Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11) (2 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11)
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Jay, 2 weeks later


Ava winked at me and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in
amusement. “Mummy’s gonna smack your backside. Yes she is,” she finished with a
singsong voice, her tongue in her cheek as she danced to the music playing
through the iPod she wasn’t actually allowed to listen to in my dad’s reception
area – not that Ava ever bothered to do as my dad said.

Mason chuckled, wrapping his arm around his wife’s shoulders
but smirking at me. “Oops-a-daisy,” he mocked, his tongue also in his cheek.
“This I gotta watch,” he laughed when my dad’s office door flung open and my
mother narrowed her eyes on me.

“Get – in – here, Jay Carter!” she growled.

“Something pissed you off, Liv?” Ava croaked between
episodes of hidden laughter, her eyes watering as they laughed at me.

Mum just growled something incomprehensible and gave me another
stern look. “In – now!” God, I loved my mother but at times she drove me in-fucking-sane.

Following her in, I closed the door behind me. “Don’t
stress, Mum. It’s all rosy and sunny.”

“Oh,” she mimicked, “It’s all rosy is it?” I swallowed

“Mother,” I tried with a sigh as my dad sat silently in
his chair behind his desk, his eyes holding as much amusement as Ava’s and
Mason’s had. “I warned her before I bedded her that I…”

“That you fuck them then fuck them off?”

“Uh-huh.” I affirmed with a nod. “It’s not my fault they
can’t handle just the once.”

“Jesus – bloody – Christ!” she snarled. “This is your
fault!” she spun around and barked at my dad.

Dad’s jaw dropped as he stared at my mum. “What the… How
is it my fault?”

“Because,” she muttered, “Because.”

“Oh well, if it’s ‘because’ then I apologise.”

I sighed, blowing out a bored breath. “Are we done? Lucas
needs me to go through the new human resources software.”

“No!” Mum sighed and shook her head. “But you’re not
going to listen so I won’t waste my breath.”

I smiled at her, giving her the grin I knew always
worked. “I always listen to you.” Kissing her forehead she melted against me.
“You’re more important to me than anyone. You know it.”

Dad stared at me when I winked at him over Mum’s
shoulder, shaking his head as he chuckled silently. Pointing a finger at him as
I left the room, I shouted. “See how easy it is for some of us!” I laughed when
the door closed and the thud from him throwing something at me ricocheted off
the wood.

Ava glared at me. “You’re still in one piece.”

I gawped at her. “And why do you seem disappointed?”

“Because she loves to see people in pain,” Mason answered
for his wife.

She slapped him playfully. “I do not!” she protested.
“Only men, Mason, only men in pain!”

Mason thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah, just men.”

Laughing, I left them arguing as I made my way down a few
flights to the IT floor. “Morning Mr Carter,” Valerie, Lucas’s receptionist
beamed at me, thrusting her tits out. Been there, did that. So never again.

“Morning Val.” I smiled politely as I walked straight
past her and towards Lucas’s office, leaving her staring after me in a stunned

Not waiting for an invite I pushed open Lucas’s door and
stepped inside his office. He was bent over his desk looking at something
written on some paper, his head nodding as a woman beside him explained a few
points. Her back was to me, her arse giving me quite a nice view. I pursed my
lips appreciatively, tipping my head slightly, the tightness of her skirt
making my dick twitch. I hoped she was a new girl. I was looking for something

“Jay,” Lucas greeted with a smile as he turned to look at
me over his shoulder. “Come in, Beatrice is just going through what she needs
the software to cover.”

Beatrice turned her head to look at me. My dick shot to
life, my balls crying out with need. “Well hi there,” I grinned at the beauty
from Pulse a couple of weeks back.

Her brows shot up, disappearing into her blonde fringe as
her jaw dropped. “Mr Sex!”

My own brows lifted as Lucas turned to gawp at her.
Blushing madly, she coughed and smiled awkwardly, “Uhh... That is… well what I
meant was… I --- missed… the sex?”

If she wasn’t so adorable I’d have considered her a
little crazy. Lucas burst into laughter then snapped his mouth closed when
Beatrice glared at him. “Right okay,” he coughed, “back to work.”

