s for pudding?”

And then she ripped off her t-shirt.

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