Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance (19 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance
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I yank my lips away from him when I hear Richard’s voice from the hallway.

Damon releases me abruptly and I stumble back. I stare at him horror. I nearly growl when I see the satisfied look on his face. “Aly, where are you?” Richard calls.

I wipe the back of my hands over my lips and straighten my clothes, on the verge of panic. I can’t believe I allowed Damon to kiss me like that with my fiancé just two doors down.

Damon grins and walks toward the door to pull it open. “She’s in here, Richard.”

I watch in amazement as he leans casually against the open door to address him. “I’m afraid I’m being a bit selfish with our little
. We haven’t seen each other in years, you see. We have so much catching up to do. I was just about to grill her about you when we heard you call.”

Richard laughs, “Ah, the protective big brother. I know how it is, I have two younger sisters. I’m sorry for interrupting, man. I just missed her. You know how it is.”

Damon smiles coolly, “Yeah I know how it is,” he says softly.

I quickly step toward the door. “Richard, why don’t you go to my room and wait for me? I’ll be there in a minute. I’m getting tired of Damon’s
big brother
questions anyway.”

Richard chuckles and heads to my room.

I step back into Damon’s room. “Are you insane? How dare you kiss me like that?”

He grins, “Based on your reaction, I would say that you enjoyed it,

“Don’t call me that,” I hiss. “What we just did can never happen again. It will
happen again.”

He lifts his hand to caress my cheek, “That’s where you’re wrong sweetness. I will have you before the night ends.”

My mouth opens and closes several times. My chest is heaving; I can’t even speak. I let out a growl and wheel around, dashing out the door and marching to my room. I hear his low mocking laughter carry down the hallway. It dawns on me that I might not be able to resist him. All he did was kiss me and every sane thought I had evaporated. I drop my head in my hands.
Holy shit, I’m in trouble.

I have to be stronger than this. I can’t allow anything else to happen with Damon.

Not with my fiancé under the same roof... or

Plus, our parents are married to each other.
Talk about inappropriate.

I let out a groan before I enter my room to face Richard. I try my best to act normal.

* * *

, Richard, tell me, how did you meet Alice?”

My head snaps up when Damon asks the question.

We are all seated at the massive dining table in the impressive dining room.

My grandparents’ heads turn towards Richard.

Mom and Jared continue to eat as they already know the story.

Richard smiles and lowers his fork. “Well, I had seen her on campus and in several classes for a while. But she always ignored my existence. We officially met one morning in class when she turned around and told me to shut up because she was trying to learn something.”

Everyone laughs loudly.

I flush. “Goodness Richard, you make me sound like such a… b-word.” My comment causes another roar of laughter.

“That’s my girl,” Gramps says between laughter. “She’s a pistol, she is.”

Everyone is completely amused, except for Damon.

He gives a smile and I can tell that it has been forced.

I’m sitting right across from him so I’m able to observe him from beneath my lashes.

He is gripping his fork tightly. I can tell because his knuckles are white. He seems to be shoving down a bitter expression.

My brows furrow. Wondering what his problem is. I shake my head slightly. He is so unpredictable. That much I have already learned in the hours we have been here.

“Well isn’t that a great story to tell the kids,” he says. I raise my eyebrows and shoot him a pointed look.

My grandmother joins in the conversation, “That is indeed a funny story. Alice, dear, last we spoke, you started a new job. How is that going?”

“It’s great, Grams. I absolutely love it. I’m enjoying my independence too. I’m a working girl with her own apartment and everything,” I gush happily. Grams has always been capable of getting me to share. Where I am usually reserved around everyone else, I chat nonstop as soon as she asks me a question. “And pretty soon I will be married,” I beam.

I ignore the irritated glance that Damon throws my way.

I refuse to let him put a damper on my happiness.

My grandmother smiles. “I’m so proud of you, my love. Your father would be proud as well.”

I smile sadly. “Thanks, Grams. I think so, too.”

“I can’t believe it’s been so long since I have seen you, Alice. You graduated college and have already started working. What kind of work do you do?” Damon asks.

I manage not to roll my eyes and ask him why he is suddenly so interested in my life. Instead I smile sweetly, “I’m an analytical chemist for a pharmaceutical company.”

He smiles. “You always were a smart girl. I’m proud of you too.”

I glance at him. I become a bit uncomfortable because I see that he is being genuine.

“Thank you, Damon.” I say softly.

I catch my mom smiling at Jared. They are probably just glad that Damon and I are in the same room and we seem to be getting along.

“How is your job going by the way? You are still working in Michigan I assume?” I ask.

He nods. “I am and it’s alright.”

“Oh you are way too modest, son.” Jared says. He turns to me, “He is already the CEO of the company he works for. Can you believe that? In just three years. He is a wolf in the boardroom.”

He’s a wolf outside of it too

I smile at the pride shining in Jared’s eyes. “Your dad is right, Damon, you are being too modest. That is pretty impressive. You must be really great at what you do.”

His lips curve slightly and he shrugs. My eyes move to his left hand. The presence of the very expensive Rolex gripping his wrist has been explained.

I remain silent for the rest of dinner. Chatter bounces around the room, but I am only half paying attention. My mind is caught up with thoughts of Damon and his words.

I will have you before the night ends.

The words echo in my head.

I am pissed that he so confidently uttered those words and I am afraid that he had every right to be confident.

I am ashamed to admit, even to myself, that I still want him just as much as I did before he shattered my world and broke my young, fragile heart.

I sneak a glance at the man occupying my thoughts but my gaze collides with his.