Waving me over he gestured to the paper on the table.
Sliding between Beatrice and Lucas, I only just managed to hold back a moan
when her subtle floral scent made my gut clench and my balls shrivel. Scanning
what she wanted, I nodded and tipped my face her way, giving her a grin.
“Shouldn’t be a problem.”

She smiled – sort of, and nodded. “It will be easier to
keep track of everyone’s planned holidays and lieu days. It’s becoming a bit of
a problem for my staff.”

“Your staff?”

She frowned as though I was stupid. “Yeah, my workforce.
You know, people who I manage all the way down in personnel on the first floor.”

“Oh,” I grinned harder. “You’re head of personnel.”

“Uh-huh,” she murmured as she turned to leave. Her
massive pin thin heels seemed to give her a slight problem when her ankle folded
and she tipped sideways, her hand snatching hold of the doorframe to support
her. Straightening her shoulders and refusing to turn around, she coughed and
wiped at something that appeared to be stuck to the front of her tight
pin-striped skirt, then she walked slowly out.

Suddenly, I had an incentive to come into NSC more often.
Previously, I had pushed off my dad’s proposal that I should take the job as head
of security and had only been working part-time beside Lucas Hunt in the tech
department. Yet now, now it didn’t seem so unappealing.

At all.



I glared at Mia. She pursed her lips and tipped me a wink.
“Oh yeah,” she said to Dylan, the youngest of my five brothers, and smiled at
Ollie when he passed her another hotdog from the barbeque he was currently in
charge of. Oliver, Jack and Noah were older than me and Alex and Dylan were
younger. However, they all acted like my bloody minders and at times their
careful watch got a little too much.

“Yeah?” Dylan said, narrowing his eyes on me.

“I am entitled to a holiday, you know!” I retorted.

“You are,” he agreed. “But not on your own, Bea.”

I glared at him. “I’m twenty six, not eight!”

“Don’t care,” Jack butt in as he thrust a beer in my
hand. “Not on your own Bea.”

“Bloody hell!” I grumbled and turned to Ollie. As the
eldest sibling, at forty two, he had taken on us all when my parents had died
during a skiing accident when I was ten. We all looked up to him and as much as
he drove us all nuts, we respected him for the endless love and care he had
given us, stepping into parent mode without a second thought. But I supposed we
all did it for family. “Ollie, come on!”

He sighed and blew out a breath. “Where are you going?”

“Italy,” I revealed quietly.



“No way are you slapping yourself bang in the middle of
the Italians. The men will eat you alive!”

“Oh come on! I’m quite capable of looking after myself. I
actually live on my own. I shop and pay my own bills. I can even wipe my own
arse you know!”

Ollie’s face hardened as he shook it from side to side.
“Why don’t you go to Cornwall, or Wales is nice.”

My jaw dropped. Even Mia’s eyes widened. “What?”

Ollie shrugged. “You go to Italy, you go with one of us.”

“Arseholes,” I muttered under my breath as I glared at

Sidling over to me, she grimaced. “I’m sorry, I really
thought they’d give you grief. I didn’t expect them to stop you going.”

“Three years I’ve been saving for this!” I hissed at her.
“And one word from you and all my hard work is down the drain.”

“Bea!” she shouted as I stormed inside Ollie’s house.

“Hey,” Pauline, Ollie’s wife, smiled sympathetically.
“You okay?”

Huffing, I opened the freezer and took out the bottle of
vodka Ollie always stored in there. Pauline handed me two glasses and I poured
a shot in each. “To freedom,” she winked.

“I’m going, Paul, they’re not stopping me.”

“This will be fun,” she chuckled, knowing exactly how Ollie
and my brothers were with me. “To a try at freedom,” Pauline laughed as she
poured me another shot.

“I’m going!” I confirmed.

And damn it, I was.




Giggling at myself, I fell face down on my bed and
groaned as the softness embraced me. I’d had far too much to drink, again. Noah
had drove me home and planted my feet firmly in my bedroom, kissed my head then

The ceiling spun around and around when I rolled onto my
back. The lightshade appeared to be dancing with me. “I’m going to Rome,” I told
it as I pointed a finger in the completely wrong direction. “It is booked and…”
I swallowed back the need to vomit. “…and it’s paid for, Light. So this girl…”
I stabbed myself in the chest – or some region near my chest. “…this girl is

Rolling over, I grabbed at my phone when it rang, my stupid
fingers sending it scuttling across the room where it plopped heavily by the

“Oopsie,” I giggled as I clambered off the bed and
crawled across the floor.