He smirks over his wine glass and I quickly look away, reaching for my own glass. I need to drink down some liquid courage—or thought silencer—rather than drink in the man who can overtake my body when I only think of him.

He says that he'll have me by the end of the night? He has me now.


you sure you don’t want to stay a little while longer?” I ask, leaning against the door of my room. “I can go downstairs for a bottle of wine.”

He exits the room to stand in the hallway. “I can’t, babe. I’m a bit jetlagged. Plus, do you know how hard it is for me to be in your room and not be able to touch you?”

I move closer to throw my arms around his neck. “But you can touch me,” I pout.

He sighs and gently pulls himself from my embrace, “You know what I mean, Aly.”

I look down to study the blue carpet. “I’m sorry, Rich.”

He lifts my chin with gentle fingers. “No need to apologize babe. I respect you and your wishes.”

I smile. “I love you Rich, you are so amazing. Alright go and get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Love you too, Aly.” He places a soft kiss on my lips and walks to his door. He turns to give me a wink before disappearing and locking the door. I let out a deep sigh and sag against the wall. I lean my head backward and close my eyes. I hope that Richard’s patience doesn’t wear thin waiting on me. I have expressed that I wish to abstain from sex until we get married. I am twenty-three and I am still a virgin. I’m not entirely sure why I haven’t slept with Richard yet, but the timing has just never felt right. I just assume that I will feel better about sex once we are married.
we ever get married.

“Do you really love him?”

I jump at the sound of Damon’s voice. My eyes fly open.

I glare at him. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I straighten and pull my robe tighter. “My relationship with my fiancé is none of your business.” I eye him. “Were you eavesdropping?”

He shrugs. “I couldn’t help overhearing. My door was open.”

I snort in disgust. “If you will excuse me, I’m heading downstairs for a drink.”

He holds up his hand, revealing a bottle of scotch. He grins. “No need for you to make the journey.”

I roll my eyes and accept the offered bottle. I turn and walk into my room to plop down on the bed. He follows me in and closes the door. I frown when I see him turn the lock. “I don’t remember inviting you in.”

“Well you took my bottle of scotch and I want it back, so I had no choice but to follow you.”

I grunt, taking a swig from the bottle. I wince and shudder as the liquor burns its way down my throat.

I hold the bottle out to him and watch him saunter in my direction. He is only wearing a sleeveless, skintight undershirt and sweatpants that hang low on his sculpted hips.

I stifle a groan. The man is sex on legs and always has been.

He moves toward my bed and sits. “I noticed how much wine you consumed during dinner Alice. I hope you haven’t taken to drinking, it’s not very healthy.”

I glower at him. “Says the man drinking an entire bottle of scotch.”

He lets out a laugh. “Touché.”

I sigh. “I’m not a drinker. I just drink a little extra when I am stressed.”

“What has you stressed Alice?”


“That’s none of your concern.” He doesn’t need to know that he is the reason I am on edge.

He gets up and reaches across me to set the scotch bottle down on the night stand. “I know exactly why you are drinking, Alice. You have been thinking about what I said earlier, and you are worried.”

I swallow hard. Since when did he develop the skill to read minds? I flip my hair and scoff. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

He chuckles softly, “Oh, Alice, you have the reputation of being an ice queen, never showing any emotion. But if you only knew how transparent you are right now...”

I am aggravated that he has bought up my past. I haven’t been called an ice queen in a while. The old name causes hurt to flicker inside of me. My miserable high school years comes rushing back and I am that sad and friendless little girl again. I avert my gaze. “You should go,” I say, nodding toward the door. He must have seen the hurt in my eyes because he takes hold of my chin and forces me to look at him.

“I wasn’t calling you an ice queen, Alice. I know better than anyone else that you are anything but,” he says softly. “The way you respond to me is extraordinary.”

My pulse is speeding up. I drag my chin from between his fingers. “You need to get out of my room, Damon.” I almost raise my voice but remember that Richard is right next door. “Please just go,” I plead softly.

“I don’t think you really want me to, Alice.”


My words are abruptly cut off when he pulls me onto his lap and places his lips over mine.

I immediately respond to his touch by winding my arms around his neck. I blame my instant surrender on the alcohol that I have been consuming all night.

Deep down, I know that the alcohol is not to be blamed. I actually want this. I always have. Even after he hurt me with his cruel prank, deep down I never stopped wanting him.

No man has ever invoked such passion in me—not even the man I am supposed to marry.

He shifts me on top of him and I am straddling his thighs. He reaches up a hand to bury it in my loose hair. His mouth devours mine, moving more roughly with every second. He releases my lips to feather kisses down my neck. I feel his erection pressing against my lower abdomen.

I rub against him, wanting to feel the hardness between my thighs.

He lets out a soft moan. “I want you Alice. I’m going to make you mine.”

My rational thoughts begin to seep in. I pull away. “N-no we can’t. Richard is right next-door.

He places a finger against my lips.

“To hell with Richard—you should have been mine,” he growls. The possessive note in his voice takes me by surprise.

What does he mean I should have been his? I draw back and tilt my head to study him. He probably doesn’t even realize what he has said. People say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment all the time.

“But Damon you’re my stepbro—” A hard kiss stops me mid-sentence.

He pulls away. “Don’t even say it, Alice. The things I am going to do to you are in no way brotherly.”

I shudder in anticipation at the rough tone of his voice and the feral look in his eyes. Desire pools in my core. All rational thoughts flee once again. I am lost. I want him to make me his.

BOOK: Forbidden Prescription: A Stepbrother Romance
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