“Hola!” I hailed into the phone when I slid my finger
across the display.


I frowned at the unfamiliar voice. “That’s me!”

“Hey,” the man’s soft voice came back at me.

“Okay, I need a name.”

Silence greeted me for a second. “It’s Robbie.”


“Robbie Grant,” he sighed, “from work.”

“Oh Robbie. Hi,” I finally acknowledged.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.


“You sound… different.”

“Do I?” I laughed. “That’s because I’m currently drowning
in vodka, Robbie.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Yes. Did you ring for a
specific reason? I handed the complete contract to Mr Carter. He gave it the go

“Oh,” he cut in quickly. “I’m not actually ringing about

I blinked. “Then why are you ringing me?”


I pressed the phone to my ear when he went quiet. “Are
you still there?”

“Yep, sorry. Uhh, I wondered if you’d… if you’d go out to
dinner with me one day this week.”

I barked out a laugh. Then cringed. “Sorry,” I coughed,
“The light winked at me. Uhh, I appreciate the offer, Robbie but I work with


“Well, don’t you find it a bit much, working with someone
and going out to dinner with them? It’s like being glued together.”

“Not really.” His voice was quiet again.

“Well I do,” I told him. “See you tomorrow Rob.”

Ending the call, I flung the phone to one side and
snuggled into the rug. It was actually quite soft and snug. Shrugging, I
grabbed the edge and rolled over, the rug binding me inside it like a cocoon. I
grinned at Light. “Result!”

He smiled back and whispered goodnight as I shut my eyes
and slept. Heavily.

So heavily, I was late for work the next morning.

Chapter 4


I glared at the guy currently sat in the chair behind the
desk. Pulling the door back open, I took another look at the name plate.


Beatrice Vine


“Thought so.” Turning back to the guy, I stared at him.

“She’s not in yet,” he glared back, his tone cool.

“Well unless she’s taken a serious dive, looks wise, I

“Can I help you, Jay?” He sighed as if bored, his eyes
regarding me with disgust.

“No, I want the organ grinder, not her monkey.”

His cheeks heated. This dick was so easy to wind up.
“Well, I’m afraid
isn’t available. So you’ll have to deal with me.”

I didn’t miss the way he shortened Beatrice’s name as
though they were friends. I also didn’t like the way my gut clenched at that
thought. “And who are you exactly?”

“Robbie Grant, Bea’s assistant.”

“Bea’s assistant?” I repeated at the same time as
Beatrice walked in behind me and echoed my words.

“Bea’s assistant?” She reiterated as she narrowed her
eyes on Robbie.

Quickly shooting out of Beatrice’s chair, Robbie smiled
guiltily and coughed. “Well I was filling in for you until you got in.”

I hadn’t taken my eyes off her since her delicious scent
had curled around me. Her long blonde hair was pinned up, the elegant length of
her neck captivating me. I shivered at the image of a leather collar binding
her to the wall and making my cock suddenly pay attention.

“Mr Carter?”

I blinked at her. “Sorry, what?”

She stared at me for a moment. “Can I help you?”

For a moment I forgot what I was there for. “Oh, yeah. I
have the software beta for you to take a look at.”

“Excellent.” She grinned at me then took to her chair.

Robbie was still stood staring at her. Beatrice lifted
her gaze to him, and quirked a brow. “Anything else…”

“Robbie,” he spat when it was obvious she hadn’t a clue
who he was.

Her eyes widened. “Oh
Robbie. Listen, sorry
about last night. I was a little….”

I didn’t hear what else she said. All I heard was ‘last
night’. My chest tightened and I bit into my bottom lip. If he’d been near her
I would break his neck.

“No worries,” he mumbled. “I was a little drunk myself.
Ignore what I said.”

She chuckled then nodded. “Alcohol, huh?”

“Hmm,” he agreed before he sloped away.

Beatrice logged into to her personal account on the NSC
system then smiled up at me.

“Are you fucking him?”

She froze, her forehead making silly little lines as she
stared at me in shock. I wanted to bite my own tongue off. What the hell was
wrong with me? I didn’t care who she fucked.

“Fucking who?”

“Never mind.”

Ignoring her stare I went to squat beside her as I
inserted the drive into the port and the program I’d written for her loaded up.

Finally taking her bewildered gaze from me she checked
over the software. “This is perfect, thank you so much.”

I nodded. The way I was staring at her was becoming
embarrassing but I couldn’t seem to drag my eyes from her. Her breasts were the
perfect size, not too big but far from buds. Her slim waist opened out to soft
hips and her short dress showed off her tight thighs perfectly. Her grey eyes
pierced into my blue ones as she looked back at me.

“Is something wrong?” she asked as she lifted a hand to
her face and felt for anything out of place.

“No,” I whispered, suddenly hypnotised by her.
“Absolutely nothing.”

“I haven’t got muesli stuck to my lip have I?”

“No, sorry,” I blinked, making myself look away. “I was
in another zone.”

She nodded and blew out a relieved breath. “Thank god,”
she chuckled, the enchanting sound seeping inside me. “I thought I’d brought my
breakfast to work with me then.”

I had to admit she was slightly crazy but I found it
cute, her silly giggle and daft statements made me smile. She was also naïve.
It didn’t take a genius to see that. My dick complained when we both knew she
wasn’t what I required. She would never understand what I craved. Just looking
at her I knew she was very inexperienced in bed, her soft expressions matching
her gentle manner.

“If there’s a problem, let Lucas know.”

“Lucas?” she asked as I reopened the door. I needed to
get away from her before I broke my own damn rules. “I thought you had written
the program.”

“Yeah, but see Lucas for aftercare.”

Leaving her gawping after me when I couldn’t get away
quick enough, I cursed myself under my breath and sloped back down to my own
new office on the ground floor. I’d taken the position as head of security,
stupidly to be closer to Beatrice. Now it seemed foolish and rash.

Making myself a coffee from the machine I sat behind my
desk and blew out a breath. Jesus, my dick was still rock hard. I couldn’t
figure out what it was about Beatrice Vine that made my cock decide it needed
her. It didn’t need her at all. There were plenty of women out there who would
fill the part of me that I hated. Yet, again, I shivered when all I could
picture was Beatrice, bound and secured, her blood dripping down my ball sac as
I took her hard and punishingly, her screams forcing the cum from me harder
than ever before.

“Fuck!” I hissed. I was screwed. I needed to get laid.




Jenny’s tits wiggled deliciously when the palm of my hand
struck her pale flesh, my strike causing the blood to surface just under her
flawless skin. She mumbled something but the pussy she currently had her face
buried in distorted her words. Sarah growled appreciatively when the action
vibrated more pleasure through her.

When she figured I couldn’t understand her she looked
down at me, her nose still squashed inside Sarah who was currently writhing
around on top of Jenny’s face. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I growled at her, not appreciating her fucking attitude,
or her questioning my fucking abilities. “Don’t fucking talk!” I snapped as I
bent over and tightened her restraints. I knew the unyielding fastenings would
be digging into the flesh of her wrists but I didn’t care.

She narrowed her eyes on me but when I thrust deeper and
jolted her body harshly within the strict belts, the pain on her face
heightened my need, yet nothing was sating the damn need. I’d got two hot cunts
in bed and all I could think of was how I wished it was Bea, Bea’s tits, Bea’s
arse, Bea’s pussy. I was fucking doomed.

Jenny gasped but I thrust deeper, taking her complaint
and fucking it hard. “Jay!” she squealed again. Her incessant moaning was doing
my bloody head in.

“You know what!” I snarled as I pulled out of her and
picked up my trousers. “Fuck it!

They both stared at me as though I’d lost my head – my
hard on definitely. Although I’ll admit it hadn’t exactly been a rock, and it
was because of that that I was being the asshole I couldn’t stand. I was
angrier with myself yet they took the brunt of it as I flipped them both off
and walked out.

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